Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the description contains the keywords prince or of or all or men.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Iwa f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Eva.
Iwa f Quechua
Quechua form of Eva.
Iwajla f German (Rare)
Feminine form of Iwajlo. The German film director Iwajla Klinke bears this name.
Iwajlo m German (Rare)
German transcription of Ivaylo.
'Iwalani f Hawaiian
This name means "heavenly frigate bird" or "heavenly man-of-war bird" from 'iwa meaning "frigate bird, man-of-war bird" and lani meaning "sky, heaven, heavenly, spiritual."
Iwalaye m & f Yoruba
Iwan m Japanese
From Japanese 威 (i) meaning "intimidate" combined with 蕃 (wan) meaning "multiply, increase". Other kanji combinations are possible. ... [more]
Iwan m Indonesian
Possibly means "earth, soil" in Indonesian or derived from Arabic إِيوَان (ʾīwān) meaning "porch, entrance, balcony" (of Persian origin).
Iwao m Japanese
This name can be used as 巌 (gan, iwa, iwao, kewa.shii) or 巖 (gan, iwa, iwao, kewa.shii) which both mean "rock, crag."... [more]
Iwcia f Polish
Diminutive form of Iwa or Iwona.
Iwe m West Frisian
This name is probably a variant form of Ive.
Iwein m Arthurian Cycle
German form of Yvain in Hartmann von Aue's verse romance Iwein.
Iweke f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Yvette / Evette.
Iwelin m Bulgarian
Variant transcription of Ивелин (see Ivelin).
Iwelina f Bulgarian
Variant transcription of Ивелинa (see Ivelina).
Iwen m German
Variant spelling of Iven.
Iwerydd f Medieval Welsh, Welsh Mythology
Derived from Welsh Y Werydd meaning "the ocean". In Welsh mythology she was a wife of the sea-god Llyr and the mother of Brân the Blessed.
Iweta f Polish
Polish form of Yvette.
Iwetta f Polish
Variant of Iweta.
Iŵl m Welsh
Welsh form of Julius.
Iwon m Polish
Variant of Iwo.
Iwunia f Polish
Polish diminutive of Iwa.
Ixa f Basque
Diminutive of Isabel.
Ixabel f Basque
Basque diminutive of Isabel.
Ixbalanqué m Mayan Mythology (Hispanicized, Archaic)
In mayan mythology, Ixbalanqué is the twin brother of Hunahpú, son of the god Hun-Hunahpú and the young Ixquic.
Ixe m & f Spanish (Latin American)
Possibly a diminutive or variant of Ixel or Ixchel
Ixeia f Aragonese
Variant of Ixeya.
Ixel f & m Spanish (Latin American)
Possible form or spelling of the name Ixchel.
Ixeya f Aragonese
Transferred use of Ixeya (also known as Ixeia), the name of a Pyrenean mountain located in the province of Huesca, Spain.
Ixinio m Aragonese
Aragonese form of Hyginus.
Ixion m Greek Mythology
Probably derived from the Greek noun ἰξός (ixos), which can mean "mistletoe" as well as "birdlime". In Greek mythology, Ixion was king of the Lapiths (the most ancient tribe of Thessaly) and a son of Ares or Antion or the notorious evildoer Phlegyas.
Ixone f Basque
This name was recorded in Vitoria/Gasteiz in 1513, with its original meaning unknown. However, it has been revived since the 1970's, probably interpreted as a combination of Basque ixo (meaning "hush") and the modern feminine suffix -ne.
Ixpanton f & m Nahuatl
Probably derived from Nahuatl ixpan, meaning "before, in front of; to present or manifest to someone", combined with the diminutive suffix -ton.
Ixquic f Mayan Mythology, New World Mythology
Means "blood lady" in Quiché (Mayan), from the feminine prefix ix- combined with qiq "blood". In Mayan mythology she was the mother of the twin gods Hunahpu and Ixbalanqué.
Ixtab f Mayan Mythology
At the time of the Spanish conquest of Yucatán (1527–1546), Ix Tab or Ixtab ( "Rope Woman", "Hangwoman") was the indigenous Mayan goddess of suicide by hanging. Playing the role of a psychopomp, she would accompany such suicides to heaven.
