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Gender Feminine
Scripts ΗΛΕΚΤΡΥΩΝΗ(Ancient Greek)
Pronounced Pron. ee-lec-tree-O-nee  [key]
Other Forms FormsElectryo, Alectrona

Meaning & History

Meaning "rooster" or "amber". The Doric form of Electryone, Alectrona, is the feminine genitive of Αλεκτορ, Alektor, the Greek word for 'rooster', while Electryone itself is more similar to Ἠλέκτρα, Elektra, meaning 'amber'.

Electryone is the daughter of Helios, the Greek personification of the sun, and Rhode, and sister to the Heliadae (the seven sons of Helios and Rhode who were expert astrologers and seafarers). She is speculated to have been a godess of the morning, or of man's waking sense which causes him to wake in the morning. She was worshipped mainly on the island of Rhodes.
Added 3/22/2014 by Ora