Bashkir Submitted Names

Bashkir names are used in Bashkortostan in Russia.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Abyzbikä Абызбикә f Bashkir
From the Bashkir абыз (abyz) meaning "educated" and feminine name element бикә (bikä).
Äđibä Әҙибә f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Adiba.
Äđilä Әҙилә f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Adila.
Afzaletdin Афзалетдин m Bashkir
Äğlämetdin Әғләметдин m Bashkir
Aġzibä Ағзибә f Bashkir
From the Bashkir Аҡ (Aǩ) meaning "white, bright, pure" and зибә (zibä) meaning "beautiful".
Aigol Айгөл f Tatar, Bashkir
From Tatar and Bashkir ай (ay) meaning "moon" combined with гөл (göl) "flower".
Akhat Әхәт m Kazakh, Tatar, Bashkir
From Arabic أَحَد (ʾaḥad) meaning "one, only".
Äkhmät Әхмәт m Bashkir
Bashkir form of Ahmad.
Albinä Альбина f Tatar, Bashkir
Tatar and Bashkir form of Albina.
Äliä Әлиә f Tatar, Bashkir
Possible variation of the Arabic Aliyah 1 or Alya 1.
Almabikä Алмабикә f Bashkir
Combination of Bashkir алма (alma) meaning "apple" and бикә (bikä), which is a name element.
Almagöl Алмагөл f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Almagul.
Almaseyä Алмасейә f Bashkir
From Bashkir алма (alma) meaning "apple" and сейә (seyä) meaning "cherry".
Alsäsäk Алсәсәк f Bashkir
Means "pink flower" in Bashkir.
Alsïnbikä Алсынбикә f Bashkir
From Bashkir алсын (alsïn) meaning "falcon" and feminine name element бикә (bikä).
Altïnbikä Алтынбикә f Bashkir
From the Bashkir aлтын (altin) meaning "gold" and feminine name element бикә (bikä).
Altïngöl Алтынгөл f Bashkir
Means "gold flower" in Bashkir.
Altïnsäs Алтынсәс f Bashkir
Means "gold hair" in Bashkir.
Äminä Әминә f Tatar, Bashkir
Tatar and Bashkir form of Amina.
Ämir Әмир m Tatar, Bashkir
Tatar and Bashkir form of Amir 1.
Ämirkhan Әмирхан m Tatar, Bashkir
Combination of Ämir and the Turkic title khan meaning "leader, ruler".
Änisä Әнисә f Bashkir, Tatar
Bashkir and Tatar form of Anisa.
Anuar Әнүәр m Malay, Indonesian, Kazakh, Bashkir, Spanish
Form of Anwar used in various languages.
Änüärä Әнүәрә f Bashkir
Bashkir feminine form of Anwar.
Änwär Әнүәр m Bashkir
Variant of Anuar.
Aqbanïu Аҡбаныу f Bashkir
From the Bashkir aҡ (aq) meaning "white, light, pure" and Persian بانو (banu)# meaning "lady".
Aqbikä Аҡбикә f Bashkir
From the Bashkir aҡ (aq) meaning "white, light, pure" and feminine name element бикә (bikä).
Aqqoš Аҡҡош f Bashkir
Means "swan" in Bashkir.
Aqsarlaq Аҡсарлаҡ f Bashkir
Means "seagull" in Bashkir.
Aqsäskä Аҡсәскә f Bashkir
Means "white flower" in Bashkir.
Aqtutaš Аҡтуташ f Bashkir
From Bashkir аҡ (aq) meaning "white, bright, pure" and туташ (tutaš) meaning "girl".
Aqyondoð Аҡйондоҙ f Bashkir
Means "white star" in Bashkir.
Arythlan Арыҫлан m Bashkir
Means "lion" in Bashkir.
Äshräf Әшрәф m Bashkir
Bashkir form of Ashraf.
Asiä Асия f Tatar, Bashkir
Tatar and Bashkir form of Arabic Asiya.
Aslanbika Асланбикә f Bashkir
From the given name Aslan combined with бикә (bikä) meaning "lady, mistress, woman"
Äsmä Әсмә f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Asma.