Ixtli f New World Mythology
Diminutive of Ixtaccihuatl, which means "white woman" in Nahuatl from iztac "white" and cihuatl "woman". This was the name of a beautiful princess in Mexican legend who fell in love with the hero Popo, but died of grief when a messenger falsely reported that her lover had died in war... [more]
Ixtlilton m Aztec and Toltec Mythology
Means "ink at the face", from Nahuatl īxtli, "face, eye" combined with tlīlli "black ink" with diminutive suffix -tōn. In Aztec mythology, Ixtlilton is a god of medicine and healing and therefore was often allegedly alluded to as the brother of Macuilxochitl, the god of well-being or good luck.
Iya f Laz
Means violet, Laz version of the Greek name Ia, common also in Georgia.
Iyabode f Yoruba
Yoruba for " mother has returned". When a the first girl child is born after the death of a grandmother, the child is given this name. Iya is the root word,which means mother. Such as Iyaba, wich means Grandmother.
Iyakub m Bengali
Bengali form of Jacob or James.
Iyán m Asturian
Variant of Illán.
Iyana f African American (Modern)
Variant of Ayanna. This is a modern name; also compare the similar name Aniyah.
Iyana f Asturian
Feminine form of Iyán.
Iyannough m Wampanoag
Means "Captain" or "One who intimidates" in Wampanoag. It is the name of the chief sachem of the Mattakeeset tribe who helped the Pilgrims find a lost boy, John Billington.
Iyarri m Near Eastern Mythology, Hittite Mythology, Luwian Mythology
Meaning uncertain. Iyarri was a god of plague and war in both the Hittite and Luwian pantheons. He is known from oaths sworn in the in the Šuppiluliuma-Šattiwazza treaty, where he is depicted as a man standing on the back of a lion.
Iyassu m Ethiopian
Ethiopian form of Joshua.
Iyasus m Ethiopian, Theology
Form of Jesus used in Ethiopia.
Iyatta f Sanskrit, Indian, Hindi
MEANING : the state of being, of such extent, quantity, fixed measure or quantity, so much
Iybu m Karelian
Karelian form of Ivan.
Iyed m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Maghrebi form of Iyad (chiefly Tunisian).
Iyeremiya m Russian
Russian form of Jeremiah.
Iyeronim m Ukrainian, Russian
Ukranian form and alternate Russian transcription of Jerome
Iyiomo m & f Yoruba
ondo region of western nigeris
Iyla f English (Rare)
Most often a variant form of Isla and Ila, but sometimes also of Ayla 3 and Elah.... [more]
Iynx f Greek Mythology
From Greek mythology. The name of a nymph who invented the magical love-charm known as the iynx--a spinning wheel with a wryneck bird attached, according to mythology she either used the charm to make Zeus fall in love with her or with another nymph, Io... [more]
Iyoas m Ethiopian
Ethiopian form of Joash, a name borne by two emperors of Ethiopia.
Iyob m Amharic
Amharic form of Job.
Iyosafit m Amharic Tigrinya
Ethiopian version of Jehoshaphat
Iysha f Arabic, American
Variant of Aisha.
Iysis f English (American, Rare)
Possibly a variant of Isis. It was given to 6 girls in 2000 according to the SSA.
Iyvan m English
Variant of Ivan.
Iza f Slovene, Hungarian
Hungarian short form of Izabella and Izolda and Slovene short form of Elizabeta, Izabela, Izidora and Izeta, occasionally used as a given name in its own right.
Izaac m English
Variant of Isaac
Izabela f Biblical Romanian
Romanian form of Jezebel.
Izabelka f Polish
Diminutive of Izabela.
Izabell f Hungarian (Rare), Swedish (Modern, Rare)
Hungarian variant of Izabel and Swedish variant of Isabel.
Iżabella f Maltese
Maltese form of Isabella.
Izabeth f South American (Rare)
Variant of Isabeth and a truncated form of Elizabeth.
Izadyar m & f Iranian
It basically means right hand of the god... [more]
Izaija m Croatian
Croatian form of Isaiah.
Izaijas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Isaiah.
Izaije f Croatian, Bosnian
Croatian and Bosnian form of Isaiah.
