Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the description contains the keywords snake-like or and or electric.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Eliaz m Hebrew
Means "my God is strong" from Hebrew אֵלִי (elí) "my God" and עז (az) "strong, vehement, harsh".
Eliazar m Georgian, Guernésiais
Georgian form of Eleazar and Guernésiais variant of Eliâzar.
Elica f Slovene
Diminutive of Adela, Eleonora, Elizabeta and Helena.
Elicio m Spanish (Rare), Italian (Rare)
Spanish and Italian form of Elicius.
Elicot f Medieval English
Diminutive of Ellice and precursor to the surname Ellicot.
Elidius m History (Ecclesiastical)
This name is best known for being one of the names that the 8th-century Cornish hermit saint Lide (also known as Elid, Elida, Elide, Lyda and Lyde) was known by... [more]
Elidor m & f Hebrew (Modern, Rare)
Combination of the names Eli 2 and Dor means "Generation of my God" in Hebrew.
Elidyr m Welsh, Welsh Mythology
Variant of Elidir (see Elidur). This form appears in the legend of 'Culhwch and Olwen' belonging to one of Arthur's knights: Elidyr Gyvarwydd.
Eli'el m Biblical
Variant transcription of Eliel.... [more]
Elielson m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Combination of Eliel and the suffix -son, found in names like Edson, Wilson or Anderson.
Elies m Catalan, Sardinian (Archaic)
Catalan form and Sardinian variant of Elias.
Eliezier m Arthurian Cycle
The son of King Pelles of Corbenic, brother of Elaine and maternal uncle of Galahad.... [more]
Elifada f Turkish
Combination of Elif and Ada 2.
Elifeus m English (American, Rare, Archaic)
Of unknown origin and meaning.
Elifnur f Turkish
A compound of Elif and Nur.
Elifsu f Turkish
Combination of Elif and Su 1.
Elihoreph m Biblical Hebrew
Elihoreph was a scribe in King Solomon's court. He was a son of Shisha and brother of Ahiah... [more]
Eliise f Estonian
Estonian short form of Eliisabet and cognate of Elise.
Elijan m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Aelian.
Elijana f Croatian, Serbian, Slovene, Macedonian
Croatian, Serbian, Slovene and Macedonian form of Eliana 1.
Elikonida f Greek (Rare), Russian (Rare)
Russian and modern Greek form of Helikonis.
Eli-lama-sabachthani m English (Puritan)
From an Aramaic phrase meaning "my God, why have you forsaken me?" It is likely taken from Matthew 27:46 in the New Testament: 'And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?'
Elimelech m Biblical, Hebrew
Means "my God is king" in Hebrew, derived from Hebrew el "God" and malákh "to rule". In the bible, this was the name of the late husband of Naomi.
Elimkhan m Chechen
Combination of Alim and the Turkic title khan meaning "leader, ruler".
Elin f Chinese
From the Chinese 娥 (é) meaning "be beautiful, good" and 霖 (lín) meaning "continuous heavy rain".
Elinaldo m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Combination of Eli 1 and Naldo or else a variant of Erinaldo.
Elínbjört f Icelandic (Rare)
Combination of Elín and the suffix björt meaning "bright" (from Old Norse bjartr).
Elínborg f Icelandic
Combination of Elín and the Old Norse name element borg "stronghold, fortification, castle" or bjǫrg "help; deliverance".
Elinborg f Faroese, Danish, Icelandic (Modern, Rare)
Faroese and Danish form and Icelandic variant of Elínborg.
Elíndís f Icelandic (Modern)
Combination of Elín and the Old Norse name element dís "goddess; woman, lady; sister" or dis "wise woman, seeress; woman, virgin".
Eline f Dutch
Elaboration of Ele and Elia as well as a variant of Helena (compare Elin and Elina)... [more]
Elíngunnur f Icelandic (Rare)
Combination of Elín and gunnr "battle, fight".
Elínheiður f Icelandic (Modern, Rare)
Combination of Elín and the Old Norse name element heiðr "bright; clear; cloudless; honor".
Elínmundur m Icelandic (Archaic)
Combination of Elín and the Old Norse name element -mundr, which is derived from Old West Scandinavian *-munduR meaning "protector" or possibly from Old Icelandic mundr meaning "gift".
Elinoam m & f Hebrew (Modern, Rare)
Combination of the names Eli 2 and Noam means "Pleasantness of my God" in Hebrew.
Elinor f Hebrew
Combination of the names Eli 2 and Nor 1 which is used sometimes as variant of Or , also Hebrew version of the name Eleanor .
Elinoy f Hebrew (Modern, Rare)
Combination of the name Eli 2 means "My God", and the name Noy means "beauty".
Elínrós f Icelandic
Combination of Elín and Rós.
Eliondra f English (Modern, Rare)
The name is influenced by names like Elliana and Eleanor or other names with similar starting sounds, and names like Cassandra and Alondra or other names with similar ending sounds.
