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Gender Feminine
Other Forms FormsDomicėlė

Meaning & History

Derived from medieval Latin domicella, which is the feminine form of domicellus, which literally means "little master" and was a term used to denote a young nobleman and/or junker. The term is a contraction of dominicellus, which is a diminutive of the Latin noun dominus meaning "master (of the house), lord".

With that said, you might also want to take a look at the name Domitilla for comparison, as not only is it etymologically related, but it has occasionally also been found spelled as Domicilla and even Domicella.

Lastly, a known Lithuanian bearer of this name was the graphic artist and book illustrator Domicelė Tarabildienė (1912-1985).
Added 3/28/2017 by Lucille