Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the description contains the keywords prince or of or all or men.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Amėja f Lithuanian
A recent coinage, either a Livonized form of the Sanskrit Ameyaa or the Basque Amaia.
Ameko f Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 雨 (ame) "rain" and 子 (ko) "child".... [more]
Améla f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Amelia.
Amelberga f Dutch
Dutch form of Amalberga.
Amelberge f Dutch
Dutch form of Amalberge.
Amelcia f Polish
Polish diminutive of Amelia.
Amèle f Arabic (Maghrebi, Rare), French (Rare)
Likely a variant transcription of Amelle.
Amele f Basque (Rare)
Basque form of Amelia.
Amele f Yiddish
Possibly a form of Amalya.
Ameleki m Mormon
Nephite record keeper (c. 130 BC) and also a seeker of Zeniff's people (c. 121 BC).
Amelha f Gascon
Gascon form of Amelia.
Ameli f Basque, Hungarian, Croatian, Armenian (Modern)
Basque cognate of Amélie and Amelia, Hungarian variant of Amélia, Croatian variant of Amelia and Armenian borrowing of Amélie.
Ameli f Nahuatl
Variant of Ameyalli.
Amèlia f Provençal
Provençal form of Amelia.
Amelía f Icelandic
Icelandic form of Amelia.
Améline f French
Variant of Ameline.
Amelinha f Portuguese
Diminutive of Amelia.
Amelio m Italian
Masculine form of Amelia.
Amelise f German (Archaic)
Combination of Amalia and Elisabeth recorded in the 17th century.
Ameliu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Amelio.
Ameliye f Walloon
Walloon form of Amélie.
Amelja f Albanian
Variant of Amelia.
Amelka f Polish
Polish dimunitive of Amelia
Amell f Arabic
Variant of Amal 1.
Amelle f Arabic (Maghrebi, Gallicized), French
Gallicized feminine form of Amel 2, ultimately from the Arabic Amal 1.
Amelrik m Dutch
Variant of Amalrik.
Amely f English
Variant of Amelie.
Amen m & f English (Rare)
From the English word amen, uttered at the end of a prayer or hymn, meaning "so be it".
Amena f Arthurian Cycle
The name of a queen helped by Sir Gawain's son Wigalois in an Arthurian romance written by German knight Wirnt von Grafenberg in the early years of the 13th century. Its origin is uncertain; some scholars argue that it might be an adoption of Arabic Amina, while others theorize a derivation from Spanish ameno "delightful" (see Amoena).
Amena f Arabic, Bengali, Urdu
Alternate transcription of Aminah 1 as well as the Bengali and Urdu form.
Amenadiel m Popular Culture
In the TV show Lucifer, there is an Archangel called Amenadiel. ... [more]
Aménaïde f Theatre, French (Rare, Archaic), French (Quebec, Rare, Archaic)
The name of the love interest of Tancrède in Voltaire's tragedy Tancrède (1760). The name itself might be an elaboration of Amena.
Amendin m Provençal, Niçard
Niçard cognate of Amandin.
Amendina f Provençal, Niçard
Niçard cognate of Amandina.
Ameneh f Persian
Persian form of Aminah 1.
Amenemhatankh m Ancient Egyptian
From Egyptian jmn-m-ḥꜣt-ꜥnḫ meaning "(king) Amenemhat lives", derived from the name of the pharaoh Amenemhat combined with ankh "life"... [more]
Amenirdisu m Ancient Egyptian
Masculine form of Amenirdis, from Egyptian jmn-jr-dj-s(w) meaning "Amun has given him" or "Amun is the one who created him", derived from the name of the god Amun combined with jrj "to do, act, make; to create, bring into being" or "with respect to", dj "to give", and sw "he, him".
Amenmesse m Ancient Egyptian
Means "born of Amun" in Egyptian.
