Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Gender Masculine
Usage Bashkir
Scripts Иҙел(Bashkir)

Meaning & History

From Bashkir Иҙел (Iz̦el), which is derived from Old Turkic Etil, which is the old name of the Volga River in Russia.
Added 4/4/2016 by HL
Edited 10/24/2016 by HL

Gender Feminine & Masculine
Usage Turkish

Meaning & History

Possibly the Turkish form of Eidel or Israel, or perhaps from the Turkish iz 'footprint, track, trace, mark' and el 'hand, country, homeland'.
Added 5/18/2014 by Ora
Edited 8/20/2016 by HL