Berber Submitted Names

Berber names are used by the Berber (Amazigh) people of North Africa, including the Tuareg of the Sahara.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Aderfi ⴰⴷⴻⵔⴼⵉ m Berber (Rare)
Means "freed" in Berber.
Adid m Berber
Meaning unknown.
Aghbalu m Berber
Means "source" in Amazigh.
Aghilas m Kabyle
Means "leopard; panther; lion" in Kabyle.
Aghiles m Kabyle
Variant of Aghilas.
Agizul m Berber
Means "brave" in Tamazight.
Agwmar m Berber
Means "stallion" in Tamazight.
Akawel m Berber
Means "the black" in Amazigh.
Akersim m Berber
Means "caracal" in Tamazight.
Aksil ⴰⴽⵙⵉⵍ m Berber, Northern African, History
Means "cheetah" or "leopard" in Shawiya Tamazight. This was the real name of Kusaila (كسيلة), a 7th-century Berber king.
Aldjya f Kabyle
Means "doll" in Kabyle.
Amalu m Berber
Means "shadow" in Tamazight.
Amastane ⴰⵎⴰⵙⵜⴰⵏ m Northern African, Berber
Variant transcription of Amastan.
Amaynu m Berber
Means "new" in Amazigh.
Amazigh ⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖ m Northern African, Berber
From Tamazight ⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖ (Amaziɣ), which is the self-designation of the Berber (Amazigh) people of North Africa. The name itself is of unknown meaning, though folk etymologies claim the meaning of "free-man", derived from Taznatit (Gurara) aze meaning "to be strong" and Tamasheq jeɣeɣ meaning "to be brave".
Amenzu m Kabyle
Means "the first" in Kabyle.
Amessan m Berber
Means "wise" in Tamazight.
Ameziane ⴰⵎⴻⵣⵢⴰⵏ m Berber, Northern African
Variant of Meziane (chiefly Algerian and Moroccan).
Amezwaru ⴰⵎⵣⵡⴰⵔⵓ m Berber
Meaning "The one who helps" or "The helper."
Amêzyan m Berber
Means "cadet" or "small" in Amazigh.
Amokrane ⴰⵎⴻⵇⵔⴰⵏ m Berber, Northern African
Variant of Ameqran.
Anarouz ⴰⵏⴰⵔⵓⵣ m Berber, Northern African
Variant transcription of Anaruz.
Anaruz ⴰⵏⴰⵔⵓⵣ m Berber, Northern African
Means "hope" in Tamazight.
Anebdad m Berber
Means "support" in Amazigh.
Anir ⴰⵏⵉⵔ m Berber, Northern African
Means "angel" in Tamazight.
Areksim m Berber
Means "caracal" in Amazigh.
Areski ⴰⵔⴻⵣⵇⵉ m Berber, Northern African
Variant of Arezki.
Arezki m Kabyle
Probably derived from Arabic رِزْق (rizq) meaning "wealth, fortune" or "nourishment, sustenance".
Arezqi m Kabyle
Variant transcription of Arezki.
Asafar m Berber
Means "remedy" in Tamazight.
Asafu m Berber
Means "torch" in Tamazight.
Asfru m Berber
Means "poem, ode" in Tamazight.
Asirem m Berber
Means "hope" in Amazigh.
Asmun m Berber
Means "companion" in Amazigh.
Asulil m Berber
Means "rock" in Tamazight.
Atbir m Berber
Means "dove" in Amazigh.
Awlagh m Berber
Means "little rabbit" in Amazigh.
Awsim m Berber
Means "fawn" in Tamazight.
Axil ⴰⴽⵙⵉⵍ m Berber (Rare)
Means "cheetah" in Berber.
Ayrad m Berber
Means "lion" in Amazigh.
Ayrad m Berber
Means Lion in Tarifit.
Ayyur m Berber
Means "moon" in Tamazight.
Azêllay m Berber
Means "pendant" in Amazigh.
Azenkwed m Berber
Means "male gazelle" in Amazigh.
Azenzêr m Berber
Means "sunshine" in Tamazight.
Azmar m Berber
Meaning unknown.
Azrur m Berber
Means "handsome" in Tamazight.
Azuz m Berber
Meaning unknown.
Badis ⴱⴰⴷⵉⵙ m Berber (Rare)
The meaning of this name is unknown but several kings had this name.