Amenmose m Ancient Egyptian
From Egyptian jmn-ms or jmn-ms.s meaning "born of Amun" or "fashioned by Amun", derived from the name of the god Amun combined with msj "to give birth to; to form, create, produce"... [more]
Ame-no-uzume f Japanese Mythology
Japanese goddess of dawn, mirth and revelry. Her name is derived from 天 (ame) meaning "sky, heavens", 宇 (u) meaning "roof, eaves, house" or "the whole world", 受 (zu) meaning "accept" and 売 (me) meaning "sell", or meaning "ornamental hairpen" and 女 (me) meaning "woman".
Ameny m Ancient Egyptian
Likely a diminutive derived ultimately from Amun. Ameny Qemau was an Egyptian pharaoh of the 13th Dynasty during the Second Intermediate Period. He ruled for about two years over most of Egypt, from c.1793 BCE to c.1791 BCE... [more]
Amenya f Tatar
Tatar variant form of Amina.
Ameq f Greenlandic
Greenlandic younger form of Ameĸ.
Amer m Arabic, Bosnian
Alternate transcription of 'Aamir.
Amer m Filipino, Maranao, Maguindanao
Maranao and Maguindanao form of Amir 1.
Amera f Arabic, Maranao, Maguindanao
Alternate transcription of Amirah as well as the Maranao and Maguindanao form.
Amerah f Filipino, Maranao
Maranao form of Amirah.
Amergin m Irish Mythology
This was the name of two poets in Irish mythology.
Ameria f Medieval English
Of uncertain origin and meaning. Current theories include a feminine form of Old French Amauri (see Amaury).
Ameria f Japanese
From Japanese 阿 (a) meaning "big mound", 芽 (me) meaning "bud, sprout, shoot", 莉 (ri) meaning "white jasmine, Asian pear" combined with 阿 (a), again meaning "big mound"... [more]
Amèricu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Amerigo.
Americus m History
Latin form of Amerigo.
Amerie f Medieval English, English (Rare)
Late medieval variant of Ameria. It was revived in the 1800s.... [more]
Amerigotto m Medieval Italian
Diminutive of Amerigo, as -otto is an Italian masculine diminutive suffix.
Ameriguccio m Medieval Italian
Medieval Italian diminutive of Amerigo, as -uccio is an Italian masculine diminutive suffix.
Amerika f American
Variant of America.
Ameril m Filipino, Maguindanao, Maranao
Meaning uncertain, probably of Arabic origin.
Amersaĸ f Greenlandic
Means "worn-out cover made of skin" in Greenlandic.
Ämes m Luxembourgish (Archaic)
Vernacular form of Adam.
Ames m & f English
Transferred use of the surname Ames.
Amesemi f Eastern African, African Mythology
Amesemi was goddess of the ancient Kingdom of Kush, and wife of the god Apedemak.
Amestris f Old Persian (Hellenized)
Ionic Greek variant of Άμαστρις (Amāstris), the Hellenized form of an Old Persian name, perhaps from a hypothetic name like *Amāstrī- (composed of the elements *ama- "strength, strong" and *strī- "woman")... [more]
Amet m Crimean Tatar
Crimean Tatar form of Ahmad.
Amet-han m Crimean Tatar
Combination of Amet and the Mongolian title хан (khan) meaning "leader, ruler, commander".
Ametista f Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Amethyst.
Ametista f Italian
Italian form of Amethyst
Ametrine f Various (Rare)
Possibly from the name of the purple-orange crystal, which is a blend of the words amethyst (see Amethyst) and citrine.
Ametza f Basque
Feminine form of Ametz. This is also the name of a chapel dedicated to the Virgin Mary at Laranga.
Ameurfina f Spanish (Philippines, Rare)
Variant of Amorfina. A bearer of this name was Ameurfina Melencio-Herrera, a Filipino lawyer who served as an Associate Justice of the Philippine Supreme Court from 1979 to 1992.
Ameya m Indian
Ameya is a Sanskrit word/name which literally translates to "the one without any dirt". This can mean either "pure" or "innocent". Another commonly interpreted meaning of this name is, "boundless" or "magnanimous"... [more]
Ameziane m Berber, Northern African
Variant of Meziane (chiefly Algerian and Moroccan).
