Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Anggi f & m BatakMeans "younger sibling" in Batak.
Batara m BatakFrom the name of Batara Guru, one of the three trinity gods in Batak mythology. The word itself is derived from Sanskrit भट्टार
(bhaṭṭāra) meaning "revered, worshipful".
Benget m BatakMeans "steadfast, diligent, forbearing" in Toba Batak.
Binsar m BatakMeans "rising (of the sun)" in Toba Batak.
Bonar m BatakMeans "true, just, fair, honest" in Toba Batak.
Butet f BatakMeans "girl, daughter" in Toba Batak.
Dame f & m BatakMeans "peace, harmony" in Batak.
Dosma f BatakFrom Toba Batak
dos meaning "same, similar, in kind" and the suffix
-ma indicating emphasis.
Duma f BatakMeans "prosperous, rich" in Toba Batak.
Gomgom m BatakMeans "to rule, to control, to dominate" in Toba Batak.
Hasian f & m BatakMeans "darling, beloved" in Toba Batak.
Holong m & f BatakMeans "love, affection" in Toba Batak.
Horas m BatakMeans "healthy, safe, prosperous" in Batak.
Hotma m & f BatakFrom Toba Batak
hot meaning "firm, steady, steadfast" combined with the suffix
-ma indicating emphasis.
Hotmian f & m BatakFrom Toba Batak
hot meaning "firm, steady, steadfast" and
mian meaning "reside, dwell, stay".
Hotna f BatakFrom Batak
hot meaning "strong, firm, steady".
Jojor f BatakMeans "organized, orderly, sequential" in Toba Batak.
Lamhot m BatakFrom Batak
lam meaning "more" and
hot meaning "strong, firm, steady".
Lamria f BatakFrom Batak
lam meaning "more" and
ria meaning "festive, happy, together".
Lamtiur f BatakFrom Toba Batak
lam meaning "more" and
tiur meaning "bright, clear".
Luhut m BatakMeans "gathered, all together, whole" in Toba Batak.
Mangaraja m BatakFrom a title meaning "king, ruler" in Toba Batak, ultimately from Sanskrit राज
Mangasi m BatakMeans "to love, to have mercy, to pity" in Toba Batak.
Marolop m BatakMeans "to receive, to approve" in Toba Batak.
Maruli m & f BatakMeans "to get, to obtain, to be lucky" in Toba Batak.
Minar f BatakMeans "bright, clear, shining" in Batak.
Mula m BatakMeans "origin, beginning" in Toba Batak.
Naek m BatakMeans "to rise, to go up, to climb" in Toba Batak.
Olo m BatakMeans "to follow, to agree" in Toba Batak.
Oloan m BatakMeans "obey, follow, agree" in Batak.
Partogi m BatakMeans "protector, leader, guide" in Toba Batak.
Patar m BatakMeans "clear, bright, open, transparent" in Toba Batak.
Pesta f BatakMeans "celebration, party, gathering" in Batak.
Poltak m BatakMeans "rise, appearance (of the moon)" in Batak.
Pontas m BatakMeans "small stage, seat or porch for honoured guests" in Toba Batak.
Posma m & f BatakFrom Toba Batak
pos meaning "fixed, firm, happy, trusting" and the suffix
-ma indicating emphasis.
Riris f BatakMeans "tidy, neat, orderly" in Toba Batak.
Roida f BatakFrom Toba Batak
ro meaning "come, arrive" and
ida meaning "see, look".
Roma f & m BatakFrom Toba Batak
ro meaning "come, arrive" and the suffix
-ma indicating emphasis.
Romauli f BatakFrom Batak
roma meaning "come, arrive" and
uli meaning "good, beautiful".
Rotua f BatakFrom Batak
ro meaning "come, arrive" and
tua meaning "good luck, blessing".
Rugun f BatakMeans "lush, thick, shady (of a tree)" in Toba Batak.
Ruhut m & f BatakMeans "order, customs, rules" in Toba Batak.
Sabam ᯘᯅᯔ m BatakMeans "patient, steadfast" in Batak.
Sahala m BatakMeans "charisma, wisdom, power, authority" in Toba Batak.
Sahat m BatakMeans "to arrive, to reach" in Toba Batak.
Saor m & f BatakMeans "to mix, to mingle, to unite" in Toba Batak.
Saur m & f BatakMeans "to arrive, to reach, to become" in Toba Batak.
Saut m BatakMeans "to happen, to be fulfilled" in Toba Batak.
Sihol m & f BatakMeans "longing, desire" in Toba Batak.
Sorta f BatakMeans "sweet, friendly, courteous, polite" in Batak.
Tahan m BatakMeans "to hold on, to withstand" in Toba Batak.
Tahi m BatakMeans "intention, goal" in Toba Batak.
Taruli m & f BatakMeans "luck, blessing, good fortune" in Batak.
Tiar f BatakMeans "bright, clear" in Toba Batak.
Tiarma f BatakFrom Batak
tiar meaning "bright, clear (voice)".
Tigor m BatakMeans "straight, honest, just, fair" in Toba Batak.
Tio f & m BatakMeans "clear, transparent" in Batak.
Toga m BatakMeans "association, kinship, family ties" in Toba Batak.
Togap m BatakMeans "strong, sturdy" in Toba Batak.
Togar m BatakMeans "fit, strong, fresh, healthy" in Toba Batak.
Togi m & f BatakMeans "to invite, to lead, to guide" in Toba Batak.
Tumpak m BatakMeans "help, support, assistance, aid" in Toba Batak.
Uli f BatakMeans "good, nice, beautiful, pretty" in Toba Batak.