Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the description contains the keywords prince or of or all or men.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Ioustos m Late Roman (Hellenized), Late Greek, Biblical Greek
Hellenized form of Iustus (see Justus).
Iouventios m Late Roman (Hellenized), Late Greek, Greek
Late Greek and modern Greek form of Iououentios, which is the ancient Greek form of Juventius.
Iov m Russian (Archaic), Ukrainian (Archaic), Romanian (Rare), Moldovan (Rare), Biblical Romanian
Romanian, Russian and Ukrainian form of 'Iyyov (see Job).
Iovane m Medieval Georgian, Georgian (Rare)
Medieval Georgian form of Iohannes (see John), which is still in use today, but rarely so.
Iovanny m Spanish (Italianized, Rare)
Variant of Giovanni using an English-flavored spelling.
Iovel m Georgian (Rare)
Georgian form of Yo'el (see Joel). This name was borne by a 5th-century archbishop of Mtskheta and a 7th-century Catholicus of Iberia.
Iovel m Soviet, Russian
Contraction of Russian исполняющий обязанности Владимира Ленина (ispolnyayushchiy obyazannosti Vladimira Lenina) meaning "fulfilling the obligations of Vladimir Lenin"... [more]
Ioveta f History
Ioveta (c. 1120 - after 1161, before 1178) was a princess of Jerusalem and an abbess of the Sisters of Bethany. She was the fourth and youngest daughter of King Baldwin II of Jerusalem and Morphia of Melitene.
Iovian m Romanian
Romanian form of Jovian.
Iowa f American (Modern)
By way of French Aiouez, from the Dakota word ayúxba/ayuxwe and named after the Iowa tribe. The name seems to have no further known etymology though some give it the meaning "sleepy ones".
Ipalita f Belarusian
Belarusian form of Hippolyte 1.
Ipalnemohuani m Aztec and Toltec Mythology, Nahuatl
Means "he through whom we live" or "giver of life" in Nahuatl. This was one of several names for a supreme Aztec deity. It later came to be used as a term for the Christian god.
Ipar m Basque, Basque Mythology
Derived from Basque ipar "north; north wind". In Basque mythology, Ipar, the north wind, is married to the daughter of the north-easterly wind who calms his anger.
Ipatia f Russian
Russian variant of Hypatia.
Ipatije m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Hypatius.
Ipatiya f Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Hypatia.
Ipaty m Russian
Variant transcription of Ipatiy.
Ipazia f Italian
Italian form of Hypatia.
Ipazio m Italian
Italian form of Hypatius.
Ipàzzia f Sicilian
Sicilian form of Hypatia.
Ipàzziu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Hypatios via it's Latinized form Hypatius.
Ipe m Malayalam
Malayalam form of Hebrew Yosef or English Joseph
Ipe m Indian (Christian), Malayalam
Form of Joseph used by Malayalam-speaking Saint Thomas Christians.
Ipe m Filipino
Short form of Felipe.
Ipê f Tupi
Derived from Tupi ï'pe "shell (of a seed)". This is the Portuguese name for several bignoniaceae trees known for the beauty of their flowers. Moreover, the ipê was elected as the Brazilian national tree.
Ipeknur f Turkish (Modern, Rare)
Combination of İpek, meaning "silk". And Nur, meaning "light".
Ipeqqiaq f Greenlandic
Younger form of Iperĸiaĸ.
Iperaq m Greenlandic
Younger form of Iperaĸ.
Iperione m Italian
Italian form of Hyperion.
Iphagenia f English
Variant form of Iphigenia
Iphianassa f Greek Mythology
Means "powerful queen" or "rule strongly", derived from Greek ἶφι (iphi) meaning "by force, mightily" (compare ἴφιος (iphios) "strong, stout") and ἄνασσα (anassa) meaning "queen" (feminine form of ἄναξ (anax) "lord, master")... [more]
Iphicles m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Iphikles. In Greek mythology, Iphicles was the mortal twin to Heracles, son of Alcmene and Amphitryon.
Iphicrates m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Iphikrates. This name was borne by an Athenian general from the 4th century BC.
