Medieval Spanish Submitted Names

These names were used by medieval Spanish peoples.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Açach m Medieval Jewish, Medieval Spanish
Medieval Judeo-Spanish form of Isaac attested in Navarre.
Adosinda f Gothic, Medieval Spanish, Spanish
Visigothic name possibly derived from the Germanic elements auds "wealth" and sinþs "path". This was the name of an 8th-century queen of Asturias, Spain... [more]
Agostin m Venetian, Ligurian, Medieval Spanish
Venetian and Ligurian form of Agostino as well as a medieval Spanish variant of Agustín.
Aio m Medieval Basque, Medieval Spanish
Possibly originated from the name of the Roman deity Aius. Documented for the first time in Roman era inscriptions in San Vicente de Alcántara (Badajoz), and in the 12th century in Iruña/Pamplona.
Alexos m Medieval Spanish
Medieval Spanish form of Alejo.
Altar m Medieval Spanish
Meaning uncertain, possibly derived from Spanish altar, meaning "altar".
Anaya f & m Spanish (Modern), Asturian (Modern), Medieval Spanish
Possibly derived from Basque anai "brother". It was masculine in medieval Spanish, but it was revived in the 2010's as femenine.
Anrique m Medieval Spanish
Medieval Spanish variant of Enrique.
Argilo f Gothic, Medieval Spanish, Medieval Galician
Wife of Count Munio Nuñez (Spanish Count) who appears in the first "carta puebla" given in Spain founding the first town in the country.
Arias m Medieval Galician, Medieval Spanish
Of obscure origin and meaning.
Aurembiase f Medieval Spanish
Medieval Spanish form of Aurembiaix.
Aznaro m Medieval Spanish
Spanish form of Aznar.
Bartolome m Medieval Spanish
Medieval Spanish form of Bartolomé.
Beatris f Russian (Rare), Medieval Occitan, Medieval Spanish, Medieval Flemish, Czech (Rare), Breton, Provençal, Romansh, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Russian, Breton, Provençal, medieval Spanish and medieval Occitan form of Beatrix, a Czech and Romansh variant of that name and a Brazilian Portuguese variant of Beatriz.
Bernal m Aragonese, Galician, Medieval Spanish, Central American
Form of Bernard in Aragonese, Galician and Medieval Spanish.
Castellana f Medieval Italian, Medieval Spanish, Medieval Catalan
Directly taken from Latin castellana "a (female) castellan; a damsel" as well as "of or pertaining to a castle".
Catallina f Medieval Spanish
Medieval Spanish form of Catalina.
Christoval m Medieval Spanish
Medieval Spanish variant of Cristóbal.
Corge m Medieval Spanish
Medieval form of Jorge.
Cristobal m Medieval Spanish
Medieval Spanish variant of Cristóbal.
Cristoval m Medieval Spanish
Medieval Spanish variant of Cristóbal.
Domenga f Medieval Spanish, Medieval Basque
Medieval Spanish and Medieval Basque form of Dominica.
Donadei m Medieval, Medieval Spanish, Medieval French
Latin donum "gift" + Latin dei "of God".
Duran m Judeo-Catalan (Archaic), Medieval Jewish, Medieval Spanish, Gascon
Derived from the Catalan adjective duran “steadfast".
Egilona f Medieval Spanish, Gothic
Medieval Spanish name of Visigothic origin. Possibly related to Old Norse name Egil.... [more]
Eilo f & m Medieval Spanish, Medieval Basque
Medieval Spanish and Basque name of uncertain meaning and origin. Very common name during the middle ages, specially in the Álava province of the Basque country. In other regions of Spain it has been found mainly as a female name, probably a contraction of Eulalia or Eloísa... [more]
Elvyra f Lithuanian, Medieval Spanish
Lithuanian form of Elvira, as well as a medieval Spanish variant.
Enrrique m Medieval Spanish
Medieval Spanish variant of Enrique.
Ermengarda f Medieval Occitan, Medieval Spanish
Occitan and Spanish form of Ermengard.
