Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the description contains the keywords snake-like or and or electric.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Erdenebayar m & f Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and баяр (bayar) meaning "celebration, joy".
Erdenebold m Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and болд (bold) meaning "steel".
Erdenebolor f & m Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and болор (bolor) meaning "crystal".
Erdenebulgan m & f Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and булган (bulgan) meaning "sable".
Erdenebüren m & f Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and бүрэн (büren) meaning "complete, entire".
Erdenebuyan m & f Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and буян (buyan) meaning "good deed, virtue, charity" or "fortune, blessing".
Erdenechuluun m & f Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and чулуун (chuluun) meaning "stone".
Erdenedalai m & f Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and далай (dalai) meaning "ocean, sea".
Erdenedelger f & m Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure"and дэлгэр (delger) meaning "vast, wide" or "prosperous, abundant".
Erdenegerel f & m Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and гэрэл (gerel) meaning "light".
Erdenekhishig f & m Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and хишиг (khishig) meaning "blessing, favour".
Erdenekhüü m Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and хүү (khüü) meaning "son, boy; child".
Erdenekhuyag m Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and хуяг (khuyag) meaning "armour".
Erdenemandakh m & f Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and мандах (mandakh) meaning "ascent, rising".
Erdenemönkh m & f Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and мөнх (mönkh) meaning "eternal".
Erdenenyam m & f Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and ням (nyam) meaning "Sunday".
Erdene-Od m & f Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and од (od) meaning "star".
Erdene-Oyuun f & m Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and оюун (oyuun) meaning "wisdom, intellect".
Erdenesaikhan m & f Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and сайхан (saikhan) meaning "nice, beautiful, handsome".
Erdenesoyol f & m Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and соёл (soyol) meaning "culture, the arts".
Erdenesuvd f Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" or "precious" and сувд (suvd) meaning "pearl".
Erdenetögs m & f Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and төгс (tögs) meaning "perfect, complete".
Erdenetömör m Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and төмөр (tömör) meaning "iron".
Erdenetsagaan f & m Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and цагаан (tsagaan) meaning "white".
Erdenetsetseg f Mongolian
Means "precious flower" or "jewel flower" in Mongolian, from эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, gem, precious" and цэцэг (tsetseg) meaning "flower".
Erdenetungalag f Mongolian
Means "clear as a jewel" in Mongolian, from эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and тунгалаг (tungalag) meaning "serenity, clarity" or "clear, unclouded, transparent".
Erdenetuya f Mongolian
From Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and туяа (tuya) meaning "ray, beam".
Erdenezaya f & m Mongolian
From Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and заяа (zayaa) meaning "fate, destiny"
Erdenezhargal f & m Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and жаргал (jargal) meaning "happiness, blessing".
Erdenezorig m Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and зориг (zorig) meaning "courage, will, intention".
Erdenezul f & m Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and зул (zul) meaning "light, lamp".
Erdewan m Gurani, Kurdish, Zaza
From the Kurdish, Zaza and Gurani erd/erde meaning "earth" and ewan meaning "of the". In literal translation, it means "farmer" or "peasant".
Erdi m Albanian
Derived from Albanian erë “wind; scent; fragrance; smell” and di “know”... [more]
Erdme f German (East Prussian)
East Prussian German form of Erdmuthe influenced by Lithuanian Erdmė.... [more]
Erdmut f & m German (Rare, Archaic)
There are different theories about the etymology. ... [more]
Erdmuthe f German (Rare)
Feminine form of Erdmuth or Erdmut, derived from German Erde "earth" and Mut "courage, bravery" or "mood" (compare Hartmut)... [more]
Ereb m Bosnian, Croatian
Bosnian and Croatian form of Erebus.
Érebo m Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Erebus.
Erec m Arthurian Cycle
Possibly derived from the Old Breton name Guerec, which may be related to Welsh Gweir, the name of several of King Arthur's warriors and relatives in early Welsh tales... [more]
Erel m & f Hebrew
Possibly derived from Hebrew אֶרְאֵל (erel), a word found in the Old Testament (in Isaiah 33:7) which means "hero, valiant one" or possibly "angel" (related to 'Er'ellı̄m, a post-biblical name of the angels, and perhaps originally a contracted form of Ariel: אריאל).... [more]
Erelieva f Gothic, History
Derived from Old High German era "honour, respect" and Old High German liob "dear, beloved". Erelieva was the wife of Theodemir, king of the Ostrogoths (in the 5th century AD), and mother of Theodoric the Great.
Erell f Breton
Of uncertain origin and meaning, although a connection to Old Irish er "high; noble; great" has been suggested.
Erembert m German, French
German and French form of Erenbrecht.
Eremia m Georgian (Rare), Romanian (Rare)
Modern Georgian and Romanian form of Yirmiyahu (see Jeremiah). The older Georgian form of the name is Ieremia.
Eremo m Georgian (Rare)
Short form of Eremia and perhaps also of Ieremia.
Erenay f Turkish
From Turkish eren "saint, mystic, dervish" (cf. Eren) and ay "moon".
Eréndira f Purépecha, Spanish (Mexican)
Derived from P'urhépecha iréndira meaning "the one who smiles" or "smiling, cheerful".... [more]
Erendis f Literature
Possibly means "lonely bride". In Tolkien's "Unfinished Tales", Erendis was the wife of Tar-Aldarion, the sixth king of Númenor. They were in love at first, but then it turned to hate and resentment.