Elionenai m Biblical Hebrew
Elionenai was a descedant of David. He was the father of Akkub, and son of Neariah.
Eliong m Filipino, Tagalog
Diminutive of Aurelio, Rogelio, Basilio, and any other name ending in -elio or -ilio.
Elionor f Catalan, Aragonese
Catalan form of Eleanor and Aragonese variant of Alionor.
Elioz m Hebrew (Modern, Rare)
Combination of the name Eli 2 means "My God" and the name Oz 2 means "power" / "strength".
Elipaz m & f Hebrew (Modern, Rare)
Combination of the name Eli 2 means "My God" and the name Paz 2 means "gold".
Eliphaz m Biblical
Means "my God is strength" or "my God is fine gold" in Hebrew, derived from Hebrew el "God" and paz "pure gold, fine gold" (from the root pazáz "to purify gold, to strengthen")... [more]
Eliran m Hebrew
Combination of the name Eli 2, means "My God" and Ran, means "singing" or "(he) sang". It can be also variant of Eliron... [more]
Eliraz m & f Hebrew
Combination of Eli 2 and Raz; means "my God is a secret" or "my God is a mystery" in Hebrew (compare Raziel).
Eliron m & f Hebrew (Modern, Rare)
Combination of the names Eli 2 and Ron 2 means "my God is song" or "my God is joy" in Hebrew.
Elis f Estonian, Slovene (Rare)
Originally an Estonian short form of Eliisabet and a Slovene short form of Elizabeta, now used as a given name in its own right.
Elisanna f Medieval French
Of uncertain origin and meaning. A current theory considers the name a Romance construction made by truncating Elizabeth arbitrarily to Elis-, and then augmenting with an arbitrary ending.
Elisapie f Inuit (Modern)
Inuktitut form of Elizabeth. ... [more]
Elisar m Norwegian (Archaic)
Variant of Elieser. Elisar von Kupffer ( 1872 – 1942) was a Baltic German artist, anthologist, poet, historian, translator, and playwright. He used the pseudonym Elisarion for most of his writings.
Elisaria f Medieval French
Derived from Old French Elis, itself a truncation of Élisabeth and Old High German heri "host, army".
Elisav m & f Ancient Hebrew
Very old and rare Hebrew form of ELIZABETH. ELISHEVA is a more modern form of the same name and usually used for females.
Eliseba f Biblical Afrikaans, Biblical Portuguese
Afrikaans and Portuguese form of Elisheba.
Elisenda f Catalan, Medieval Catalan
Catalan form of the Visigothic name Alasind composed of the Germanic elements alah "temple" and sinþs "path". ... [more]
Elishama m Biblical
Means "my God hears" or "my God has heard", derived from Hebrew אֵל ('el) and the verb שָׁמַע (shama) "to hear".
Elishaphat m Biblical
Means "my God has judged" in Hebrew, derived from Hebrew el "God" and shaphát "to judge". This was the name of a minor biblical character, who was the son of Zichri.
Elisiard m Medieval French
Derived from Old French elis(i), itself a truncation of Elisabeth, and Old High German hart "strong, hard".
Elisio m Italian, Greek Mythology (Italianized)
Variant of Eliseo and Italian form of Elysium.
Eliud m Cornish, Medieval Welsh
Cornish and Middle Welsh form of Eiludd.
Elius f Greek Mythology, Roman Mythology
From Greek and Roman Mythology.... [more]
Elivelton m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Allegedly a combination of Eli 1 and Welton.
Elix f & m American
Variant of Alex and Alix
Elixe f Basque (Rare)
Coined by Sabino Arana Goiri and Koldo Elizalde as a Basque equivalent of Elisea.
Elixx f & m American
Variant of Alex and Alix.
Elizeth f Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare), Portuguese (African, Rare), Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Possibly a contraction of Elizabeth used in Latin America and Angola; also compare Lizeth. A famous bearer of this name was Elizeth Cardoso (1920-1990), a Brazilian singer and actress... [more]
Elizohar f & m Hebrew (Modern, Rare)
Means "my God is brilliant" or "my God is shining" in Hebrew, a combination of Eli 2 and Zohar. Used both as first name and surname.
Elizur m Biblical
Elizur was a son of Shedeur and a prince of the House of Reuben according to Numbers 1:5.
Elka f Croatian, Slovene, Sorbian, Polish, Bulgarian
Croatian, Bulgarian and Slovene diminutive of names beginning with the syllable "El-", as well as a Polish diminutive of Elżbieta and a Sorbian diminutive of Elžbjeta.
Elka f Hebrew
Similar to the name Elke 2 and a Feminine form of Elkanah
Elke m East Frisian
As a masculine name a diminutive of Ele and recorded from the 16th to 20th century in East Frisia.