Iphimedeia f Greek Mythology
Means "ruling over with strength" from Greek ἶφι (iphi) "strongly, stoutly, mightily, by force" (compare the first element in Iphianassa, Iphigeneia, Iphidamas and Iphiklos) and the verbal root μέδ- (med-) from μεδω (medo) "to protect, to rule over" with the feminine noun suffix -εια (-eia)... [more]
Iphinoe f Greek Mythology
In Greek mythology, the name Iphinoe (Ἰφινόη) may refer to:... [more]
Iphis f & m Greek Mythology
Possibly from Greek ιφιος (iphios) meaning "strong, stout". This was the name of seven characters in Greek myth, both male and female, including the slave woman given to Patroclus by his cousin Achilles in Homer's 'Iliad'.
Iphition m Greek Mythology
Diminutive form of Iphitos, as this name contains the Greek diminutive suffix -ιων (-ion). In Greek mythology, this is the name of two Trojans.
Iphitus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Iphitos. This is the name of several characters in Greek mythology, one of them being a king of Elis.
Iphthime f Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek ἴφθιμος (iphthimos) "stout, strong", a word which meant "comely, goodly" when applied to women. This name was borne by a sister of Penelope in Homer's epic the 'Odyssey'.
Ipol m Aragonese
Aragonese form of Hippolytus.
Ipolitas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Hippolytos, perhaps via its Russian form Ippolit.
Ipolite m Georgian
Georgian form of Hippolytos.
Ipołito m Venetian
Venetian form of Hippolytus.
Ipoly m Medieval Hungarian
Old Hungarian form of Hippolit.
Ipoulite m Provençal
Provençal form of Hippolyte 2.
Ipparco m Italian
Italian form of Hipparchus.
Ippazia f Italian
Variant form of Ipazia.
Ippazio m Italian
Variant form of Ipazio.
Ippei m Japanese
From Japanese 一 (i) meaning "one", 壱 (i) meaning "one (in documents)", 逸 (i) meaning "deviate, idleness, leisure, miss the mark, evade, elude, parry, diverge" or 市 (i) meaning "market, city, town" combined with 平 (pei) meaning "even, flat, peace" or 兵 (pei) meaning "soldier, private, troops, army, warfare, strategy, tactics"... [more]
Ippeum f Korean (Modern, Rare)
From the verbal noun of adjective 이쁘다 (ippeuda) meaning "cute, pretty, gorgeous" (compare Yeppeum).
Ippocrate m Italian
Italian form of Hippocrates.
Ippokratis m Greek
Modern Greek form of Hippokrates.
Ippolyti f Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Hippolyte 1. Also compare the masculine form Ippolytos.
Ippolytos m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Hippolytos.
Ipponatte m Italian
Italian form of Hipponax.
Iprakhim m Chuvash
Chuvash form of Abraham.
Ipsae f & m Korean (Modern, Rare)
From native Korean 잎새 (ipsae), referring to the appearance of a leaf.
Ipseo m Italian
Italian form of Hypseus.
Ipy f & m Egyptian Mythology, Ancient Egyptian
From Egyptian jpt, possibly meaning "harem" or "inner sanctum". This was the name of an Egyptian fertility goddess, often depicted with the head of a hippopotamus. It was also the name of a royal scribe of the Eighteenth Dynasty.
Ipyon f Filipino
Diminutive of Concepcion.
İqbal m Azerbaijani
Azerbaijani form of Iqbal.
Iqbol m & f Tajik, Uzbek
Tajik and Uzbek form of Iqbal. This name is unisex in Uzbekistan, but it is more often bestowed upon males than on females there.
Iqbola f Uzbek
Uzbek feminine form of Iqbal.
Iqnati m Azerbaijani
Azerbaijani form of Ignatius.
Iquan m African American (Rare)
Meaning uncertain, perhaps a variant of Tyquan which ends with the popular phonetic element quan.
Ique m Portuguese
Diminutive of Henrique.
Ira f Greek
Modern Greek form of Hera.
Ira f Basque
Derived from Basque ira "fern". Ira is one of the Basque nature names that have been rediscovered at the beginning of the 20th century.
Ira m & f Hinduism
In Hinduism, Ira (ईर) is the name of the wind-god who is the father of the monkey god Hanuman. His name means "wind" in Sanskrit.... [more]
Ira f & m Turkish
Turkish form of Ira 1 and Ira 2.
Iraaj m Sanskrit
MEANING : 'born from water ', kamadeva ( god of love)... [more]
Irache f Spanish (Rare)
Spanish form of Iratxe. Likely taken from the Santa María la Real de Irache monastery.
Iracy f Brazilian, Tupi
Variant of Iraci.
Irad m Hebrew, Biblical
In the Old Testament, Irad is the grandson of Cain.
