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Jac 1
Gender Feminine & Masculine
Usage English
Pronounced Pron. Jaa-CK  [key]
Other Forms Forms[Jack]

Meaning & History

Jac may be used as a diminutive of Jacque or Jacqueline, or as an acronym for the initials, for example, Jennifer Adelaide Cameron, which acronyms as Jac.
Added 1/1/2010 by Eowyn

Gender Masculine
Pronounced Pron. /ˈʒɑk/, /ˈʃɑk/  [key·simplify]
Other Forms FormsJacq, Jack, Jak, Sjak (only the last one has a fixed pronunciation)

Meaning & History

Short form of Jacob, Jacobus and Jacques.

Unlike forms like Sjak, this particular form originated from an old writing custom, as the three names mentioned above are often abbreviated to Jac. in writing (sometimes Jacq. for Jacques). In Dutch, this type of abbrevation is known as a dubbele voorletter meaning "double initial". Other examples of this are Joh. for Johannes and Th. for Theodorus.
Added 9/24/2024 by Lucille
Edited 9/24/2024 by Lucille