Izail m Soviet, Russian
Contraction of Russian исполнитель заветов Ильича (ispolnitel' zavetov Il'icha) meaning "executor of the testament of Ilyich" or of the Soviet slogan Исполняй заветы Ильича! (Ispolnyay zavety Il'icha!) meaning "Fulfill the legacy of Ilyich!" The last word in both sentences refers to the Russian politician and communist revolutionary Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924), whose patronymic was Ilyich.... [more]
Izajáš m Czech
Czech form of Isaiah.
Izajasz m Polish
Polish form of Isaiah.
Izák m Czech (Rare), Slovak
Czech and Slovak form of Isaac.
Izåk m Walloon
Walloon form of Isaac.
Izako f Georgian (Rare)
Diminutive of Izabela via its short form Iza. Also compare Iziko.
Izalda f Medieval Polish
Medieval Polish variant of Izolda.
Izana m & f Japanese (Rare), Popular Culture
From the stem of verb 誘う (izanau) meaning "to invite, ask (someone to do), call (for); to tempt, lure, entice."... [more]
Izanaki m Japanese Mythology
Alternate transcription of Japanese Kanji 伊邪那岐 (see Izanagi).
Izaokas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Isaac.
Izara f Basque (Rare), French (Rare), Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
In the Basque country and French-speaking areas, this name is now generally considered a variant of Izar and Izarra... [more]
Izara f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Strictly feminine form of Izar which itself is another name for Mirak, a star in the constellation Boötes. This Izar has its origins in the Arabic word izar "shawl".
Izarak m Haitian Creole
Haitian Creole form of Isaac.
Izarbe f Aragonese, Basque
From Basque izar "star" and -be "beneath, under", taken from the Marian title Nuestra Señora de Izarbe, meaning "Our Lady of Izarbe". Izarbe is a chapel dedicated to the Virgin Mary located in the province of Huesca, Spain.
Izarne f Basque (Modern)
Elaboration of Izar.
Izarra f Basque
Variant of Izar and cognate of Estrella.
Izascun f Spanish (Rare)
Spanish form of Izaskun.
Izaya f & m Japanese
Japanese form of Isaiah.
Izbygniewa f Polish
Feminine form of Izbygniew.
Izbylut m Polish (Rare)
From the Slavic elements, izby meaning "to get rid of", "to dispose of", "to rid", "to do away with", "to clear out", "to dispense with", "to divest", "to choke off", "to bundle off", "to bundle out", "to deliver oneself of" and lut meaning "dour", "sharp", "acute", "pungent", "nipping", "strident", "with an edge", "clarion"... [more]
Ize f Dutch
Variant of Ise.
Izeah m English (American)
Alternate spelling of Isaiah.
Izebel f Hungarian, Dutch (Rare), Biblical Dutch
Hungarian and Dutch form of Jezebel.
Izebel f English (Rare)
Variant of Isabel influenced by Jezebel.
Izecson m Brazilian
This is the second given name of Brazilian footballer Ricardo Izecson dos Santos Leite, commonly known as Kaká (born 1982-)
Izeia f Basque
Feminine form of Izei.
Izel f & m Turkish
Possibly the Turkish form of Eidel or Israel, or perhaps from the Turkish iz 'footprint, track, trace, mark' and el 'hand, country, homeland'.
Iz̦el m Bashkir
From Bashkir Иҙел (Iz̦el), which is derived from Old Turkic Etil, which is the old name of the Volga River in Russia.
Izelda f Occitan, Provençal
Occitan and Provençal cognate of Isolde (compare Italian Iselda).
Izen m English (Rare)
A rearranged masculine variant of "Inez".
Izerina f Bosnian (Rare)
An elaborated form of Zerina
Izerna f Arthurian Cycle (Archaic)
The name comes from the account of King Artus: a Hebrew Authurian Romance of 1279. The English version, published by Syracuse University Press in 2003, and was edited and translated by Curt Leviant.... [more]
Izeta f Bosnian
Feminine form of Izet.
Izetta f American (Rare, Archaic), English (American, Rare)
This name was used at least as early as the 1870s in the Appalachian Mountain area of the eastern United States. Notable bearer is New Jersey born actress Izetta Jewel (1883-1978) who advocated for women's legal right to vote in the US.