Bakhta f African, Arabic, Berber
Means "starry" in Berber.
Baloua m Berber
Meaning unknown.
Baragsen m Tuareg
From the Tuareg abarag meaning "pride".
Basi m Berber
Meaning unknown.
Baya ⴱⴰⵢⴰ f Ancient Berber, Kabyle
Bekhta f Berber
Variant of Bakhta. Bekhta Rabah-Mazari is a well-known bearer.
Buyan f Berber
Meaning unknown.
Cabh'a f Kabyle
Possibly means "beautiful" in Kabyle.
Damya ⴷⴰⵎⵢⴰ f Berber, Northern African, History
Tamazight feminine given name, an alternative possible given name of the Berber warrior-queen and leader Kahina.
Dassin ⴷⴰⵙⵙⵉⵏ f Berber (Rare)
Ddunit f Kabyle
Kabyle form of Dunya.
Diduc m Kabyle
Kabyle form of Didouche
Dyhia ⴷⵉⵀⵢⴰ f Berber
Variant of Dihya.
Ebeggi m Berber
Means "jackal" in Tamazight.
Elkaissa f Berber (Rare)
Possibly means "the pause" from Kabyle Berber.
Fadhma f Kabyle
Kabyle form of Fatima.
Fadma ⴼⴰⴹⵎⴰ f Berber
Variant of Fadhma used in Morocco.
Fourou m Berber
Meaning unknown.
Ghanim m Berber
Means "reed" in Amazigh.
Ghilas m Kabyle
Short form of Aghilas.
Gwasila m Kabyle
Means "son of the plains" in Kabyle.
H'emmuc m Berber
Berber diminutive form of Hamid 1.
Herru f Berber
Etymology unknown. This was the name of a famous poetess.
Ḥmed m Kabyle
Kabyle form of Ahmad.
Ḥsen m Kabyle
Kabyle form of Hassan.
Idder ⵢⵉⴷⵉⵔ, ⵉⴷⵉⵔ m Berber, Northern African
Variant of Idir.
Iften m Berber
Means "be better than them" in Amazigh.
Ighlaf m Berber
Means "well protected" in Amazigh.
Igider ⵉⴳⵉⴷⴻⵔ m Berber (Rare)
Mighty and strong, this name stands for ‘eagle’ in one of the Berber languages.
Ijju ⵉⵊⵊⵓ f Berber
Ilayetmas m Berber
Means "he has brothers" in Tamazight.
Illi ⵉⵍⵍⵉ f Berber (Rare)
Literally "My daughter"
Immeghar m Berber
Means "he is great" in Amazigh.
Isgaden m Berber
Meaning unknown.
Ittu ⵉⵟⵓ f Berber
Izdârasen m Berber
Means "the mighty, the strong" in Tamazight.
Izemrasen ⵉⵣⴻⵎⵔⴰⵙⴻⵏ m Berber (Rare)
Means "powerful" in Berber.
Izîl ⵉⵣⵉⵍ m Berber (Rare)
Izîl stands for ‘sublime and magnificent’.
Izlan f Berber
Means "melody" in Tamazight.
Izza ⵉⵥⴰ f Berber
Jidji f Berber
Means "flower" in Tamazight.
Juba m Berber
Juba I was a King of Numidia. He was the son and successor to King of Numidia Hiempsal II. Juba was the father of King of Numidia and later Mauretania Juba II
Kaci ⴽⴰⵙⵉ m & f Berber
Can be derived from the Amazigh root qas or kass, which may mean "to share" or "to divide." Can be feminine in the form of Moroccan Kassi.
Kahena f Berber, History
Variant of Kahina.
Kaïna f Berber, French
French variant spelling of Kahina.
Khedduj f Berber
Berber form of Khadija.
Krim كريم m Kabyle, Arabic (Maghrebi)
Possibly a variant of Karim. Krim Belkacem was an Algerian revolutionary and politician who was a notable figure during the Algerian War.
Kusayla ⴽⵓⵙⴰⵢⵍⴰ m Berber (Anglicized)
Kusayla or koceïla or kasîla was a berber chief from the end of the 7th century.
Lalla ⵍⴰⵍⵍⴰ f Berber
This name means "Lady"... [more]
Lemta f Berber
Etymology unknown. This is the name of the mythological mother of the Tuaregs.