Amfiaray m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Amphiaraos.
Amfilochios m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Amphilochios. A notable bearer of this name is the Greek saint Amfilochios of Patmos (1889-1970), whose name is usually written as Amphilochios in non-Greek sources.
Amfilohije m Serbian
Serbian form of Amphilochios.
Amfós m Lengadocian
Languedocian form of Alphonse.
Amfosa f Gascon
Gascon feminine form of Alphonse.
Amfossina f Gascon
Gascon form of Alphonsine.
Amfrid f & m Norwegian (Archaic)
Possibly a variant of Arnfrid (f) and Arnfred (m).
Amgad m Arabic (Egyptian)
Egyptian transcription of Amjad.
Ámgerðr f Old Norse, Norse Mythology
Derived from Old Norse ámr "black, loathsome, dark" and garðr "enclosure, protection". This is the name of a giantess in Norse mythology.
Amhalghaidh m Irish (Archaic)
Borne by an early king of Munster, and an early king of Connacht. Can be anglicized as Auley or Awley.
Amherst m English
Transferred use of the surname Amherst.
Ami f Galician
Hypocoristic of Amanda.
Amia f Medieval English (Latinized)
Latinization of Amy via the variant Amya.
Amia f English (Rare)
Perhaps a variant of Amaya, a diminutive of any name beginning with Am-, or derived from the Latin amor meaning "love" or a feminine form of Amias.
Amiah f English (American)
Either a merged form of Amy and Mariah or a variant of Amia
Amiana f Spanish (Archaic)
Spanish form of Ammiana. Also compare the masculine counterpart Amiano.
Amiane m Georgian
Georgian form of Ammianus.
Amiano m Spanish (Archaic), Portuguese (Archaic)
Spanish and Portuguese form of Ammianus.
Amiata f Sicilian
Variant of Amata.
Amic m Gascon, Lengadocian
Gascon and Languedocian form of Amicus as well as a direct adoption of Gascon amic "friend".
Amica f Ancient Roman
Feminine form of Amicus.
Âmice f Jèrriais
Jèrriais form of Amice
Amicie f French (Rare), French (Belgian, Rare)
French cognate of Amice (compare Amicia).
Amicitia f Roman Mythology
Means "friendship" in Latin. Amicitia was the Roman goddess of friendship and affection. Her Greek equivalent is Philotes.
Amicu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Amicus.
Amida m Japanese Mythology
The god to whom the Japanese turned at the moment of death.
Amidas m Arthurian Cycle
Amidas disputes his brother Bracidas over found treasure in Book 5, Canto 4 of "The Faerie Queene" by Edmund Spenser.
Amideu m Sicilian
Variant of Amedeu.
Amidor m Hebrew
Means "my generation of people" in Hebrew.
Amiël m Dutch
Dutch form of Amiel.
Amiel m Biblical, Hebrew
Variant of Ammiel. Occurs in the Book of Numbers 13:12: Amiel, who represented the tribe of Dan, was one of the twelve spies sent out by Moses to survey the land of Canaan.
Amiel m Lengadocian, Gascon
Languedocian and Gascon form of Emil as well as an adoption of Amiel.
Amiela f Gascon
Gascon form of Amelia as well as a feminine form of Amiel.
Amielia f Occitan
Occitan variant of Amelia.
Amien m Indonesian
Indonesian form of Amin.
Amier m Indonesian, Malay
Indonesian and Malay form of Amir 1.
Amiera f Malaysian
Variant of Amira 1.
Amierah f Malay
Malay feminine form of Amir 1.
Amiga f Lengadocian
Feminine form of Amic.
Amigale f Indigenous American
Combination of Amy and Gale 1.
Amihai m Hebrew
Alternate transcription of Amichai.
Amihel m Biblical Latin
Form of Ammiel used in the Latin Old Testament.