Elkenah m Mormon (Rare)
In the Book of Abraham, this is the name of one of the various Egyptian idols mentioned frequently and represented by figure 5 in facsimile 1 of the book. Abraham was nearly sacrificed to it, but was saved by an angel... [more]
Ellabeth f English
Combination of Ella 1 and Beth.
Ellabritt f Swedish (Rare)
Combination of Ella 2 and Britt.
Elladean f English (?)
Possibly inspired by Ella and Deane.
Elladiy m Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Helladios (see Helladius).
Elladora f Literature, Filipino
Combination of the popular name elements Ella (see Ella 2) and dora (see Dora), perhaps based on similar-sounding names such as Eldora and Eleanora... [more]
Ellagrace f English, English (American)
Combination of Ella 1 and Grace. This name was given to 31 girls in 2017.
Ellajane f English (Rare)
A combination of Ella and Jane.
Ellajean f English
A combination of Ella and Jean 2.
Ellajo f English (Rare)
A combination of Ella and Jo.
Ellakate f English (Rare)
A combination of Ella 1 and Kate.
Ellalee f English (Modern, Rare)
Combination of the names Ella 1 and Lee.
Ellaline f English (Rare)
Combination of the name Ella 1 and the suffix -line. This name was borne by popular British actress and singer Ellaline Terriss (born Mary Ellaline Lewin,1871 – 1971).
Ellaluna f Obscure
Combination of Ella 2 and Luna.
Ellalynn f English (Modern)
Combination of Ella 2 and Lynn.
Ellamae f English, Popular Culture
Combination of Ella 1 and Mae.
Ellamarie f English
Combination of Ella 2 and Marie.
Ellamira f Dutch
Combination of Ella 2 and Mira 2.
Ellanora f English (Rare)
Either a variant of Eleanora or a combination of Ella 1 and Nora 1.
Ellanova f Portuguese
Combination of Ella 2 and Nova.
Ellarae f English
Combination of Ella 1 and Rae.
Ellaria f Literature
This name appears in G.R.R. Martin's "A song of ice and fire". Ellaria Sand is the name of the paramour of prince Oberyn Martell, the little brother of Doran, prince of Dorne. ... [more]
Ellarose f English
Combination of Ella 2 and Rose
Ellarudy f English
Combination of Ella 2 and Rudy.
Ellavieve f English (Rare)
Modern form of Ælfgifu, influenced by the names Ella 1 and Genevieve.
Elle f Estonian
Originally a short form of Eliisabet and Helena, now used as a given name in its own right.
Elleanna f English (American, Rare)
Variant of Alana, influenced by Elle and Anna.
Ellemieke f Dutch (Rare)
Combination of the names Ellen 2 and Mieke. Also compare Elsemieke.... [more]
Ellenor f English, Medieval Irish, Anglo-Norman
Variant of Eleanor. This name was, among others, recorded in late medieval Ireland on women born into English and Anglo-Norman families.
Ellentina f Swedish (Modern, Rare)
Combination of Ellen 1 and the name suffix -tina.
Ellesse f English (New Zealand, Modern, Rare), English (American, Rare)
From the name of the Italian sportswear brand, which is derived from the initials of its founder, Leonardo Servadio (the letters L and S, in Italian elle esse).
Elley f Icelandic (Modern)
Combination of Ell-, a new name element taken from names like Ella 2, Ellen 1, Elin and the like, and the Old Norse name element ey "island; flat land along a coast" (which is also often related to the Old Norse name element auja "(gift of) luck; fortune").
Ellice f English, Anglo-Norman, Medieval Irish (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of Eilíse and Eilís. This name was recorded in late medieval Ireland on women born into English and Anglo-Norman families... [more]
Ellieana f English (Rare)
Variant of Eliana 1. Can also be a combination of Ellie and Ana.
Ellieanna f English (American, Rare)
Variant of Eliana 1, influenced by Ellie and Anna.
Ellieanne f English (American, Rare)
Variant of Eliane, influenced by Ellie and Anne 1.
Elliemae f English (Rare)
Combination of Ellie and Mae.
Elliemay f English
Combination of Ellie and May.
Elliette f English (Rare)
Although this name presumably started out as a borrowing of French Éliette (the spelling being influenced by names such as Ellinor, Ella 1 and, later, Elle), it is now generally understood as a feminine form of Elliott.
Ellimere f Literature
Invented by Garth Nix for the Old Kingdom trilogy. Ellimere was the daughter of King Touchstone and Abhorsen Sabriel, and princess of the Old Kingdom.
Ellis f Dutch
Of uncertain origin and meaning; a short form of Elisabeth has been suggested.
Ellis f Danish, Swedish, Norwegian (Archaic)
Of debated origin and meaning; theories include a short form of Elisa, a Scandinavian variant of Alice reflecting the English pronunciation and a borrowing of the masculine name... [more]
Ellisha f & m English (Rare), English (African, Rare)
Variant of Alicia. In the case of the African English masculine name that's occasionally used in Nigeria and rarely Zimbabwe, it's a rare variant of Elisha.