Äðhäm Әҙһәм m Bashkir
Bashkir form of Adham.
Äxkäm Әхкәм m Bashkir
Means "decision" in Bashkir.
Äxmätzäki Әхмәтзәки m Tatar, Bashkir
Combination of Äxmät and Zäki.
Aybatïr Айбатыр m Bashkir
From Bashkir ай (ay) meaning "moon" and батыр (batïr) meaning "hero".
Aybikä Айбикә f Bashkir
Combination of ай (ay) meaning "moon" and бикә (bikä), which is a Bashkir name element.
Aybulat Айбулат m Bashkir
Combination of Bashkir ай (ay) meaning "moon" and Persian پولاد (pulâd) meaning “steel”.
Aydar Айҙар m Bashkir, Tatar, Kazakh
Means "forelock, topknot", referring to the hairstyle worn by ancient Turkic warriors. Alternatively, it could be from Kazakh, Bashkir, and Tatar ай (ay) meaning "moon, month" combined with Arabic حَيْدَر‏ (ḥaydar) meaning "lion".
Aygiz Айгиз m Bashkir
Aygöl Айгөл f Bashkir, Tatar
Alternate transcription of Aygol.
AygÖlÖm Айгөлөм f Bashkir
Bashkir variant form of Aygul.
Aygüzäl Айгүзәл f Bashkir
From the Bashkir aй (ay) meaning "moon" and гүзәл ( güzäl) meaning "beautiful".
Ayhylyu Айһылыу f Bashkir
Bashkir cognate of Aysylu.
Aykömöš Айкөмөш f Bashkir
Derived from Bashkir ай (ay) meaning "moon" and көмөш (kömöš) meaning "silver".
Aynaza Айназа f Bashkir
Derived from Bashkir ай (ay) meaning "moon" and Persian نازی (nazi) meaning "sweet, coy".
Ayqoyaš Айҡояш f Bashkir
Derived from Bashkir ай (ay) meaning "moon" and ҡояш (qoyaš) meaning "sun".
Äyšä Әйшә f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Aisha.
Aysäsäk Айсәсәк f Bashkir
Derived from Bashkir ай (ay) meaning "moon" and сәсәк (säsäk) meaning "flower".
Aysibär Айсибәр f Bashkir
Derived from Bashkir ай (ay) meaning "moon" and сибәр (sibär) meaning "beautiful".
Aysulpan Айсулпан f Bashkir
Derived from Bashkir ай (ay) meaning "moon" and сулпан (sulpan) meaning "morning star".
Ayza Айза f Arabic (Mashriqi), Kazakh, Tajik, Dagestani, Tatar, Bashkir, Tuvan, Altai
From Turkic ай (ay) meaning "moon" and Tajik зар (zar) meaning "gold," which derives from Persian زر (zar).
Ayzöhrä Айзөһрә f Bashkir
From the Bashkir ай (ay) meaning "moon" and Arabic زُهْرَة‎ (zuhra) meaning “Venus".
AznabikÄ Аҙнабикә f Bashkir
From the Bashkir аҙна (azna) meaning "Friday, week" and feminine name element бикә (bikä).
Bäđer Бәҙер f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Badr.
Bäğiz Вәғиз m Bashkir
Means "mentor" in Bashkir.
Bäkirä Бәкирә f Bashkir
Means "girl" in Bashkir.
Ballïbikä Баллыбикә f Bashkir
From Bashkir баллы (ballï) meaning "sweet" and feminine name element бикә (bikä).
Balqïya Балҡыя f Bashkir
Means "shining, radiant" in Bashkir.
Banat Банат f Bashkir
Means "girl" in Bashkir.
Baniw Баныу f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Banu.
Banïwbikä Баныубикә f Bashkir
From Baniw and feminine name element бикә (bikä).
Bariy Барый m Bashkir
Means "creator" in Bashkir.
Barsïn Барсын f Bashkir
Means "silk" in Bashkir.
Bäširä Бәширә f Bashkir
Baskhir form of Bashira.
Bayangöl Баянгөл f Bashkir
From Bashkir баян (bayan) meaning "happy" and гөл (göl) meaning "flower".
