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Meaning & History

A fictional character created by J.R.R. Tolkien, Draugluin was the first werewolf to be bred by Morgoth during the First Age of Middle-earth.

Draugluin was bred of the wolves of Angband and imbued with an evil spirit sent by Morgoth himself. Draugluin was a dreadful, old, and evil abomination and was the lord and sire of all werewolves of Beleriand, and dwelt with his master Sauron in Tol-in-Gaurhoth, the former watchtower of Finrod Felagund.

He was slain by the hound Huan during the Quest for the Silmaril after a long battle, and Beren and Lúthien used his pelt to sneak into Angband.

Draugluin was the sire of Carcharoth and many other werewolves. It is probable the Wargs of the much later Third Age and White Wolves were descended from him, as these wolves could speak, suggesting they possessed fëar.
Added 9/8/2024 by hermeline