Lounès m Kabyle
Means "companion" or "to keep company" in Kabyle, possibly of Arabic origin.
Lounis m Kabyle
Variant transcription of Lounès.
Lunja ⵍⵓⵏⵊⴰ f Berber (Rare)
Lunja stands for a fairytale princess.
Lwiza f Ancient Berber, Berber
Means "lemon verbena" in Amazigh (species Aloysia citrodora).
Madaya f Guanche, Berber (Archaic)
From Guanche *madăyya, meaning "beautiful thing to see". Besides the Canary Islands, this name was also used in Northern Africa.
Makoud m Berber
Meaning unknown.
Maqrin m Berber
Means "always in a good mood" in Kabyle.
Masinissa ⵎⵙⵏⵙⵏ, ⵎⴰⵙⵏⵙⴻⵏ m Berber, Northern African, History
Variant transcription of Massinissa.
Masnsen m Berber
From the Amazigh mas meaning "master" and nsen meaning "of them".
Massa ⵎⴰⵙⵙⴰ f Berber
A term of respect meaning "Mistress" and a name usually given to high born.
Massen ⵎⴰⵙⵙⴻⵏ m Berber
A Term of respect meaning "Master" and a name given to high born.
Massin ⵎⴰⵙⵙⵉⵏ m Berber, Northern African
Diminutive of Massinissa.
Mbarka مباركة f Arabic (Maghrebi), Berber
Feminine form of Mubarak used in Northern Africa. This was the name of a possibly legendary Berber princess who ruled the ksar or oasis town of El Menia in Algeria.
Meghighda f Berber
Etymology unknown. This was the name of a famous poetess.
Mekioussa f Berber (Rare)
Of Kabyle Berber origin with an unknown meaning.
Menza f Berber
Meaning unknown.
Mezian ⵎⴻⵣⵢⴰⵏ m Berber (Rare), Northern African (Rare)
Variant of Meziane (chiefly Algerian and Moroccan).
Meziane ⵎⴻⵣⵢⴰⵏ m Berber, Northern African
Derived from Tamazight meẓyan meaning "young, little".
Mohand m Arabic (Maghrebi), Berber
Alternate transcription of Muhannad chiefly used in Northern Africa. It is also used as a Berber form of Muhammad.
Muḥemmed m Kabyle
Kabyle form of Muhammad.
Muḥend m Kabyle
Kabyle form of Mohand.
Muh'uc m Berber
Amazigh diminutive form of Mohammed.
Munatas ⵎⵓⵏⴰⵜⴰⵚ m Berber (Rare)
This name means to ‘gather around a special person’.... [more]
Muṛad m Kabyle
Kabyle form of Mourad
Naravas m Berber
Personal name of Naravas, a Berber Numidian king and Hannibal's brother in law.
Navil m Berber
Berber form of Nabil.
Noumidia f Berber (Rare), Arabic (Maghrebi, Rare)
A modern coinage derived from the name of the Ancient Berber kingdom and later Roman province Numidia.... [more]
Qassi قاسي m & f Berber (Arabized, Rare), Persian (Modern, Rare)
Arabized form of Kaci. In Arabic, Qassi (قاسي) means "hard", "tough", or "stern". For example, قاسي الملامح (qāsī al-malāmiḥ) is a phrase meaning "stern features" (used to describe someone with a tough or serious expression)... [more]
Razika f Kabyle (Rare)
Feminine form of Arezki
Rezki m Kabyle
Variant of Arezki.
Saɛid m Kabyle
Kabyle form of Sa'id.
Sekkura f Kabyle
Possibly means "partridge" in Kabyle.
Sifaw m Ancient Berber, Berber
Means "torch; ray of light" in Amazigh.
Silina سيلينا m Berber
Means "the sunsets " or "charm "
Silina سيلينا f Berber
Means "sunset" or "charm"
Siman ⵙⵉⵎⴰⵏ f Berber (Rare)
Siman stands for 'two souls', referring to parents, the name in away implies the child is their combination or fruit.
Sura سورة‎ f Muslim, Berber
Means "highness of status, highness of rank, glory" in Arabic.
Tadêfi f Berber
Means "sweetness" in Berber.
Taderfit ⵜⴰⴹⴻⵔⴼⵉⵜ f Berber (Rare)
Means "liberation" in Berber.
