This is a list of submitted names in which the length is 9.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
PolvonbekmUzbek (Rare) The first element of this name is derived from either the name Polvon or the Uzbek word polvon meaning "strong, heroic, brave" as well as "strong man, wrestler"... [more]
PolyaenusmAncient Greek (Latinized) Latinized form of Polyainos. A notable bearer of this name was the Greek mathematician Polyaenus of Lampsacus (3rd century BC), who was a friend of the famous Greek philosopher Epicurus... [more]
PolyainosmAncient Greek Derived from the Greek adjective πολύαινος (polyainos) meaning "much-praised". It consists of the Greek adjective πολύς (polys) meaning "many" as well as "much" combined with the Greek noun αἴνη (aine) meaning "praise, fame" (see Aeneas).
PolycastefGreek Mythology (Latinized) Derived from Greek πολύς (polys) meaning "much" and a second element possibly related to κέκασμαι (kekasmai) meaning "to surpass, to excel, to shine" (pluperfect κέκαστο (kekasto))... [more]
PolydamasmGreek Mythology Derived from πολῠ- (polu-) meaning “many” and δαμάζω (damazo) meaning "to tame, to (keep in) control".
PolydorosmAncient Greek, Greek Mythology Means "many gifts", derived from Greek πολύς (polys) meaning "many" as well as "much" combined with Greek δῶρον (doron) meaning "gift, present".... [more]
PolyphronmAncient Greek The first element of this name is derived from Greek πολυς (polys) meaning "many" as well as "much". The second element is derived from either the Greek noun φρόνις (phronis) meaning "prudence, wisdom" or the Greek verb φρονέω (phroneo) meaning "to think" as well as "to be minded"... [more]
PolytimosmAncient Greek Derived from the Greek adjective πολύτιμος (polytimos) meaning "much-revered", which consists of the Greek adjective πολύς (polys) meaning "many" as well as "much" combined with the Greek verb τιμάω (timao) meaning "to honour, to esteem, to revere".
PolyxenosmAncient Greek, Greek Mythology Masculine form of Polyxene (see Polyxena). A notable bearer of this name was the Indo-Greek king Polyxenos Epiphanes Soter, who reigned around 100 BC.
PolyzalosmAncient Greek Doric Greek form of Polyzelos, because it contains ζᾶλος (zalos), which is the Doric Greek form of ζῆλος (zelos) meaning "emulation, zealous imitation" as well as "jealousy" (see Zelos)... [more]
PolyzelosmAncient Greek Derived from the Greek adjective πολύζηλος (polyzelos) meaning "full of emulation, much admired". It consists of the Greek adjective πολύς (polys) meaning "many" as well as "much" combined with the Greek noun ζῆλος (zelos) meaning "emulation, zealous imitation" as well as "jealousy" (see Zelos).
PolyzelusmAncient Greek (Latinized) Latinized form of Polyzelos. Known bearers of this name include an eponymous archon of Athens (4th century BC) and a Greek comic playwright (flourished around 400 BC).
PomellinafMedieval Italian Diminutive of either Poma or Pomona, which are both given names that are ultimately derived from Latin pomus or pomum, both of which are nouns that can mean "fruit" as well as "fruit tree".... [more]
PommelinefFrench (Rare), Flemish Modern form of Pomelline via its variant form Pomeline. The spelling of this form of the name was influenced by the French word pomme meaning "apple", which the name (and its variant form) has always shared a certain resemblance with and thus often led people to associate it with apples (to some degree).
PomnislavmMedieval Slavic Derived from Church Slavic pomineti or pominiti meaning "to think" (which corresponds with Russian помнить (pomnit) meaning "to think") combined with the Slavic element slava meaning "glory".
PomścibormPolish The first element of this name is related to the Polish verb pomścić "to avenge, to wreak". The second element is derived from Slavic bor "battle" or borit "to fight".