Escobar m Medieval Spanish
Transferred use of the surname Escobar.
Estevan m Louisiana Creole, Medieval Spanish
Medieval Spanish variant and Louisiana Spanish form of Esteban.
Ezmael m Medieval Jewish, Medieval Spanish
Medieval Judeo-Spanish form of Ismael.
Fáfila m Medieval Spanish
Probably from Germanic root falwa meaning "pale" or "sallow" and diminutive suffix -ila (cf. Froilán, Vigila).
Falcona f Medieval Spanish
Derived from Old High German falco "falcon".
Fernado m Portuguese (Brazilian), Medieval Spanish
Brazilian Portuguese and medieval Spanish variant of Fernando.
Fernán m Galician (Rare), Spanish, Medieval Spanish
Galician form of Fernando, as well as a Spanish variant.
Fernendo m Medieval Spanish
Medieval Spanish variant of Fernando.
Ferrán m Aragonese, Medieval Spanish
Aragonese and Medieval Spanish form of Ferdinand.
Ferrand m Medieval French, Medieval Spanish, Occitan, Provençal
Medieval French variant form of Fernand, medieval Spanish variant form of Fernando and Occitan and Provençal form of Ferdinand.
Ferrando m Medieval Italian, Aragonese, Medieval Spanish
Spanish variant and Medieval Italian and Aragonese form of Fernando.
Ferrnando m Medieval Spanish
Medieval Spanish variant of Fernando.
Flaín m Medieval Spanish
Possibly from Latin Flavinus meaning "belonging to the gens Flavia" or a diminutive of Latin flavus "yellow, blonde".
Fortún m Medieval Spanish (Archaic)
Medieval Spanish name derived from Latin fortunae meaning "fortune", or from fortunatus, meaning "one with fortune".... [more]
Françisco m Medieval Spanish
Medieval Spanish variant of Francisco.
Frenando m Medieval Spanish
Medieval Spanish variant of Fernando.
Froila m Medieval Spanish, Gothic
Visigothic name, probably derived from the Germanic root *fraujô "lord" and the Germanic diminutive suffix *ila (compare Wulfila).
Fruela m Gothic, Medieval Spanish, Asturian (Rare)
Medieval variant of Froila. This was the name of two Asturian kings.
García m Spanish, Medieval Spanish
Spanish form of Garsea, possibly related to the Basque word hartz meaning "bear". It was widely used as a first name in Spain since the Middle Ages until the 17th century... [more]
Garcia m Portuguese (Brazilian), Medieval Spanish
Portuguese form of Garsea, as well as a medieval Spanish variant.
Garcilaso m Medieval Spanish, Spanish (Rare)
Combination of Garci or García and the surname Laso. It is the name of a famous Spanish poet and soldier from the 16th century.
Gilo m Medieval French, Medieval Italian, Medieval Spanish, Medieval Catalan
Short form of various names beginning with Proto-Germanic *gailaz "merry, excited; beautiful; lush, lustful".
Giluira f Medieval Spanish
Early Medieval Spanish form of Elvira.
Gironimo m Medieval Spanish
Medieval Spanish variant of Geronimo.
Gomez m Medieval Spanish, Popular Culture
Spanish form of Gomes. This is the name of Gomez Addams, the patriarch of the Addams Family, featured in comics, on TV, and in film.
Gontrodo f Medieval Spanish
Alternative form of Guntroda.
Goto f Medieval Spanish (Rare), Medieval Basque (Rare)
Medieval Spanish and Basque name of Visigothic origin, meaning "Goth", commonly used in combination with Andere "lady", in the form Andregoto.
Graçia f Medieval Spanish
Medieval Spanish form of Grace.
Graviel m Medieval Spanish, Medieval Portuguese
Medieval Spanish and medieval Portuguese variant of Gabriel.
Guillén m Medieval Spanish, Spanish (Modern), Aragonese, Galician (Rare)
Aragonese form of William and Galician variant of Guillerme as well as a medieval Spanish form of Guillermo which was revived in the early 2000s.