Erengisle m Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Old High German Ärngils. It was first documented in 1225 and was most common in Småland and Blekinge, two historical provinces in southern Sweden.
Erestor m Literature
Erestor was an Elf of Rivendell and a chief of Elrond's household.
Eretria f Popular Culture
Eretria is a town in Euboea, Greece, facing the coast of Attica across the narrow South Euboean Gulf.... [more]
Ereuthalion m Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek adjective ἐρευθαλέος (ereuthaleos) meaning "reddish, ruddy", which is ultimately derived from the Greek noun ἔρευθος (ereuthos) meaning "redness, flush"... [more]
Ergashgul f Uzbek
From the Uzbek ergash meaning "to follow" and gul meaning "flower, rose".
Ergashoy f Uzbek
From the Uzbek ergash meaning "to follow" and oy meaning "moon".
Ergenekon m Turkish
The mythological place of rebirth of the Turks reproducing from the last surviving boy fed by a she-wolf after total destruction by enemy, possibly situated in the Altai Mountains and also the name of the pertaining saga.
Ergün m Turkish
From Turkish er meaning "soldier" and gün meaning "sun".
Erhart m German
Means "Determined", derived from the Germanic elements era "honour, respect" and hard "brave, hardy".
Eriana f Japanese (Japanized, Modern, Rare)
Japanese transliteration of Ariana and this from the greek Ariadna
Erianthe f Obscure
Popularly claimed to mean "lover of flowers" (apparently due to association with Greek eran "to love, to be in love with"), it may actually mean "woolly-haired flower" from the botanical name eriantha, ultimately from Greek ἔριον (erion) "wool" and ανθος (anthos) "flower".
Eriberto m Italian
Italian form of Heribert and variant of Erberto.
Ericalyn f English (Modern)
Combination of Erica and the popular suffix lyn.
Erichthonius m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Ἐριχθόνιος (Erichthonios), which is of uncertain etymology, possibly pre-Greek. Folk etymology connects it to Greek ἐρέχθω (erechthô) "to rend, break"... [more]
Erickatoure English (American, Rare)
Possibly a combination of Ericka and Toure. Erickatoure Aviance is an American nightlife personality and a member of the House of Aviance.
Ericus m Old Swedish
Latinized form of Erik. Swedish theologian and historian Ericus Olai (? - 1486) was a famous bearer.
Eridanos m Greek Mythology
From the name of a River-God of the mythical northern land of Hyperborea. He was also the god of the constellation Eridanus. The river's name may mean "early burnt" from the elements eri and danos and refer to the myth of Phaethon.
Erie f & m English (American, Rare)
Possibly a transferred use of the name of Lake Erie or of the famous Erie Canal. In rare use in the US from the late 1800s to the 1910s and again briefly in the 1960s and 1970s.
Érige m History (Ecclesiastical, Gallicized)
French form of Arigius. Saint Érige is venerated in the Southern French Alps, in Saint-Etienne de Tinée and in Auron nearby where a chapel to his name is located.
Erigeneia f Greek Mythology
Epithet of the Greek goddess Eos meaning "early-born" or "child of dawn", derived from Greek ἦρι (eri) "early in the morning, at early morn" and γενης (genes) "born".
Erigo m Italian (Rare), Spanish (Rare), Portuguese (Rare)
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Eric.
Erigone f Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek ἦρι (eri) meaning "early in the morning, at early morn" and γονή (gone) meaning "birth, offspring". This was the name of two characters in Greek mythology, one being the daughter of Icarius (a prominent Athenian), the other the daughter of Aegisthus and Clytemnestra.
Erigyios m Ancient Greek
Possibly derived from the Greek intensive prefix ἐρι- (eri-) meaning "very, much" and γυῖον (gyion) meaning "limbs, hands", or the related γυιός (gyios) meaning "lame"... [more]
Erigyius m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Erigyios. This name was borne by an officer in the service of Alexander the Great (4th century BC), who was a naturalized Macedonian of Greek descent... [more]
Eriha f Japanese
Japanese feminine given name derived from 恵 (e) meaning "favour, blessing", 里 (ri) meaning village and 葉 (ha) meaning "leaf".
Erika f Japanese
From Japanese 恵 (e) meaning "favour, benefit", 梨 (ri) meaning "pear" combined with 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance". Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.... [more]
Erikos m Greek, Albanian
Greek and Albanian form of Eric
Erilo m Slavic Mythology
Alternative name for Jarilo, Slavic god of spring, fertility, and erotic or sexual love. The name is derived from "yary-" (passionate). Depicted as a handsome, barefoot youth dressed in a white cloak and adorned with a crown of wildflowers, Jarilo rode on a white horse, his left hand holding a bucket of wheat seed.
Erina f Italian (Swiss), Italian
Originally a Swiss-Italian variant of Irene, its modern usage in Switzerland might be influenced by the name of the flower erinus alpinus, known in English as "fairy foxglove", "starflower" and "alpine balsam".... [more]
Erina f Japanese
From Japanese 恵 (e) meaning "favour, benefit", 絵 (e) meaning "picture, painting", or 衣 (e) meaning "clothing, clothes" combined with 里 (ri) meaning "village", 利 (ri) meaning "benefit, advantage", 理 (ri) meaning "reason, logic", or 梨 (ri) meaning "pear", and finished with 奈 (na), a phonetic character, 菜 (na) meaning "vegetables, greens", or 那 (na) meaning "that, that one"... [more]
Erinna f Ancient Greek
Erinna was a poet (poetess) on the island of Telos near Rhodes, said to have been a friend and contemporary of Sappho (600 BC), but she probably belonged to the earlier Alexandrian Period. Her poems have been compared to Homer's, but only fragments remain... [more]
Erinome f Astronomy
Form of Erinoma used for one of Jupiter's moons. In Greek mythology, Erinoma (or Erinona, Erittoma) was a Cypriot woman, daughter of Celes, with whom the god Jupiter fell in love. The story is only known in Latin, and the original Greek name of the character might have been Eurynome.