Ellora f English, French (Modern)
Of uncertain origin and meaning. It might be a variant of Elora or an adoption of the name of the Ellora Caves of India, an ancient network of caverns containing hieroglyphic writings archeologists still have not deciphered the meaning of.
Ellu f Estonian
Variant of Elli 2 and Elle.
Elmarie f Afrikaans, English (Rare)
Perhaps a contraction of Elma and Marie.
Elme m French
French form of Elmo. This was borne by 19th-century French philosopher Elme-Marie Caro (as well as the Dutch writer and actress Ida Saint-Elme (1776-1845), real name Maria Versfelt).
Elmeskhan f Circassian (Rare)
Meaning unknown. A known bearer was Elmeskhan Khagundokova (1898-1985), a Circassian legionary commander and brigadier general.
Elmon m English (American)
Of unknown origin and meaning.... [more]
Elmuccio m Medieval Italian
Medieval Italian diminutive of Elmo, as -uccio is an Italian masculine diminutive suffix.... [more]
Elmurat m Uzbek
A famous bearer is Elmurat Tasmuradov, an Uzbekistani Greco-Roman wrestler. He competed at the 2012 Summer Olympics and at the 2016 Olympics. He won a gold medal four times at the Asian Championship... [more]
Elna f Afrikaans
Contraction of Elisabeth and Helena.
Elna f Catalan (Modern)
Popularized Catalan name that refers to the northern Catalan city of Elna. At the end of the Spanish Civil War, a Maternity Hospital was set up in Elna, run by a Swiss nurse - Elisabeth Eidenbenz - who looked after pregnant women from the Republican refugee camps who were fleeing Franco's fascist troops... [more]
Elna'am m Biblical
Variant transcription of Elnaam.... [more]
Elnaam m Biblical
The name is comprised of two parts. This first, אל ('el), is a shortened form of אלהים ('elohim), meaning "God". The second part, נעם (na'em), meaning "pleasant" or "delightful"... [more]
Elnara f Azerbaijani, Kazakh, Crimean Tatar
From Turkic el meaning "people, country, nation" and Persian انار (anâr) meaning "pomegranate".
Elnoz f Uzbek
From the Uzbek el meaning "people, nation, country" and noz meaning "flirtiousness", "whim", "tenderness" or "fondness".
Elnura f Kyrgyz, Kazakh
From the Turkic word el meaning "country, society" and Arabic نور (nur) meaning "light".
Elnuri f Uzbek
From the Uzbek el meaning "people, nation, country" and nur meaning "ray, beam, light".
Elo m Medieval Frisian
Likely a variant of Ele, recorded between the 11th and 13th centuries.
Elo m & f Finnish (Rare, Archaic)
Means "life" (a poetic expression) and "crop, corn" (a dated expression) in Finnish. It may also be a variant of Elof, Elodia or Eloise.
Éloa f French, Literature
French form of Eloah... [more]
Eloah m & f Theology, Portuguese (Brazilian)
A variant of Elah or a singular form of Elohim, typically occurring only in poetry and prose. This unusual singular form of Elohim is used in six places for heathen deities (cf... [more]
Eloïse f Guernésiais, French (Belgian)
Guernésiais form of Eloise and French variant of Éloïse.
Eloiza f Russian (Rare), Bulgarian (Rare), Polish, Albanian, Italian (Rare)
Form of Eloise in several languages, also a variant of Polish Heloiza and Italian Eloisa.
Elonda f English
The name might have been inspired by other names ending in the -onda sound such as Shonda and Wanda.
Elor m & f Hebrew (Modern)
Combination of the names El and Or means "God of light" in Hebrew, also variant of names like Elior and Orel.
Elphaba f Literature
Created by author Gregory Maguire for the central character in his fantasy novel 'Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West' (1995). It was formed from L-F-B, the initials of L. Frank Baum, author of 'The Wonderful Wizard of Oz' (1900).
Elphias m Literature
Used by author J. K. Rowling for a minor character in her 'Harry Potter' series. It may have been intended as a variant of Éliphas, the pen name of French occultist Eliphas Levi... [more]
Elphie f Literature
Elphie is a pet form of the name Elphaba and German feminine names beginning with Elf-, for example Elfrida.
Elphir m Literature
Means "lord of swans" from Sindarin alph "swan" (plural eilph) and hîr "master, lord". In the works of J. R. R. Tolkien this was the name of a prince of Dol Amroth, "of which city the swan was the emblem".
Elpide f Georgian (Rare)
Georgian form of Elpida and/or Elpidia.
Elpidephorus m Late Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Elpidephoros. This name was borne by Elpidephorus of Persia, a martyr and saint from the 4th century AD.
