AnabiaانابیہfUrdu (Modern), Indian (Muslim, Modern) Many websites falsely claim that this is a word found in the Quran. The accurate Quranic word is أناب (anaba) meaning "to turn", with the implied meaning "to repent and return to Allah". According to the website QuranicNames: 'Anaba can be used as a name, though it is more common to use its noun version of Muneeb for boys and Muneebah for girls'... [more]
Anjumانجم, अंजुमf & mIndian (Muslim), Urdu, Punjabi Derived from Arabic أَنْجُم (ʾanjum) meaning "stars", the plural of نَجْم (najm) "star, celestial body" (see Najm).
Arjumandআরজুমান্দ, ارجمندfUrdu, Indian (Muslim), Bengali (Muslim) From Classical Persian آرزومند (ārzumand) meaning "wishful", from آرزو (ārzu) "wish" (compare modern Persian Arezou) and the possessive suffix ـمند (-mand)... [more]
Avishm & fIndian (Muslim) Avish in Urdu and Punjabi means 'The Last Follower' or in Sri Lankan it means 'The God's Follower' this name is mostly used by Indians, Pakistans, Sri Lankans or people who speak Urdu.
Hinaحنا, हिनाfUrdu, Punjabi, Indian (Muslim) Derived from the Arabic حناء (ḥinnāʾ), which refers to a dye taken from the Lawsonia inermis plant (called "henna" in English). In South Asian and Middle Eastern culture, it was traditionally used for body art and dying.
Lutf ur-Rahmanلطف الرحمن, লুৎফর রহমানmArabic, Indian (Muslim), Bengali From means "kindness of the merciful" from Arabic لطف (lutf) meaning "kindness, friendliness" and الرحْمن (raḥman) meaning "merciful".
NaseeruddinmIndian (Muslim) Variant spelling of Nasir al-Din. Means "helper of religion", derived from Arabic نصير (naseer) "helper" and دين (din) "religion".
NazriyafIndian (Muslim, Rare) Possibly from Persian نظریه (nazariye), ultimately from Arabic نَظَرِيَّة (naẓariyya) "theory, theorem". A known bearer is Nazriya Nazim (1994–), a Muslim Indian actress from Kerala.
NilaafIndian (Muslim) Means “Water hyacinth” in Arabic. It can also refer to the navy pigment extracted from aforementioned plants. A variant of Nilah.
Qamarunnisaقمر النساءfIndian (Muslim), Urdu Means "moon among women" from Arabic قمر (qamar) meaning "moon" (figuratively "something or someone beautiful, especially a face") and نساء (nisa) meaning "women"... [more]
RamayanmIndian (Muslim) Relating to Ramadon,to commemorate the first revelation of the Quran to Muhammad according to Islamic belief.Meaning "Revolution".
Raqeebرقیب, रक़ीबmUrdu, Indian (Muslim) Derived from Arabic رَقِيْب (raqiyb) meaning "overseer, observer" or "rival, competitor".
Sharafunnisaഷറഫുന്നീസfIndian (Muslim, Rare), Malayalam Means "glory of women" from Arabic شرف (sharaf) meaning "glory, honour, eminence" and نساء (nisa) meaning "women".
Zakatuddinزَكَاة الدينmIndonesian, Indian (Muslim) Combination of Arabic زَكَاة (zakāh) meaning "purification" and Arabic الدين (ad-din) meaning “the faith”.
Zebunnissaزیب النساءfUrdu, Indian (Muslim), History Means "beauty of women", from Persian zeb meaning "beauty" combined with Arabic nissa meaning "women". This name was borne by Zeb-un-Nissa (1638-1702), an Mughal princess who was also a poet.