Mormon Submitted Names

These names occur in the Book of Mormon.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Abinadi m Mormon
From the Hebrew abi "my father" and nadi "present with you," meaning "my father is present with you." In The Book of Mormon, Abinadi is a prophet who preaches to a wicked king and his corrupt priests that God will come down and be with man, among other messages... [more]
Abinadom m Mormon
Son of Chemish, Nephite historian, and Nephite warrior.
Abish f Mormon (Rare)
Meaning, "maize field, corn field."
Achee m Mormon
The name used by some Mormon groups for the Brother of Jared, despite Joseph Smith's official statement saying that his name was Mahonri.
Aha m Mormon
Nephite military officer (c. 80 BC)
Ahah m Mormon
son of Seth, Jaredite king.
Ahashdah m Mormon (Rare)
An alias used by Newel K. Whitney in a few chapters of Mormon scripture.
Ahbrahoam m Mormon
An Egyptian derivative of Abraham, according to a book on the language, written by Joseph Smith.
Ahbroam m Mormon
An Egyptian variation of Abram 1 according to Joseph Smith. It is defined as "father of the faithful".
Akish m Mormon
Son of Kimnor, Jaredite king
Ale m Mormon
The second name in a double-name alias used by Joseph Smith. See Baurak.
Amaleki m Mormon
Possibly based on the biblical name Amalek. This belongs to two characters in the Book of Mormon, including a Nephite record keeper who wrote 18 verses of the Book of Omni.
Amalickiah m Mormon
Nephite traitor who becomes king of the Lamanites and wars with Nephites - killed by Teancum (c. 70 BC).
Amaron m Mormon
Son of Omni, Nephite record keeper.
Ameleki m Mormon
Nephite record keeper (c. 130 BC) and also a seeker of Zeniff's people (c. 121 BC).
Amgid m Mormon
A Jaredite king.
Aminadab m English (Puritan), Mormon
Variant of Amminadab. According to the Book of Mormon this was the name of a Nephite who fell away from the church and became associated with the Lamanites... [more]
Aminadi m Mormon
Descendent of Nephi.
Amlici m Mormon
Nephite dissenter.
Ammah m Mormon
Nephite missionary.
Ammaron m Mormon
Nephite record keeper.
Ammon m Mormon
In the Book of Mormon, the character of Ammon is one of the four sons of King Mosiah, who initially opposes the Church, but is converted alongside his brothers and Alma the Younger after an experience with an angel, and becomes a missionary to the Lamanites... [more]
Ammoron m Mormon
Nephite traitor, brother of Amalickiah, king of Lamanites after Amalickiah's death - killed by Teancum (c. 66-61 BC).
Amnigaddah m Mormon
Son of Aaron, the Jaredite king.
Amnor m Mormon
Nephite spy in Amlicite campaign (c. 87 BC)
Amoron m Mormon
a Nephite officer and spy (c. AD 380-400)
Amulek m Mormon
From the common Semitic root mlk, which in West Semitic means "king" (melek) and in East Semitic means "counselor" (malku). According to The Book of Mormon, Amulek was a missionary who accompanied Alma the Younger to preach the gospel in a wicked city where women and children were being burned alive... [more]
Amulon m Mormon
Priest of King Noah, tributary Nephite monarch of Land of Helam.
Antiomno m Mormon
Lamanite king of land of Middoni.
Antionah m Mormon
a chief ruler in Ammonihah
Antionum m Mormon
Nephite commander (c. AD 385)
Antipus m Mormon
Nephite commander in city of Judea.(c. 65 BC)
Archeantus m Mormon
Nephite soldier, one of three "choice men" (Moroni 9) slain in battle (c. AD 375).
Baurak m Mormon
In older publications of the Doctrine and Covenants, and alias used by Joseph Smith was a double name, Baurak and Ale. It is identified as a Hebrew term meaning "God bless you."
Cainhannoch m Mormon (Rare)
From an alternative name for New York used in the Doctrine and Covenants. A possible origin could be that in the Bible, Cain, the son of Adam, had a son named Enoch... [more]
Chemish m Mormon
Son of Omni, Nephite record keeper.
Cohor m Mormon
Brother of Noah and an early Jaredite king, son of Corihor¹ and brother to Noah. He joined his brother Noah, with "all his brethren and many of the people" to establish a rival kingdom to Shule’s (Ether 7:15)... [more]
Com m Mormon
Early Jaredite king, son of Coriantum, and a late Jaredite king.
