Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the description contains the keywords prince or of or all or men.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Hitomiko f Japanese
From Japanese 瞳 (hitomi) or 眸 (hitomi) both meaning "pupil of the eye" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Hitsch m Romansh
Diminutive of Christian.
Hitty f English
Diminutive of Mehitabel.
Hitzel f Mayan
Possibly a variant of Itzel.
Hiu m Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Hugh.
Hiurma f Spanish (Canarian, Rare)
This name was listed in a baptismal register from Seville dating to the 15th century. It is said to derive from Guanche yurma meaning "white pupil (leukocoria)", literally "moon of the pupil" from *hăyyūr "moon" and *əmma "pupil".
Hiwa f Maori
Short for Hiwa-i-te-rangi, one of the stars in Te Kāhui o Matariki. Hiwa means "active" in Māori.
Hiwet f Amharic, Ethiopian
Variant transcription of Hiwot.
Hixinia f Galician (Rare)
Galician feminine form of Hyginus.
Hixinio m Galician (Rare)
Galician form of Hyginus.
Hiya f Hindi, Urdu
Meaning "Heart Full of Happiness and Joy".
Hiyabel f Ethiopian, Tigrinya (?)
According to Nameberry, it means "gift of God" from the Tigrinya element hiyab meaning "gift" and Hebrew אֵל ('el) meaning "God".
Hiyasmin f Obscure (Rare)
Variant of Yasmin, reflecting the English pronounciation. It could also be a combination of Hiyas and Yasmin... [more]
Hiyoko f Japanese
From Japanese 日 (hi) meaning "day, sun", 曜 (yo) meaning "weekday" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
Hiyori f Japanese
This name can be used as 日和, referring to fine weather, made up of 日 (jitsu, nichi, -ka, hi, -bi) meaning "day, sun," 和 (wa, o, ka, yawa.ragu/eru,, nago.yaka, a.eru, yori) meaning "harmony, peace,"... [more]
Hiyuu m & f Japanese
From Japanese 一 (hiyuu) meaning "one", 妃 (hi) meaning "queen, princess", 緋 (hi) meaning "scarlet, cardinal", 飛 (hi) meaning "fly", 姫 (hi) meaning "princess" or 陽 (hi) meaning "light, sun, male" combined with 優 (yuu) meaning "gentleness, lithe, superior", 夕 (yuu) meaning "evening", 有 (yuu) meaning "exist", 勇 (yuu) meaning "brave", 雄 (yuu) meaning "hero, manly", 悠 (yuu) meaning "distant, leisurely", 裕 (yuu) meaning "abundant, rich" or 遊 (yuu) meaning "play"... [more]
Hızır m Turkish
Turkish form of Khidr.
Hjalle m Swedish
Diminutive of Hjalmar.
Hjallkárr m Old Norse
Old Norse combination of hjalli 'ledge, terrace on the mountain-side' and kárr 'obstinate, pugnacious, reluctant'.
Hjälm m Old Swedish
Old Swedish variant of Hiælm.
Hjalmara f Norwegian (Archaic)
Female form of Hjalmar recorded in the 19th century.
Hjálmdís f Icelandic
Younger form of Hialmdís.
Hjálmey f Icelandic (Rare)
Combination of the Old Norse name elements hjalmr "helmet; protection" and ey "island; flat land along a coast" (which is also often related to the Old Norse name element auja "(gift of) luck; fortune").
Hjálmgeir m Icelandic
Icelandic younger form of Hialmgæirr.
Hjálmgeirr m Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Hialmgæirr.
Hjälmger m Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Hialmgæirr.
Hjálmgerðr f Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Hjalmgerðr.
Hjálmgerður f Icelandic (Rare)
Icelandic younger form of Hjalmgerðr.