Amijan m Croatian, Macedonian, Serbian
Croatian, Macedonian and Serbian form of Ammianus.
Amijo f English (American, Rare)
Combination of Ami 2 and Jo.
Amika f East Frisian
Variation of Ameka.
Amiké f Esperanto
Esperanto form of Amika.
Amiko m Georgian
Possibly a diminutive of Amiran and Amirindo.
Amil f & m Galician (Rare)
From the town of Amil in Galicia, originated as a possesive form of the Germanic name Alamirus, from the elements alls "all" and mers "famous". Nowadays it is a devotional title for the virgin Mary, Nosa Señora dos Milagres de Amil.
Amil m Germanic
Variation of Amal.
Amila f Bosnian
Feminine form of Amil.
Amilah f Arabic
The etymology of Amilah can be traced back to the Arabic word “amal,” which means “hope” or “expectation.” The addition of the suffix “-ah” adds a feminine touch to the name, making it a particularly fitting choice for girls.... [more]
Amilda f Latvian, Estonian
Contracted form of Armilda.
Amilde f Estonian
Contracted form of Armilde.
Amile m & f English (Rare)
variant of Émile.
Amile m Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Amir 1.
Ämilia f German (Rare)
German form of Aemilia.
Amilía f Icelandic (Modern)
Icelandic form of Amilia.
Ämilian m German (Rare)
German form of Aemilianus (see Emiliano).
Amilinda f Spanish (Philippines)
From Spanish 'a' + 'mi' + 'linda', directly translated as "to my pretty." It may also be a combination of Spanish 'amigo' and 'linda,' meaning "pretty friend."
Ämilius m German (Archaic)
German form of Aemilius (see Emil).
Amilyn f English (Modern, Rare), Popular Culture
Modern variant of Amelia. In popular culture, this is the name of a Resistance general from Star Wars: The Last Jedi.
Amimona f Greek Mythology
Romanian form of Amymone.
A-min f & m Korean
Combination of an a hanja, like 娥 meaning "pretty, lovely, beautiful" or 雅 meaning "clean, pure," and a min hanja, such as 珉 meaning "gem," 旼 meaning "mild, temperate; peaceful," 旻 meaning "sky" or 民 meaning "people."
Äminä f Tatar, Bashkir
Tatar and Bashkir form of Amina.
Amina f Japanese (Modern)
Combination of Ami 3 and Na.
Aminadab m Mormon (Rare), English (Puritan), Biblical, Biblical Hebrew
From Hebrew meaning, "my kinsmen are noble." According to the genealogies of Genesis, he was born of Ram (also known as Aram) during the Israelite exile in Ancient Egypt. He was the father of Nahshon, chief of the tribe of Judah (Numbers 1:7; 2:3; 7:12, 17; 10:14)... [more]
Aminadi m Mormon
Descendent of Nephi.
Amin al-Din m Arabic
Means "trustee of the faith" from Arabic أمين (amin) meaning "true, trustworthy" and دين (din) meaning "religion, faith".
Aminandro m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Amynander.
Aminaq m Greenlandic
Greenlandic younger form of Aminaĸ.
Aminat f Chechen, Ingush, Avar, Kumyk, Dargin, Lak, Karachay-Balkar
Form of Aminah 1 or Aminah 2 used in several languages.
Aminatta f Western African (Rare)
Variant of Aminata. This is borne by Aminatta Forna (1964-), a British writer of Scottish and Sierra Leonean descent.
Amincia f Louisiana Creole
Louisiana Spanish form of Amynthe.
Aminda f Norwegian (Rare), Swedish (Rare)
Meaning uncertain, but likely a variant of Amanda. It could also be a feminine form of Amund.
Amineh f Persian
Persian form of Aminah
Amini f Arabic
A feminine form of Amin
Amino f Somali, African
Somali variant of Amina.
Aminon m Ossetian Mythology
Meaning unknown. This is the name of the Ossetian gatekeeper of the underworld.