Erion m Albanian
Means "our wind" or "wind from the Ionian Sea" in Albanian, from the elements erë, era meaning "wind" and jonë meaning "our" or Jon (Ionian Sea).
Eriphyle f Greek Mythology, Ancient Greek
Means "(of a) great nation" in Greek, from the intensive prefix ἐρι- (eri-) "very, much" combined with φυλή (phylê) "race, tribe". In Greek mythology this name was borne by the wife of Amphiaraos and daughter of Lysimache and Talaos, king of Argos.
Erison m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Invented name, possibly inspired by similar names like Eric and Emerson.
Erivaldo m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Portuguese form of Hariwald and thus a variant of Haroldo.
Erivan m German (Modern, Rare), Brazilian
Of unknown origin and meaning.... [more]
Erjeta f Albanian
Derived from Albanian erë "scent; fragrance; smell; wind" and jetë "life".
Erjon m Albanian
Means "our wind" or "wind from the Ionian Sea" in Albanian, from the elements erë, era meaning "wind" and jonë meaning "our" or Jon (Ionian Sea).
Erk m Swedish (Rare, Archaic), West Frisian (Rare), North Frisian (Rare)
Swedish dialectal form of Erik as well as the West Frisian and North Frisian form of Erik.
Erka f Germanic Mythology, German (Modern, Rare)
A short form derived from Old High German erkan "pure, genuine".... [more]
Erkaoy f Uzbek
From the Uzbek erka meaning "coddled" and oy meaning "moon".
Erkaoyim f Uzbek
From the Uzbek erka meaning "coddled and oyim#, an obsolete title for aristocratic women.
Erkasuluv f Uzbek
From the Uzbek erka meaning "coddled" and sulu(v) meaning "beautiful".
Erkebulan m Kazakh
From Kazakh ерке (erke) meaning "naughty, spoiled, darling" and бұлан (bulan) meaning "moose, elk, deer".
Erkenhild f German (Rare)
The name is made up of the name elements erken meaning "pure, holy, genuine" and hiltja meaning "battle".
Erkhbayar m & f Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрх (erkh) meaning "right, privilege", "authority, power", or "stubborn, capricious" and баяр (bayar) meaning "celebration, joy".
Erkhchölöö m & f Mongolian
Means "freedom, liberty" in Mongolian, from эрх (erkh) meaning "right, privilege" or "authority, power" and чөлөө (chölöö) meaning "freedom".
Erkhembaatar m Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрхэм (erkhem) meaning "important, supreme" and баатар (baatar) meaning "hero".
Erkhembat m Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрхэм (erkhem) meaning "important, supreme" and бат (batu) meaning "strong, firm".
Erkhembayar m & f Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрхэм (erkhem) meaning "important, supreme" and баяр (bayar) meaning "celebration, joy".
Erkhembuyan m & f Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрхэм (erkhem) meaning "important, supreme" and буян (buyan) meaning "good deed, virtue, charity" or "fortune, blessing".
Erkhemjamts m Mongolian
Derives from Mongolian эрхэм (erkhem) meaning "important, supreme" and жамц (jamts) meaning "rock".... [more]
Erkhemtsetseg f Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрхэм (erkhem) meaning "important, supreme" and цэцэг (tsetseg) meaning "flower".
Erkhemzayaa f & m Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрхэм (erkhem) meaning "important, supreme" and заяа (zayaa) meaning "future, destiny, fate".
Erkhemzhargal m & f Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрхэм (erkhem) meaning "important, supreme" and жаргал (jargal) meaning "happiness, blessing".
Erkhesbaatar m Mongolian
From Mongolian эрхэс (erkhes) meaning "planet, heavenly body" and баатар (baatar) meaning "hero".
Erkinbek m Kyrgyz, Kazakh
From Kyrgyz эркин (erkin) or Kazakh еркін (erkin) meaning "free" and the Turkish military title beg meaning "chieftain, master".
Erkme f German (East Prussian)
Possibly a short form of names containing the element "Erk-", for example Erkenhild.... [more]
Erla f English (Rare), Icelandic, Faroese, Swedish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare), Danish (Rare), Estonian (Rare)
Scandinavian feminine form of Jarl (compare Erle), and an English feminine form of Earl... [more]
Erlaitz m Basque
Name of various mountains in the Basque Country and Navarre, likely from the Basque word erlaitz ("cornice").
Erlan m Kazakh, Kyrgyz
Derived from Kazakh ер (er) or Kyrgyz эр (er) meaning "husband, man, male" and Kazakh ұлан (ulan) or Kyrgyz улан (ulan) meaning "young man, soldier".
Erlfried m German (Rare)
A dithematic name formed from the Germanic name elements eorl "earl" and fridu "peace".
Erlin f Chinese
From the Chinese 尔 (ěr) meaning "you, that, those" and 琳 (lín) meaning "beautiful jade, gem".