Hjálmþér m Old Norse, Norse Mythology, Icelandic
Derived from Old Norse hjalmr ("helmet, protection") and -þér ("servant"). In Norse mythology Hjálmþér and his brother Ǫlvir are the children of a jarl (or chieftain)... [more]
Hjálmþór m Icelandic (Rare)
Combination of Old Norse hjalmr meaning "helm, helmet" and the name of the Norse god Þórr (see Thor).
Hjalmþrimul f Norse Mythology
Derived from Old Norse hjalmr "helmet, protection" and þrima "battle, noise". This was the name of a Valkyrie in Norse legend.
Hjálmtýr m Icelandic
Combination of Old Norse hjalmr "helmet", "protection" and Tyr.
Hjálmur m Icelandic
Icelandic younger form of Hialmr.
Hjálmveig f Icelandic (Modern, Rare)
Icelandic combination of hjalmr "helmet" and veig "power, strength".
Hjalta f Icelandic (Rare)
Feminine form of Hjalti.
Hjalte m Danish
Danish form of Hjalti. In Swedish hjälte means "hero".
Hjalti m Icelandic, Old Norse, Faroese
Old Norse name meaning "man from Hjaltland" (referring to Shetland), originally a byname. The place name Hjaltland probably derives from the Old Norse word hjalt meaning "hilt (of a sword)".
Hjarrand m Scandinavian
Scandinavian form of Herrand.
Hjartan m Faroese
Faroese variant of Kjartan.
Hjenadzij m Belarusian (Rare)
Variant transcription of Hienadzij.
Hjerasim m Belarusian (Rare)
Variant transcription of Hierasim.
Hjert m Swedish
Variant of Gert.
Hjordis f English (Rare), Danish (Rare)
Form of Hjördis, Hjørdis or Hjördís used outside of the Nordic countries.
Hjǫrleifr m Old Norse
Old Norse combination of hjǫrr "sword" and leif "inheritance, legacy".
Hjörleifur m Icelandic
Icelandic younger form of Hjǫrleifr.
Hjørleivur m Faroese
Faroese modern form of Hjǫrleifr.
Hjǫrmundr m Old Norse
Old Norse combination of hjǫrr "sword" and mundr "protection".
Hjørmundur m Faroese
Faroese younger form of Hjǫrmundr.
Hjǫrþrimul f Old Norse, Norse Mythology
Combination of hjǫrr 'sword' and þrima 'battle, noise'. This is also the name of a Valkyrie.
Hjúki m Norse Mythology
Is said to mean "the one returning to health". In Norse Mythology, Hjúki and his sister Bil follow Máni, the personification of the moon, across the heavens.
Hlaine m & f Burmese
Alternate transcription of Burmese လှိုင် (see Hlaing).
Hlaðgerðr f Old Norse
Old Norse name. A combination of hlaða "to weave" (or maybe hlað "lace-work, headdress") and garðr "enclosure, protection".
Hlaðgerður f Icelandic
Modern Icelandic form of Hlaðgerðr.
Hlaðgunnr f Old Norse, Norse Mythology
Derived from hlað ("lace-work, headdress") and gunnr ("battle, fight"). This is the name of a Valkyrie in Norse mythology who only appears in heroic poetry. Hlaðgunnr, also called Svanhvít, is the sister of Hervǫr and the daughter of Hlǫðver... [more]
Hlaðgunnur f Icelandic
Icelandic form of Hlaðgunnr.
Hlédís f Old Norse, Icelandic
Combination of the Old Norse name elements hlē-r "ocean, sea (used in poetic contexts)" and dís "goddess; woman, lady; sister" or dis "wise woman, seeress; woman, virgin".
Hlévangr m Old Norse, Norse Mythology
Variant of Hlévargr or derived from hlé ("lee, shelter") and vangr ("garden"). This is the name of a dwarf in Norse mythology.
Hlévargr m Old Norse, Norse Mythology
Derived from hlé ("lee, shelter") and vargr ("thief, outlaw; wolf"). This is the name of a dwarf in Norse mythology.
Hlewagastiz m Old Norse
A Proto-Norse name attested on the Golden Horns of Gallehus. Second element is gastiz "guest".