Corianton m Mormon
In The Book of Mormon, Corianton was the third son of Alma the Younger and the brother of Helaman and Shiblon... [more]
Coriantor m Mormon
Late Jaredite, son of Moron, father of Ether. Although his father had been king, Coriantor "dwelt in captivity all his days".
Coriantum m Mormon
The name of various Book of Mormon characters.
Coriantumr m Mormon
The name of various Book of Mormon characters.
Corihor m Mormon
The name of various Book of Mormon characters.
Corom m Mormon
A middle Jaredite king, son of Levi.
Cumenihah m Mormon
Nephite commander.
Deseret f Mormon, Various (Rare)
This is a word from the Book of Mormon meaning "honeybee" in the language of the Jaredites. It was used as a name for the Utah territory before it became an American state (now officially nicknamed the Beehive State as a symbol of cooperation and industry)... [more]
Egeptah f Mormon
An alternate form of the name Egyptus which appeared in Willard Richards' copy of the Book of Abraham translation manuscript. It succeeded Zeptah, which was crossed out... [more]
Egyptes f Mormon
Variant of Egyptus.
Egyptus f Mormon
The name of Ham's wife and their daughter according to Mormon scripture.
Elkenah m Mormon (Rare)
In the Book of Abraham, this is the name of one of the various Egyptian idols mentioned frequently and represented by figure 5 in facsimile 1 of the book. Abraham was nearly sacrificed to it, but was saved by an angel... [more]
Emer m Mormon
Early Jaredite king and son of Omer.
Emron m Mormon (Rare)
A name used in The Book of Mormon. He was a Nephite soldier that was one of several 'choice men' to be slain by the Lamanites.
Esrom m Mormon
Jaredite and son of Omer.
Ethem m Mormon
Later Jaredite king and son of Ahah.
Ether m Mormon
Jaredite prophet and record keeper.
Eventa f Mormon (Rare)
Name predominantly amongst Mormon bearers.
Ezias m Mormon
Prophet referenced in Book of Mormon Helaman 8:20.
Gadianton m Mormon
The leader of a gang of robbers in the Book of Mormon.
Gazelem m Mormon
A Book of Mormon name referring to a servant of God.
Gid m Mormon
Nephite military officer.
Giddianhi m Mormon
Chief of Gadianton robbers (c. AD 16-21).
Giddonah m Mormon
Amulek's father.
Gidgiddonah m Mormon
Nephite commander.
Gidgiddoni m Mormon
Nephite commander.
Gilgah m Mormon
Early Jaredite.
Gilgal m Mormon
Nephite commander at the battle of Cumorah (c. AD 385).
Glade m Mormon
Almost exclusively found in Utah and used by members of the Mormon church. Transferred use of the surname Glade.
Hagoth m Mormon
The name of a Nephite who led many expeditions across the sea, and later disappeared. Some suggest the possibility of him being the ancestor of the Polynesians.
Hakota m Mormon
Samoan form of Hagoth.
Hanannihah f & m Mormon (Rare)
From the land of Hanannihah mentioned in the Book of Moses. A possibility of origin is being derived from Hannah.
Hearthom m Mormon
Middle Jaredite king and son of Lib.
Heikoti m Mormon
Tongan derivative of Hagoth.
Helam m Biblical, Biblical Hebrew, Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare), Mormon
Derived from Hebrew חֵילָם (Helam), which is the name of a biblical town where king David and his army fought and won a battle against the army of the Syrian king Hadadezer... [more]
Helaman m Mormon
The name of three figures in The Book of Mormon. The most notable Helaman was a Nephite prophet and soldier, the son of Alma the Younger and brother of Shiblon and Corianton... [more]
Helamana m Mormon
Samoan form of Helaman.
Helem m Mormon
Brother of Ammon in the Boo of Mormon.
Helorum m Mormon
Son of King Benjamin (c. 130 BC), brother of Mosiah and Helaman. Helorum is mentioned in only one verse, but is addressed with his brothers by King Benjamin.
Hem m Mormon
Brother of Ammon in The Book of Mormon.
Heth m Mormon
Early Jaredite and son of Com.
Himni m Mormon
Son of Mosiah in the Book of Mormon.
Horah m Mormon (Rare)
Name used in Doctrine and Covenants 82:11.
Hueman m Mormon
A form of Mormon used in the Works of Ixtlilxochitl.
Jacom m Mormon
Some of Enos, Nephite record keeper.