Izette f Afrikaans
Variant of Isette.
Izhaan m Hindi
Variant of Ishan.
Izhar m Biblical
The father of Korah, Nepheg, and Zichri, and was a son of Kohath and grandson of Levi.
Izīda f Latvian
Latvian form of Isis.
Izidė f Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Isis.
Izidora f Slovene
Feminine form of Izidor.
Izidorius m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Isidorus.
Izikaj f Mari
East Mari form of Izüdə̑r.
Iziko f Georgian
Diminutive of Izabela and Izolda via their short forms Iza and Izo.
Izil m Soviet, Russian
Variant form of Izail. This name was created by Communist parents who were eager to reject traditional names.... [more]
Izilda f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Variant of Isilda. This was borne by Maria Izilda de Castro Ribeiro (1897-1911), a Portuguese girl who died aged 13; she is known to Brazilian Catholics as "Menina Izildinha", and is venerated as a Brazilian folk saint.
Izka f Polish
Diminutive of Iza.
Izmael m Hungarian (Rare), Eastern African (Rare), Judeo-Catalan, Biblical Hungarian, Biblical Polish, Biblical Czech, Spanish (Latin American, Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Hungarian, Polish, Czech, Judeo-Catalan and Somali form of Ishmael, as well as a Spanish and Portuguese variant of Ismael.
Izméne f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Ismene.
Izmini f Albanian, Greek (Rare)
Albanian form of Ismene and Greek variant transcription of Ισμήνη (see Ismini).
Iznaur m Chechen
Chechen form of Ansar.
Izo f Georgian
Short form of Izolda.
Izobel f Obscure
Variant of Isobel.
Izokrates m Polish
Polish form of Isocrates.
Izold f Arthurian Cycle (Polonized)
Variant of Izolda used by Tadeusz Żeleński in his translation of the tales of Tristan and Isolde.
Izolde f Latvian
Latvian borrowing of Isolde.
Izoldi f Georgian (Rare)
Form of Izolda with the nominative suffix, used in Georgian when the name is written stand-alone.
Izolina f Portuguese (Brazilian), Lithuanian (Rare)
Portuguese variant and Lithuanian form of Isolina.
Izor m Hungarian (Modern)
Contracted form of Izidor.
Izóra f Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Isaura.
Izora f English, Louisiana Creole
Possibly a variant form of Isora.
Izortza f Basque (Rare)
Basque equivalent of Concepción.
Izortze f Basque
Basque equivalent of Concepción.
Izot m Russian (Rare)
Variant form of Zotik.
Ižota f Belarusian, Literature, Arthurian Cycle
Belarusian form of Iseult that was used in the Old Belarusian translation of Tristan and Iseult called Apoviesć pra Tryščana (translates The Tale of Tristan into English) that was made in the XVI century by an unknown author.
Izrael m Yiddish
Polish-Yiddish form of Israel.
Izraelo m Serbian (Rare)
Serbian form of Israel.
Izrafel m Serbian
Serbian name for the Judeo-Christian angel Israfil, an angel of music.
Izrahiah m Biblical
This name means 'The Lord ariseth; the clearness of the Lord.'... [more]
Izrail m Russian
Russian form of Israel.
Izrayil m Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Israel.
Izsó m Hungarian (Archaic)
Archaic form of Ézsau.
Izuan m Malay
Variant of Izwan.
Izuku m & f Japanese
From Japanese i, meaning "clothing, garments", zou, meaning "three", and ku, meaning "a long time ago". Other kanji combinations are also possible. A famous bearer is Izuku Midoriya, the protagonist of the Japanese anime series 'My Hero Academia'.
Izumo m & f Japanese (Rare)
From 出雲 (Izumo), the name of an old province, a city and a grand shrine (taisha).... [more]
Izuna f Japanese (Rare)
This name combines 泉 (sei, izumi, izu) meaning "fountain, spring" with 奈 (dai, na, nai, ikan, karanashi) meaning "wild apple," 菜 (sai, na) meaning "greens, side dish, vegetable" or 名 (myou, mei, na) meaning "name, reputation."... [more]
Izunia f Polish
Diminutive of Izabela and Izabella.
