These names were used by speakers of Old Saxon in the Low Countries.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
AdalaldmMedieval German, Old High German (?), Old Saxon (?) Germanic name, in which the first element is adal "noble". The second element may be derived from either Old Saxon wald, Old High German walt meaning "power, authority" (making it a variant of Adalwald) or Old Saxon and Old Frisian ald, Old High German alt meaning "old".
OrtmarmOld High German, Old Saxon, Medieval, Medieval English Old English ord, Old High German ort "point (of a spear or sword)" + Old English mære, Old High German, Old Saxon māri from Proto-Germanic mērijaz "famous".
SahsnotmOld Saxon, Germanic Mythology The first element of this name is derived from Sahson, the indigenous name of a continental Germanic people called the Saxons, who in turn derived their name from Old Saxon sahs meaning "knife, dagger, sword"... [more]
WildradmGermanic, Old Saxon Derived from Old Saxon and Old High German wildi meaning "wild, savage" and Old Saxon rād or Old High German rat meaning "counsel, advice".