PorcariusmHistory (Ecclesiastical) Saint Porcarius (died c. 732) was a Benedictine abbot who governed the Abbey of Lérins off the coast of the French Riviera.
PorphyriafLiterature Feminine form of Porphyrios (see Porfirio). The name was given to the female character in Robert Browning's dramatic monologue "Porphyria's lover", where she is strangled over her 'lover's' obsession with her.
PortianusmLate Roman Roman cognomen which was derived from Portius. Also note that there are instances where this name is a misspelling of Porcianus... [more]
PoshshaoyfUzbek Derived from poshsha, an endearing term for a girl or woman, and oy meaning "moon".
PosidoniafAncient Greek (Latinized) Feminine form of Posidonius. Posidonia is also a genus of marine plants found in the seas of the Mediterranean and around the south coast of Australia.
PosthumusmMedieval English Used as a second or third name to indicate the child of a deceased parent. ex. Thomas Posthumus son of Thomas. ... [more]
PostvertafRoman Mythology Derived from Latin post meaning "backwards, behind; after" and the verb vertere "to turn (oneself), to turn about, to direct one's way". Postverta or Postvorta was a Roman goddess presiding over childbirth who was prayed to when a baby was being birthed feet first (instead of head first, as is normal), originally a surname of Carmenta... [more]
PotentiusmLate Roman Either derived from the Latin noun potentia meaning "power, might, force" or from the Latin adjective potens meaning "able, strong, powerful, potent" (see Potens).... [more]
PotheinosmAncient Greek Derived from the Greek adjective ποθεινός (potheinos) meaning "full of longing", which is ultimately derived from either the Greek noun ποθή (pothe) meaning "longing, desire" or the related noun πόθος (pothos) meaning "longing, yearning, regret".
PouloudiafGreek Derived from πούλουδο (pouloudo) meaning "flower".
Prabhdeepm & fIndian (Sikh) From Sanskrit प्रभु (prabhu) meaning "mighty, powerful, master, lord" combined with प्रीति (dīpa) meaning "lamp, light".
Prabhjeetm & fIndian (Sikh) From Sanskrit प्रभु (prabhu) meaning "mighty, powerful, master, lord" combined with जिति (jiti) meaning "victory, conquering".
Prabhmeetm & fIndian (Sikh) From Sanskrit प्रभु (prabhu) meaning "mighty, powerful, master, lord" combined with मित्र (mitra) meaning "friend".
Prabhneetf & mIndian (Sikh) From Sanskrit प्रभु (prabhu) meaning "mighty, powerful, master, lord" and नीति (nīti) meaning "guidance, moral conduct, behaviour".
Prabhnoorf & mIndian (Sikh) From Sanskrit प्रभु (prabhu) meaning "mighty, powerful, master, lord" combined with Arabic نور (nūr) meaning "light".
Pragyaptif & mHinduism Another name of the Hindu Goddess Saraswati, it means "intellectual" or "the most intelligent".
PragyasmifIndian No History, this Name has two words of Indian Ancient Language "Sanskrit" words are "Pragya" which means "ENLIGHTED CONSCIOUSNESS” and "Asmi" which means "I AM"... [more]
Praise-GodmEnglish (Puritan) From the English phrase praise God, referring to giving God glory. A known bearer was Praise-God Barebone (or Barbon; c. 1598-1679), an English preacher and Fifth Monarchist after whom Barebone's Parliament of 1653 was named... [more]
PraisthelfSouth African (Rare) The name comes from the the phrase Praise the Lord. Some of the letters from the pharse are removed to turn it into a name.
PrakarshafIndian Word Prakarsha Means "Extreme Desire" in marathi langusge
PrasiddhifIndian, Nepali Means "fame, renown; success, accomplishment" in Sanskrit, a noun composed of the prefix प्र- (pra-) meaning "towards, forwards, pro-" and सिद्धि (siddhi) meaning "accomplishment, success, attainment".