Gundisalvo m Medieval Spanish, Spanish (Latin American, Archaic)
Archaic Spanish form of Gundisalvus (see Gonzalo).
Helvira f Medieval Spanish
Medieval form of Elvira.
Henrrique m Portuguese (Brazilian), Medieval Spanish
Brazilian Portuguese variant of Henrique and medieval Spanish variant of Enrique.
Ilduara f Medieval Portuguese, Medieval Spanish, Medieval Galician
A regional Medieval Latin name, from a Suevic or Gothic name, reconstructed in Proto-Germanic as *Hildiwarō, composed of the elements hild "battle" and warin "to guard, protect".
Illán m Asturian, Medieval Spanish, Spanish
Asturian and Medieval Spanish form of Julian. It was borne by the son of saint Isidro, and it has seen some revival in Asturias and Castille in modern times.
Iñigo m Basque, Medieval Spanish
Basque form of Íñigo and medieval Spanish variant of Yñigo.
Iñiguez f Medieval Spanish
Possibly derived from the masculine given name Íñigo.
Jacome m Medieval Portuguese, Medieval Spanish
Medieval variant of Jaime 1, from Late Latin Jacomus.
Jayme m Medieval Spanish, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Medieval Spanish form of Jaime 1, as well as a Brazilian Portuguese variant.
Johanes m Indonesian, Dutch (Archaic), Swedish (Rare), Medieval Spanish
Indonesian form of Johannes as well as a Dutch and Swedish variant. It is also a medieval Spanish variant of Juanes 2.
Juanes m Medieval Spanish
Possibly a medieval Spanish form of Johannes.
Juçe m Medieval Jewish, Medieval Spanish
Medieval Judeo-Spanish form of Joseph.
Junez m Medieval Jewish (Rare), Medieval Spanish (Rare)
Medieval Judeo-Spanish form of Jonah via the Arabic Yunis.
Ladron m Medieval Spanish
Possibly derived from medieval Spanish ladron, meaning "thief".
Laurente m Medieval Spanish (?), Filipino (Rare)
Possibly an archaic Spanish form of Laurence 1. Usage of this name in modern times is likely taken from the surname Laurente.
Lehonor f Medieval Spanish
Medieval form of Leonor.
Leonis m Judeo-Anglo-Norman, Medieval Spanish
Latinized form of Leon. Leonis is also the brightest star in the constellation Leo and one of the brightest stars in the night sky.
Lop m Gascon, Lengadocian, Provençal, Medieval Spanish
Gascon, Languedocian and Provençal form of Loup, as well as a medieval Spanish variant of Lope.
Lorencia f Medieval Spanish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Filipino (Rare)
Archaic Spanish feminine form of Lorencio (Also compare Laurenzia/Lorenza and Laurencia).
Lorenço m Medieval Spanish, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Medieval Spanish form of Lorenzo, as well as a Brazilian Portuguese variant.
Lozía f Medieval Spanish
Medieval form of Lucía.
Luys m Medieval Spanish, Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Medieval Spanish form of Luis as well as a Portuguese variant of Luís.
Machín m Medieval Spanish
Spanish form of Matxin.
Madelena f Medieval Portuguese, Medieval Spanish
Medieval Portuguese and medieval Spanish variant of Magdalena.
Manrrique m Medieval Spanish
Medieval Spanish form of Manrique.
Marçal m Catalan, Lengadocian, Medieval Spanish
Catalan, Languedocian and medieval Spanish form of Martialis (see Martial).
Marculfo m Medieval Italian, Medieval Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Marculf.
Marquessa f Medieval Spanish
Derived from Old French markis, marchis "marquis", ultimately from Old High German marka "march; fortified area along a border".
Mayor f Medieval Spanish
From Spanish mayor meaning "major, greatest". This name was often given after the title of the Virgin Mary Santa María la Mayor "Saint Mary Major" (as opposed to other saints named Mary such as Mary Magdalene and Mary of Bethany).