Erlind m Albanian
Derived from Albanian erë "wind; scent" and lind "to be born, to begin life; to appear on the horizon, rise (said of a heavenly body); to arise; to give birth to; to give rise to"
Erlis m Albanian
Derived from Albanian erë "wind; scent" and lis "oak".
Erluan f Chinese
From the Chinese 迩 (ěr) meaning "be close by, recently" and 銮 (luán) meaning "bells".
Ermagora m Italian
Italian form of Hermagoras and variant of Ermacora
Ermajean f English
Combination of Erma and Jean 2.
Ermalee f English (American, Americanized, Rare, ?)
A combination of the names Erma and Lee. Commonly used from at leas the late 1890s to early 1940s.
Ermanaric m Germanic, History
Variant form of Erminric. Ermanaric lived in the 4th century AD and was a king of the Greuthungi, a Gothic tribe.
Ermanarik m Dutch, Norwegian (Archaic), Swedish (Archaic)
Dutch, Norwegian and Swedish form of Ermanaric. In Swedish and Norwegian, the name is not used outside of translations of historical documents about the 4th century Gothic king.
Ermanberht m Old High German
Derived from Old High German ermen, Old Saxon irmin "whole, great, strong" and Old High German beraht, Old Saxon berht "bright" (from Proto-Germanic *berhtaz)... [more]
Ermannu m Sicilian, Sardinian
Sicilian variant of Ermandu and Sardinian form of Ermanno.
Ermawati f Indonesian
Combination of the given name Erma and the Indonesian feminine suffix -wati.
Ermek m Kazakh, Kyrgyz
Means "amusement, entertainment, delight" in Kazakh and Kyrgyz.
Ermellina f Medieval Italian
Of uncertain origin and meaning. Current theories range from a variant of Ermelinda to an adoption of Italian ermellino "ermine", which used to be considered a symbol of purity, innocence, kindheartedness and generosity in medieval Italy.
Ermenald m Medieval French
Derived from Old High German ermen and Old Saxon irmin meaning "great and strong" and Old Saxon wald, Old High German walt "power; authority".
Ermenberga f Germanic, History
Variant of Erminburg. Ermenberga was the daughter of Witteric (a 7th-century king of the Visigoths in Hispania) and wife of Theuderic II (king of Burgundy and Austrasia).
Ermengarda f Medieval Occitan, Medieval Spanish
Occitan and Spanish form of Ermengard.
Ermeric m Germanic
The first element in this Germanic name is derived from erm, which can be a short form of ermin (see Erminric) or come from erin - which in turn comes from Old High German êra (see Eraric)... [more]
Ermerico m Italian
Italian form of Hermeric and Ermeric.
Ermesinde f Germanic, Medieval German
From the Germanic roots ermun ("great, whole") and swind ("strong").
Ermesindus m Germanic, Gothic (Latinized), Galician
From Old Germanic ermunaz "whole, great" and senþaz "path, journey; time, distance".
Ermiñe f Basque (Rare)
Coined by Sabino Arana Goiri and Koldo Elizalde as a Basque equivalent of Herminia and Herminie.
Erminold m History (Ecclesiastical)
Derived from the elements irmin "whole, great, universal" and walt "power, authority" meaning "universal power"... [more]
Erminric m Germanic
Means "universal power", derived from the Germanic element ermin "whole, universal" combined with rîcja "powerful, strong, mighty." The second element is also closely related to Celtic rîg or rix and Gothic reiks, which all mean "king, ruler."
Ernaline f Obscure
Possibly formed from Erna and the popular name suffix -line.
Ernar m Kazakh
From Kazakh ер (er) meaning "husband, man, male" and нар (nar) meaning "camel" (figuratively "courageous, brave").
Ernawati f Indonesian
Combination of the name Erna 1 and the feminine suffix -wati.
Ernayanti f Indonesian
Combination of Erna 1 and Yanti.
Erneeraq m Greenlandic
Derived from the Greenlandic word erneq meaning "son" and -eraq, a diminutive suffix.
Ernessa f English (Rare), Literature
Possibly an English variant of Ernesta. It was used for the antagonist in Rachel Klein's young adult novel The Moth Diaries (2002) and the subsequent film adaptation (2011).
Ernèst m Lengadocian, Gascon
Languedocian and Gascon form of Ernest.
Ernestu m Corsican, Sicilian
Corsican and Sicilian form of Ernesto.
Erngeat m Anglo-Saxon
Variant of Earngeat, derived from the Old English elements earn "eagle" and Geat referring to a member of the North Germanic tribe from present-day Götaland in southern Sweden.
Ernitsiaĸ m Greenlandic
Greenlandic name meaning "good son", from the combination of Erneĸ and -tsiaq, a Greenlandic suffix meaning "beautiful", "fair", "fairly good", "precious", "sweet", "fair-sized", "nice", "good", "handsome".
Ernoul m German
A German given name of Old French origin. It is a diminutive form of the name Ernault, which is itself a diminutive form of the name Ernald. Ernald is a compound name formed from the Old German words "arn" (eagle) and "wald" (ruler)... [more]
Ernur m Kazakh
From Kazakh ер (er) meaning "husband, man, male" and нұр (nur) meaning "light" (of Arabic origin).
Ernye m Medieval Hungarian
Of debated origin and meaning; theories include an Old Hungarian form of Iréneusz via the form Irne.
Ero f Greek (Rare)
Variant transcription of Ηρώ (see Iro), used as a diminutive of Argyri and Argyro.