Iragarne f Basque
Basque equivalent of Anunciación.
Iragartze f Basque
Basque equivalent of Anunciación.
Iraide f Spanish
Variant of Iraida.
Iraides f Portuguese (Brazilian), Spanish (Canarian), Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Portuguese form of Iraida, as well as a Spanish variant.
Iraïs f Catalan
Catalan form of Irais.
Irais f Ancient Greek
Modern form and variant of Herais.
Iraj m Persian, Persian Mythology
From the Middle Persian Ērič, derived from ēr meaning "an Iranian" or "noble". In Persian traditional history he was the youngest son of Fereydoun and the eponymous hero of the Iranians... [more]
Iraj m Indian
MEANING- { "son of wind-god", a Name of lord Hanuman}. Here ईर means air, wind-god + ज means born... [more]
Iraja f History (Ecclesiastical)
Iraja and her brother Abadir are saints in the Coptic Church and the Roman Catholic Church. They are reported to have been children of the sister of Basilides, the father of kings... [more]
Irakleios m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Herakleios.
Iram f Arabic (Rare), Urdu
From the name of a mythical lost city mentioned in the Qur'an, possibly derived from an Arabic word meaning "toss, throw off". According to legend, Allah destroyed the city with a sandstorm after its inhabitants (called Ad or Aad) refused to accept the teachings of Islam.
Irani f Tupi, Brazilian
Of uncertain origin and meaning.
Irany f Brazilian, Tupi
Variant of Irani.
Iranzu m Ancient Near Eastern
Of uncertain etymology, name borne by a king of Mannae (a small kingdom in present day north-western Iran) that ruled during the reign of Tiglath-Pileser.
Iras f Theatre
Meaning unknown. This name was used by Shakespeare for one of Cleopatra's maids of honour in his tragedy 'Anthony and Cleopatra' (1607).
Iratxe f Basque
From the name of a monastery located in Navarre, Spain, possibly derived from Basque iratze, meaning "fern grove".
Iraultza m & f Basque
Means "revolution" in Basque. It was coined at the beginning of the 21st century and used in Pamplona before the Spanish Civil War. During the dictatorship it was prohibited for two reasons: because the use of Basque names was forbidden and due to its 'subversive' meaning... [more]
Iraupen f Basque (Rare)
Basque equivalent of Constancia.
Iravan m Hinduism
Derived from Sanskrit इरावत् (irāvat) meaning "satiating, comfortable, endowed with provisions", from इरा (irā) meaning "food, refreshment". This is the name of a minor Hindu deity and a character in the Mahabharata... [more]
Iravati f Hinduism
Means "possessing refreshment" in Sanskrit, from इरा (ira) meaning "water, refreshment" and वती (vati) meaning "having". This is the name of a figure in Hindu mythology who is associated with the Ravi River in northwestern India... [more]
Irawan m Indonesian, Indonesian Mythology
Indonesian form of Iravan. This is the name of a character in the Javanese version of the Hindu epic Mahabharata, who is sometimes called Bambang Irawan.
Irawati f Indonesian
Indonesian form of Iravati, though it may also be considered the feminine form of Irawan.
Iraya f Spanish (Canarian)
Meaning uncertain. It is popularly claimed to be derived from the name of a Guanche princess. However, there is no evidence regarding Guanche usage. It has possibly arisen by confusion with Iruya or else a variant of Basque name Iraia.
Irbad m Somali
Irbad is a Somali name with the following characteristics:... [more]
Irbeg m Ossetian
Variant transcription of Irbek.
Irbek m Ossetian
From Ossetian ир (ir), the ethnic name of the Ossetian people, and the Turkish military title beg meaning "chieftain, master".
Irbmá f Sami
Sami form of Irma.
Irča f Czech
Diminutive form of Irena.
Ircia f Polish
Diminutive of Irena.
Irdlirvirisissong m & f Inuit Mythology, Inuit
Means "demon cousin of the moon"
Irdý f Faroese
Faroese form of Irdi.
Irea f Galician
Galician form of Irene.
Ireczek m Polish
Diminutive of Ireneusz.
Iredell m English (American, Rare), American (South, Rare)
From the surname Iredell. This was the name of American philosopher Iredell Jenkins (1909-1988), who wrote about the philosophy of art in the 1950s.
Iredia m Western African, Esan
Means "stay" in Esan. ... [more]
Iree f English
Variant of Irie, also possibly comes from a nickname for Irene.