Mencía f Spanish, Medieval Spanish, Galician
Spanish and Galician name of unclear origin, maybe from Basque mendi "mountain". It was born by many noble women in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance and revived in the 2000's.
Mencia f Medieval Spanish, Medieval Basque
Of uncertain origin and meaning. Current theories include a derivation from Gallo-Latin Mincius, which itself may be contracted from Minicius or Minucius, or a variant of Minthius.
Merdocay m Medieval Jewish, Medieval Spanish
Medieval Judeo-Spanish form of Mordecai.
Millan m Medieval Spanish
Medieval Spanish form of Millán.
Monnia f Medieval Spanish
Possibly an adoption of Basque Munia.
Nadal m Galician, Catalan (Rare), Lengadocian, Medieval Spanish
Derived from Catalan, Galician and Languedocian Nadal "Christmas" (compare Noël).
Ochanda f Medieval Spanish
Spanish form of the name Otsanda
Ochoa m Medieval Spanish
Medieval Spanish form of Otsoa.
Odelhard m Old High German, Old Saxon, Medieval, Medieval French, Medieval Spanish, Medieval German
Old High German uodal "heritage, homestead" + Old Saxon hard, Old High German hart "strong, hard".
Odulina f Medieval Spanish, Medieval Catalan
Medieval Spanish and medieval Catalan form of Odilia.
Oger m Medieval Spanish
Medieval Spanish form of Oier.
Onorato m Italian, Medieval Spanish
Italian and medieval Spanish form of Honoratus.
Ordoño m Medieval Spanish, Medieval Galician
Spanish and Galician form of Medieval Latin Ordonius, itself of unknown meaning and origin. Theories include a corruption of Fortunius and a derivation from Basque urde "pig, wild boar".
Oreca f Medieval Spanish
Medieval Spanish variant of Urraca.
Oroana f Medieval Spanish
Medieval Spanish form of Oriana.
Ostosia f Germanic, Medieval Spanish
A derivative of Proto-Germanic austraz "eastern".
Oveco m Medieval Spanish
Medieval Spanish form of Obeko.
Pablos m Medieval Spanish
Medieval form of Pablo.
Patro m Medieval Spanish
Medieval Spanish variant of Pedro.
Peiro m Medieval Spanish, Medieval Occitan, Aragonese
Medieval Spanish, medieval Occitan and Aragonese form of Peter.
Pero m Aragonese, Ligurian, Piedmontese, Medieval Galician, Medieval Portuguese, Medieval Spanish
Aragonese, Ligurian and Piedmontese form of Peter and Medieval form of Peter in Spanish, Galician and Portuguese.
Piniolo m Medieval Galician, Medieval Spanish
Possibly from Latin pineus "of the pine, pinelike" (cf. Galician piño "pine nut") and the diminutive suffix -olus.
Placentius m Medieval Spanish, Medieval Italian
Derived from Latin placentius "pleasing, satisfying, giving pleasure".
Polo m Spanish, English, Italian, English (American), Medieval Spanish, Medieval Italian
This name likely roots from Paolo or Paulo, and Polo is a variant of both. It can be used in association with the sport also, but very rarely is.
Remero m Medieval Spanish
Medieval Spanish variant of Ramiro.
Remon m French (Archaic), Medieval Spanish
French variant of Raymond and medieval Spanish variant of Ramon.
Reyher m Medieval Spanish (Rare)
There is a River by the name of REYHER! It's location is close to the city of Prague. Once belonged to Orissa. River is still there!
Sabastian m English (Modern), Medieval Spanish
Medieval Spanish form of Sebastian, as well as an English variant.
Sancia f Medieval Spanish, Judeo-Catalan, Gascon
(Medieval) Spanish, Judeo-Catalan and Gascon form of Sanctia.
Sandalius m Medieval Spanish (Latinized)
The name of a 4th century martyr from Cordoba. The name is also recorded as Sandulf, a Germanic name formed from the name elements SAND "truth" and WOLF "wolf".