PravoslavmCzech, Slovak Derived from the Slavic elements право (pravo) "justice, law, right" and slava "glory".
PrawdomirmPolish The first element of this name is derived from Polish prawda "truth, verity", which is derived from Old Church Slavonic pravida "truth" (which in turn is probably derived from Proto-Slavic pravъ "straight, right")... [more]
PrawomysłmPolish The first element of this name is derived from Polish prawy "right, upright, righteous", which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic pravъ "straight, right". Also compare Croatian prav and Czech pravý, both of which mean "right, straight"... [more]
PraxandermGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Πράξανδρος (Praxandros), which is a name that is derived from Greek πραξις (praxis) "action, exercise" combined with Greek ανδρος (andros) "of a man"... [more]
PraxitheafGreek Mythology The name of a number of Greek mythological figures derived from πραξις (praxis) meaning "action, exercise" and θεά (thea) meaning "goddess".
PrecieusefJudeo-Anglo-Norman Derived from Middle French precieuse, the feminine form of the adjective precieux "precious (of great value)" (via Old French precius, ultimately from Latin pretiōsus, from pretium "worth; value").
PredislavmMedieval Croatian, Medieval Serbian, Croatian, Serbian The first element of this archaic name is derived from the Serbo-Croatian adjective pred "in front of, before" (the latter can also be used to refer to an earlier point in time), which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic perdъ "in front of, against"... [more]
PribislavmMedieval Slavic Medieval Slavic form of Przybysław. Also take note that some sources each list a different meaning for the first element. Some say it means "pierced" or "breaking" (in the sense of destroying something), while others say it means "more, much more, multiple" (in the sense of abundance)... [more]
PrimianusmLate Roman Roman cognomen which was derived from Primus (see also Primanus). A bearer of this name was Marcus Ulpius Primianus, a Roman prefect from the 2nd century AD... [more]
ProandrosmAncient Greek Derived from Greek πρό (pro) meaning "before, forth, forward" combined with Greek ανδρος (andros) meaning "of a man".
ProcessusmAncient Roman (?), Late Roman (?) Means "a going forward, advance, progress" in Latin. According to Christian legend Saint Processus was the name of a Roman soldier who guarded the apostles Peter and Paul when they were imprisoned at the Mamertine Prison in Rome, then converted to Christianity and was martyred.
Prodigiosf & mSpanish (Mexican, Rare) Means "prodigies" in Spanish, taken from the Mexican titles of the Virgin Mary, La Virgen de los Prodigios and Nuestra Señora de los Prodigios, meaning "The Virgin of the Prodigies" and "Our Lady of the Prodigies" respectively.... [more]
ProdromosmGreek Means "precursor, forerunner" in Greek, literally "running before, going in advance" from πρό (pro) "before, in front of" and δρόμος (dromos) "a course, running". It is taken from the title of Saint John the Baptist, Ιωάννης ο Πρόδρομος (Ioannis o Prodromos); in Eastern Christianity, John is commonly referred to as the forerunner of Jesus, since John announces Jesus' coming.
ProlochosmGreek Mythology Derived from Greek πρό (pro) meaning "before, forth, forward" combined with the Greek noun λόχος (lochos) meaning "ambush", a word that later came to signify a tactical sub unit of the ancient Greek army... [more]
ProtasiosmLate Greek Derived from the Greek verb προτάσσω (protasso) meaning "to place (before), to put at the forefront" as well as "to appoint before" and "to define beforehand". Also compare the related Greek noun πρότασις (protasis) meaning "(the) putting forward, that which is put forward"... [more]
PrzedpełkmPolish The first element of this name is derived from the Polish adjective przed "in front of, before" (the latter can also be used to refer to an earlier point in time), which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic perdъ "in front of, against"... [more]
PrzedsławmPolish The first element of this name is derived from the Polish adjective przed "in front of, before" (the latter can also be used to refer to an earlier point in time), which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic perdъ "in front of, against"... [more]
PrzybymirmPolish The first element of this name is derived from Polish przybyć "to arrive, to come" (also compare Polish przybywać and przyjść, which also mean "to arrive, to come"). The second element is derived from Slavic mir "peace"... [more]
PrzybyradmPolish Composed of the elements of przyby ("to arrive") and rad ("to be happy, to enjoy"). Thus, it can mean "the one with whom joy comes".