Izuo m Japanese
From Japanese 泉 (izu) meaning "fountain, spring" combined with 夫 (o) meaning "man, husband". Other combinations of kanji characters are also possible.... [more]
Izuwan m Malay
Variant of Izwan.
Izwan m Malay
Variant of Azwan.
Izwirashe m & f Shona
It means "the voice of the Lord", one can also use Izwi as the shorter form.
Izya m & f Russian
Diminutive of ISAAC, ISIDORE, ISABEL, ISRAEL, and other names beginning with a similar sound.
Izyda f Polish
Polish form of Isis.
Izydora f Polish
Polish form of Isidora.
Izzahbillah f Arabic
Combination of Arabic Izzah (عزة) meaning "Glory, power" and Arabic Billah (بالله‎) meaning "with God, through God".
Izzak m English (American, Modern, Rare)
Variant of Isaac. The name form is maybe influenced by the unrelated name Izzat.
İzzət m & f Azerbaijani
Azerbaijani form of Izzat.
Izzati f Malay, Indonesian
Feminine form of Izzat.
Izzatullah m Arabic
Means "glory of God" from عزّ ('izz) meaning "glory, power," or "honour, majesty" and الله (allah) meaning "God"
İzzettin m Turkish
Turkish form of Izz ad-Din.
Izziah m Biblical
Means either "God unites" or "May Yahweh Sprinkle". Izziah was a descendent of Parosh and one of the Israelites who divorced their foreign wives during the purge of Ezra
Izzie f English, Romani (Archaic)
Diminutive of Isabel and its variants. As a Romani name, it was also used as a diminutive of Esmeralda.
Izzuddin m Malay, Indonesian
Malay and Indonesian form of Izz al-Din.
Izzul m Malay, Indonesian
First part of compound Arabic names beginning with عز ال ('izz al) meaning "glory of the" (such as Izz al-Din).
Izzulhaq m Indonesian, Malay, Arabic
From عزّ الحقّ (‘izz al-ḥaqq) meaning “glory of the truth” in Arabic
Izz un-Nisa f History
Means "glory of women", derived from Arabic عزّ ('izz) meaning "glory, power" and نساء (nisa) meaning "women". This name was borne by Izz un-Nisa Begum (died 1678), the third wife of the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan.
Jååǥǥar m Sami (Skolt)
Skolt Sami form of Yrjö.
Jaachike m Igbo
Variant of Jachike.
Ja'afar m Arabic, Malay
Alternate transcription of Jafar as well as the Malay form.
Jaafar m Arabic, Malay
Arabic alternate transcription of Jafar as well as the Malay form.
Jaaffar m Malay
Malay form of Jafar.
Jååffaž f Sami (Skolt)
Skolt Sami form of Eufrosyne.
Jaagu m Estonian
Estonian short form of Jaagup.
Jaaja m Greenlandic
Greenlandic younger form of Jâja.
Jaako m Estonian
Variant of Jako.
Jaakupiina m Greenlandic
Greenlandic younger form of Jákupîna.
Jaamac m Somali, Muslim
Somali transcription of the Arabic word جامع (jāmaʿa) meaning "mosque". This name has the same roots ج-م-ع (j-m-ʿ) of the Islamic day of prayers, coinciding with "Friday".
Jaami f Sanskrit, Indian, Hinduism, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Nepali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Bengali
MEANING : a virtuous or respectable woman, Sister, daughter -in-law. ( It is name of an apsara)
Jáan m Navajo
Navajo form of John.
Jaan m & f Dutch (Rare)
Diminutive of Adriaan or Johanna.
Jaanaki f Hindi
Meaning "Daughter of Janak". Janak, which was a King married to Queen Videha.
Jaane f Estonian (Rare)
Variant of Estonian Jaana 2 and Jane.
Jaanika f Estonian (Rare), Finnish (Rare)
Estonian diminutive of Jaana 2 and Finnish variant of Janika.
Jaano m Estonian
Variant form of Jaan.
Jaantje f Dutch
Diminutive of Johanna or Janna.
Jaanus m Estonian
Variant of Jaan.
Jaapje f Dutch
Feminine form of Jaap.
Jaave m Finnish
Diminutive of Jahvetti.