Elpidephours m History (Ecclesiastical)
St. Elpidephours was a Persian Christian and ordained priest. He was arrested and slain for the faith during the reign of King Shapur II.
Elpidice f Ancient Greek (Latinized)
From Greek ἐλπίς (elpis) "hope" and δίκη (dike) "justice".
Elpinike f Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek ἐλπίς (elpis) meaning "hope" and νίκη (nike) meaning "victory".
Elpinoe f Ancient Greek
From the word ελπίδα meaning hope and νόημα meaning meaning
Elroi m Hebrew
Combination of the names El and Roi 2 means "God is my shepherd" in Hebrew.
Elroi m Hebrew
From the Hebrew name אֵלרוֹאִי ’elrō’î meaning "God who sees me", derived from the elements אֵל 'el "God" and ראי r’j as participle with suffix.... [more]
Elrom m Hebrew (Rare)
Combination of the names El and Rom means "highness of God" in Hebrew.
Elros m Literature
Means "glitter of stars" or "foam of stars" from Sindarin êl "star" and ros, which can mean "polished metal, glitter" or "foam, rain, dew, spray (of fall or fountain)". It belonged to the brother of Elrond and first king of Númenor in J. R. R. Tolkien's 'The Lord of the Rings' (1954).
Elsabel f English
Combination of Elsa and the common suffix -bel.
Elsamira f Obscure
Combination of Elsa and Mira 2.
Elsbeth f Scots (Rare), German
Ulster Scots variant of Elspeth and German contracted form of Elisabeth.
El-sean m English (American)
Being able to have fun. One whom attracts good fortune and a curse breaker!
Elsebe f Low German (Archaic), Medieval Baltic, Medieval Scandinavian, Old Norwegian, Norwegian (Rare)
Low German variant of Elsabe, recorded between the 15th and 18th centuries, which was also used in 15th-century Latvia and in Medieval Norway.
Elsebritt f Swedish (Rare)
Combination of Elsa and Britt.
Elselill f Swedish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare)
Combination of Else and lilla "little".
Elselina f Dutch
Derived from the feminine Else and the popular feminine name ending -lina.
Elseliv f Swedish
Variant of the Old Swedish Elisiv... [more]
Elsemieke f Dutch (Rare)
Combination of the names Else and Mieke. Also compare Ellemieke.... [more]
Elshad m Azerbaijani
Means "joy of the people" from Turkic el meaning "people, country, nation" and Persian شاد (šâd) meaning "glad, happy, cheerful".
Elsiemae f English (British)
Combination of Elsie and Mae.
Elsimae f English (Rare)
Combination of Elsie and Mae.
Elsinora f Obscure
Possibly a variant of Elsinore or combination of Elsie and Nora 1.
Elsinore f English (American, Rare)
From the name of Hamlet's castle, which is an anglicized form of Helsingør, a Danish place name meaning "neck, narrow strait" (see Elsinore)... [more]
Elskea f East Frisian
19th-century East Frisian elaboration of Elske, itself an East Frisian diminutive of Elsa and Else.
Elspa f Scots (Archaic)
Variant of Elspeth via the other variant forms Elspath and Elspat.
Elsüer f Karachay-Balkar
From the Turkic name element el meaning "land, country" and the Karachay-Balkar meaning сюер (süer) meaning "will love".
Elsuluv f Uzbek
From the Uzbek el meaning "people, nation, country" and sulu(v) meaning "beautiful".
Elta m Caucasian Mythology
This is the name of the god of animals and the hunt in Vainakh mythology. He was formerly the god of agriculture as well before Maetsill took his role and was blinded in one eye as a punishment for disobedience by his father Dela.
Eltac m Azerbaijani
From Turkic el meaning "country, society" and Arabic تاج (taj) meaning "crown" (ultimately from an Iranian language).
Elu f Indigenous American
Means "a woman full of grace; beautiful; fair" in Zuni, spoken in New Mexico and Arizona.
Elul m Jewish, Hebrew
Elul is the twelfth month of the Jewish civil year and the sixth month of the ecclesiastical year on the Hebrew calendar, usually coinciding with parts of August and September.... [more]
Eluréd m Literature
A fictional character created by J.R.R. Tolkien.... [more]
Elurín m Literature
A fictional character created by J.R.R. Tolkien.... [more]
Elva f Slovene, Spanish
Spanish short form and Slovene diminutive of Elvira.
Elvard m Georgian (Rare)
Means "rose of the nation", derived from Old Turkic el meaning "country, state, society" (see Eldar) combined with Georgian ვარდი (vardi) meaning "rose", which is ultimately of Iranian origin... [more]
Elve f Estonian, Sami
Sami form and Estonian variant of Elvi.
Elvida f Norwegian (Rare)
Norwegian combination of Ella 2 and viðr "forest, wood, tree".
Elvie f English
Diminutive of Elvira, Elvina, Elva, and other names beginning with Elv.