Jarom m Mormon
A prophet from The Book of Mormon, Jarom was one of many authors and has his own book, The Book of Jarom. He was the son of Enos and father of Omni.
Jeneum m Mormon
Nephite commander.
Kahtoumun f Mormon (Archaic)
Archaic variant of Katumin, which derived from the Ahmestrahan language, said by the Mormons to be the ancestor of later Egyptian languages. Joseph Smith has the description, 'the name of a royal family in the female line', indicating that it could also be used as a surname... [more]
Katumin f Mormon
In LDS history, Joseph Smith received a bunch of old Egyptian scrolls. The Book of Abraham was translated from them, and fragments of a few other books were translated. One such fragment told of Princess Katumin, who was a daughter of Pharaoh Onitas.
Kiahbroam m Mormon
Variant of Ahbroam.
Kib m Mormon
Early Jaredite king.
Kim m Mormon
Jaredite king and son of Morianton.
Kimnor m Mormon
Early Jaredite.
Kishkumen m Mormon
Character in the Book of Mormon.
Kolob m & f Mormon (Rare)
The name given to a great star revealed to Abraham in the Book of Abraham. There is a possible connection to the Khmer, Kolab.
Korash m Mormon (Rare)
An Egyptian idol in the Book of Abraham. Possibly connected to the name Korah.
Kumen m Mormon
One of twelve Nephite disciples.
Kumenonhi m Mormon
One of twelve Nephite disciples.
Lachoneus m Mormon
Eleventh Nephite judge.
Lamah m Mormon
Nephite commander.
Laman m Mormon
The name of various Book of Mormon characters.
Lamana m Mormon
Samoan form of Laman.
Lamoni m Mormon
Lamonite king converted by Ammon.
Lehonti m Mormon
Lamanite officer.
Liahona f Mormon (Rare)
According to the Book of Mormon and other Latter Day Saint movement sources, the Liahona is a brass ball that operated as a type of compass with two spindles. One of the spindles was said to point the direction Lehi and his party should travel after their escape from Jerusalem... [more]
Lib m Mormon
The name of various Book of Mormon characters.
Libnah m Mormon (Rare)
An Egyptian idol in the Book of Abraham represented by figure 6 in facsimile 1.
Limhah m Mormon
Nephite commander.
Limher m Mormon
Nephite soldier.
Limhi m Mormon
This is the name of the son of King Noah in the Book of Mormon. Lim might mean "people, nation" and hi might mean "alive, live" in Hebrew. So the name might mean: "the people live", that is, "the people are preserved alive".
Luram m Mormon
Nephite soldier, one of three "choice men" (Moroni 9) slain in battle (c. AD 375)
Maccabee m Ancient Aramaic (Anglicized), Mormon
The name of an ancient Jewish warrior, Judah Maccabee, meaning "the hammer". ... [more]
Mahah m Mormon
Son of Jared.
Mahan m Mormon
In the Book of Moses, it is said that Cain, after having slew Abel, became what they called the Master Mahan, being the head of a secret organization of murderers and cheaters... [more]
Mahanti m Mormon
An inscription on a cliff in Manti was written by someone who called himself Mahanti, the second king of the Lamanites. It was dated about A.D. 600, which would have been centuries after the Lamanites came into being... [more]
Mahemson m Mormon (Rare)
Alias used by Martin Harris in the Doctrine and Covenants.
Mahijah m Mormon
In the Book of Moses, this is the name of a man who talks with Enoch.
Mahmackrah m Mormon (Rare)
An idol in the Book of Abraham; represented by figure 7 in facsimile 1.
Mahonri m Mormon
In the Book of Mormon, the brother of Jared is the most prominent person in the account given in the beginning (chapters 1–6) of the Book of Ether. Some years after the publication of the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith mentioned that Mahonri Moriancumer was the name of the brother of Jared.
Mahujah m Mormon (Rare)
In the Book of Moses, this is the name of a land where Enoch prayed to God. There is a possible connection to Mahijah.
Mamona m Mormon
Samoan form of Mormon.
Manti m Mormon
Nephite soldier.
Mathoni m Mormon
One of twelve Nephite disciples.
Mathonihah m Mormon
One of twelve Nephite disciples.
Maumoos m Mormon
Hmong variant of Mormon.
McKay m & f English (American, Modern), Mormon
Transferred use of the surname McKay. This name is mainly used in Utah among Mormons; it was the surname of David O. McKay (1873-1970), the ninth president of the Mormon Church (from 1951 until his death in 1970).