Bayanhïlïw Баянһылыу f Bashkir
From Bashkir баян (bayan) meaning "happy" and һылыу (hiliw) meaning "beautiful, beauty".
Bayazit Баязит m Bashkir
Bashkir form of Bayezid
Baybikä Байбикә f Bashkir
From Bashkir бай (bay) meaning "happy" and feminine name element бикә (bikä).
Bayğötdin Байғотдин m Bashkir
Bayrambikä Байрамбикә f Bashkir
Derived from байрам ‎(bayram) “festivity” and бикә ‎(bikä) which is a name element.
Bayramgöl Байрамгөл f Bashkir
From the Bashkir байрам ‎(bayram) meaning “festivity” and гөл (göl ) meaning "flower".
Bayramhïlïw Байрамһылыу f Bashkir
From Bashkir байрам ‎(bayram) “festivity” and һылыу (hiliw) meaning "beautiful, beauty".
Bayras m Bashkir
Given to boys born on a holiday.
Bäz̦är Бәҙәр f Bashkir
Means "moon" in Bashkir.
Bibi Биби f Bashkir
Means "hostess" in Bashkir.
Bikbulat Бикбулат m Bashkir
Derived from Bashkir бик (bik) meaning "strong, hard" and from Persian پولاد (pulâd) meaning “steel”.
Bikhïlïw Бикһылыу f Bashkir
Means "very beautiful" in Bashkir.
Bïlbïl Былбыл f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Bilbil.
Borxan Борхан m Bashkir
Means "evidence" in Bashkir.
Büläkbikä Бүләкбикә f Bashkir
From Bashkir бүләк (büläk) meaning "gift" and feminine name element бикә (bikä).
Büläknur Бүләкнур f Bashkir
From Bashkir бүләк (büläk) meaning "gift" and Arabic نور (nur) meaning "light".
Büre Бүре m Bashkir
Means "wolf" in Bashkir.
Däülätbikä Дәүләтбикә f Bashkir
From the Arabic Davlat and feminine name element бикә (bikä).
Dayan Даян m Bashkir
Derived from an Arabic word meaning "mister".
Dim Дим m Russian, Romani, Bashkir
Diminutive of Dimitri.
Dinislam Динислам m Bashkir
Combination of Bashkir дин (din) meaning "religion, faith", ultimately from Arabic and Ислам (Islam), from the name of the religion of the same name.
Ebäk Ебәк f Bashkir
Means "delicate fabric, silk" in Bashkir.
Eđbikä Еҙбикә f Bashkir
From Bashkir еҙ (eđ ) meaning "copper colour, copper yellow" and feminine name element бикә (bikä).
Elvirä Эльвира f Tatar, Bashkir
Tatar and Bashkir form of Elvira.
Emeš Емеш f Bashkir
Means "berry" in Bashkir.
Eyänbikä Ейәнбикә f Bashkir
From Bashkir ейән (eyän) meaning "granddaughter" and feminine name element бикә (bikä).
Fannur Фаннур m Bashkir, Tatar
The first element of this name is derived from either the Arabic noun فن (fann) meaning "art, skill" (compare Irfan) or the Persian noun فن (fann) meaning "science, knowledge, learning"... [more]
Fänünä Фәнүнә f Bashkir
Fanur Фанур m Bashkir, Tatar (Rare)
Variant form or spelling of Fannur.
Fanuza Фәнүзә f Uzbek, Bashkir, Tatar, Dagestani
Possibly from Arabic فَانُوس (fānūs) meaning "lantern", which ultimately comes from Ancient Greek φανός (phanós) "torch".
Färixa Фәриха f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Fariha.
Färiz̦ä Фәриҙә f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Farida.
Färxänä Фәрхәнә f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Farhana.
Färzänä Фәрзәнә f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Farzana.
Fätxiä Фәтхиә f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Fathiyya.
Fäüziä Фәүзиә f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Fawziya.
Fäxriä Фәхриә f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Fakhriyya.
Fäyrüzä Фәйрүзә f Bashkir
Variant Bashkir form of Fairuza.