Hәlid m Tatar
Tatar form of Khalid.
Hlieb m Belarusian
Belarusian form of Gleb.
Hlífstæinn m Old Norse
Combination of Old Nose hlíf "protection, shelter" and steinn "stone".
Hlífþrasa f Old Norse
Old Norse combination of hlíf "cover, shelter, protection, esp. shield" and þrasa "to snort, to talk big, to make a bold show".
Hlín f Old Norse, Norse Mythology, Icelandic
Means "protection" in Old Norse, the root of which is Old Icelandic hleina "to save, protect, defend" (ultimately relating to Old English hlæna and modern English lean; also the related noun hlein is used of the upright warp-weighted loom, which is leaned against a wall in use)... [more]
Hljóð f Norse Mythology
Means "howling" in Old Norse. Hljóð was a jötunn and daughter of Hrímnir in Norse Mythology.
Hlodowig m Frankish
Reconstructed Frankish form of Louis.
Hlökk f Icelandic (Rare)
Icelandic form of Hlǫkk.
Hlǫkk f Norse Mythology, Old Norse
Means "noise; battle". This is the name of a Valkyrie in Norse mythology.
Hloriia f Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Gloria
Hloþhere m Anglo-Saxon
An Anglo-Saxon form of Lothar. ... [more]
Hlöðver m Icelandic
Icelandic younger form of Hloðvér.
Hlǫðver m Old Norse, Norse Mythology
Variant of Hlǫðvér. In Norse mythology this is the name of Hervǫr and Hlaðgunnr's father.
Hloðvér m Old Norse
Old Norse form of Chlodwig.
Hlöðvir m Icelandic
Icelandic form of Hloðvér.
Hloðwig m Anglo-Saxon
Old English form of Louis, deriving from Germanic Hludwig. This is the form of Louis that was present in England before the Norman Conquest in 1066, where it was replaced with Middle English Lewis and Lowis.
Hloðwiga f Anglo-Saxon
Feminine form of Hloðwig and Old English form of Louisa and Louise respectively.
Hludana f Germanic Mythology
Hludana is a Germanic goddess attested in five ancient Latin inscriptions from the Rhineland and Frisia, all dating from 197–235 AD (the Beetgum inscription was dedicated by a group of fishermen)... [more]
Hlykeriy m Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Glykerios.
Hlykeriya f Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Glykeria.
Ḥmed m Kabyle
Kabyle form of Ahmad.
Hnabi m Medieval German
German form of Hnefi.
Hnæf m Anglo-Saxon Mythology
Anglo-Saxon form of Hnefi.... [more]
Hnæfi m Old Norse
Variant of Hnefi.
Hnamadawgyi f Mythology
Name of Burmese goddess, meaning "royal sister".
Hnat m Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Ignatius.
Hnefi m Old Norse
Old Norse name and byname, from Old Norse hnefi meaning "fist, hand". Hnefi is also the name of the king in the Viking board game hnefatafl.
Hnikar m Icelandic
Icelandic variant of Hnikarr.
Hnikuður m Icelandic
Icelandic modern form of Hnikuðr.
Hninn f Burmese
Alternate transcription of Burmese နှင်း (see Hnin).
Hnoss f Old Norse, Norse Mythology
Means "treasure". In Norse mythology this is the name of one of Freyja and Óðr's daughters.
Hoacam f Vietnamese (Modern, Rare)
Combination of the names Hoa and Cam 1.
Hoagland m American
Transferred use of the surname Hoagland borne by bandleader and composer Hoagland Howard "Hoagy" Carmichael (1899-1981).
Hoài m & f Vietnamese
From Sino-Vietnamese 懷 (hoài) meaning "think of, cherish, miss, long for".
Hoakim f Vietnamese (Modern, Rare)
Combiantion of the names Hoa and Kim 3.
Hoamai f Vietnamese (Modern, Rare)
Combination of the names Hoa and Mai 1.