Ireen f Dutch
Dutch form of Irene. The name has been used in The Netherlands since 1941 and was at its most popular in 1979. A famous bearer of this name is the Dutch speed skater Ireen Wüst (b... [more]
Ireena f Estonian
Variant of Ireene.
Ireene f Estonian
Estonian variant of Irene.
Irelyn f English (Modern)
Variant of Ireland using the popular name suffix lyn.
Irelynn f English
Variant of Ireland using the popular name suffix lynn.
Iren m Basque
Basque form of Irenaeus.
Írena f Icelandic
Icelandic form of Irena.
Irèna f Provençal
Provençal form of Irene.
Irenäa f German (Rare)
Feminine form of Irenäus.
Irenaea f English (Rare)
Feminization of Irenaeus.
Irenarchus m History (Ecclesiastical)
Apparently means "peace ruler" from Greek. It was borne by an Orthodox saint from Sebaste, Armenia who was martyred by beheading in the year 303, under Diocletian, as well as the Russian Orthodox saint Irenarch of Rostov (1547-1616).
Irenarco m History (Ecclesiastical)
Spanish and Italian form of Irenarchus.
Irenäus m German
German form of Ireneus.
Irenca f Slovene
Originally a diminutive of Irena, used as a given name in its own right.
Iréne f Hungarian
Variant of Irén.
Ireñe f Basque
Basque form of Irene.
Irenea f Italian, Corsican, Catalan, Spanish
Italian and Spanish feminine form of Ireneo and Catalan and Corsican feminine form of Ireneu.
Irenej m Croatian, Czech
Croatian and Czech form of Ireneus.
Irenėjus m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Eirenaios (see Irenaeus).
Irenes f Swedish
Swedish variant of Irene.
Irenèu m Occitan
Occitan form of Ireneus.
Ireneu m Catalan, Corsican, Sicilian, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazilian), Portuguese (African), Galician
Catalan, Corsican, Sicilian, Galician and Portuguese form of Ireneus.
Iréneusz m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Irenaeus.
Ireni f Sicilian
Sicilian form of Irene.
Ireniéu m Provençal
Provençal form of Irénée.
Irénke f Hungarian
Diminutive of Irén.
Ireno m Italian
Masculine form of Irene.
Ireno f Provençal
Provençal form of Irène.
Irereo m Old Irish, Irish Mythology
Irereo Fáthach was, according to medieval Irish legend and historical tradition, a High King of Ireland.
Ireshi f Indian
MEANING : wife of king (queen)... [more]
Iresu-kamuy f Far Eastern Mythology
Means ""people teacher"" in Ainu; alternate name of Kamuy-huci.
Ireton m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Ireton.
Ireun f & m Korean (Modern, Rare)
From the present determiner form of adjective 이르다 (ireuda) meaning "early, premature."
Ireun-bi f Korean (Modern, Rare)
Combination of Ireun and 비 (bi) meaning "rain."
Irfa f & m Muslim
Maybe a shortened form of Irfan.
Irfana f Arabic, Bosnian, Indian (Muslim)
A feminine form of Irfan.
Irfanullah m Arabic, Urdu
Derived from the Arabic noun عرفان (irfan) meaning "knowledge, awareness, learning" (see Irfan) combined with the Arabic noun الله (Allah) meaning "God" (see Allah).... [more]
Irfon m Welsh
From the name of the River Irfon in Powys, Wales, which may originate from the same source as Irvine.
Irfonwy f Welsh
Feminine form of Irfon.
Irha f Muslim
Variant of Irhaa
Íri m Old Norse, Norse Mythology, Icelandic
Means "Irishman". This is the name of a dwarf in Norse mythology.
Iría f Galician
Galician form of Irene.
Iría f Catalan
Catalan variant of Iria.
Irial m Irish Mythology, Irish (Rare)
Irial Fáid was a legendary High King of Ireland.
Irial m Welsh
From the Irish Iarfhlaith, which means "prince". Irial Fáid was a legendary High King of Ireland.
Irián m Spanish (Rare)
Alternative spelling of Irian with the stress on the last syllable, also coinciding with the town of Irián in northern Spain.
Irian m & f Indonesian, Brazilian (Rare), Spanish (Rare)
Historical name for the island of New Guinea in Indonesian, from Biak meaning "hot land". It is also a woman-dragon character in Ursula K. Le Guin's Earthsea novels.