Erotokritos m Greek, Literature
Means "the one who is tortured by love" or "chosen by love", from Greek ἔρως (erôs) "love" (genitive ἔρωτος (erôtos); see Eros) and κριτός (kritos) "separated, picked out, chosen"... [more]
Erototokos f Greek Mythology
Means "bearer of love" or "producing love", derived from Greek ἔρως (erôs) "love, desire" (genitive ἔρωτος (erôtos); see Eros) and τόκος (tokos) meaning "childbirth, parturition"... [more]
Erra m Near Eastern Mythology, Babylonian, Akkadian
The Babylonian god of war, death, and other disasters. He may be identified with Nergal, the god of death. Erra expressed death himself symbolically by his continuous lethargy as he lay in a drunken stupor... [more]
Errafaila f Medieval Basque, Basque Mythology
Medieval Basque name of unknown origin and meaning.... [more]
Erramusa f Basque (Rare, Archaic)
Basque name that appeared during the 1700s and early to mid-1800s.... [more]
Erromane f Basque (Rare)
Coined by Sabino Arana Goiri and Koldo Elizalde as a Basque equivalent of Romana and Romaine.
Errosale f Basque (Rare)
Coined by Sabino Arana Goiri and Koldo Elizalde as a Basque equivalent of Rosalía and Rosalie.
Errose f Basque
Coined by Sabino Arana Goiri and Koldo Elizalde as a Basque equivalent of Rosa 1. This name was borne by Errose Bustintza Ozerin (1899-1953), a Basque writer, journalist and ethnographer.
Errupiñe f Basque (Rare)
Coined by Sabino Arana Goiri and Koldo Elizalde as a Basque equivalent of Rufina and Rufine.
Ersham m Old Persian
This name is for so many time ago and it means a strong man that safe a city
Ersu m Turkish (Rare)
From Turkish er meaning "man" and su meaning "water".
Ersultan m Kazakh
From Kazakh ер (er) meaning "husband, man, male" and сұлтан (sultan) meaning "sultan, king".
Ertan m Turkish
Means dawn in Turkish. A compound form of "er"- early and "tan"-dawn in Turkish
Ertugan m Kazakh
Derived from Kazakh ер (er) meaning "husband, man, male" and туған (tughan) meaning "born, native".
Eru m Literature, Popular Culture
Means "the one" or "he that is alone" in Quenya. Eru Ilúvatar is the supreme being, God, and creator of all in J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth legendarium... [more]
Erundina f Spanish (Rare), Galician
Spanish and Galician form of Erondina.
Ervian m Indonesian
Of unknown origin and meaning.
Ervina f Bosnian, Croatian, Slovene, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Albanian, Romansh
Bosnian, Croatian, Slovene, Hungarian, Albanian, Romansh and Lithuanian feminine form of Ervin.
Ervina f Mari, Russian (Rare)
Mari feminine name derived from эр (er) meaning "morning" and the popular feminine suffix -(v)ina, possibly intended to mean "born in the morning".
Ervjollca f Albanian (Modern, Rare)
Derived from Albanian erë "wind; scent" and vjollcë "violet".
Erwein m Upper German (Rare)
Upper German form of Erwin. Known bearers of this name include the German journalist Erwein von Aretin (1887-1952) and the Bohemian-Austrian industrialist and politician Erwein Nostitz-Rieneck (1863-1931).
Erwig m Gothic
Erwig (after 642 – 687)) was a king of the Visigoths in Hispania (680–687). According to the 9th-century Chronicle of Alfonso III, Erwig was the son of Ardabast, who had journeyed from the Byzantine Empire to Hispania during the time of Chindasuinth, and married Chindasuinth's niece Goda... [more]
Erxi f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 迩 (ěr) meaning "be near, close" and 曦 (xī) meaning "sunshine, sunlight, early dawn".
Erxian f Chinese
From the Chinese 尔 (ěr) meaning "you, that, those" and 娴 (xián) meaning "elegant, refined".
Erycius m Dutch (Latinized)
This given name originates from the Dutch humanist and philologist Erycius Puteanus (1574-1646). He had latinized his entire name: his original given name was either Eric/Erik or Hendrik and his original surname has variously been listed as Van de Putte, Van den Putte, Van der Put, Van der Putte, Van der Putten and Van Putten... [more]
Eryl f & m Welsh
From Welsh eryl meaning "watcher" or "lookout" (originally "hunt"), derived from ar, an intensifying prefix, and hyl "a hunt". In regular use since the 1920s, though infrequently... [more]
Eryx m Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek verb ἐρύκω (eruko) or (eryko) meaning "to keep in, to curb, to hold back, to restrain". This is the name of several characters in Greek mythology, one of them being a king of the Elymian people from Sicily... [more]
Eryxo f Ancient Greek, History
Thought to be derived from the Greek verb ἐρεύγομαι (ereugomai) meaning "to disgorge, blurt out, belch out" (and presumably cognate with Eryx, the name of the eponymous hero of Mount Eryx, a volcano in Sicily)... [more]
Erzsie f Hungarian
It is a nickname of the Hungarian name Erzsebet, which means “god is my oath”. It is almost like Elizabeth and Lizzie.
Erzulie f Afro-American Mythology, Haitian Creole
This is the Haitian Voodoo love goddess and goddess of elemental forces. She is personified as a water snake. She is also called Ezili.
Esad m Bosnian, Albanian
Albanian and Bosnian form of Asad.
