Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the description contains the keywords prince or of or all or men.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Zincuța f Romanian
Diminutive of Zina.
Zindel m Yiddish
Yiddish form of Alexander.
Zineb f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Zaynab chiefly used in Northern Africa.
Zineddu m Sardinian
Diminutive of Agostinu and its variants.
Zinedin m Bosnian
Variant of Zinedine.
Zine El Abidine m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Zayn al-Abidin chiefly used in Northern Africa. A notable bearer was Zine El Abidine Ben Ali (1936-2019), who served as the president of Tunisia from 1987 to 2011.
Zînet f Kurdish
Kurdish form of Zaynab.
Zineta f Bosnian
Bosnian form of Ziynet.
Zinete f Albanian
Albanian form of Ziynet.
Zinetta f English (American, Rare)
Possibly an elaboration of Zina by way of combining it with the name suffix -etta.
Zing f & m Chinese (Rare)
Two name beares are Zing Jian-han and Zing Jie-gan, athletes from the National Pei Men Senior High School.
Zinha f Portuguese (African)
Likely a short form of names ending in -zinha such as Mariazinha and Florazinha.
Zini f Georgian (Rare)
Georgian diminutive of Zinaida.
Ziniko f Georgian
Georgian diminutive of Zina and Zinaida.
Zinka f Croatian
Croatian variant of Zrinka, or a diminutive of names ending in -zina.
Zinnea f Obscure
Variant of Zinnia.
Zino m Italian
A diminutive of names ending in -zino.
Zinovi m Estonian (Rare)
Estonian transcription of Russian Зиновий (see Zinoviy).
Zinoviia f Ukrainian (Rare)
Variant transliteration of Зіновія (see Zinoviya).
Zinovija f Latvian, Lithuanian (Rare)
Latvian and Lithuanian form of Zenobia.
Zinovios m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek transcription of Zenobios. This was borne by Zinovios Valvis (1800-1886), a Greek politician who served two terms as Prime Minister of Greece, in 1863 and 1864.
Žintautė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Žintautas.
Zintia f Basque
Basque form of Cynthia.
Zintis m Latvian
Masculine form of Zinta.
Zintuḫi f Near Eastern Mythology, Hittite Mythology
The name of a minor Hittite goddess of Hattian origin, whose name means "granddaughter". She was part of a triple deity with her mother Mezulla and the sun goddess of Arinna.
Ziöeśja f Vilamovian
Vilamovian form of Zofia.
Ziöeska f Vilamovian
Vilamovian form of Zofia and Zośka.
Ziona f Hebrew, Jewish, English, Afrikaans
Feminine form of Zion.
Zionira f African American
Feminine form of Zion combining Zion and the popular suffix -ira.
Zip m Afro-American (Slavery-era)
English diminutive of Scipio.
Zipert m Romansh
Younger form of Zigpert, traditionally found in central Grisons.
Zipflo m Romani
Maybe a Romani form of Joseph.... [more]
Ziphah m Biblical
In I Chronicles 4:16, Ziphah is mentioned as a son of Jehaleleel, a descendant of Judah.
Ziphion m Biblical
From Hebrew tsiphion "watchman, lookout", ultimately derived from Hebrew tsaphah "to look out, to keep watch." In the bible, Ziphion was the name of a son of Gad.
Ziphozonke m & f Zulu
Means "all the gifts" in Zulu.
Zipi f Hebrew
Alternate transcription of Hebrew ציפי (see Tzipi).
Zipiro m Basque
Basque variant of Cyprian.
Ziplantawiya f Ancient Near Eastern, Hittite
Of uncertain origin, but possibly using the Luwian feminine suffix -wiya ("woman"). Name borne by a sister of the Hittite king Tudhaliya I. Her name is mentioned in a ritual to protect her brother from witchcraft that she allegedly carried out in an attempt to curse him.
Zípora f Portuguese (Rare)
Portuguese form of Zipporah.
Zipóra f Biblical Spanish
Spanish form of Zipporah. Also compare Séfora.
Ziporah f & m Hebrew
alternate spelling of Zipporah
Zippor f Medieval Jewish, Jewish (Archaic)
Variant of Zipporah, recorded in medieval Frankfurt, Germany.
