Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.

Gender Feminine
Usage Basque

Meaning & History

Derived from Basque ira "fern". Ira is one of the Basque nature names that have been rediscovered at the beginning of the 20th century.
Added 5/25/2014 by Frollein Gladys
Edited 3/9/2022 by Frollein Gladys

Gender Masculine & Feminine
Usage Hinduism
Scripts ईर, इरा(Sanskrit)

Meaning & History

In Hinduism, Ira (ईर) is the name of the wind-god who is the father of the monkey god Hanuman. His name means "wind" in Sanskrit.
Feminine Ira (इरा), however, is the daughter of Daksha who was married to the sage Kashyap.
Furthermore, Ira is also another name for the goddess Sarasvati.
Ira ( इरा ) has a variety of meanings in Sanskrit, ranging from "speech", "comfort", "earth", "refreshment; water" to "enjoyment".
Added 10/16/2014 by Frollein Gladys
Edited 3/4/2020 by Mike C and Frollein Gladys

Gender Feminine & Masculine
Usage Turkish

Meaning & History

Turkish form of Ira 1 and Ira 2.
Added 5/1/2017 by anonymous
Edited 5/15/2018 by Evil

See Also

'Ira, Ira 1, Ira 2