Meschech m Mormon (Rare)
Mormon form of Meshech.
Mọ́mọ́nì m Mormon
Yoruba form of Mormon.
Momoni m Mormon
Rarotongan form of Mormon.
Moomon m Mormon
Gilbertese and Kiribati form of Mormon.
Morianton m Mormon
The name of various characters in The Book of Mormon.
Mormon m Mormon
From the word denoting a follower of Mormonism. The word Mormon supposedly comes from the English word more and the Egyptian mon meaning "good", thus "more good".
Moromona m Mormon
Maori variant of Mormon.
Moron m Mormon
Late Jaredite king who reigned during a time of great wickedness and turmoil, and was himself wicked. He lost half his kingdom for many years in a rebellion and, after regaining his kingdom, was completely overthrown and lived out his life in captivity... [more]
Moronai m Mormon
Rendering of Moroni in many languages, including Hawaiian, Maori, and Shona,
Moroni m Mormon
The name of the last Nephite prophet and the son of Mormon in the Book of Mormon. He was resurrected after his death and became an angel. Some Mormon scholars have theorized a derivation from the West Semitic root mrʾ "lord, master" or mrn "our lord", or from Egyptian mrny "my beloved" or mr.n.i "I was beloved".
Moronihah m Mormon
The name of various characters in the Book of Mormon.
Mosiah m Mormon
Name of two characters from the book of Mormon.... [more]
Mulek m Mormon
Son of Jewish king Zedekiah,
Muloki m Mormon
Nephite missionary.
Nauvoo f Mormon
In early Mormon history, this was the name of a prominent Mormon settlement in Illinois. It means "beautiful" in Hebrew.
Nefi m Mormon
Spanish form of Nephi.
Nefiya m Mormon (Latinized)
Russian form of Nephi.
Nefritiri f Mormon
Supposedly the name of one of the three virgins sacrificed to Elkenah, as mentioned in the Book of Abraham. The Book of Abraham does not mention their names. This comes from Missaticum Biblia, which has portions similar to the Book of Abraham, though its origin has not been proven legitimate... [more]
Nehor m Mormon
Nephite apostate, religious theorist (c. 91 BC).
Nephihah m Mormon
Second Nephite chief judge (c. 83-67 BC). He succeeded Alma the Younger when Alma had surrendered the judgment seat to him to devote more time to missionary work. His son Pahoran inherited the judgment seat from him after his death.
Neum m Mormon
Hebrew prophet quoted by Nephi.
Nifae m Mormon
Samoan form of Nephi.
Nimrah m Mormon
Son of Akish, Jaredite.
Olea f Mormon
In the Book of Abraham, it is said that this is the name of the moon in the pure language.
Oliblish f Mormon
In a facsimile in the Book of Abraham, this name appears as a great world standing next in place to Kolob, said to have been called such by the Egyptians in Abraham's time.
Olihah m Mormon (Rare)
Comes from the Plain of Olihah Shinehah, a place mentioned in Mormon scripture.
Olimlah m Mormon
In the third facsimile of the Book of Abraham, this is the name of a slave belonging to the king.
Omner m Mormon
Son of Mosiah.
Omni m Mormon
This occurs in the Book of Mormon as the name of a prophet. It coincides with the Latin prefix omni, from omnis "all, every".
Onandagus m Mormon (Rare)
A Lamanite prophet-king who was known from the Hill Cumorah to the Rocky Mountains.
Onitah m Mormon
In the Book of Abraham, Onitah was the father of three virgins who were sacrificed to the Egyptian idols.
Onitas m Mormon
An Egyptian priest who had three daughters. Variant of Onitah.
Orihah m Mormon
First Jaredite king.
Paanchi m Mormon
Son of Pahoran¹, Nephite rebel (c. 52 BC).
Pachus m Mormon
King of Nephite dissenters in land of Zarahemla (c. 61 BC)
Pacumeni m Mormon
Son of Pahoran fifth Nephite chief judge (c. 52 BC), brother of Pahoran, the son of Pahoran, and a contender for the judgement-seat over the people of Nephi. After the death of his brother Pahoran, Pacumeni acquired the judgement-seat, but he didn't keep it long; for the land was being invaded by Lamanites, and Coriantumr, a large and mighty man and descendant of Zarahemla and dissenter from the Nephites, caught Pacumeni in his attempt to run away, and killed him at the city walls... [more]
Pagag m Mormon
Son of the brother of Jared.
Pahoran m Mormon
Various characters in the Book of Mormon.