Fayzulla Фәйзулла m Bashkir, Tatar
Bashkir and Tatar form of Faizullah.
Fazulla Фазулла m Bashkir
Firđäües Фирҙәүес f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Firdaus.
Firüzä Фирүзә f Bashkir, Tatar
Bashkir and Tatar form of Firuzeh.
Flürä Флүрә f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Flora or variant form of Flyura.
Flyura Флюра f Russian, Tatar, Bashkir
Russian or Tatar name, possibly derived from the female name Flora.
Gabbas m Bashkir, Tatar
Bashkir and Tatar form of Abbas
Gabidulla Ғәбиҙулла m Bashkir
Bashkir form of Abdullah.
Ğäli Ғәли m Bashkir
Bashkir form of Ali 1.
Ğälim Ғәлим m Bashkir
Bashkir form of Alim.
Galim Ғәлим m Bashkir, Tatar, Kazakh
Bashkir, Tatar, and Kazakh form of Alim.
Galima Галима, Ғәлима, Ғалыма f Tatar, Uzbek, Bashkir
Femine form of Galim
Ğälimyän Ғәлимйән m Bashkir
Possibly the Bashkir form of Alimjan.
Gälsär Гәлсәр f Bashkir
Means "crystal" in Bashkir.
Gawhar Гәүһәр f Tatar, Bashkir
Means "diamond, gem" in Tatar and Bashkir, ultimately from Persian گوهر (gowhar).
Gaysa Ғайса m Bashkir
Bashkir form of Isa 1.
Gaziz Ғәзиз m Tatar, Bashkir
Tatar and Bashkir form of Aziz.
Ğäziza Ғәзиза f Bashkir
Alternate transciprion of Ғәзиза (see Gaziza)
Gaziza f Tatar, Bashkir
Feminine form of Gaziz
Ğilemdar Ғилемдар m Bashkir
Gilmetdin Ғилметдин m Bashkir, Tatar
Means "flower of religion", derived from Bashkir and Tatar гөл (göl) meaning "flower" combined with Arabic دِين (dīn) meaning "religion, creed, faith".
Ğizzätulla Ғиззәтулла m Tatar, Bashkir
Tatar and Bashkir form of Izzatullah
Ğöbäyðulla Ғөбәйҙулла m Bashkir
Bashkir form of Obaidullah.
Ğöbäyz̦ulla Ғөбәйҙулла m Bashkir
Bashkir form of Obaidullah.
Gölbanïw Гөлбаныу f Bashkir
From Bashkir гөл (göl) meaning "flower" and баныу (baniw) meaning "lady".
Gölbüläk Гөлбүләк f Bashkir
From Bashkir гөл (göl ) meaning "flower" and бүләк (büläk) meaning "gift".
Gölšan Гөлшан f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Gulshan.
Gölsäsäk Гөлсәсәк f Bashkir
From Bashkir гөл (göl) meaning "flower", and сәсәк (säsäk) also meaning "flower".
Golshat Гөлшат f Bashkir, Tatar
Bashkir and Tatar form of Gulshat.
Gölsibär Гөлсибәр f Bashkir
From Bashkir гөл (göl ) meaning "flower" and сибәр (sibär) meaning "beautiful".
Gölsinä Гөлсинә f Bashkir
Golsira Гөлсирә f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Gulsira.
Gölzäynäp Гөлзәйнәп f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Gul and Zeinab.
Gotbetdin Готбетдин m Bashkir
Gubaida Губайда f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Ubaida
Gulsira Гɵлсирə f Bashkir
From гөл (gul) meaning "flower, rose" combined with Persian سره (sireh) meaning "pure, select"
Ğümär Ғүмәр m Bashkir
Bashkir form of Umar.
Güzäl Гүзәл f Bashkir
Means "lovely, beautiful" in Bashkir.
Güzäliä Гүзәлиә f Bashkir
Alternate transcription of Гүзәлиә (see Guzalia)
Guzalia Гүзәлиә f Tatar, Bashkir
Derived from Tatar and Bashkir гүзәл (güzël) meaning "beautiful".