Senthilde f Gothic, Medieval Spanish
Derived from the Proto-Germanic elements sinþaz "journey, way, path" and hildiz "battle, fight".
Serventa f Medieval, Medieval Spanish
A derivative of Latin serviens "serving; servant".
Servusdei m Medieval Spanish
From Latin servus dei "servant of God".... [more]
Siserich m Old High German, Medieval, Medieval Spanish
Old High German sisu "lament, song" + Old High German rih "ruler".
Sisulf m Old High German, Medieval, Medieval Spanish
Old High German sisu "lament, song" + Old High German wolf, Gothic wulf "wolf".
Taresa f Medieval Spanish
Medieval Spanish form of Teresa.
Tegrida f Medieval Spanish
Medieval Spanish variant of Tigris.
Tigridia f Medieval Spanish
Possibly from Latin tigris "tiger". A Spanish saint bears this name.
Toda f Medieval Basque, Medieval Spanish, Medieval Portuguese
Medieval Spanish form of the Germanic name Doda 2. A famous bearer was Queen Toda of Navarre.
Toval m Medieval Spanish (Archaic)
This name is derived from Tovar, a village that was adopted as the surname of a Castilian noble house that received lordship of the village from King Fernando III... [more]
Unisco f Medieval Spanish (Rare), Medieval Portuguese (Rare)
Unknown meaning, possibly of Visigothic origin.
Urraca f Medieval Spanish, Medieval Basque, Medieval Galician, Medieval Portuguese
Derived from Spanish urraca "magpie", ultimately from Latin furax "thievish". Several queens of medieval Spain and Portugal bore this name.
Urso m Medieval German, Medieval French, Medieval Italian, Medieval Portuguese, Medieval Spanish, Medieval English (Rare), Swiss (Archaic)
Form of Urs in several languages. It was borne by a martyr in the 3rd century and two French and Italian saints in the 6th century.
Vela m Medieval Spanish, Gothic
From the Visigothic name Vigila. Etymologically related to Velasco and Vasco.
Velasquita f Medieval Spanish
Feminine diminutive of Velasco. Velasquita Ramírez was an 11th-century queen consort of León as the first wife of King Bermudo II.
Viçente m Medieval Spanish
Medieval Spanish form of Vicente.
Vigila m Medieval Spanish, Gothic
Presumably, from the Germanic element wig "war, battle" and the Germanic diminutive suffix *ila (cf. Froilán, Fáfila).
Vírgida f Medieval Spanish
Medieval form of Brígida. The respelling with V may be influenced by the word virgen "virgin".
Virgilo m Medieval Spanish
Medieval form of Virgilio.
Viterico m Medieval Spanish, Gothic (Hispanicized), History
From wid "forest", and -ric "poweful".... [more]
Wamba m Medieval Spanish, Gothic
From Gothic wamba meaning "belly, paunch". Wamba was a Visigothic king in the 7th century in what is now Portugal and Spain.
Wilesindo m Medieval Spanish, Gothic (Hispanicized), History (Ecclesiastical)
Medieval Spanish name of Visigothic origin. ... [more]
Ximen m Medieval Spanish
Medieval Spanish variant of Simon 1.
Ximón m Medieval Spanish
Medieval form of Simón.
Ximon m Medieval Spanish
Medieval Spanish variant of Simon 1.
Ynes f Medieval Spanish
Medieval Spanish form of Inés.
Yñigo m Medieval Spanish
Medieval Spanish form of Íñigo.
Yurde m Medieval Spanish, Spanish (European, Modern, Rare)
Old Spanish variant of George. It has got some uses as a revived name in Cantabria, Spain, in the 2010's.
Zifar m Literature, Medieval Spanish
Meaning unknown. 'Livro del cavallero Cifar' (later written Zifar) is the earliest fictional adventure tale in prose in the Spanish language. It was written around 1300, probably by a cleric of Toledo, Ferrand Martínez.