Zippora f Dutch, German, Italian, Judeo-Anglo-Norman
Dutch, German, Judeo-Anglo-Norman and Italian form of Zipporah.
Ziprián m Aragonese
Aragonese form of Cipriano.
Ziprian m Ladin
Ladin form of Cyprian.
Zipriano m Basque
Basque form of Cyprian.
Ziqi m & f Chinese
From Chinese 子 () meaning "child", 梓 (zǐ) meaning "catalpa (a type of plant)" or 自 (zì, zí) meaning "self, oneself" combined with 柒 (qī) meaning "seven", 竒 (qí) meaning "odd, unusual, strange", 齐 (qí) meaning "even, level, uniform", 期 (qī, qí) meaning "time period, stage", 琪 (qí) meaning "fine jade" or 淇 (qí), the name of a river in Henan province... [more]
Zira f Berber
Feminine of Ziri.
Ziré m Walloon
Walloon form of Désiré.
Zirêye f Walloon
Walloon form of Désirée.
Zirka f Slavic Mythology
Zirka is the Slavic god of happiness.
Ziro m Basque
Basque form of Cyrus.
Zirolamo m Friulian
Friulian and Ladinian form of Girolamo.
Ziroli m Romani
Of unknown meaning.... [more]
Ziromine m Sardinian (Rare)
Nuorese variant of Zirominu.
Ziròminu m Sardinian (Archaic)
Sardinian form of Hieronymos (see Jerome).
Zirone m Sardinian
Nuorese variant of Zirominu.
Zironu m Sardinian
Variant of Ciromu.
Zirphil m Literature
Meaning unknown. This is the name of the protagonist of the fairy tale "Princess Camion" by Mademoiselle de Lubert. Zirphil is a young prince who is given a doll named Camion, who is really an enchanted princess, to be his wife.
Zirphile f Literature
Feminine form of Zirphil. This name is borne by one of the title characters of the French fairy tale "Acajou et Zirphile". Zirphile is the name of a vain princess... [more]
Zirtze f Basque (Rare)
Basque form of Circe.
Zirze f German
Germanised form of the name Circe.... [more]
Zişan f Azerbaijani
Azerbaijani form of Zeeshan.
Zisca f Romansh
Short form of Franzisca.
Zisimos m Greek
Modern Greek form of Zesimos.
Zisis m Greek
From Ancient Greek ζήσει (zesei) meaning "he will live", itself from the verb ζάω (zao) "to live" (the source also of ζωή (zoe) "life").
Zissel f Yiddish
Variant of Zisel.
Zissis m Greek
Alternate transcription of Greek Ζήσης (see Zisis).
Zissoula f Greek (Rare)
Feminine form of Zissis.
Zissy f Yiddish
Diminutive of Zisel.
Zisutra m Sumerian, Near Eastern Mythology
Variant of Ziusudra. A Sumerian priest-king during the great flood.
Zíta f Icelandic (Rare)
Icelandic form of Zita 1.
Zita f Medieval Basque
Feminine form of Ziti.
Zita f Latvian
Latvian form of Sitta.
Zità f Provençal
Provençal form of Zita 1.
Zitania f Various (Rare)
Probably an elaboration of Zita 1.
Zitella f Italian (Archaic)
Diminutive of Zita 1. Nowadays this is a word for 'spinster' and no longer a name.
Ziti m Medieval Basque
Basque form of Cid (see Ceti).
Zitian f Chinese
From the Chinese 子 (zi) meaning "child" and 湉 (tián) meaning "calmness of water".
Zito m Italian, Brazilian
Male form of Zita 1.
Žitomir m Croatian, Serbian
Means "to live in peace", derived from Proto-Slavic žiti "to live" combined with Slavic mir "peace". In other words, this name is more or less the Croatian and Serbian cognate of the Polish name Życiomierz.
Zitong m & f Chinese
From Chinese 子 () meaning "child" or 梓 (zǐ) meaning "catalpa" (a type of plant) combined with 桐 (tóng) meaning "paulownia" (a type of plant) or 通 (tōng) meaning "pass through, travel"... [more]
Zitta f Danish (Rare)
Danish variant of Zita 1.