Guzel Гүзәл f Tatar, Bosnian, Bashkir
Variant transcription of Guzal, Bosnian form of Güzel.
Hädiä Һәҙиә f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Hadia.
Haua Һауа f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Eve, through Arabic Hawa.
Häžär Һәжәр f Bashkir
Possibly a Bashkir form of Hajar.
Haz̦iy Һаҙый m Bashkir
Bashkir form of Hadi.
Hïlïwbikä Һылыубикә f Bashkir
From Bashkir һылыу (hïlïw) meaning "beautiful" and feminine name element бикә (bikä).
Iđelbikä Иҙелбикә f Bashkir
From Bashkir иҙел (iđel) meaning "river" and feminine name element бикә (bikä).
Iđeliä Иҙелиә f Bashkir
From Bashkir иҙел (iđel) meaning "river".
Ildus Илдус m Tatar, Bashkir
Meaning "friend of the motherland", derived from Turkic el or il meaning "country, homeland" combined with Persian دوست (dôst) meaning "friend".
Ilfat Илфат m Tatar, Bashkir
Means "friend of the nation", derived from Turkic el meaning "people, country, nation".
Ilfizä Илфизә f Bashkir
From Bashkir ил (il) meaning "country" and Arabic فضّة (fidda) meaning "silver".
Ilgiz Илгиз m Tatar, Bashkir
Means "traveller" derived from Tatar ил гизүче (il gizüche) meaning "traveller, wanderer, itinerant", ultimately from гизү (gizü) meaning "to walk through" or "roam, wander".
Ilgöl Илгөл f Bashkir
From Bashkir ил (il) meaning "country" and гөл (göl) meaning "flower".
Ilgüzäl Илгүзәл f Bashkir
From Bashkir ил (il) meaning "country" and гүзәл (güzäl ) meaning "beautiful".
Ilnur Илнур m Tatar, Bashkir
From Turkic el meaning "country, society" and Arabic نور (nur) meaning "light".
Ilsöyä Илсөйә f Bashkir
Means "country-loving, patriotic" in Bashkir.
Ilüzä Илүзә f Bashkir
From Bashkir ил (il) meaning "country" and үзә, үҫә (üzä, üθä) meaning "growing".
Il'yas Ильяс m Bashkir
Bashkir form of Elias.
Insaf Инсаф f & m Arabic, Tatar, Bashkir
Means "fairness, impartiality, justice, equity" in Arabic, from the root أنصف (ʿanṣafa) meaning "to act justly, to be fair".
Ïnyï Ынйы f Bashkir
Means "pearl" in Bashkir.
Ïnyïgöl Ынйыгөл f Bashkir
From Bashkir ынйы (ïnyï) meaning "pearl" and гөл (göl) meaning "flower".
Ïnyïqay Ынйыҡай f Bashkir
Possibly a diminutive or pet form of Ïnyï.
Irändek Ирәндек m Bashkir
Ïrïθbikä Ырыҫбикә f Bashkir
From the Bashkir ырыҫлы (ïrïθlï) meaning "happiness" feminine name element бикә (bikä).
Irkä Иркә f Bashkir
Means "gentle, tender" in Bashkir.
Ishbulat Ишболат m Bashkir
Iskändär Искәндәр m Bashkir
Bashkir form of Iskandar.
Islambäk Исламбәк m Bashkir
Bashkir cognate of Islambek.
Islametdin Исламетдин m Bashkir, Tatar
Islamğäli Исламғәли m Bashkir
Combination of Islam and Ğäli.
Išleqämär Ишлеҡәмәр f Bashkir
From the Bashkir ишле (išle) meaning "like, alike, similar" and Arabic قمر (qamar) meaning "moon".
Iz̦el Иҙел m Bashkir
From Bashkir Иҙел (Iz̦el), which is derived from Old Turkic Etil, which is the old name of the Volga River in Russia.
Kamaletdin Камалетдин m Bashkir
Variant of Kemaleddin.
Kärimä Кәримә f Tatar, Bashkir
Tatar and Bashkir form of Karima.
Khabibulla Хәбибулла m Bashkir, Tatar
Bashkir and Tatar form of Habibullah.