Hoân f Chinese (Hokkien)
Hokkien Chinese form of Fan.
Hoana f Maori
Maori form of Joan 1 and Joanna.
Hoàng m & f Vietnamese
From Sino-Vietnamese 潢 (hoàng) meaning "expanse of water, lake, pond", 凰 (hoàng) meaning "female phoenix" or 煌 (hoàng) meaning "bright, shining, luminous".
Hoani m Maori
Maori form of John.
Hoara f Italian (Rare)
Mispelling of O'Hara.... [more]
Hob m West Frisian
Frisian short form of names that have hugu for a first element, and of which the second element starts with a "b." The name Hugubert is a good example of that.
Hobab m Biblical
Hobab was Moses' brother-in-law (Numbers 10:29) or father-in-law (Judges 4:11). The relevant part of Numbers 10:29 reads: "And Moses said unto Hobab, the son of Reuel the Midianite, Moses' father-in-law"... [more]
Hobart m English
Apparently derived from the given name Hubert. Also a transferred use of the surname Hobart.
Hobbe m West Frisian, East Frisian
Frisian shortened form of names starting with HUG like Hugbert.
Hobbes m Popular Culture
Transferred use of the surname Hobbes.... [more]
Hobbs m English (Modern, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Hobbs.
Hobby m Medieval English
Medieval English diminutive of Robin. This is where the English word hobby was derived.
Hobey m English, Dutch
Diminutive of Hubert.
Hobisoa m & f Malagasy
From the Malagasy hoby meaning "shout of rejoicing" and soa meaning "good".
Hobomock m & f Algonquin, Wampanoag, Narragansett, New World Mythology
In Algonquin legends (mainly Wampanoag and Narragansett) Hobomock is the manito the spirit of death: a destructive, often evil, being. He is subject of many Wampanoag 'bogeyman' stories, warning children away from dangerous or naughty behavior... [more]
Hobson m American (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Hobson.
Hoby m & f Malagasy
Means "shout of rejoicing" in Malagasy.
Hoc m Anglo-Saxon Mythology
Anglo-Saxon form of Huoching.... [more]
Hoche m Norman, Picard
Of uncertain origin and meaning. The name first appeared in various medieval texts, particularly in present-day Belgium, which leads certain academics to believe that this name might be a variant of Hugues.
Hocine m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Husayn chiefly used in Northern Africa.
Hod m Norwegian (Archaic)
Norwegian form of Hǫðr, used in translations of Old Norse myths.
Hoda f Arabic, Persian
Alternate transcription of Arabic هدى (see Huda), as well as the Persian form.
Hodaia f Hebrew
Variant of Hodaya and Hodia means "thank you God" or "glory of God" in Hebrew.
Hodaya f Hebrew
Variant of Hodiyah. Means "splendor of Yahweh" from the Hebrew hod "glory, splendor" and ya "God".
Hödd f Icelandic
Younger form of Hǫdd.
Hǫdd f Old Norse
Feminine form of Haddr.
Høder m Danish
Modern Danish form of Hǫðr.
Hoder m Danish
Danish form of Hǫðr.
Hodeu m Korean
Combination of Korean Hanja "歩" meaning "Walk" or "Step Forwards", and "大" meaning "Great" or "Large". Other Korean Hanja Combinations possible.
Hodge m Medieval English
Medieval diminutive of Roger. The change in the initial consonant is said to have been caused by the way the velar Norman R was pronounced by the English.... [more]
Hodges m English
Transferred use of the surname Hodges.
Hodiah m & f Biblical
The name of two men, one chief (Nehemiah 10:18) and a Levite (8:7), and a wife of Ezra (1 Chronicles 4:19).
Hodierna f Medieval French (Latinized)
Medieval French form of Odierne, an Old French form of Audigerna, with the spelling altered under influence by Latin hodierna "of today, present-day, existing now"... [more]
Hodierne f Medieval French
Old French variant of Hodierna, which was apparently less common than the more usual Odierne.