Pelagoram m Mormon (Rare)
Possibly a derivative of Peleg, with a suffix of unknown origin.
Pharaoh m English, Mormon, African American
Pharaoh is a title used in many modern discussions of the rulers of all Ancient Egyptian dynasties. Historically, however, "pharaoh" only started being used as a title for the king during the New Kingdom, specifically during the middle of the eighteenth dynasty, after the reign of Hatshepsut... [more]
Piron m Mormon
A name found on the plates from the Brewer Cave and translated by a Native American. The short history told of a man named Piron who sailed across the sea. Mormon archaeologists associate this name with Jared from the Book of Mormon.
Riplakish m Mormon
Jaredite king and son of Shez in The Book of Mormon.
Saraiah f Mormon
Possibly a combination of Sarai and Sarah.
Seantum m Mormon
Member of the Gadianton band.
Seezoram m Mormon
Member of Gadianton band, tenth known Nephite chief judge (c. 26 BC), eventually succeeded by Lachoneus. How and when he began his reign as chief judge is not known; his first appearance in the Book of Mormon is when Nephi, son of Helaman, prophesied his murder by the hand of his brother, Seantum... [more]
Shalemanasseh m Mormon (Rare)
Could be from Manasseh, with an unknown prefix.
Shared m Mormon
Jaredite military leader.
Shederlaomach m Mormon (Rare)
Possibly a combination of Chedorlaomer and Shedolamack. This was an alias in older publications of Mormon scripture.
Shedolamack m Mormon (Rare)
From the name of the place where Cainan met Adam.
Shemnon m Mormon
One of the twelve Nephite disciples.
Shez m Mormon
The name of various characters in the Book of Mormon.
Shiblom m Mormon
The name of various characters in The Book of Mormon.
Shiblon m Mormon
In the Book of Mormon, Shiblon was a Nephite missionary and the second son of Alma the Younger. Mormon scholars believe it may be related to the Arabic word shibl, which means "lion cub."
Shinehah m & f Mormon
The name of the sun in the Book of Abraham. In earlier printings of Mormon scripture, this name was used in place of the name Kirtland.
Shiz m Mormon
Jaredite military leader.
Shule m Mormon
Early Jaredite king.
Shulem m Mormon
In a facsimile the Book of Abraham, this is the name used for one of the Pharaoh's principle waiters.
Shulon m & f Mormon (Rare)
From the Land of Shulon mentioned in the Book of Moses.
Siptah f Mormon
Variant of Zeptah.
Teancum m Mormon
According to the Book of Mormon, Teancum was a Nephite military leader.
Teomner m Mormon
Nephite military officer.
Tipharah f Mormon
The name used by some Mormon groups for the wife of the Brother of Jared.
Tubaloth m Mormon
Lamanite king (c. 51 BC), son of Ammoron, the previous king. He appointed Coriantumr, a mighty man and Nephite dissenter, to lead his armies.
Us m Mormon (Rare)
Mormon form of Uz. Used rarely due to its similarity to the English word.
Zarahemla f Mormon
According to The Book of Mormon, Zarahemla was a city in ancient America, named after a man who was an ancestor of the prophet Ammon and a descendant of Mulek... [more]
Zeezrom m Mormon
Nephite lawyer, Converted by Alma² and Amulek, later Nephite missionary (c. 82 BC)
Zelph m Mormon (Rare)
A white Lamanite warrior who served under the prophet-king Onandagus.
Zemnarihah m Mormon
Leader of the Gadiantron band.
Zenephi m Mormon
Nephite commander.
Zeniff m Mormon
Nephite king.
Zenock m Mormon
Prophet of Israel.
Zenos m Mormon
Prophet of Isreal.
Zeptah f Mormon (Rare)
An alternate name for Egyptus.
Zerahemnah m Mormon
Lamanite commander at Sidon battle (c. 74 BC).
Zeram m Mormon
Nephite military officer.
Zomar m Mormon
The original form of the name Zion according to Joseph Smith, hailing from the Adamic language.
Zombre m Mormon (Rare)
An alias used by John Johnson in a volume of Mormon scripture.
Zoram m Mormon
Zoram has five plausible etymologies, though only the first etymology given below is attested in an ancient Semitic source (see below). The first three of the five are only slightly different from each other: "The Rock is the (divine) kinsman," "Rock of the people," and "Their Rock." These three plausible etymologies will be discussed in that order, with the first discussion supplying most of the basic information... [more]