Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Gender Feminine
Scripts ᾿Ενναθᾶ
Other Forms FormsEnnafa (Russian form), Ennathas (variant)

Meaning & History

Possibly a Hellenized form of a name derived from Syriac anafat meaning "pride" or ennaf, annaf meaning "good, benefit". This was borne by a Christian saint from Gaza who was martyred in Caesarea, Palestine in 309 AD along with Saint Valentina. It was also borne by a nun who was martyred in Persia under Shapur II with four other women (the group of five women saints comprises Thekla, Mariamne, Martha, Maria and Ennatha).
Added 3/24/2023 by SeaHorse15