Ziusudra m Near Eastern Mythology, Sumerian
Meaning, "life of long days." The name of a king listed in the Sumerian king list; listed as the last king of Sumer prior to the deluge and subsequently recorded as the hero of the Sumerian flood epic... [more]
Ziuta f Polish (Rare)
Diminutive of Józefa and Kazimiera.
Ziutek m Polish
Diminutive of Józef.
Živadinka f Serbian
Feminine form of Živadin.
Zivah f Hebrew (Rare)
Variant of Ziva.
Živan m Slovak, Serbian
Masculine form of Živa.
Zivel m & f Hebrew (Modern, Rare)
Combination of the names Ziv and El means "brightness of God" in Hebrew.
Zivena f Slavic Mythology
Zivena was the goddess of life, love and fertility in Slavic mythology, also recorded as Živa.... [more]
Zivia f Jewish, Hebrew, Medieval Jewish
Sephardic form of Tzvia.
Ziviah f & m Hebrew (Modern, Rare)
Combination of the name Ziv and the letters יה (ya) which are part of the name of God.
Živilė f Lithuanian (Modern)
Of uncertain origin and meaning. One theory derives this name from Lithuanian žygiuoti "to move; to march" and viltis "hope", while other scholars believe this name to be a much-mangled form of Zizili, the name of an obscure fertility goddess of whom nothing else is known... [more]
Živomir m Croatian, Serbian
The first element of this name is derived from the Serbo-Croatian adjective živ "alive, live, living", which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic živъ "live, alive". Also compare the Serbo-Croatian noun život "life, living, lifetime"... [more]
Ziwan f Chinese
From the Chinese 子 (zi) meaning "child" and 婉 (wǎn) meaning "amiable, congenial", 菀 (wǎn) meaning "luxuriance of growth", 纨 (wán) meaning "white silk" or 湾 (wān) meaning "bay, cove".
Ziwildite f & m Indian (Christian)
It is a mixture of a local dialects Kurmali and Magahi, meaning," Meaning "
Ziwoo f Korean (Rare)
Rare non-standard transcription of Ji-woo.
Zixi f Literature
This name was created by L. Frank Baum, who used it as the name of the titular character in his book 'Queen Zixi of Ix' (1905).
Zixuan f & m Chinese
From Chinese 子 (zǐ) meaning "child" combined with 萱 (xuān) meaning "day lily", 璇 (xuán) meaning "beautiful jade", 瑄 (xuān) meaning "ornamental piece of jade", 絢 (xuàn) meaning "adorned, decorated", 玄 (xuán) meaning "deep, profound, mysterious, dark, black", 轩 (xuān) meaning "tall, high, lofty, pavilion", or 选 (xuǎn) meaning "choose, pick, select"... [more]
Ziyəddin m Azerbaijani
Azerbaijani form of Ziya ad-Din.
Ziyah f English, Muslim (Rare)
Variant transcription of Ziya.
Ziyan m & f Muslim, English (Rare)
Variant of Zian.
Ziyan f Chinese
From the Chinese 紫 (zǐ) meaning "purple, violet" or 子 (zi) meaning "child" and 燕 (yàn) meaning "swallow (bird)", 雁 (yàn) meaning "wild goose" or 琰 (yǎn) meaning "jewel, gem, glitter of gems".
Ziyana f English (Rare), Arabic
Variant transcription of Zouina.
Ziya-ud-din m Arabic
Composed of the name Ziya and the Arabic word din "religion, faith".
Ziyauddin m Arabic, Indian (Muslim)
Arabic alternate transcription of Ziya al-Din as well as the Indian form.
Ziyaudin m Chechen
Chechen form of Ziyauddin.
Ziyavudin m Dagestani, Avar
Probably the Avar form of Ziya al-Din.
Ziyi f & m Chinese
From Chinese 子 () meaning "child" or 梓 (zǐ) meaning "catalpa" (a type of tree) combined with 怡 () meaning "joy, harmony", 仪 () meaning "ceremony, rites", 异 (yì) meaning "different, unusual, strange", 义 () meaning "justice, righteousness", 艺 () meaning "art, talent, craft" or 屹 (yì) meaning "high, steep, towering"... [more]
Ziying f Chinese
From the Chinese 紫 (zǐ) meaning "purple, violet" and 莹 (yíng) meaning "luster of gems", 子 (zi) meaning "child" and 影 (yǐng) meaning "shadow, reflection", or 梓 (zǐ) meaning "catalpa" and 莺 (yīng) meaning "oriole, green finch", 樱 (yīng) meaning "cherry, cherry blossom" or 盈 (yíng) meaning "filled with, full of, overflowing".