Khakim Хәким m Indonesian, Kazakh, Bashkir
Indonesian, Kazakh, and Bashkir form of Hakim.
Khaydar Хәйҙәр m Bashkir, Tatar
Bashkir and Tatar form of Haidar.
Khosayen Хөсәйен m Bashkir
Bashkir form of Husayn.
Khusain m Kazakh, Bashkir, Tatar
Kazakh and Bashkir form of Hussain.
Kinyäbanïw Кинйәбаныу f Bashkir
From Bashkir кинйә (kinyä) meaning "younger" and Persian بانو (banu) meaning "lady".
Kinyägöl Кинйәгөл f Bashkir
From Bashkir кинйә (kinyä) meaning "younger" and гөл (göl) meaning "flower".
Kinyähïlïw Кинйәһылыу f Bashkir
From Bashkir кинйә (kinyä) meaning "younger" and һылыу (hiliw) meaning "beautiful, beauty".
Kinyänur Кинйәнур f Bashkir
From Bashkir кинйә (kinyä) meaning "younger" and Arabic نور (nur) meaning "light".
Kömöš Көмөш f Bashkir
Means "silver" in Bashkir.
Kömöšhïlïw Көмөшһылыу f Bashkir
From Bashkir көмөш (kömöš) meaning "silver" and һылыу (hiliw) meaning "beautiful, beauty".
Kömöšnur Көмөшнур f Bashkir
From Bashkir көмөш (kömöš) meaning "silver" and Arabic نور (nur) meaning "light".
Läylä Ләйлә f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Layla.
Laysan Ләйсән f Tatar, Bashkir
Most likely derived from Arabic نيسان (naysan) meaning "April".
Leysan m & f Azerbaijani, Tatar (Russified), Bashkir (Russified)
Means "downpour, heavy rain" in Azerbaijani, ultimately from Arabic نيسان (naysān) meaning "April" . It is also the Russified form of its cognate Laysan... [more]
Liliä Лилиә f Bashkir, Tatar
Bashkir and Tatar form of Lilia.
Lüziä Лүзиә f Bashkir (Modern)
Bashkir form of Lucia.
Lyaisan f Tatar (Russified), Bashkir (Russified)
Alternate transcription of Ляйсан (see Lyaysan)
Lyalya Ләлә f Tatar, Bashkir
Tatar and Bashkir form of Laleh.
Mädinä Мәҙинә f Tatar, Bashkir
Bashkir and Tatar form of Medina.
Mahibanat Маһибанат f Bashkir
From Persian ماه (mâh) meaning "moon" and Baskir банат (banat) meaning "girl".
Mahibanïw Маһибаныу f Bashkir
From the Persian ماه (mâh) meaning "moon" and بانو (banu) meaning "lady".
Mahigöl Маһигөл f Bashkir
From the Persian ماه (mâh) meaning "moon" and Bashkir гөл (göl) meaning "flower".
Mahikamal Маһикамал f Bashkir
From Persian ماه (mâh) meaning "moon" and Arabic كمال (kamal) meaning "perfection".
Mahišäkär Маһишәкәр f Bashkir
From the Persian ماه (mâh) meaning "moon" and Bashkir шәкәр (šäkär) meaning "sugar".
Mahisärüär Маһисәрүәр f Bashkir
From the Persian ماه (mâh) meaning "moon" and Arabic سُرُور (surūr) meaning "joy, pleasure".
Mahitap Маһитап f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Mahtab.
Mahïy Маһый f Bashkir
From the Persian ماه (mâh) meaning "moon".
Mahiya Маһия f Bashkir
From the Persian ماه (mâh) meaning "moon".
Makhmut Мәхмүт m Bashkir, Tatar
Bashkir and Tatar form of Mahmud.
Mälik Малик m Tatar, Bashkir
Tatar and Bashkir form of Malik 1.
Marvan Мәрвән m Chechen, Bashkir
Chechen and Bashkir form of Marwan.
Märyäm Мәрйәм f Tatar, Bashkir
Tatar and Bashkir form of Maryam.