Elvirä f Tatar, Bashkir
Tatar and Bashkir form of Elvira.
Elwen m Cornish, Welsh, History (Ecclesiastical)
Saint Elwen was an early saint venerated in Cornwall and Brittany. A chapel at Porthleven in Sithney parish, Cornwall, dedicated to Elwen, existed from the 13th century until 1549, and in Brittany several sites and placenames are associated with possibly related figures.
Elwend m Kurdish
Elwend (Engl.: Alvand) is a subrange of the Zagros mountains located in modern Iran. The given name Elwend is also derived from Elwen or Elwend (Engl.: Alwand), which is a river that rises in the Zagros mountains and stretches into eastern Iraq.
Elwing f Literature
Means "foam of stars" or "star-spray" from Sindarin êl "star" and gwing "foam, spindrift, spume, (flying) spray blown off wave-tops". In 'The Lord of the Rings' (1954) J. R. R. Tolkien, Elwing was a daughter of Dior, named for the waterfall of Lanthir Lamath in Ossiriand; she was also the mother of Elrond and grandmother of Arwen.
Elwydd f Welsh
Meaning uncertain, possibly related to a place name. Other suggested origins include elwydd/eilwydd, meaning "love tryst, meeting", or "beatic presence" from an invented word comprised of el- "much" and gwydd "presence".
Elwyn m Welsh
Composed by the welsh words "el", meaning "light" and "gwyn", that means "white" or "pure", so the meaning is "white light" or "pure light".
Ely m Russian
Variant transcription of Eliy. A known bearer of this name was Ely Bielutin (1925-2012), a Russian visual artist and art theoretician.
Elya f Russian
Short form of Eleonora, Elena and other names with a similar sound.
Elyabel f Arthurian Cycle
A medieval form of Elizabeth used in the 13th-century Prose Tristan and its adaptations, where it belongs to the mother of Tristan.
Elyada m & f Hebrew (Rare)
Means "God knows" in Hebrew, it's a combination of El, reference to God, and the word yada means "(he) knew". The name appears in Kings 1: 11, verse 23 And it belongs to Elyada, Razon's father.
Elyam m Hebrew (Modern, Rare)
Combination of El, meaning “God” and Yam, meaning “sea”.... [more]
Elyan m Arthurian Cycle
In Arthurian romance tales, Sir Elyan the White, also known as Helyan le Blanc, is the son of Sir Bors and is a Knight of the Round Table. He's sometimes a cousin of Lancelot, and helps rescue him after his affair with Guinevere is revealed... [more]
Elyaniv m Hebrew (Modern, Rare)
Combination of the names El (or Eliya) and Yaniv, and the meaning would be "God will prosper".
Elyas m Arabic, Indonesian, Malay
Arabic alternate transcription of Ilyas as well as the Persian, Indonesian, and Malay form.
Elyas m Amharic, Judeo-Anglo-Norman
Amharic form and Judeo-Anglo-Norman variant of Elias.
Elyes m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Maghrebi variant of Ilyas (chiefly Tunisian and Algerian).
Elyezer m Jewish, Hebrew
Means "My God is help" In the Old Testament this was the name of Abraham and one of the sons of moses (See Exodus 18:4 for an explanation of the significance of the name)
Elymas m Biblical Greek, Biblical
Hellenized form of a masculine given name of which the meaning and origin is (so far) uncertain. This name is best known for being the name of Elymas, a Jewish sorcerer (who is also known as Bar-Jesus) who is mentioned in chapter 13 of Acts of the Apostles in the New Testament... [more]
Elynda f English (Modern)
Variant of Elenda, influenced by the names Lynda and Lynn; or possibly a blend of Elinor (or Elizabeth) and Linda, inspired by the similar names Belinda, Melinda and Celinda.
Elyon m & f Hebrew (Rare)
Elyon (עֶלְיוֹן) is a Hebrew word meaning "uppermost", "supreme", or "highest". It is one of the many epithets and titles for God in Judaism.
Elyor m Tajik, Uzbek
Tajik and Uzbek form of Elyar. A notable bearer of this name is the Uzbek politician and former minister Elyor Ganiyev (b. 1960).
Elyora f Uzbek
From the Uzbek el meaning "people, nation, country" and yor meaning "friend, lover".
Elyorbek m Tajik (Rare), Uzbek
Tajik and Uzbek form of Elyarbek.
Elysande f Germanic
A medieval Germanic name, meaning "temple path," that likely originates from Visigothic elements: alah, signifying temple or hall, and sind, denoting path, travel, journey, or way. It is among several variants of the name Alasind, with alternative spellings such as Elisende, Elisenda, Elysant, Elisent, and Helisent.
Elysant f Medieval
The name Elysant is girl's name meaning "temple path". An intriguing medieval name found in various forms across Europe. Variants include Elisende, Elisenda, Elysande, Elisent and Helisent. It likely derives from a Visigothic name meaning "temple path".