Hodijah f Indonesian
Indonesian form of Khadija.
Hodiya f Hebrew
Variant latinisation of Hodiyah.
Hodor m Popular Culture
Hodor is a fictional character in the TV series Game of Thrones (2011-2017).
Hodson m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Hodson.
Hodur m Old Norse (Anglicized), Norse Mythology (Anglicized)
From Old Norse hǫð "battle", ultimately derived from Proto-Germanic *haþuz "battle". In Norse mythology Hodur is a blind son of Odin who accidentally kills Baldr when Loki gives him an arrow made of mistletoe (the only thing Baldr can be harmed by).
Hoela f Breton
Feminine form of Hoel.
Hoelen f Breton
Variant of Hoela.
Hoelun f Medieval Mongolian
Etymology uncertain. Name borne by an Olkhonud woman, who was the mother of Genghis Khan.
Hófehérke f Folklore
Hungarian name meaning "snow white". This is a literal translation of the German literary name Schneewittchen (earlier Sneewittchen), and was probably first used as a borrowing from the fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm.
Hofit f Hebrew (Modern)
Feminine form of Hof.
Hófvarpnir m Old Norse, Norse Mythology
Means "hoof-thrower". This is the name of Gná's horse in Norse mythology.
Hogan m English
Transferred use of the surname Hogan.
Hogara m & f Japanese (Rare)
From the stem of adjective 朗らか (hogaraka) meaning "cheerful, merry; bright, clear."... [more]
Høghne m Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Hǫgni.
Hoghni m Old Danish
Old Danish form of Hǫgni.
Högna f Icelandic
Feminine form of Högni. This was borne by the Icelandic architect Högna Sigurðardóttir (1929-2017).
Høgnar m Faroese
Faroese variant form of Høgni.
Högne m Old Swedish, Norse Mythology
Swedish form of Hagni. This was the name of a legendary king of the Swedish province Östergötland. He appears in the epic works 'Heimskringla' and 'Volsunga saga' written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson.
Hogne m Norwegian
Norwegian form of Hagni.
Högni m Icelandic
Icelandic form of Old Norse Hǫgni, a variant of Old High German Hagano.
Høgni m Faroese
Faroese form of Hǫgni.
Hǫgni m Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Hagni.
Hogun m Popular Culture
Hogun the Grim is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. He is a charter member of the Warriors Three, a trio of Asgardian adventurers and supporting cast of Thor in the Marvel Universe.
Hohiko m Japanese
From Japanese 帆 (ho) meaning "sail" combined with 彦 (hiko) meaning "boy, prince". Other kanji combinations are also possible.
Hoho f Japanese
From Japanese 帆 (ho) meaning "sail", 保 (ho) meaning "to protect; to safeguard; to defend", 歩 (ho) meaning "walk" or 穂 (ho) meaning "grain" combined with 々, a phonetic character indicting a duplication of the beginning kanji, 穂 (ho) meaning "grain" or 保 (ho) meaning "to protect; to safeguard; to defend"... [more]
Hohodzuki f Japanese
From Japanese 微 (hoho) meaning "delicate" combined with 月 (dzuki) meaning "moon". Other combinations of kanji are possible.
Hohoemi f Japanese (Modern, Rare)
From 微笑み (hohoemi) meaning "smile," derived from 頬 (hoho) meaning "cheek" (normally when used in isolation) and 笑み (emi), the continuative form of the verb 笑む (emu) meaning "to smile."... [more]
Hohua m Maori (Rare)
Maori Form of the name Joshua
Hợi f Vietnamese
Means "pig" in Vietnamese. This name is given in the year of the pig.
Hoiruddin m Indonesian
Indonesian form of Khayr al-Din.
Hoirudin m Indonesian
Indonesian form of Khayr al-Din.
Hoirul m Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Khairul.
Hoite m Dutch (Rare)
Variant of Hoyte.
Hojar f Uzbek
Uzbek form of Hajar.