Märyen Мәрйен f Bashkir
From Arabic مَرْجَان‎ (marjān) meaning "coral".
Mazhit Мәжит m Kazakh, Bashkir, Tatar
Kazakh, Bashkir, and Tatar form of Majid.
Menawra Менәүрә f Bashkir (Rare)
From Arabic مُنَوَّرَة ‎(munawwara) meaning "illuminated, luminous".
Milausha Миләүшә f Tatar, Bashkir
Means "violet (flower)" in Tatar and Bashkir, ultimately derived from Persian بنفشه (banafsheh).
Miläwšä Миләүшә f Bashkir
Bashkir variant of Miläwšä.
Minhažetdin Минһажетдин m Bashkir
Miñhïlïw Миңһылыу f Bashkir
From Bashkir миң (miñ) meaning "birthmark, mole" and һылыу (hïlïw) meaning "beautiful".
Miñkäbirä Миңкәбирә f Bashkir
From Bashkir миң (miñ) meaning "birthmark, mole" and Arabic كَبِيرَة‎ (kabīra) meaning "great".
Miñnur Миңнур f Bashkir
From Bashkir миң (miñ) meaning "birthmark, mole" and Arabic نور (nur) meaning "light".
Mintimer Минтимер m Tatar (Rare), Bashkir (Rare)
Means "I'm iron" in Tatar and Bashkir, derived from мин (min) meaning "I" and тимер (timer) "iron".
Miñzahida Миңзаһида f Bashkir
From Bashkir миң (miñ) meaning "birthmark, mole" and Arabic زاهد (zahid) meaning "pious, devout".
Miñzahira Миңзаһира f Bashkir
From Bashkir миң (miñ) meaning "birthmark, mole" and Arabic ظهير (zahir) meaning "helper, supporter".
Miñzifa Миңзифа f Bashkir
From Bashkir миң (miñ) meaning "birthmark, mole" and зифа (zifa) meaning "beautiful, elegant".
Mirgayaz Миргаяз m Bashkir
Means "help" in Bashkir.
Mirxäyz̦är Мирхәйҙәр m Bashkir
Mönäüärä Мөнәүәрә f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Munawara.
Mönirä Мөнирә f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Munira.
Mortaza Мортаза m Bashkir
Bashkir form of Murtada.
Möxämätğäbdelxäy Мөхәмәтғәбделхәй m Bashkir
Bashkir transcription of Muhammed-Gabdulkhay.
Möxämmätša Мөхәммәтша m Bashkir, Tatar
From the given name Möxämmät.
Mullayan Муллайән m Bashkir
Means "soul of the mullah", derived from Bashkir мулла (mulla) meaning "mullah" (a term for an Islamic cleric), of Arabic origin, combined with the suffix -йән (-yän) meaning "soul" (of Persian origin).
Muşarif Мушариф m Bashkir
Means "famous" in Bashkir.
Muyïlbikä Муйылбикә f Bashkir
From Bashkir муйыл (muyïl) meaning "bird cherry" and feminine name element бикә (bikä).
Nädirä Нәдирә f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Nadira.
Nađlïhïlïw Наҙлыһылыу f Bashkir
From Persian نازلی (nazli) meaning "delicate, beautiful, coy" and Bashkir һылыу (hïlïw) meaning "beautiful".
Näfisä Нәфисә f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Nafisa.
Nagim Нағим m Bashkir
Bashkir form of Naim.
Näğimä Нәғимә f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Na'ima.
Nähär Нәһәр f Bashkir
From Arabic نَهْر‎ (nahr) meaning "river".
Näqiä Нәҡиә f Bashkir
Bashkir feminine form of Naqi.
Näsibä Нәсибә f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Nasiba.
Näylä Нәйлә f Bashkir
Variant Bashkir form of Naila.
Näzhiä Нәжиә f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Najia.
Nazhiba Нәжибә f Bashkir
Feminine form of Nazhip.
Nazhip Нәжип m Bashkir
Bashkir form of Najib.
Näzixä Нәзихә f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Naziha.
Nigmat Ниғмәт m Bashkir, Tatar, Kazakh
Bashkir and Tatar form of Nimat and Kazakh variant of Nygmet.