Élysée f French
In this spelling, the name is probably intended as a French form of Elysia.... [more]
Elzabad m Biblical
The name is comprised of two parts. The first, אל ('el), is a form of אלהים ('elohim), meaning "God". The second, זבד (zabad), means "to give". Together, the two parts are said to mean "God has given".... [more]
Elzavad m Biblical
Variant transcription of Elzabad.... [more]
Elze f Dutch, German (East Prussian), Afrikaans
Dutch variant spelling and East Prussian German and Afrikaans form of Else.
Elzette f Afrikaans
Contraction of Elizette and diminutive of Elze.
Elziena f Dutch (Rare)
Variant of Elsina and Elze.
Elżunia f Polish, Kashubian
Polish diminutive of Elżbieta and Kashubian diminutive of Elżbiéta.
Emanet f Turkish
Means "entrustment" via Arabic أمانات amanat. In the Quran (33:72) the word is used to describe God entrusting humans with free will. See also Amanat and Amanet.
Emaobong f Efik
Means "love of God" in Efik, derived from ema meaning "love" and obong meaning "God".
Emathion m Greek Mythology
Derived from the Homeric Greek adjective ἠμαθόεις (emathoeis) meaning "sandy", which is ultimately derived from the Greek noun ἄμαθος (amathos) meaning "sand, dust, sandy soil"... [more]
Emazteona f Medieval Basque
Derived from Basque emazte "wife" and on "good".
Emberlynn f English (Modern)
Combination of Ember and the popular suffix -lynn.
Embeth f English (Rare)
Contraction of Emily and Elizabeth. Embeth Davidtz (1965-) is a South African actress.
Embeth f Germanic Mythology, Judeo-Christian-Islamic Legend
The name of one of the three Beten (or Bethen, Beden), a German group of three saints. They are adored in minor churches and chapels in South Tyrol (Italy), Upper Bavaria, Baden and the Rhineland... [more]
Emblyn f Cornish, Medieval English
Late medieval English variant of Emmeline. Common in the 16th and 17th centuries, this name eventually died out in England in the 19th century, though it survived in Cornwall.
Embun f & m Malay, Indonesian
Means "dew" in Malay and Indonesian.
Émelia f Louisiana Creole
Louisiana Creole cognate of Emelia and Emelie (via Emélie).
Émelise f Louisiana Creole
18th and 19th-century elaboration of Émelia and Émelie with the then-popular feminine name suffix -lise.
Emelix f Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Perhaps a blend of Emely (itself a Hispanic variant of Emily, reflecting the English pronunciation) and Alix.
Ememabasi m & f Efik
Means "peace of the Lord" in Efik, derived from emem meaning "peace" and abasi meaning "Lord".
Ememobong m & f Efik
Means "peace of the God" n Efek, derived from emem meaning "peace" and obong meaning "God".
Emeney f English (Archaic), Medieval English
Medieval and early English variant of the medieval feminine given name Ismenia, of obscure origins (though some Celtic roots have been suggested, including the Common Celtic *moyni- "treasure" - which became muin in Old Welsh, and mwyn "worth, value" in Middle Welsh).
Emer m Mormon
Early Jaredite king and son of Omer.
Emerencia f Hungarian, Spanish (Rare)
Hungarian and Spanish form of Emerentia.
Emerenciana f Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, Medieval Flemish
Catalan, Spanish, Portuguese and medieval Flemish form of Emerentiana.
Emerencija f Croatian (Rare), Lithuanian (Archaic), Serbian (Rare)
Croatian, Lithuanian and Serbian form of Emerentia.
Emerentia f Late Roman, Dutch, German (Rare), Swedish (Rare), Judeo-Christian-Islamic Legend
Feminine form of Emerentius. This name belonged to an early Christian martyr, and is also assigned to the mother of Saint Anna and grandmother of the Virgin Mary in some late 15th-century European traditions.
Emerentz f Polabian, German (Archaic)
Possibly a German and Polabian form of Emerentiana. A notable bearer was Emerentz Schultze (1668-1756), the last known speaker of the Polabian language.
Emerenzia f Upper German, Italian (Rare)
Italian and Upper German variant of Emerentia.
Emerenziana f Italian, Sardinian
Italian and Sardinian form of Emerentiana.
Emerin m French, English
A variant spelling of Emeran and Emeryn.
Emerine f France, French (Belgian), English (American), French (Quebec), English (British, Rare)
Emerine is a feminine form of names Emery, Emeric, and Emeran, which are the English and French, Germanic, and Bavarian masculine forms, respectively.... [more]
Emérita f Spanish, Galician
Spanish and Galician form of Emerita.
Emerley f English (Modern)
Combination of Emer and Lee. Similar to Emerlyn, Emerald and Emery. Variant of Emerlie.