Tadla ⵜⴰⴷⵍⴰ f Berber (Rare)
Means "branches" in Berber.
Tafalkayt f Berber
Means "beauty" in Tamazight.
Tafat ⵜⴰⴼⴰⵜ f & m Ancient Berber, Berber
Means "light" in Amazigh.
Tafna f Ancient Berber, Berber (Rare)
Possibly derived from the name of a river in northwestern Algeria.
Tafrara f Kabyle
Means "aurora, dawn, daybreak" in Kabyle.
Tafsut f Kabyle
Means "spring, springtime" in Kabyle.
Tagwerramt ⵜⴰⴳⵡⴻⵔⵔⵎⴰⵏⵜ f Berber
It stands for ‘pious or holy’
Tagwilalt f Berber
Means "stork" in Tamazight.
Tagwizult ⵜⴰⴳⵡⵉⵣⵓⵍⵜ f Berber
Means "brave" in Berber.
Taheyyâtt f Berber
Means "wanderer" in Tamazight.
Takama ⵜⴰⴽⴰⵎⴰ f Berber
Means "warmth" in Berber.
Tamalut f Berber
Berber feminine name meaning "shadow".
Tamanart f Berber
Berber name for the constallation Orion.
Tamayyurt f Berber
Means "full moon" in Tamazight.
Tamazzalt f Berber
Means "devoted" in Tamazight.
Tamemt f Berber
Means "honey" in Berber.
Tamenzut ⵜⴰⵎⴻⵏⵣⵓⵜ f Berber
the name itself means ‘first born’.... [more]
Tameqrant f Berber
Means "the elder, senior" in Tamazight.
Tamezyant f Berber
Means "the middle child" in Tamazight.
Tamghara f Berber
Feminine form of Amghar.
Tamimt f Berber
Means "delight" in Tamazight.
Tamment f Berber
Berber feminine name meaning "honey".
Tanamart ⵜⴰⵏⴰⵎⴰⵔⵜ f Berber
Means "happy" in Berber.
Tanaruz f Berber, African
Feminine form of Anaruz.
Tanazârt f Berber
Means "defiant, daring" in Tamazight.
Tanebdatt f Berber
Means "support" in Tamazight.
Taous f Kabyle
A feminine name used in the kabyle berber region Tizi Ouzou Bejaya and Bouira of Algeria. Cones from the Arab word Tawoos طاووس meaning peacock.
Tasa f Berber
Means "love" when used as a name. Literally means "liver," the organ thought to be the seat of emotions, much like the heart's role in Western cultures.
Tasekkurt f Berber
Means "partridge" in Tamazight.
Tassadit f Ancient Berber, Kabyle
From Arabic سعد (sa'd) meaning "fortune, good luck" combined with the Tamazight feminine prefix ⵜⴰ (ta) and suffix ⵜ (t).
Tatbirt f Ancient Berber, Berber
Means "dove, pigeon" in Amazigh.
Taweckint f Berber
Means "branch" in Amazigh.
Tawenza f Berber
Means "frank, direct" in Tamazight.
Taylalt f Berber
Means "bird" in Tamazight.
Tazdayt f Kabyle
Means "palm tree" in Kabyle.
Tazêllayt f Berber
Means "pendant" in Tamazight.
Tazenkêt f Berber
Means "gazelle" in Amazigh.
Tazenkwêt f Berber
Means "gazelle" in Tamazight.
Tazrzît f Berber
Means "brooch" in Tamazight.
Telgumas f Berber
Means "girl who has a brother" in Tamazight.
Tharja ⵜⴰⵔⵊⴰ m Berber (Rare)
Derived from the Berber word ⵜⵓⵔⵣⴰ or ⵜⴰⵔⵊⴰ for the "Apple of Sodom", (scientific name: Calotropis procera), a plant native to North Africa and the Mediterranean region.
Thiyya f Berber
Means "nice" in Amazigh.
Tilelli f Ancient Berber, Kabyle
Means "freedom" in Kabyle.
Tilellli f Berber
Means "freedom" in Tamazight.
Timuš f Berber
Berber diminutive of Fatima.
Tinhinan f Berber
Means "she of the campfires" in Tamazight. This was the name of a Tuareg queen.