Esai m Spanish (Latin American, Rare), Indian
As a Spanish name, Esai is likely a short form of Esaias (and possibly influenced by Esau).
Esarhaddon m Ancient Assyrian, Literature
Means "Ashur has given a brother to me" in Assyrian, from the Akkadian Aššur-ahhe-iddina.... [more]
Esaú m Catalan (Rare), Spanish, Portuguese
Catalan, Spanish and Portuguese form of Esau.
Esbern m Old Danish, Anglo-Scandinavian
Old Danish and Anglo-Scandinavian form of Ásbjǫrn. This name was born by chieftain, royal chancellor and crusader Esbern Snare (1127-1204), also known as Esbern the Resolute, who is the subject of a Danish legend which tells the story of how he built Kalundborg Church.
Escalus m Theatre
Possibly a variant of Aeschylus. This was used by Shakespeare in his play 'Romeo and Juliet' (1596), where it belongs to Prince Escalus. He later used it for a character in his play 'Measure for Measure' (written 1603 or 1604; first published 1623).
Escamandro m Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Skamandros via Scamander.
Escanor m Arthurian Cycle
This name seems to be comprised of Irish/Norse.... [more]
Escarlata f Spanish (European, Rare), Catalan (Rare)
Spanish and Catalan cognate of Scarlet. In Spain, this began to be used as a given name in the 1960s, likely due to influence from the English Scarlett.
Escauro m Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Scaurus.
Esclaramunda f Medieval Catalan
Variant of Esclarmonde influenced by Clara and possibly Catalan esclarir "to clarify, to elucidate".
Esclarmonda f Gascon, Medieval Occitan
Original Occitan and Gascon form of Esclarmonde.
Esclarmonde f Medieval French, Medieval Occitan, Arthurian Cycle
Probably a medieval Provençal form of Claremonde. According to a folk etymology it means "light of the world" from Old French esclair "light" and monde "world"... [more]
Escolástica f Spanish, Galician, Portuguese
Spanish, Galician and Portuguese form of Scholastica.
Esdra m Italian, Maltese
Italian and Maltese form of Ezra.
Esdriel m Biblical Greek
This name appears only twice in the Septuagint (Greek Old Testament): once as a Greek form of Azarel, and once as a Greek form of Azriel.
Eseciel m Scottish Gaelic, Welsh
Scottish and Welsh form of Ezekiel.
Esege m Mongolian Mythology
Esege Malan (Mongolian: Эсеге Малан, Buryat: Эсэгэ, Russian: Эсэгэ Малан), according to Mongol myth and the belief of the Buryats, is the great Creator of all living things... [more]
Esenmend m & f Mongolian
Means "healthy, safe" in Mongolian, from эсэн (esen) meaning "healthy, good health" and мэнд (mend) meaning "health, well-being".
Esenzhargal m & f Mongolian
Means "health and happiness" in Mongolian, from эсэн (esen) meaning "healthy, good health" and жаргал (jargal) meaning "happiness, blessing".
Eshah f Malay, Urdu
Malay and Urdu form of Aisha.
Esharra-hammat f Ancient Assyrian
From from Akkadian elements ešarra (the name of a temple), and ḫammat meaning "mistress". Possibly means, "In Ešarra, she is mistress". Name of a queen of the Neo-Assyrian empire (c... [more]
Eshban m Biblical
Unknown meaning. This is the name of the son of an Edomite leader in Genesis 36:26 and 1 Chronicles 1:41.
Eshcol m Biblical
Means "cluster". In the Bible, the brother of Mamre and Aner, the Amorite allies of Abraham in persuit of king Chedorlaomer. He lived in the neighborhood of Hebron and may have given his name to the valley of Eshcol, which lay a little North of Hebron.
Eshgul f Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek esh meaning "fellow, pair" and gul meaning "flower, rose".
Eshmunazar m Phoenician
Meaning "Eshmun helps" (Eshmun was a Phoenician god of healing and the tutelary god of Sidon). Name borne by two kings of Sidon.
Esias m Medieval Romansh, Afrikaans
Medieval Romansh and Afrikaans form of Isaiah via Esaias.
Esihle f & m Zulu, Xhosa, Southern African
Means "beautiful, good" in Zulu and Xhosa.
Eskinder m Amharic
Amharic form of Alexander. This name is borne by Ethiopian journalist and dissident Eskinder Nega (1969-).
Eslanda f English (American, Rare), Lithuanian (Rare)
Meaning uncertain. In the Americas, the name might be a combination of two existing names, such as Esmeralda and Yolanda... [more]
Esmaragda f Spanish (Rare), Portuguese (Archaic)
Spanish and Portuguese form of Smaragda.
Esmaragdo m Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Smaragdos via its latinized form Smaragdus.
Esmarie f Afrikaans
Possibly a combination of Esme and Marie.
Esmeraldas f Spanish (Latin American)
From the name of a city and province in northwestern Ecuador, derived from Spanish esmeraldas, which is the plural form of esmeralda meaning "emerald".
Esmeraude f Popular Culture
Derived from French word for emerald, émeraude, possibly influenced by Esmeralda (which also means "emerald"). This is the name of a member of the Black Moon Clan from the manga and anime 'Sailor Moon'.
Esmeray f Turkish
Derived from Turkish esmer "dark" and ay "moon".
Esmercan f Kurdish
From esmer meaning "brown" and can meaning "soul".