Hoji m Tajik
Tajik form of Hadji.
Hojo f Manchu
Manchu form of Mei 1.
Høk m Old Danish, Old Swedish
Old Danish and Old Swedish form of Haukr.
Hoke m English
Transferred use of the surname Hoke.
Hoke m Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Jose.
Hokey m Literature
The name of a house elf in the "Harry Potter" series.
Hokim m Tajik, Uzbek
Tajik and Uzbek form of Hakim.
Hoko f Japanese
From Japanese 甫 (ho) meaning "beginning, for the first time" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other combinations of kanji characters are also possible.
Hoku f & m Hawaiian
Means "night of the full moon" in Hawaiian.
Hokule'a f & m Hawaiian, Astronomy
Hōkūleʻa is Hawaiian for “Star of Gladness” or “Clear Star”. The western name of this star is Arcturus. Hōkūleʻa is the brightest in the northern hemisphere and it is Hawaii’s zenith star... [more]
Hōkūokalani f & m Hawaiian
Means "star of the heavens" in Hawaiian.
Hokuto m & f Japanese
As a unisex name, this name combines 北 (hoku, kita) meaning "north" with 斗 (to, tou) meaning "Big Dipper, sake dipper" or 都 (tsu, to, miyako) meaning "capital, metropolis."... [more]
Holda f German (Archaic), Dutch (Rare), Hungarian (Rare), Spanish (Mexican)
Dutch and Archaic German variant of Hulda, as well as a Hungarian borrowing of this name.
Holdine f German (Rare)
Diminutive of Holda, primarily used in the 19th century.
Hold-the-world m Literature
The name of a character in the novel The Pilgrim's Progress (1678) by John Bunyan.
Holi f Indian (Rare)
Meaning: the arrival of spring and the triumph of good over evil
Holiaf m Ukrainian
Form of Goliath used in the Ukrainian Bible.
Holiday f & m English (Modern, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Holiday.
Holisoa f Malagasy
Combination of Holy and the adjective soa "good, beautiful, excellent".
Holiver m Medieval Catalan
Late medieval Catalan variant of Oliver.
Hølje m Norwegian (Rare)
Dialectal variant of Helge.
Holland f & m English, Romani (Archaic)
From the name of geographic places called Holland 1, or transferred usage of the surname Holland 1.
Hollandine f Dutch (Rare, Archaic)
Derived from the place name Holland 1, part of the Netherlands. In the case of Louise Hollandine of the Palatinate, the name was given to her because she was born in Dutch exile and the States General took over the sponsorship.
Holler m Norse Mythology
In Norse myth, Holler is the god of death and destruction and the one who brings diseases and disasters. He drags people to his dungeon where he tortures them to death.
Holley f & m English
Variant of Holly.
Holling m American (Rare)
Transferred use of surname Holling.
Hollister m & f English (American, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Hollister.
Hollyn f English (Modern, Rare)
Elaboration of Holly using the popular name suffix lyn.
Hólmar m Icelandic
Combination of Old Norse holmr "islet, small island" and herr "army".
Hólmbert m Icelandic
Icelandic name combination of holmr 'small island' and bjartr 'light, shining'.
Hólmdís f Icelandic
Younger form of Holmdís.
Holmdís f Old Norse
Old Norse combination of holmr 'small island' and dís 'goddess'.
Holmdis f Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Holmdís.
Holmes m English
Transferred use of the surname Holmes in infrequent use as a first name in America in the late 1800s and the first decade of the 1900s.
Holmfastr m Old Norse
Combination of Old Norse holmr "islet" and fastr "strong, firm".
Holmfrid m & f Swedish
Combination of Old Norse name elements holmr "small island" and friðr "peace" or fríðr "beautiful, beloved". The name was originally a feminine name, but is nowadays almost exclusively masculine.
Holmgærðr m Old Norse
Combination of holmr 'small island' and garðr 'enclosure', 'protection'.