Jaazaniah m Biblical
Meaning "Jehovah Has Given Ear". Toward the end of the kingdom of Judah it seems that this was a rather common name; all four men mentioned in the Bible by this name lived within the same short period of time... [more]
Jaba m Georgian
Short form of Jabrail, Jabril and other arabized forms of Gabriel that start with Jab-... [more]
Jabal m Hebrew
Means "a stream" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament, Jabal was the son of Lamech and Adah, and brother to Jubal... [more]
Jabbaruddin m Indonesian, Indian (Muslim), Pashto
Combination of Jabbar and الدين (al-din) meaning “the religion” in Arabic
Jabbor m Tajik, Uzbek
Tajik and Uzbek form of Jabbar.
Jabed m Bengali
Bengali form of Javed.
Jabel m Croatian (Rare)
Croatian form of Jabal.
Jaber m Arabic, Persian
Alternate transcription of Arabic جابر (see Jabir), as well as the Persian form.
Jabier m Basque
Variant of Xabier.
Jábin m Biblical Hungarian
Hungarian form of Jabin.
Jabo m Georgian (Rare)
Either a diminutive or a variant of Jaba.
Jabrail m Georgian (Rare)
Georgian form of Jabril.
Jabreel m Muslim
Islamic/Muslim... [more]
Jabru m Near Eastern Mythology, Elamite Mythology
This was the name of an obscure but very old god in Elamite religion. It is uncertain what the meaning of his name was in the Elamite language. Most sources equate him with the Babylonian god Anu 2, so he must have been a god of the heavens... [more]
Jabu f Zulu
The name's origin meaning is "It is the shortened form of the name Jabulani which means joy or to rejoice"
Jabuka m Georgian (Rare)
Diminutive of Jaba.
Jabulani m Ndebele, Zulu
Means "enjoy" or "be happy all" in Ndebele and "rejoice" in Zulu.
Jac f & m English
Jac may be used as a diminutive of Jacque or Jacqueline, or as an acronym for the initials, for example, Jennifer Adelaide Cameron, which acronyms as Jac.
Jac m Welsh
Welsh form of Jack.
Jac m Dutch, Limburgish
Short form of Jacob, Jacobus and Jacques.... [more]
Jacabeth f English (American, Rare, Archaic)
Possibly a corruption of Jochebed influenced by Jacqueline (and possibly the masculine name Jack) and Elizabeth.
Jacara f African American (Modern)
Combination of the popular phonetic prefix ja and Cara, probably modelled on Toccara... [more]
Jacaranda f Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
A species of tree from south america and grown throughout the world, known for its vibrant purple foliage, it is the national tree of Mexico and its blooming is hailed as a sign of spring.
Jacariá m Provençal
Provençal form of Zacharias.
Jacãti m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Jacenty.
Jacawitz m Mayan Mythology
Means "mountain" in the lowland Maya language, as well as "first mountain" in the Cholan languages; also compare the highland Maya word qʼaqʼawitz meaning "fire mountain". This was the name of a K'iche' Maya mountain god, a companion of the sun god Tohil... [more]
Jacca m Cornish
Cornish form of Jack.
Jacelyn f English (American, Modern, Rare)
Variant of Jocelyn or combination of Jace and Lyn.
Jacen m English (American, Modern), Popular Culture
Variant of Jason. This is the name of Han Solo and Princess Leia's oldest son in the Star Wars Legends books, Jacen Solo. Since Jacen Solo's first appearance in the books in 1993, the name has risen in popularity in the United States.
Jacenta f Polish (Rare)
Rare feminine form of Jacenty (see also Hiacynta.
Jachem m Romansh
Variant of Jachen.
Jachen m Romansh
Variant of Giachen, traditionally found in Lower Engadine, a valley in southeast Switzerland.
Jachent f Yiddish
Variant of Jachet. This name was recorded in France and Germany in the 13th-century.
Jachet f Yiddish
(German) Yiddish variant of Yachet.
Jachet m Medieval French
Variant form of Jacquet.
Jacheta f Polish, Yiddish
Polonized form of Jachet, used mainly among Polish-Jews
Jachiam m Romansh (Archaic)
Archaic Romansh form of Jacob via Iacomus.
Jachien m Romansh
Variant of Jachen.