Iride f Italian
Italian variant of Iris.
Iridė f Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Iris.
Iridessa f Popular Culture
This was the name of a character in the Disney Tinker Bell film series. Perhaps based on the English word iridescent, which is derived from the Latin elements iris meaning "rainbow" (see Iris) and the suffix -escent "resembling".
Irido m Greek, Somali
Masculine form of Irida.
Irie m & f Jamaican Patois, African American
Irie is used in the music and culture of Jamaica. The meaning is to have no worries or be at peace with everything around you. You hear the saying feeling Irie in many Regea songs.
Irihāpeti f Maori
Maori form of Elizabeth.
Irijah m Biblical
Means "Yahweh sees me" or "my fear is of God" in Hebrew.
Iriko f & m Georgian (Rare)
Diminutive of names that start with ირ- (Ir-), such as Irakli and Irodion for men and Irine and Irma for women.... [more]
Írimë f Literature
Possibly derived from Quenya irima meaning "lovely". This is the name of the younger daughter and third child of Finwë and Indis in Tolkien's legendarium... [more]
Irimia f Galician (Modern, Rare)
After Pedregal de Irimia ("Scree of Irimia"), the name of the source of the Miño river, which is the most prominent river in Galicia. This was the place chosen for the first Pilgramage of Galician Believers in 1978, and thus gives name to the Christian-Galicianist association Irimia.
Irimon m Literature
One of the kings of Numenor in Tolkein's Lord of the Rings. Also known as Tar-Meneldur.
Irina f Japanese
From Japanese 以 (i) meaning "compared to", 利 (ri) meaning "profit, benefit" combined with 菜 (na) meaning "vegetables, greens". Other kanji combinations are possible.... [more]
Irinæ f Ossetian
Ossetian form of Irina (see Irene).
Irinarh m History (Ecclesiastical)
Romanian form of Irenarchus as well as an Estonian transliteration of Russian Иринарх.
Irinej m Serbian
Serbian form of Irenaeus.
Irinel m Romanian
Romanian form of Irinei.
Irineos m Greek
Modern Greek form of Eirenaios.
Irineu m Portuguese (Brazilian), Catalan (Rare), Romanian
Romanian form and Brazilian Portuguese and Catalan variant of Ireneu.
Irinka f Russian, Slovak
Diminutive of Irina.
Irino m Russian
Masculine version of "Irina".
Irinola f Svan, Georgian (Rare)
Svan diminutive of Irina and Irine, as it contains the Svan diminutive suffix -ol.
İris f & m Turkish, Azerbaijani
Turkish and Azerbaijani form of Iris.
Īrisa f Latvian
Latvian form of Iris.
Iriseo m Spanish, Italian, Portuguese
masculine form of Iris Means "rainbow" in Greek.
Irish m & f English, Filipino
Means a person from Ireland or of Irish descent.
Irisko f Medieval Hungarian
Hungarian (diminutive?) form of Iris, recorded as a given name in 15th-century Hungary.
Irisu f Japanese
Japanese name meaning "rainbow", influenced by the Japanese pronunciation of the Greek word iris or from Japanese 伊 (i) meaning "Italy", 里 (ri) meaning "village" combined with 朱 (su) meaning "crimson"... [more]
Írisz f Hungarian
Hungrian form of Iris.
Irita f Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Hinduism, Nepali, Marathi, Gujarati, Bengali
Name- Irita (Eerita ) ईरिता... [more]
Irith f Hebrew
Variant of Irit.
Irján m Sami
Sami form of Irjan.
Irje f Estonian
Variant of Irja.
Iřka f Czech
Diminutive form of Irena.
Irka f Silesian, Ukrainian, Polish
Ukrainian and Silesian diminutive of Ira 2 and Polish diminutive of Irena.
Irkab-damu m Ancient Near Eastern
Name Of an Elamite King
Irkalla f Near Eastern Mythology
Another name for Ereshkigal, the Queen of the underworld.
Irkusne f Basque (Rare)
Coined by Sabino Arana Goiri and Koldo Elizalde as a Basque equivalent of Epifanía and Épiphanie.
Irl m English
Variant of Earl
Irlene f Brazilian, English (Rare)
Possibly a feminine form of Irl.
Irlon m English (Modern, Rare)
Masculine Varient of Ireland.
Irm f German (Rare)
Short form of Irmgard.... [more]
Irmako f Georgian
Diminutive of Irma.