Nigmatulla Ниғмәтулла m Bashkir, Tatar
Bashkir and Tatar form of Nimatullah.
Nil Нил m Bashkir
From Нил (Nil), the Bashkir name for the Nile River in Egypt.
Nögöş Нөгөш m Bashkir
From Нөгөш (Nögöş), the Bashkir name of the Nugush River, which runs through Bashkortostan.
Nurbüläk Нурбүләк f Bashkir
From Arabic نور (nur) meaning "light" and бүләк (büläk) meaning "gift, present".
Nurgöl Нургөл f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Nurgul.
Nurhïlïw Нурһылыу f Bashkir
From Arabic نور (nur) meaning "light" and Baskhir һылыу (hïlïw) meaning "beautiful".
Nuriya Нурия f Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Tatar, Bashkir
Strictly feminine form of Nur.
Nursäsäk Нурсәсәк f Bashkir
From Arabic نور (nur) meaning "light" and Bashkir сәсәк (säsäk) meaning "flower".
Nurshat f & m Kazakh, Bashkir, Tatar
From the name elements nūr "light" and shād "happy, glad".
Nwrislam Нурислам m Bashkir
Bashkir cognate of Nurislam.
Ömmöxayat Өммөхаят f Bashkir
From the Arabic أم (umm) meaning "mother" and حياة (hayat) meaning "life".
Ömötbikä Өмөтбикә f Bashkir
From Bashkir өмөт (ömöt) meaning "hope" and feminine name element бикә (bikä).
Qämär Ҡәмәр f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Qamar.
Qarasäs Ҡарасәс f Bashkir
Means "black-haired" in Bashkir.
Qolansäs Ҡолансәс f Bashkir
From Bashkir ҡолан (qolan) meaning "light brown" and сәс (säs) meaning "hair".
Qolbanat Ҡолбанат f Bashkir
From Bashkir ҡол (qol) meaning "obedient, docile" and банат (banat) meaning "girl".
Qolbikä Ҡолбикә f Bashkir
From Bashkir ҡол (qol) meaning "obedient, docile" and feminine name element бикә (bikä).
Qoyašbikä Ҡояшбикә f Bashkir
From Bashkir ҡояш (qoyaš) meaning "sun" and feminine name element бикә (bikä).
Qunaqbikä Ҡунаҡбикә f Bashkir
From Bashkir ҡунаҡ (qunaq) meaning "guest" and feminine name element бикә (bikä).
Räbiğä Рәбиғә f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Raabi'a.
Radik Радик m Tatar, Bashkir
Derived from Persian راضی‎ (râzi) meaning "pleased, satisfied, happy" (through an Arabic borrowing).
Räikhana Рәйхана f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Reyhan.
Rämilä Рәмилә f Bashkir
Feminine form of Ramil.
Rämzilä Рәмзилә f Bashkir
Ramziya Рәмзиә f Tatar, Bashkir (Russified)
Tatar and Russified Bashkir feminine form of Ramzi.
Räšiđä Рәшиҙә f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Rashida.
Räsimä Рәсимә f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Rasima.
Räsül Рәсүл m Bashkir
Bashkir form of Rasul.
Raušan Раушан f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Roshan.
Rawef Рәүеф m Bashkir
Bashkir form of Rauf.
Räximä Рәхимә f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Rahima.
Rayxan Райхан f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Rayhana.
Räyxana Рәйхана f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Rayhana.
Razif Разиф m Malay, Bashkir
Possibly derived from Persian راضی‎ (razi) meaning "content, pleased, satisfied" (of Arabic origin).
Rezeda Резеда f Tatar, Bashkir, Chechen (Rare)
Derived from Tatar рәсидә (räsidä) meaning "mature, ripe"; ultimately from Arabic رَشَدَ (rašada) "to be well guided, to be of age".
Rif Риф m Bashkir, Tatar
Either derived from Arabic رِيف (rīf) meaning "country, countryside" or a Bashkir and Tatar form of the name Arif.
Rifqät Рифҡәт m Bashkir
Bashkir form of Rifat.