Amintas m Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Brazilian Portuguese borrowing of Amyntas.
Amintor m Theatre
Variant of Amyntor. This was used by Beaumont and Fletcher for the hero of their play 'The Maid's Tragedy' (ca. 1608-11) and later by Isaac Bickerstaffe for a character in his comic opera 'Daphne and Amintor' (1765).
Amintore m Italian
Italian form of Amyntor.
Aminuddin m Arabic, Malay, Indonesian
Arabic alternate transcription of Amin al-Din as well as the Malay and Indonesian form.
Aminudin m Indonesian, Malay
Indonesian and Malay form of Amin al-Din.
Aminulloh m Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Aminullah.
Ämir m Tatar, Bashkir
Tatar and Bashkir form of Amir 1.
Əmir m Azerbaijani
Azerbaijani form of Amir 1.
Amír m Icelandic
Icelandic form of Amir.
Amíra f Icelandic (Modern)
Icelandic form of Amira.
Amiracle f African American (Modern)
From the English phrase a miracle, which is a combination of the indefinite article a with Miracle. It might also be influenced by Amira.
Əmirəli m Azerbaijani
Azerbaijani form of Amirali.
Amirali m Persian
Combination of Amir 1 and Ali 1.
Amiram m Hebrew
Variant form of Amram. A known bearer of this name is the Israeli chemist and activist Amiram Goldblum (b. 1945).
Amiran m Hebrew
Variant form of Amiron.
Əmiraslan m Azerbaijani
From Arabic أمير (amir) meaning "prince, commander" and Azerbaijani aslan meaning "lion".
Amiraslan m Azerbaijani
Variant transcription of Əmiraslan.
Amirbai f Indian
An Indian name. A famous bearer of this name is Amirbai Karnataki (1906 - 3 March 1965) was a famous actress/singer and playback singer of the early Hindi cinema and was famous as Kannada Kokila.
Amirbek m Kazakh, Tajik, Kyrgyz, Uzbek
Combination of Arabic أَمِير (ʾamīr) meaning "prince, commander" (see Amir 1) and the Turkish military title beg meaning "chieftain, master".
Amir Hossein m Persian
Combination of Amir 1 and Hossein.
Amiri m Arabic
Means "prince" in Arabic.
Amiria f Maori
Maori form of Amelia.
Amiria f Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia", 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful", 莉 (ri) meaning "white jasmine" combined with 杏 (a) meaning "apricot". Other kanji combinations are possible... [more]
Amirindo m Georgian (Rare)
Derived from Middle Persian amir-e Hind meaning "Emir of India". The first word in that sentence is the Arabic military title Emir (Amīr in Arabic), which is ultimately derived from Arabic أمير (amīr) meaning "commander, ruler, prince"... [more]
Amirjan m Kazakh
Combination of the Kazakh word amir meaning "commander, prince" (borrowed from Arabic) and the Kazakh word jan meaning "soul" (borrowed from Persian).
Ämirkhan m Tatar, Bashkir
Combination of Ämir and the Turkic title khan meaning "leader, ruler".
Amiro m Georgian (Rare)
Short form of Amiran and Amirindo.
Amiron m Hebrew
Means "my nation is a song" or "my people sings" in Hebrew, derived from Hebrew עַם (am) "nation, people" combined with Hebrew רֹן (ron) "singing, song" as well as "joyful sounds, shout of joy".
Amirreza m Persian
This name consists of two parts... [more]
Amirreza m Persian
This name consists of two parts... [more]
Amirta f Assyrian
Means "princess" in Assyrian.
Amirto f Assyrian
Means "princess" in Assyrian.
Amiruddin m Arabic, Indonesian, Malay
Arabic alternate transcription of Amir al-Din as well as the Indonesian and Malay form.
Amirudin m Indonesian, Malay
Indonesian and Malay form of Amir al-Din.
Amirul m Malay, Bengali, Indonesian
First part of compound Arabic names beginning with أمير ال (amir al) meaning "prince of the, commander of the".