Irmawati f Indonesian
Combination of the name Irma and the feminine suffix -wati.
Irmchen f German
Diminutiv of Irma or other names beginning in Irm- like Irmtraud.... [more]
Irmela f German (Rare)
Diminutive of Irma.
Irmeli f Finnish, Estonian, German (Swiss)
A Finnish diminutive of Irmela, Swiss German diminutive of Irma and Estonian combination of Irma and the syllable -li-, most commonly derived from Eliisabet.
Irmfryda f Polish (Archaic)
Variant of Ermenfryda via Irmenfryda.
Irmi f German
Diminutive of names beginning with Irm-, such as Irmgard, Irmhild or Irma. Rarely used as a given name in its own right.
Irmiko f Georgian (Rare)
Diminutive of Irma.
Irmin m German (Rare)
Short form of names derived from the Germanic name element irmin "whole, universal".... [more]
Irmina f Polish, Italian, German (Rare), Sicilian, Slovene
Feminine form of Irmin or a diminutive of Irma.
Irminburg f German
German form of Erminburg.
Irmine f French, German (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
French form of Irmina as well as a German variant.
Irminfrid m Germanic, German
Variant spelling of Erminfrid.
Irminfried m German
German variant of Irminfrid.
Irmingild m German
German form of Ermingild.
Irmintrud f German
German form of Ermintrud.
Irmo m Dutch, Brazilian
Masculine form of Irma.
Irmushka f Russian (Rare)
Russian diminutive of Irma.
Irmuska f Hungarian
Hungarian diminutive of Irma.
Irmuzza f Sicilian
Diminutive of Irma.
Irna f English (Rare), Swedish, Danish
Variant of Erna 2. Irna Phillips (July 1, 1901 – December 23, 1973) was an American scriptwriter, screenwriter, casting agent and actress... [more]
Irnes m Croatian (Rare), Bosnian (Rare)
The meaning of the name is unknown.
Irnistu m Quechua
Quechua form of Ernesto.
Iro f & m Georgian (Rare)
Short form of names that start with ირ- (Ir-), such as Irakli and Irodion for men and Irine and Irma for women.... [more]
Iro f Finnish Mythology, Finnish
Mother of Väinämöinen, Ilmarinen and Joukahainen. Finnish name day April 5.
Irodi m Georgian (Rare)
Short form of Irodion.
Irodia f Medieval Russian
Feminine form of Irodion.
Irodiada f Russian
Russian form of Herodias.
Irodion m Georgian, Greek (Rare), Russian (Rare), Estonian (Archaic), Romanian, Moldovan
Modern Greek form of Herodion as well as the Georgian, Romanian and Russian form of the name.
Iroi f Veps
Veps form of Irina.
Irolite f Literature
Meaning unknown. This is the name of the protagonist of the French fairy tale Le Parfait Amour (Perfect Love) by Henriette-Julie de Murat. Irolite is a princess kept in a chateau by her evil aunt, the fairy Danamo... [more]
Irona f Dutch (Rare)
Variant form of Hierona. In other words, this name is really a short form of Hieronyma. A known bearer of this name is the Dutch politician Irona Groeneveld.
Ironaldo m Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Possibly a combination of a name starting with I- with Ronaldo.
Irono f Japanese
From Japanese 彩 (iro) meaning "colour" combined with 乃 (no), a possessive particle. Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
Iroquois f & m Obscure (Rare)
From French word Iroquois, of disputed origin. The Iroquois (or Haudenosaunee) are a Iroquoian-speaking confederacy of Native American peoples and First Nations peoples indigenous to North America.
Irorezi f Nigerian
A feminine Nigerian name. The meaning is loosely translated to "good thoughts". This name could also be a diminutive of the Nigerian name Orezi, meaning "precious".
Irpa f Old Norse, Norse Mythology, Icelandic
Feminine form of Jarpr. This is the name of a goddess who along with Þorgerðr was worshipped in 10th-century Hálogaland (northern Norway).
Irpan m Indonesian
Indonesian form of Irfan.
Irra m Spanish
Diminutive of Israel.
Iršappa m Hurrian Mythology, Semitic Mythology
The Hurrian name for the god Resheph. He was worshipped under this name in the Hurrian pantheon and was regarded as a god of commerce and the marketplace.
Irsen m Korean, Russian
Russification of Il-Seong. This was used in the patronymic of Kim Jong-il's birth name, Yuri Irsenovich Kim.