Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.

Gender Feminine
Usage Turkmen
Pronounced Pron. Bi:bi  [key]
Other Forms Formsбиби (Russian)

Meaning & History

Not available.
Added 8/19/2016 by dnzarasli
Edited 9/13/2016 by dnzarasli

Gender Feminine
Other Forms FormsBia

Meaning & History

Portuguese diminutive of Beatriz. In Brazilian Portuguese this can also function as a diminutive of Gabriela, Fabiana, Bianca and other names containing a similar sound. This was borne by the Brazilian actress and singer Abigail 'Bibi' Ferreira (1922-2019).
Added 8/21/2016 by LMS
Edited 12/14/2023 by SeaHorse15 and Evil

Gender Feminine
Usage Bashkir
Scripts Биби(Bashkir)

Meaning & History

Means "hostess" in Bashkir.
Added 8/28/2016 by HL

Gender Feminine
Usage Japanese
Scripts 日々, 妃々, 美々, etc.(Japanese Kanji)
Pronounced Pron. BEE-BEE  [key]

Meaning & History

From Japanese 日 (bi) meaning "day, sun, Japan", 妃 (bi) meaning "a ruler's wife; queen; empress" or 美 (bi) meaning "beautiful" and duplicated using 々. Other kanji with the same pronunciations can also be used to form this name.

Usage of this name is, most likely, influenced by the name Vivi.
Added 1/27/2017 by lilolaf
Edited 1/17/2019 by Evil and lilolaf

Gender Masculine
Usage Hebrew
Scripts ביבי(Hebrew)
Pronounced Pron. Bee-bee  [key]
Other Forms FormsBibby

Meaning & History

Diminutive of Binyamin. This is borne by Israeli prime minister Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu (1949-).
Added 8/29/2017 by anonymous
Edited 4/14/2019 by SeaHorse15 and Sofia

Bibi 8
Gender Feminine
Usage Korean
Scripts 비비(Korean Hangul) 雨雨(Korean Hanja)
Pronounced Pron. BEE-BEE  [key]

Meaning & History

From Sino-Korean 雨 (bi) meaning "rain" doubled. Other hanja signs are possible. Spelling variant of Vivi.
Added 4/4/2024 by ogurek

See Also

User submission Bíbí