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Gender Masculine
Pronounced Pron. TO-VAL, TO-VAWL  [key]

Meaning & History

This name is derived from Tovar, a village that was adopted as the surname of a Castilian noble house that received lordship of the village from King Fernando III. The surname was first found in Asturias, a notable Christian kingdom in medieval Spain.

Toval Randonneur, known as Zero Artisan Toval, is a B-Rank Bracer that is affiliated with the Erebonian branch of the Bracer Guild in the Trails series. He first appears in the Ring of Judgement manga, followed by Trails of Cold Steel I, Trails of Cold Steel II and Trails of Cold Steel III.

Added 7/19/2024 by star_lightmeteor
Edited 7/19/2024 by star_lightmeteor