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Iyabode 1
Gender Feminine
Usage Yoruba
Pronounced Pron. E-YAH-BO-DAY  [key]

Meaning & History

Yoruba for " mother has returned". When a the first girl child is born after the death of a grandmother, the child is given this name. Iya is the root word,which means mother. Such as Iyaba, wich means Grandmother.
Added 6/15/2009 by Cynthia Sholanke
Edited 3/5/2020 by Mike C and mamaayo

Gender Feminine
Usage Ijaw
Pronounced Pron. E YAH BO DE  [key]

Meaning & History

Means "poverty has come" in Ijaw.
Added 3/5/2017 by fasinghen
Edited 1/15/2019 by Evil