Holmgar m Anglo-Saxon
Old English form of Old Norse Hólmgeirr, possibly using the Old English elements holm "ocean, waters" and gar "spear".
Holmgun f Old Swedish
Old Swedish combination of holmr "small island" and gunnr "battle, fight".
Hólmlaug f Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Holmlaug.
Holmlaug f Old Norse
Old Norse combination of holmr "small island" and laug possibly meaning "betrothed woman".
Holmlaugr m Old Norse
Masculine form of Holmlaug.
Holmlög f Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Holmlaug.
Holmstæinn m Old Norse
Old Norse combination of holmr "small island" steinn "stone".
Holmstanus m Old Swedish
Latinized form of Holmsten.
Holmsten m Old Swedish, Old Danish
Old Swedish and Old Danish form of Holmstæinn.
Holofernes m Biblical
In the deuterocanonical Book of Judith, Holofernes (Greek: Ὀλοφέρνης; Hebrew הולופרנס) is an invading general of Nebuchadnezzar, who dispatched Holofernes to take vengeance on the nations of the West that had withheld their assistance to his reign... [more]
Holsten m Swedish (Rare)
Modern Swedish form of Holmsten.
Holt m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Holt.
Holyanna f Popular Culture
Combination of the word "holy" and Anna, used in the 1985 Toto song 'Holyanna'.
Homa f Persian, Persian Mythology
The name of a griffin- or phoenix-like bird in Iranian mythology and Sufi tradition.
Homare m & f Japanese
This name can be used as 誉, 帆希, 歩希 or 穂希 with 誉 (yo,, ho.meru) meaning "glory, honour, reputation," 帆 (han, ho) meaning "sail," 歩 (fu, bu, ho,, aru.ku) meaning "walk, step," 穂 (sui, ho) meaning "ear (of plant), head" and 希 (ki, ke, mare) meaning "few, hope, wish, rare."... [more]
Homayoon m Persian
Alternate transcription of Persian همایون (see Homayoun).
Homayun m Persian, Bengali
Alternate transcription of Persian همایون (see Homayoun), as well as the Bengali form.
Homeer m Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare)
Dutch form of Homer. It was mostly used in the 17th and 18th century, usually in order to refer to the Greek epic poet.
Homeira f Persian
Persian form of Humayra.
Homela m Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Homer.
Homembom m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Omobono via Latinized form Homobonus
Homère m French (Rare)
French form of Homer.
Homero m Galician (Rare), Spanish (Latin American), Portuguese (Brazilian)
Galician, Spanish and Portuguese form of Homer.
Homērs m Latvian
Latvian form of Homer.
Homerus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Dutch (Rare)
Latinized form of Homeros (see Homer). It is chiefly by this form that the Greek epic poet is known in the Dutch-speaking world (such as Flanders and the Netherlands).
Homey m English
Diminutive of Homer.
Homid m Tajik
Tajik form of Hamid 1.
Homie m English
Diminutive of Homer.
Homiko f Japanese
From Japanese 穂 (ho) meaning "ear of grain", 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Homily f Literature
The name of a character from the children's novel 'The Borrowers' (1952) by Mary Norton. A homily is a Catholic sermon, but the name was probably a borrower corruption of Emily (their names were all mispronounced forms of traditional names).
Homini f Sanskrit, Hinduism, Marathi, Nepali, Indian, Sinhalese, Bengali, Malayalam, Tamil
MEANING - offerer of oblations, one who presents obalations
Hommebon m French, History (Ecclesiastical)
French form of Omobono via it's Latinized form Homobonus.
Hommy m Manx (Archaic)
Aspirated form of Tommy mimicking the Manx vocative case.
Homobono m Spanish
Spanish form of Omobono via Latinized form Homobonus.
Homonoia f Greek Mythology
Homonoia in ancient Greek religion, was a minor goddess of concord, unanimity, and oneness of mind. Her opposite was Eris (Strife).... [more]
Hómóðr m Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Hámóðr.