PrzybywojmMedieval Polish From Polish przybyć meaning "to arrive, to come" and woj meaning "warrior".
PtarmiganfEnglish (Rare) This name comes from a small genus of birds in the grouse subfamily, whose genus name is Lagopus. The name is derived from Scottish Gaelic tàrmachan, which is of unknown origin, and the Pt- spelling was adopted as early as the 1680s through a mistaken Greek construction, which may be based on the Greek word pteron meaning "wing."
PterelaosmGreek Mythology Means "people adorned with feathers", derived from the Greek verb πτερόω (pteroo) meaning "to feather, to furnish with feathers or wings" combined with the Greek noun λαός (laos) meaning "(the) people".
PudentiusmLate Roman Derived from the Latin adverb pudentius, which is the comparative form of pudenter meaning "modestly, bashfully" as well as "chastely". It is ultimately derived from the Latin adjective pudens meaning "shameful" as well as "bashful" and "chaste" (see Pudens).
PudicitiafRoman Mythology Means "chastity" in Latin. In Roman mythology, this was the name of the goddess and personification of chastity, one of the Roman virtues.
PukalavanmTamil In the annals of history, there exists a fascinating tale surrounding the word "Pukalavan" and its linguistic origin, intimately intertwined with the Tamil language. According to the legends passed down through generations, Pukalavan was an ancient hero of Tamil origin, revered for his exceptional qualities and deeds that earned him the epithet of the "praised one."... [more]
PulcheriafLate Greek, History (Ecclesiastical), German (Bessarabian), Italian (Rare) Derived from Latin pulcher meaning "beautiful, noble". This name was borne by Saint Pulcheria, elder sister of the Byzantine emperor Theodosius II. It was also the name of a character in 'Crime and Punishment' by Fyodor Dostoevsky.
PünktchenfLiterature, German (Modern, Rare) Pünktchen ("little dot") is the main protagonist in Pünktchen und Anton by Erich Kästner. Pünktchen is the nickname the girl goes with, her real name is Luise Pogge.
Pyewacketm & fLiterature, Popular Culture, Pet An imp in form of a dog reported by Mathew Hopkins in his 1647 pamphlet "The Discovery of Witches". Also the cat familiar of the witch in the 1958 movie Bell, Book and Candle.
PyrandrosmAncient Greek Means "fire of a man", derived from Greek πῦρ (pyr) "fire" combined with Greek ανδρος (andros) "of a man".
PyrochlesmLiterature, Arthurian Cycle From the Greek elements πῦρ (pyr) meaning "fire" and κλέος (kleos) meaning "glory". In Edmund Spenser's poem The Faerie Queene (1590) this is the name of a reckless knight who, together with his brother Cymochles, represents emotional maladies that threaten temperance... [more]
QalamqoshfUzbek Means "straight, even eyebrows" in Uzbek. Straight eyebrows are considered a sign of beauty.
QamariyyafArabic From masculine قَمَرِيّ (qamariyy) or feminine قَمَرِيَّة (qamariyya), both meaning "lunar, related to the moon" in Arabic. It may therefore be seen as a strictly feminine variant of Qamar.
QandischefCircassian Circassian feminine name meaning "golden foster-child".
QarabatirmKarachay-Balkar From the Karachay-Balkar къара (qara) meaning "black" and батыр (batır) meaning "brave" or "hero".