Espella f Popular Culture
Variant of Estella with the added element "spell" used for a main character in the game "Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney." The name reflects the theme of the game's plot focusing on witches and witchcraft, this character exclusively accused of being a witch several times throughout the story.
Esperança f Portuguese, Catalan
Portuguese and Catalan cognate of Esperanza.
Espeusipo m Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Speusippos via its latinized form Speusippus.
Espino f Spanish (European, Rare)
After the Marian title Virgen del Espino "Virgin of the thornbush", venerated in several municipalities across Spain. The legend behind it is different in every region. Its origin may be related to those of Arantzazu and Arantxa.
Esprit m French (Archaic)
French form of Spirit derived from French esprit, ultimately from Middle French esperit borrowed from Latin spiritus through Ecclesiastical Latin and Christian religious texts... [more]
Esra m Biblical German, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian (Rare), Icelandic, Faroese, Afrikaans
German, Afrikaans and Scandinavian form of Ezra.
Esriel m Biblical Greek
Greek form of both Asriel and Azriel, as it first appeared in the Septuagint.
Esrom m Mormon
Jaredite and son of Omer.
Esse m Swedish
Diminutive of Esbjörn, Esaias and other names beginning with Es-.
Essocher m Medieval English
Of debated origin and meaning. Theories include a younger form of Æschere.
Est m Old Danish, Old Swedish
Old Danish and Old Swedish form (byname) of Æistr.
Esta f Faroese, Estonian
Faeroese and Estonian variant of Ester. As an Estonian name, since the 19th century Esta has been associated with Estonia, the Latin name of the country.
Estanislau m Catalan, Galician (Rare), Gascon, Provençal, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Catalan, Galician, Portuguese, Gascon and Provençal form of Stanislav.
Estcia f American (Hispanic, Rare)
Very rare combination of Esther and Lucia.
Este f Finnish (Rare), Estonian
Finnish diminutive of Ester and Estonian variant of Esta.
Estë f Literature
Fictional character in the Lord of the Rings universe and novels.
Estebenia f Basque (Archaic), Medieval Basque
Feminine form of Estebe and older form of Estefania that has been recorded in the Basque Country from 1358 onwards.
Estéfano m Galician, Asturian (Rare)
Asturian and Galician form of Stephen.
Esteise f French (Archaic)
Local form found in the French Bourgogne-Franche-Comté and Puy-en-Velay regions up until the 1700s.
Estel m & f Literature
Estel is the Sindarin word for 'hope'. This name was given to the character Aragorn in Tolkien's 'Lord of the Rings' when he lived with the Elves in Rivendell and Imladris.
Esteling f Filipino
Diminutive of Estela, Estelita, and other related names.
Estepan m Basque
Coined by Sabino Arana Goiri and Koldo Elizalde as a Basque equivalent of Esteban and Étienne. This name is borne by Estepan Aldamiz-Etxebarria Leizaola (*1956), a Basque journalist and television presenter.
Estèr f Jèrriais, Provençal, Gascon
Jèrriais, Provençal and Gascon form of Esther.
Estérel m Occitan
Derived from the name of a massif in southeastern France. Its etymology is uncertain, but theories include a derivation from old Provençal estelell, meaning "sun"; from the Latin word sterilis, meaning "sterile", because of the poor quality of the soil; and a derivation from pre-Latin ester, meaning "steep rock, gorge".
Esterlene f English (American, Rare)
Combination of Ester and the popular suffix -lene.
Esterlyn f Filipino (Rare)
Combination of Ester and the popular suffix -lyn.
Estevan m Louisiana Creole, Medieval Spanish
Medieval Spanish variant and Louisiana Spanish form of Esteban.
Estevena f Gascon, Provençal
Feminine form of Esteven and Gascon and Provençal cognate of Stephanie.
Estgar m Medieval English
Medieval variant of the Old English name Eastgar, which is composed of the elements est "grace" and gar "spear".
Esthefany f Spanish
A version of Estefany, feminine for Stefan, or a version of the more common Esther and Stephanie.
Estherlyn f Filipino (Rare)
Combination of Esther and the popular suffix -lyn. Compare Esterlyn.
Estia f Greek Mythology (Italianized), Greek (Rare), Afrikaans
Modern Greek and Italian form of Hestia.
Estiliano m Spanish
Spanish form of Stylianos and variant of Stilían.
Estir f Greek (Rare), Macedonian, Bulgarian (Rare)
Bulgarian and Macedonian form and modern Greek variant of Esther.
Estiva f Icelandic (Modern, Rare)
Name of unknown origin and meaning. Possibly from a place name in Brazil.
Estlyn f English (Rare)
Either a variant of Estlin or a combination of Esther and Lyn.
Estman m Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Æistmaðr and variant of Østman.
Estomihi m Eastern African, Indonesian
The name is derived from the name of the sunday 50 days before easter. The Latin words Esto mihi are the first two words of Psalm 31:3 and mean "Thou art to me".
Estreja f Judeo-Spanish, Bosnian (Archaic)
Judeo-Spanish and Bosnian form of Estrella.
Estrela f Galician (Rare), Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Derived from Portuguese and Galician estrela "star" as well as a variant of Estela. As a Portuguese name, it is also used in reference to the title of the Virgin Mary Nossa Senhora da Estrela ("Our Lady of the Good Star").