Ziyu m & f Chinese
From Chinese 子 () meaning "child" or 自 (zì, zí) meaning "self, onself" combined with 毓 (yù) meaning "rear, nourish, nurture", 瑜 (yú) meaning "excellence, flawless jewel, lustre of gems", 玉 () meaning "jade, precious stone, gem", 舆 (yú, yù) meaning "cart, carriage, palanquin", 虞 () meaning "concerned, anxious", 钰 (yù) meaning "gold, jade, treasure" or 鱼 (yú) meaning "fish"... [more]
Zizah m Biblical
Form of Ziza which occurs briefly in the Old Testament (1 Chronicles 23:10), belonging to a Levite.
Zizeron m Basque
Basque form of Cicero.
Zizi f English
Diminutive of names which begin with or contain the element -si-, -zi- or -ci-.
Zizi f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Diminutive of Zineb.
Zizita f Sardinian
Diminutive of Frantzisca.
Zizitu m Sardinian
Diminutive of Frantziscu.
Zizo m Occitan
Diminutive of Jausep.
Zizzu m Sardinian
Diminutive of Frantziscu.
Zlaikha f Pashto
Pashto form of Zulaykha.
Zlatana f Croatian, Serbian
Feminine form of Zlatan.
Zlatibor m Serbian (Rare), Croatian (Rare)
From the Slavic elements zlato "gold" and bor "battle". This is the name of a mountain in Serbia.
Zlatimira f Bulgarian, Serbian
Feminine form of Zlatimir.
Zlatina f Bulgarian, Russian
Diminutive of Zlata.
Zlatomira f Bulgarian, Serbian
Feminine form of Zlatomir.
Zlatovláska f Folklore
This is used as the Russian and Czech form of Goldilocks.
Zlatuška f Slovak
Diminutive form of Zlata.
Zӧläyxa f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Zuleika.
Zlikha f Kazakh
Kazakh form of Zuleika.
Zӧlxizä f Bashkir
From the Arabic ذُو الْحِجَّة‎ (ḏū l-ḥijja) meaning “twelfth month of the Islamic calendar”.
Zmaga f Slovene
Feminine form of Zmago.
Zmago m Slovene
Cognate of Victor.
Zmarai m Pashto
Means "lion" in Pashto. This is also the name of the fifth month of the Afghan calendar.
Zmaray m Pashto
Variant transcription of Zmarai.
Zmicier m Belarusian
Variant transcription of Zmitser.
Zmitra m Belarusian
Diminutive of Dzmitry.
Zmitro m Belarusian
Belarusian form of Dmytro.
Źmitrok m Belarusian (Rare)
Belarusian- Łacinka diminutive of Zmitser.
Zmitser m Belarusian
Belarusian form of Demetrius.
Zmrukhd f Armenian (Western)
Western Armenian transcription of Zmrukht.
Zoa f English (Rare), Spanish (Rare), History (Ecclesiastical)
Latinate variant of Zoe. The Christian martyr Zoe of Rome is sometimes referred to as Saint Zoa.
Zoan m Medieval Italian, Lombard
Old Lombard form of John.
Zoann f English
A combination of Zoe and Ann, or a variant of Joann.
Zoanne f English
a combination of the names Zoey and Anne
Zoar m & f Various (Modern, Rare)
Variant of Zohar, means "light, brilliance" in Hebrew. In the Bible, it is the name of the city that Lot fled to (Genesis 19:22).... [more]
Zoárda f Hungarian
Feminine form of Zoárd.
Zobebah m Biblical
Meaning, "the slow." Zobebah (also known as Hazzobebah) was a son of Koz (1 Chronicles 4:8).
Zobeide f Arabic
Possibly a variant of Zubaida.
Zoboomafoo m Popular Culture
Name of a Coquerel's Sifaka Lemur on a children's Program on PBS of a show with the same name. The show was made by the Kratt Brothers to educate children about animals. Also Zoboomafoo would speak after being fed food.
Zobuhle f Zulu
Means "of beauty" in Zulu, from the possessive form of ubuhle.