Homura f Japanese (Modern, Rare)
This name can used as 炎 (en, honoo) meaning "blaze, flame" or 秀邑 with 秀 (shuu, hii.deru, ho) meaning "beauty, excel(lence), surpass" and 邑 (yuu, ure.eru, kuni, mura) meaning "village, hamlet."... [more]
Hon m Korean, History
Meaning unknown. This was the personal name of Gwanghae (1575-1641), fifteenth king of Joseon from 1608-1623.
Honalee f English (Rare), Popular Culture
The meaning of this name is unknown.... [more]
Honami f Japanese
From Japanese 保 (ho) "to protect, to safeguard, to defend" or 穂 (ho) meaning "grain" and 奈 (na) "apple tree" combined with 美 (mi) "beautiful, pretty". Other kanji combinations are possible.... [more]
Honcia f Polish
Diminutive of Honorata.
Hondscio m Anglo-Saxon Mythology
The first victim of Grendel in the Anglo Saxon epic of Beowulf. Means "handshoe", as in "glove", from 'hond' meaning hand, and 'scio', meaning shoe.
Hone m Maori
Maori form of John. Hone Tūwhare (21 October 1922 – 16 January 2008) was a noted Māori New Zealand poet.
Honee f English (Modern)
Variant of Honey.
Honest m & f English (Puritan), African
From the English word meaning "honorable, virtuous". This was one of the virtue names adopted by the Puritans around the 17th century.
Honeste f French (African, Rare), African American (Modern, Rare)
French feminine form of Honest 2. As an African American name, it may be used as a variant of Honesty.
Honesto m Galician
Galician form of Honestus.
Honesto m Spanish (Philippines)
Spanish and Filipino form of Honestus.
Honestus m Late Roman, Ancient Roman
Derived from the late Latin "honor, honestus", meaning "honest, gentleman, honorable, respectable"... [more]
Honesty f English (Puritan)
From the English word "honesty" referring to "fairness and truthfulness". Also the name of a plant with purple flowers, Lunaria annua, also known as 'money plant'. Ultimately from Latin honōrāre 'honor, repute'.
Honeybelle f English
A combination of the names Honey and Belle. A type of honeysuckle flower, and a type of small orange. Honeybell Adams is a character in the 1940 movie The Primrose Path.
Honeyblossom f Obscure (Modern)
This name was perhaps coined by television presenter Paula Yates and musician Bob Geldof for their daughter Peaches Honeyblossom Geldof (1989-), from a combination of the names Honey and Blossom.
Honeylene f Filipino (Rare)
Variant of Honeylyn. A known bearer of this name is Honeylene Laurente who competed in Binibining Pilipinas 1999.
Honeylyn f Filipino
Combination of Honey with the popular suffix -lyn
Hongan m & f Chinese (Modern, Rare)
Combination of the names Hong and An 1.
Hong-gyu m Korean
From Sino-Korean 泓 (hong) meaning "clear, deep pool of water" and 奎 (gyu) meaning "stride of man".
Honghwan m Korean
From Sino-Korean 弘 "enlarge, expand; liberal, great", 洪 "vast, immense; flood, deluge" or 泓 meaning "clear, deep pool of water" (hong) and 焕 "shining, brilliant, lustrous".
Hongjoong m Korean
"to be the center of the broad world"
Honglei f Chinese
From the Chinese 泓 (hóng) meaning "clear, deep pool of water" or 虹 (hóng) meaning "rainbow" and 蕾 (lěi) meaning "buds, unopened flowers".
Hongrae m Korean
From Sino-Korean 弘 "enlarge, expand; liberal, great", 洪 "vast, immense; flood, deluge" or 泓 meaning "clear, deep pool of water" (hong) and 來 "come, coming; return, returning".
Hong-ryeon f Literature
Means "red lotus" from Sino-Korean 紅蓮. Hong-ryeon is the name of one of the heroines in the Korean folktale "The Story of Jang-hwa and Hong-ryeon".