Emerlyn f English (Modern)
A combination of Emerson and the popular name suffix Lyn
Emeryn m Welsh, English
In Welsh, "-yn" is the masculine suffix to create singular nouns and is used in creating the diminutive for masculine names.  Therefore,... [more]
Emeteri m Basque, Catalan (Rare)
Basque and Catalan form of Emeterius.
Emeterio m Galician, Italian, Spanish
Galician, Italian and Spanish form of Emeterius.
Emeterius m Late Roman, History (Ecclesiastical)
This name is best known for being the name of a Roman legionary who was martyred with his fellow soldier Celedonius around 300 AD. They have since become saints, venerated in both the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Church.... [more]
Emica f Croatian, Serbian, Slovene
Croatian, Serbian and Slovenian diminutive form of Ema 1 and Emilija, used in its own right.
Emich m Medieval German
Medieval German contracted form of Emmerich. Known bearers of this name include count Emich IV of Leiningen (c. 1215-1279), bishop Emich I of Worms (born long before 1294, died in 1299) and count Emich I of Nassau-Hadamar (born before 1289, died in 1334).
Emika f Japanese (Rare)
Emi means "Smile,Laugh" or it's a mix of E "Blessing" or "Picture,Drawing" and Mi means "Beauty" or "Look".
Emilián m Czech, Hungarian
Czech and Hungarian form of Aemilianus.
Emilienne f French (Acadian, Archaic)
Variant of Émilienne found in New Brunswick and Maine.
Emilijan m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Emiliano.
Emilijana f Croatian, Serbian, Slovene
Croatian, Serbian and Slovene form of Emiliana.
Emiline f Danish (Rare), Flemish (Rare), French (Belgian, Rare)
Danish and Flemish form of Emilina and French variant of Émiline.
Émilion m Breton (Gallicized), French (Archaic), French (Quebec, Archaic)
Breton form of Émile and/or Émilien as well as a French diminutive of Émile and variant of Émilien.... [more]
Emiliu m Corsican, Sicilian
Corsican and Sicilian form of Emil.
Emiliza f Filipino (Rare), Malaysian (Rare)
Apparently a blend of names such as Emilia and Eliza, perhaps in some cases formed from the names of the bearer's parents (e.g. Emil and Flordeliza)... [more]
Emiljana f Slovene, Albanian
Slovene variant of Emilijana and Albanian form of Emiliana.
Emille f Basque (Rare)
Coined by Sabino Arana Goiri and Koldo Elizalde as a Basque equivalent of Emilia and Émilie.
Emillene f Basque (Rare)
Coined by Sabino Arana Goiri and Koldo Elizalde as a Basque equivalent of Emiliana and Émilienne.
Emilý f Icelandic, Faroese
Icelandic and Faroese form of Emily.
Emilya f Armenian, Azerbaijani, English (Modern, Rare), French (Modern, Rare)
Armenian and Azerbaijani feminine form of Aemilius (see Emily) as well as an English variant of Emilia and a French variant of Émilia.
Emilynne f English (Rare)
Combination of Emily and Lynne or a variant of Emmeline
Eminda f Norwegian (Rare)
Either a combination of Emilie and Aminda or a variant of Minda.
Emircan m Turkish
Combination of Emir and can "soul, life".
Emirgune m History
Probably from Arabic أَمِير (amir) meaning "prince, commander" and Persian گونه (gune) meaning "kind, type, sort". This was the name of several people from 17th- and 18th-century Iran, including a 17th-century governor of Yerevan after whom the Istanbul neighborhood of Emirgan is named.
Emiri f Japanese
Japanese feminine name derived from 英 (ei) meaning "flower, petal, leaf, fine, bright" or 絵 (e) meaning "sketch, paint, draw" and 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful", with the suffix 里 (ri) meaning "village".
Emirjeta f Albanian
Derived from Albanian ë mirë "good" and jetë "life".
Em-jade f English
A combination of Em, short for Emma or Emily and Jade.
Emka f Croatian, Kashubian
Croatian diminutive of Ema 1 and Kashubian diminutive of Éma.
Emlen m English, Welsh
Variant of Emlyn. Emlen Tunnell (1924-1975) was an American football player and coach. He was the first African-American to play for the New York Giants and also the first to be inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame.
Emly f Norwegian (Rare), Danish (Rare)
Contracted form of Emily or a modern combination of Emma and the syllable -li-, found in names like Anneli or Elisabet.
Emm f Medieval English, English
Middle English vernacular form of Emma. In modern times it is a variant of Em, i.e. used as a diminutive of Emma, Emily and other similar-sounding names.
Emmabel f Obscure
Combination of Emma and a popular suffix -bel.
Emmabella f English (Rare)
Combination of Emma and Bella.
Emmabeth f English (Rare)
Combination of Emma and Beth.
Emmadora f English
A combination of Emma and Dora.