Estrildis f Medieval English (Latinized)
From Estrild, a medieval form of the Old English name Eastorhild that survived in England only until the 12th century (according to the 1984 'Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names')... [more]
Esuvia f Old Celtic, Celtic Mythology
Gaulish name, the feminine form of Esvios via its Latinized form Esuvius. It is presumably related to Esuvii, the name of a Gaulish tribe, and the Gaulish theonym Esus.
Eswin m English (Rare)
Derived from the Old English elements est "grace" and wine "friend." This Old English name was rarely used after the Norman Conquest.
Eszhan m Kazakh
From Kazakh ес (es) meaning "mind" or "support" and жан (zhan) meaning "soul".
Etan m Jewish, Biblical German, Biblical Swedish
Variant of Ethan used in the German and Swedish translation of the Bible. This name is borne by Israeli-American director Etan Cohen.
Etana m Sumerian
The thirteenth god-king of the Sumerian dynasty ruling the city of Kish. He was appointed by Anu himself. Etana had no son and prayed daily to Shamash, the sun-god, to grant him a child... [more]
Etang f Filipino
Diminutive of Violeta, Marieta, and other names ending in -eta. A bearer of this nickname was Enriqueta "Etang" Discher Grau, a prominent Filipina character film actress frequently cast in villainous roles.
Eteander m Ancient Greek (Latinized), History
Latinized form of the given name Ἐτέανδρος (Eteandros). This was the name of a king of the city-kingdom of Paphos (located on the Greek island of Cyprus), who lived in the early 7th century BC... [more]
Etearchis f Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek ἐτεός (eteos) "true" and αρχος (archos) "leader".
Etelbert m Catalan, Polish
Catalan and Polish form of Ethelbert.
Etelberto m Italian (Rare), Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Ethelbert via its latinized form Ethelbertus. Also compare Edilberto.
Eteldreda f History (Ecclesiastical)
Catalan, Italian and Spanish form of Etheldred.
Eteocles m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Eteokles. In Greek mythology, Eteocles was a king of Thebes, and the son of Oedipus.
Eteoclus m Greek Mythology
A son of Iphis, was, according to some traditions, one of the seven heroes who went with Adrastus against Thebes. He had to make the attack upon the Neitian gate, where he was opposed by Megareus. (Aeschyl... [more]
Etha f Dutch (Rare), English (Rare, Archaic)
Dutch short form of Margaretha as well as an English short form of Ethel and in some cases also a variant spelling of Etta.... [more]
Ethanael m English (American)
Likely an invented name, a combination of Ethan and Nathanael
Ethaniel m English
An invented name, likely a combination of Ethan and Nathaniel, or simply an elaboration of Ethan with the Hebrew name suffix -iel.
Ethelina f Arthurian Cycle
Daughter of Octa the Saxon who married Arthur as a token of peace between the Britons and the Saxons.
Eðellos f Literature
Eðellos was the wife of Angrod, second son of Finarfin, and grandmother of Finduilas and Gil-galad, the last High King of the Ñoldor in the Second Age.
Ethelmae f American (Rare)
Combination of Ethel and Mae.
Ethelmary f English (Rare)
Combination of Ethel and Mary. Ethelmary Oakland was a silent era child actress.
Ethelmay f English
Combination of Ethel and May.
Ethelwynn f English (Rare)
From the Old English name Æðelwynn, which was derived from the elements æðel "noble" and wynn "joy". It was coined in the 19th century, when many Old English names were revived.
Ethem m Turkish, Albanian
Turkish and Albanian form of Adham.
Ethem m Mormon
Later Jaredite king and son of Ahah.
Ether m Mormon
Jaredite prophet and record keeper.
Ethi m Biblical, Biblical (Hellenized)
Variant transcription of Attai, as used in 1 Chronicles 2:35 and 12:11.... [more]
Ethiopia f African American, English
From the name of the African country. From Greek Αιθιοπια (Aithiopia), derived from αιθω (aitho) meaning "to burn" and ωψ (ops) meaning "face", referring to the skin colour of the inhabitants.
Eðna f Old Norse, Icelandic (Modern, Rare)
Icelandic and Old Norse form of Eithne.
Etiao f Chinese
From the Chinese 娥 (é) meaning "beautiful, good" and 窕 (tiǎo) meaning "slender, charming, quiet and modest".
Etiene f & m Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare), French (African, Rare)
Brazilian and French variant of Étienne. While the name is Masculine in French-Influenced Africa, in Brazil, this name is typically feminine.... [more]
Etiko f Georgian
Diminutive of Eter and its short forms Eta and Eto.
Etim m Efik, Ibibio
Means "to care for; to prepare for" in Ibibio and Efik.
Etorne f Basque
Coined by Sabino Arana Goiri and Koldo Elizalde as a Basque equivalent of Pentecostés. They most likely based the name on Basque etorri "to come".
Etsai m Basque Mythology
A spirit of knowledge in Basque mythology, his name means "devil" or "fiend". He teaches in a cave, and knows a great deal, but he is feared because, at the end of his lectures, he requires one of his students to remain at his service forever... [more]
Etsu f Japanese (Rare)
Means "joy, pleased, pleasure" but some parents might've went for E meaning "picture, drawing, sketch", "blessing", and in Modern times parents opted for unusual pronunciations of names such as using Ai 1 in this name... [more]
Etsudō m Japanese (Rare)
Combination of 悦 (etsu) meaing "delight, pleasure, rejoicing" or 越 (etsu) meaning "crossing" and 堂 (dō) meaning "hall."... [more]