Zocha f Polish
Diminutive of Zofia.
Zochna f Polish
Diminutive of Zofia.
Zocueca f Spanish (European, Rare)
From the Spanish title of the Virgin Mary, La Virgen de Zocueca, meaning "The Virgin of Zocueca," venerated at the sanctuary in Guarromán in the Andalusian province of Jaén in southern Spain.
Zoea f Moldovan (Rare)
Moldovan form of Zoya.
Zoeann f English
A combination of Zoe and Ann.
Zoeanne f English
A combination of Zoe and Anne 1.
Zoeey f Obscure
Variant of Zoe given to 5 girls in 2018.
Zoeie f Obscure (Modern)
Variant of Zoe. According to the Social Security Administration, Zoeie was given to 6 girls in 2014.
Zoejade f English (Rare)
Combination of Zoe and Jade
Zoel m French (Quebec, Rare)
French form of Zoellus. ... [more]
Zoellus m History (Ecclesiastical)
Apparently a corruption of Zoilus, borne by a 3rd-century Saint Zoellus, who was martyred in Lystra, Lycaonia (Asia Minor) under the Roman emperor Numerian.
Zoelynn f English
Combination of Zoe and Lynn.
Zoem f Iranian
Transferred use of the surname Zoem.
Zoetia f Ancient Greek (Rare)
Etymology certain, possibly a form of Zoe. It may be a feminine form of Greek Ζωητός (Zoetos), which meant "capable of being vitalized".
Zoetync f Medieval Dutch
Possibly a diminutive or an extended form of Zoete.
Zofie f English
Variant of Sophie.
Zofijka f Kashubian
Diminutive of Zofiô, influenced by the older form Zofija.
Zofijo f Silesian
Silesian form of Sophia.
Žofinka f Czech
Diminutive form of Žofie.
Zofiô f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Sophia.
Žofka f Slovak, Czech
Diminutive of Žofie.
Zofka f Polish, Slovene, Kashubian
Polish and Slovene diminutive of Zofia and Kashubian diminutive of Zofiô. Zofka Kveder (1878 – 1926) is considered one of the first Slovene women writers and feminists.
Zofya f Polish (?)
Possibly a variant of Zofia.
Zoga f Albanian
Variant of Zoge.
Zohair m Pakistani
Pakistani form of Zuhayr.
Zohana f Arabic
Feminine form of Zohan. Means “gift”
Zohara f Hebrew
Strictly feminine form of Zohar.
Zohariah f & m Hebrew (Modern, Rare)
Combination of the name Zohar and the letters יה (ya) which are part of the names of God.
Zoheïr m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Variant of Zoheir influenced by French orthography.
Zoheir m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Maghrebi transcription of Zuhayr (chiefly Algerian).
Zohid m Tajik, Uzbek
Tajik and Uzbek form of Zahid.
Zohie f Obscure (Modern)
Variant of Zoe. According to the Social Security Administration, Zohie was given to 6 girls in 2018.
Zohir m Tajik, Uzbek
Tajik and Uzbek form of both Zaahir 1 and Zaahir 2 via their variant transcription Zahir.
Zöhrab m Azerbaijani
Azerbaijani form of Sohrab.
Zohrab m Armenian, Azerbaijani
Armenian form of Sohrab as well as an Azerbaijani alternate transcription of Zöhrab.
Zöhre f Turkmen
Turkmen form of Zahrah.
Zohreh f Persian
Persian form of Zahrah.
Zoia f Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Romanian, Moldovan
Variant transcription of Zoya.
Zoia f Venetian
Venetian form of Gioia.
Zoika f Bulgarian
Variant of Zoya.
Zoil m Catalan, Basque, Croatian, Polish, Russian
Basque, Catalan, Croatian, Polish and Russian form of Zoilus.
Zoisite m & f Popular Culture
From the name of the mineral zoisite, which was named after Carniolan naturalist Sigmund Zois (1747-1819). This is the name of a character from the manga and anime 'Sailor Moon'. He is male in the source material, but was changed to female in several international dubs of the anime.
Zoitsa f Greek
Diminutive of Zoi, as -ίτσα (-itsa) is a Greek feminine diminutive suffix.
Zója f Hungarian
Hungarian borrowing of Zoja.
