Gender Masculine
Meaning & History
From the Germanic name Raginmund, composed of the elements regin "advice, counsel, decision" and munt "protection". The Normans introduced this name to England in the form Reimund. It was borne by several medieval (mostly Spanish) saints, including Saint Raymond Nonnatus, the patron of midwives and expectant mothers, and Saint Raymond of Peñafort, the patron of canonists.
Related Names
Other Languages & CulturesErramun(Basque) Ramon, Raimon(Catalan) Raimond(Estonian) Raimo, Reima(Finnish) Raimund, Reimund(German) Raginmund, Raimund(Germanic) Rajmund(Hungarian) Réamann, Réamonn, Redmond, Redmund(Irish) Raimondo(Italian) Raimonds(Latvian) Remao(Limburgish) Raimondas(Lithuanian) Rémann(Medieval Irish) Rajmund(Polish) Raimundo(Portuguese) Raymundo(Portuguese (Brazilian)) Rajmund(Slovene) Raimundo, Ramón, Moncho(Spanish) Raymundo(Spanish (Latin American))
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