Amirzhan m Kazakh
From Arabic أمير (amir) meaning "prince, commander" combined with Kazakh жан (zhan) meaning "soul".
Amisadai m & f Biblical (All), American (Hispanic)
Variant of Ammishaddai, which means "the Almighty is my relative" or "people of the Almighty" in Hebrew. His son Ahiezer was chief of the Tribe of Dan at the time of the Exodus (Numbers 1:12; 2:25).
Amish m Indian
Means "free of deceit" or "truthful".
Amitabha m Sanskrit, Buddhism, Bengali
Original Sanskrit form of Amitabh, as well as the modern Bengali form. This is also the name of a buddha particularly revered in the Pure Land tradition of Mahayana Buddhism.
Amith m Sinhalese, Indian, Malayalam
Sinhalese and South Indian form of Amit 1.
Amitha m Sinhalese
Sinhala variant of Amit 1.
Amiti f & m Hebrew (Modern, Rare)
Means "my friend" or "my colleague" in Hebrew, usually used as a diminutive of Amit 2.
Amitis f Persian
Modern Persian form of Amytis.
Amiton f Nahuatl
Possibly a diminutive form of Ami "hunt" using the -ton suffix.
Aml f Arabic
Variant of Amal 1.
Amlaith m Literature
A character from J. R. R. Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" series bears this name. Amlaith was the king of the fictional kingdom of Arthedain. His name is derived from a Sindarin word.
Amlan f Baoulé
Derived from Baoulé mlan "Wednesday", referring to the day of the week on which the child was born and hence to be understood as "born on Wednesday".
Amlawdd m Welsh Mythology, Arthurian Cycle
Derived from the Welsh intensive prefix *an-/am- combined with llawdd "praise". In Welsh myth he is the father of Eigyr (Igraine) and therefore the grandfather of King Arthur... [more]
Amleth m Literature, Medieval Scandinavian
Origins uncertain. This earlier form of Hamlet appeared in a story published by Danish writer Christiern Pedersen in 1514, based on a legend recorded by Saxo Grammaticus in his 'History of the Danes'.
Amlethus m Old Danish
Latinised form of Amlóði.
Amlóði m Old Norse
Means "poor, weak fellow; fool, simpleton" in Old Norse, or derived from a combination of Old Norse of ama "to vex, annoy, molest" and Odin.
Ámmá m Sami
Sami form of Amund.
Amma m African Mythology
The god of fertility and of rain among the Dogon of Mali and Sudan.
Amma f Norse Mythology, Old Swedish, Greenlandic
Has several possible meanings. May be a short form of names beginning with Arn- or Am-, derived from Old Swedish amma ("wet nurse"), Old Norse amma ("grandmother") or Old Norse ama ("dark one").... [more]
Amman m Arabic
Amman means peace... [more]
Amman m Ancient Hebrew
The given name of the second son of Lot, (The Veil), by his younger daughter meaning "Son of my Race" or "Son of my People. The father of the Ammanites, (AKA Ammonites). ... [more]
Ammara f Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai อมรา (see Amara).
Ammara f Arabic, Urdu
Feminine form of Ammar.
Ammaraah f Arabic (Maghrebi, Rare, ?)
Possibly an Arabic form of Amara
Ammarin m & f Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai อมรินทร์ (see Amarin).
Ammavaru f Indian, Hinduism
An ancient goddess of India who existed before the beginning of time. She laid an egg that hatched into the divine trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.
Ammay m Indian, Sanskrit, Hinduism, Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, Marathi, Kannada
Hindi, Sanskrit script : अम्मय... [more]
Ammayi f Sanskrit, Hinduism, Gujarati, Bengali, Hindi
Hindi, Sanskrit script : अम्मयी... [more]
Amme f West Frisian, East Frisian
Feminine form of Ame.
Amméi f Luxembourgish
Vernacular contraction of Annemarie.
Ammel f Luxembourgish (Archaic)
Vernacular form of Amélie and Amalia.