QianghongfChinese From the Chinese 蔷 (qiáng) meaning "rose" or 嫱 (qiáng) meaning "lady" and 虹 (hóng) meaning "rainbow", 红 (hóng) meaning "red", 泓 (hóng) meaning "clear, deep pool of water", or 鸿 (hóng) meaning "wild swan, vast".
QianghuanfChinese From the Chinese 蔷 (qiáng) meaning "rose" and 欢 (huān) meaning "joyous, merry, happy".
QiangjingfChinese From the Chinese 蔷 (qiáng) meaning "rose" and 静 (jìng) meaning "quiet, still, gentle".
Qiangyingf & mChinese From the Chinese 蔷 (qiáng) meaning "rose" or 嫱 (qiáng) meaning "lady" and 英 (yīng) meaning "hero, brave" or "flower, petal, leaf", 瑛 (yīng) meaning "luster of crystals", 莺 (yīng) meaning "oriole, green finch" or 潆 (yíng) meaning "tiny stream, swirl around".
QianhuangmChinese, Chinese Mythology, Far Eastern Mythology From the characters 乾 (qián, a trigram symbol that represents “heaven”) and 荒 (huāng, meaning “wilderness, wasteland”). This is supposedly the personal name of Zhuanxu, one of the Five Emperors and grandson of the Yellow Emperor (Xuanyuan).
QianliangfChinese From the Chinese 茜 (qiàn) meaning "madder, reeds" and 良 (liáng) meaning "good, virtuous, respectable".
QilichyozfUzbek Derived from Uzbek qilich meaning "sword" and yoz meaning "summer".
QingliangfChinese From the Chinese 晴 (qíng) meaning "fine weather" and 良 (liáng) meaning "good, virtuous".
QiongchanmChinese, Chinese Mythology, Far Eastern Mythology From the characters 穷 (qióng, meaning “to reach a limit” or “poor”) and 蝉 (chán, meaning “cicada”). This name was borne by one of the sons of Zhuanxu who was given ownership of the Gumu (姑幕) Kingdom... [more]
Qionglongf & mChinese From the Chinese 琼 (qióng) meaning "jade, rare, precious" and 珑 (lóng) meaning "gem cut like a dragon".
QiongmingfChinese From the Chinese 琼 (qióng) meaning "jade, rare, precious, elegant" and 茗 (míng) meaning "tea".
Qiongrongf & mChinese From the Chinese 琼 (qióng) meaning "jade, rare, precious, elegant" and 荣 (róng) meaning "glory, honour".
QiongshanfChinese From the Chinese 琼 (qióng) meaning "jade, rare, precious" and 珊 (shān) meaning "coral".
QiongzhenfChinese From the Chinese 琼 (qióng) meaning "jade, rare, precious" and 祯 (zhēn) meaning "lucky, good omen, auspicious".
QirmizgulfUzbek Derived from Uzbek qirmiz(i) meaning "red, scarlet" and gul meaning "rose, flower".
QiushuangfChinese From the Chinese 秋 (qiū) meaning "autumn" and 爽 (shuǎng) meaning "bright, clear, cheerful, happy, refreshing".
QobilbibifUzbek Derived from qobil meaning "able, gifted" or "obedient" and bibi meaning "learned woman".
QorachochfUzbek Derived from qora meaning "black" and choch meaning "hair".
QorasuluvfUzbek Derived from Uzbek qora meaning "black" and sulu(v) meaning "beautiful".
QoyašbikäfBashkir From Bashkir ҡояш (qoyaš) meaning "sun" and feminine name element бикә (bikä).
QuachiquimNahuatl Means "shorn one, shaved head" in Nahuatl, figuratively a valiant man or warrior.
QuadratusmLate Roman, History (Ecclesiastical) Cognomen from the Roman Republic and Roman Empire derived from Latin quadratus meaning "square, squared" as well as "proportionate; regular, well made; vigorous". This name was borne by several saints, such as Quadratus the Apologist of Athens.