Tinifsan f Berber
Means "blooming one" in Tamazight.
Tinitran f Berber
Means "of the stars" in Amazigh.
Tintadêfi f Berber
Means "sweetness, of sweetness" in Tamazight.
Tintfsut f Berber
Means "of spring" in Tamazight.
Tintifawin f Berber
Means "of the light, shining" in Tamazight.
Tintlelli f Berber
Means "of the free" in Tamazight.
Tintziri f Berber
Means "moonlit" in Tamazight.
Tisent f Berber
Means "salt" in Amazigh.
Titem f Berber
Berber diminutive of Fatima.
Tiwul f Berber
Means "of the heart" in Tamazight.
Tiyya ⵜⵉⵢⵢⴰ f Berber
Means The"Nice"
Tizemt ⵜⵉⵣⴻⵎⵜ f Berber (Rare), Northern African (Rare)
Means "lioness" in Tamazight, ultimately from ⵉⵣⴻⵎ (izem) meaning "lion" (chiefly Moroccan).
Tlafulki f Berber
Means "beauty" in Tamazight.
Tlatig f Berber
Means "worthy" in Tamazight.
Touka f Berber
Variant of Tuka.
Touya f Berber
tree, tamazight
Tsul f Berber
Means "lively" in Tamazight.
Tudatt f Berber
Means "ewe" in Tamazight.
Tufayyur f Berber
Means "more beautiful than the moon" in Tamazight.
Tufitran f Berber
Means "more beautiful than the stars" in Tamazight.
Tufitri f Berber
Means "more beautiful than a star" in Tamazight.
Tuftent f Berber
Means "the most beautiful" in Tamazight.
Tugertent f Berber
Means "tallest" in Tamazight.
Tuka f Berber, Arabic
Means "Fear of God" in Berber.
Tumert f Berber
Means "happiness" in Tamazight.
Tumsilt ⵜⵓⵎⵙⵉⵍⵜ f Berber
this name means ‘one who is well-built’.
Tunaruz f Berber
Means "hope" in Tamazight.
Tureght f Berber
From the Amazigh uregh meaning "gold".
Tzeddig f Berber
Meaning unknown.
Udad m Berber
Means "ram (male sheep)" in Tamazight.
Ufrin m Ancient Berber, Berber (Rare)
Means "chosen" in Amazigh.
Ugwistan m Berber
Meaning unknown.
Ultasila f Berber
Means "of the plains" in Tamazight.
Umaler f Berber
Means "star of the peace" in Tamasheq, language of Tuareg people.
Usem m Berber
Means "lightning" in Tamazight.
Wagguten ⵣⴰⴳⵯⵓⵜⴻⵏ m Berber (Rare)
It means ‘one who will proliferate’ and reflects the abundance of life.
Wararni m Berber
Means "without victor, without conqueror" in Amazigh.
Warmaksan ⵡⴰⵔⵎⴰⴽⵙⴻⵏ m Berber (Rare)
Means ‘without enemies; undefeatable" in Berber.
Winaruz m Berber
Means "hope" in Tamazight.
Wiwurgh m Berber
Means "golden" in Tamazight.
Xamida m Berber
Berber form of Hamid 1.
Yedder ⵢⴻⴷⴷⴻⵔ m Berber (Rare)
Though this name symbolizes immortality, it indicates a sense of unbroken spirit or uncaptured soul.
Yeddes m Tuareg
Means "he will be organised", from the Tuareg verb ddes meaning "organised".
Yidir ⵢⵉⴷⵉⵔ m Berber, Northern African
Variant transcription of Idir.
Yufayyur m Berber
Means "more handsome than the moon" in Tamazight.
Yufitran m Berber
Means "more handsome than the stars" in Tamazight.
Yufitri m Berber
Means "nicer than a star" in Amazigh.
Yuften m Berber
Means "the best" in Tamazight.
Yugerten ⵢⵓⴳⴻⵔⵜⴻⵏ m Berber
Original Berber form of Jugurtha.
Yuns ⵢⵓⵏⵙ m Berber
Central Atlas Tamazight form of Yunus.
Zawgha f Berber
Possibly from azewwagh meaning "red".
Zeğiga f Kabyle
Possibly means "flower" in Kabyle.
Zigza m Berber
Means "green" from the root zgz.
Zira f Berber
Feminine of Ziri.