Ammi m Jewish, Biblical, Jewish Legend, Hebrew
Means "my people" in Hebrew. This is the name of a character in the Old Testament, Hosea's second son, who was originally named Lo-Ammi meaning "not my people" but was renamed Ammi "my people"... [more]
Ammià m Catalan
Catalan form of Ammianus.
Ammian m Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Ammianus.
Ammiana f Late Roman, Italian (Rare)
Feminine form of Ammianus. It might also be interesting to know that Ammiana was the name of one of the islands in the Venetian lagoon, which sank after the Christmas Day earthquake in 1223 AD.
Ammiano m Italian (Rare)
Italian form of Ammianus.
Ammianus m Late Roman, Late Greek (Latinized), History
From the late Roman cognomen Ammianus, which is of uncertain origin and meaning, but it is noteworthy that all of the bearers known to history are of Byzantine Greek descent. As such, the original form of the name must have been Ἀμμιανός (Ammianos), which thus means that Ammianus is a latinization of the original name.... [more]
Ammie f English
Variant of Amy.
Ammiël m Dutch
Dutch form of Ammiel.
Ammien m French
French form of Ammianus.
Ammihud m Ancient Hebrew
The father of Elishama in Numbers 7.
Amminadab m Hebrew
Means "my people are generous" in Hebrew. This is the name of a minor character in Genesis.
Amminadib m Biblical Hebrew
A person mentioned in the Old Testament in Song of Solomon 6:12, whose chariots were famed for their swiftness. Commentaries on the meaning differ, some stating the meaning is "my princely people" or "my willing people."
Amminapes m Old Persian
Hellenized form of an Old Persian name.
Ammishaddai m Biblical, Biblical Hebrew
Ammishaddai was the father of Ahiezer the chief of the tribe of Dan at the time of the Exodus according to Numbers 1:12 and Numbers 2:25, His name means "people of the Almighty" and consist of am עמ means "people, kinsmen" and Shaddai being the other name of God (specifically the feminine aspect of God, because Shaddai means breast).
Ammit f Egyptian Mythology
Derived from Ancient Egyptian ꜥm-mwt "devourer of the dead". In Egyptian mythology she was a female demon and funerary deity with a body that was part lion, hippopotamus, and crocodile, all of which were seen as dangerous animals to the ancient Egyptians... [more]
Ammizabad m Biblical Hebrew
Ammizabad was the son of Benaiah, who was the third and chief captain of the host under David(1 Chronicles 27:6). The first part of our name comes from the root 'mm, from whence stems the word 'umma, meaning "tribe" or "people." The root-verb zabad means "to give" or "bestow." Therefore, it possibly means, "to bestow on people."
Ámmol m Sami
Sami form of Amund.
Ámmon m Sami
Sami form of Amund.
Ammon m Mormon
In the Book of Mormon, the character of Ammon is one of the four sons of King Mosiah, who initially opposes the Church, but is converted alongside his brothers and Alma the Younger after an experience with an angel, and becomes a missionary to the Lamanites... [more]
Ammonaria f History (Ecclesiastical)
Derived from the name of the Egyptian god Ammon combined with the suffix -αρία (-aria). Alternatively it may be a Latinized form of Ammonarion... [more]
Ammonia f American (Rare, Archaic), Greek Mythology, Ancient Greek
Feminine form of Ammon. In Greek mythology, Ammonia is an epithet of the goddess Hera.
Ámmont m Sami
Sami form of Amund.
Ammoron m Mormon
Nephite traitor, brother of Amalickiah, king of Lamanites after Amalickiah's death - killed by Teancum (c. 66-61 BC).
Ammot f Medieval English
Diminutive of Amice.
Ammurapi m Ancient Semitic
Of uncertain etymology. Name borne by the last king of Ugarit, known from a letter he wrote to the king of Alashiya pleading for military aid during an invasion.
Ammy m Indian
In the case of Punjabi singer and film actor Ammy Virk it is a short form of Amninderpal.