Zojs m Latvian
Latvian masculine form of Zoe.
Zojz m Albanian Mythology
Zojz is a sky and lightning god in Albanian pagan mythology. The name itself is a cognate of Zeus.
Zoki m Croatian
Diminutive form of Zoran.
Zokir m Uzbek, Tajik
Uzbek and Tajik form of Zakir.
Zolana f Kongo
Lover of hearts
Zolaykha f Bashkir, Tatar
Bashkir and Tatar form of Zulaykha.
Zöläyxa f Bashkir, Tatar
Bashkir and Tatar form of Zulaykha.
Zoldka f Kashubian
Diminutive of Jizolda via Jizoldka.
Zoletta f African American (Rare)
Combination of Zola 1 and the popular suffix -etta. This was the birth name of Zola Taylor, an American singer.
Zolfia f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Zulfiya.
Zolfiya f Tatar
Tatar form of Zulfiya.
Zolkefli m Malay
Malay form of Dhu al-Kifl.
Zolkepli m Malay
Malay form of Dhu al-Kifl.
Zolkhiza f Bashkir
Derived from Arabic ذُو الْحِجَّة (ḏū l-ḥijja) referring to Dhul Hijjah, the twelfth month of the Islamic lunar calendar.
Zolkiflee m Malay
Malay form of Dhu al-Kifl.
Zolkifli m Malay
Malay form of Dhu al-Kifl.
Zolkipli m Malay
Malay form of Dhu al-Kifl.
Zolna f Hungarian (Rare)
19th-century coinage of uncertain origin and meaning. Theories include a derivation from the name of the city of Zsolna, known by its Slovak name Žilina in English, in north-western Slovakia.
Zolouise f English (Rare)
A combination of Zoe and Louise.
Zoltan m Banat Swabian
Banatswabian borrowing of Zoltán.
Zoltána f Hungarian (Rare)
Feminine form of Zoltán.
Zolzayaa f Mongolian
Variant transcription of Zolzaya.
Zomar m Mormon
The original form of the name Zion according to Joseph Smith, hailing from the Adamic language.
Zombre m Mormon (Rare)
An alias used by John Johnson in a volume of Mormon scripture.
Zomilla f Hungarian
Of unknown origin and meaning.
Zonda f Literature, English
A made-up name, possibly influenced by Rhonda ... [more]
Zonda f Spanish (Latin American), Indigenous American
Name of a specific type of fast, dry mountain wind in Argentina. The name comes from a valley in San Juan Province, Argentina. Both the valley and the wind are related to an Indigenous people Ullum-Zonda similar to the Huarpe people.
Zondai f & m Shona
"You may hate me." A situational name where a family is telling it's enemies you may hate me all you want.
Zonga f Hungarian
Feminine form of Zongor, meaning "falcon".
Zongor m Hungarian
Variant of Csongor.
Zonique f African American
Zonique is the daughter of Tameka "Tiny" Harris from R&B group Xscape and step daughter of rapper Clifford "T.I" Harris.
Zonkizizwe m Zulu
Means “all nations” in Zulu.
Zonta f English (Rare)
The popularity of the name is likely due to the Zonta Club (International), a women's aid association established in Buffalo, New York in 1919. ... [more]
Zontikos m Ancient Greek (Rare)
Meaning uncertain. It might possibly be derived from Greek ζώντως (zontos) meaning "vivid" combined with the Greek adjectival suffix -ικός (-ikos). Also compare the similar name Zotikos, which might possibly be related.... [more]
Zonzamas m Guanche
Derived from Guanche zamzâm, meaning "happy". It was borne by a chief from Lanzarote who ruled the island at the end of the 14th century, before the European conquest.
Zooey f & m English (Modern), Literature
Variant of Zoey or diminutive of Zachary.
Zoon f Kashmiri
Means "moon" in Kashmiri.... [more]
Zoov m Hmong
Means "of the jungle, wild" in Hmong.
Zophar m Biblical Hebrew
In the Old Testament Book of Job, Zophar, meaning "chirping; rising early," the Naamathite is one of the three friends of Job who visits to comfort him during his illness.
Zophia f English (Modern, Rare), Danish (Modern, Rare), Polish (Archaic)
English and Danish variant of Sophia as well as an archaic Polish variant of Zofia.