Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the description contains the keywords prince or of or all or men.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Yamiel m Spanish (Caribbean), Spanish (Latin American)
This name is most likely a combination of two given names, such as Yamila and Daniel (or an other Hebrew name that ends in -iel)... [more]
Yämil m Bashkir
Bashkir form of Jamil.
Yamil m Spanish (Caribbean)
Spanish form of Jamil.
Yämilä f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Jamila.
Yamile f Spanish (Latin American)
Likely a variant of Yamila.
Yamilex f American (Hispanic), Spanish (Latin American)
Possibly an altered form of Yamila. This was the name of a character on the Venezuelan telenovela 'Como tú, ninguna' (1995).
Yamit f Hebrew
Strictly feminine form of Yam.
Yamli f & m Hebrew (Modern, Rare)
Means "my sea" in Hebrew; a combination of Yam and Li 2.
Yampák f Aguaruna
From the Awajun word for a kind of wild tree found near rivers.
Yámpan f Aguaruna
Etymology unknown. In Awajún mythology, this is the name of the wife of the sun.
Yamu f Indian
Hindu. The most common name of a river in India also known as Yamuna or possibly Yami; the name of the river is taken from a Hindu goddess of the same name. The goddess has a brother named "Yam" (YAHM).
Yamudin m Dagestani
Dagestani form of Imamuddin
Yamuel m Spanish (Caribbean), Spanish (Latin American)
This name is most likely a combination of two given names, such as Yamila and Manuel (or an other Hebrew name that ends in -uel)... [more]
Yan m & f Balinese
Short form of Wayan.
Yana f Persian
Means “doer of good deeds; doer of good toward others”. It is from Avestan, an ancient language of Persia.
Yana f Chinese
Combination of Ya and Na.
Yanah f Dutch, Belgian
Variant of Yana.
Yanai m Hebrew
Derived from Hebrew ya'anay meaning "he answers" or "Yahweh answers". This was the name of a Jewish poet from the 7th century AD.
Yanaina f Portuguese (Brazilian), Spanish (Latin American)
Variant of Janaína which has also seen some usage in Spanish-speaking countries.
Yanaisa f Spanish (Latin American, Modern)
A Latin-American spelling of Janaisa.
Yanako f Japanese
From Japanese 弥 (ya) meaning "long time", 奈 (na) meaning "apple tree" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
Yanan f & m Chinese
From Chinese 亚 () meaning "second, Asia" combined with 楠 (nán) meaning "Chinese cedar (a type of tree)" or 男 (nán) meaning "male, man, son"... [more]
Yanano f Shona
Meaning "togetherness; integration; fellowship", longer forms of the name include Ruyanano and Yananiso.
Yanara f Spanish (Latin American)
Of unknown origin and meaning.... [more]
Yanauluha m New World Mythology
The great medicine man of the Zuni. He is associated with civilization, agriculture, animal husbandry, social life, healing and knowledge.
Yancarlos m Spanish (Latin American)
Spanish adaptation of the composite name Jean 1 Carlos.
Yance m English
Variant of Yancy and Yancey.
Yancho m Bulgarian
Bulgarian form of Jan 1.
Yanci f American (Hispanic, Modern, Rare), Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Possibly a short form of Anayansi or a feminine variant of Yancy.
Yancuiltzin m Nahuatl
Possibly derived from yancuic "new" with a diminutive or reverential suffix -tzin. This was the name of a 14th-century Tetzcoco tlatoque who co-ruled with Tochpilli under Tepanec suzerainty.
Yandel m Spanish (Latin American), American (Hispanic)
Invented name with the ending -el seen in names like Yanel and Wanel. It was popularized by the Puerto Rican reggaeton duo "Wisin & Yandel"... [more]
Yane m Bulgarian
Diminutive of Yan 1.
Yanel f & m Spanish (Modern)
Possibly a Spanish version of Janelle or inspired by other names ending in -el.
Yaneli f Spanish (Modern)
Spanish form of Janelle, via Janellie.
Yanella f South American, Spanish (Latin American)
Possibly a variant of Gianella or Janella, mainly used in South America. Also compare Yanel, Yaneli and Yanelis.
Yaneta f Bulgarian
Variant transcription of Янета (see Janeta).
Yanette f Picard, Spanish (Latin American)
Feminine diminutive of Yan 3, as well as a Hispanic variant of Janet. A known bearer was French poet Yanette Delétang-Tardif (1902-1976), who was born Anne Marie Paule Delétang in Picardy.
Yanfei f & m Chinese
From Chinese 燕 (yàn) meaning "swallow (bird)" or 妍 (yán) meaning "beautiful, handsome" combined with 飞 (fēi) meaning "to fly" or 霏 (fēi) meaning "fall of snow"... [more]
Yangan m & f Chinese (Modern, Rare)
Combination of Yang and An 1.
Yāngba m Manipuri
Variant of Yaangba.
Yangchan f Ladakhi
Ladakhi form of Yangchen.
Yangchenmo f Tibetan, Bhutanese
Combination of Yangchen and Tibetan མོ (mo) meaning "female, woman".
Yangdon f Tibetan, Bhutanese
From Tibetan དབྱངས་སྒྲོན (dbyangs-sgron) meaning "kindler of song", derived from དབྱངས (dbyangs) meaning "song, melody, voice" and སྒྲོན (sgron) meaning "to light, to kindle".
Yangkey f Tibetan
Alternate transcription of Tibetan དབྱངས་སྐྱིད (see Yangkyi).
Yangki f Tibetan, Bhutanese
Alternate transcription of Tibetan དབྱངས་སྐྱིད (see Yangkyi).
Yangming m & f Chinese
Combination of 洋 (see Yang) and 铭 (see Ming).... [more]
Yangskit f Ladakhi
Ladakhi form of Yangkyi.
Yangtsho f Tibetan, Bhutanese
Alternate transcription of Tibetan དབྱངས་མཚོ (see Yangtso).
Yangtso f Tibetan
From Tibetan དབྱངས་མཚོ (dbyangs-mtsho) meaning "song of the ocean", derived from དབྱངས (dbyangs) meaning "song, melody, voice" and མཚོ (mtso) meaning "lake, ocean".
Yani m Bulgarian, Greek
Variant of Yanni.
Yania f American (Hispanic, Rare)
Elaborated form of Yana.
Yanic m & f French
Variant of Yannic.
Yanica f Bulgarian
Variant transcription of Яница (see Yanitsa).
Yaniel m Spanish (Caribbean, Rare), Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
This name is most likely a combination of two given names, such as Yanira and Daniel (or an other Hebrew name that ends in -iel)... [more]
Yanier m Spanish (Latin American)
Meaning unknown. It may possibly be a masculine form of Yanira or is otherwise related to it.
Yanislava f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Yanislav.
Yaniss m French
Variant of Yanis.
Yanita f Bulgarian
Diminutive of Yana.
Yanitsa f Bulgarian
Diminutive of Yana.
Yanjie f Chinese
From the Chinese 琰 (yǎn) meaning "jewel, gem, glitter of gems" and 洁 (jié) meaning "clean, purify, pure".
Yanjue f Chinese
From the Chinese 琰 (yǎn) meaning "jewel, gem, glitter of gems" and 珏 (jué) meaning "two pieces of jade joined together".
Yanjun m & f Chinese
From Chinese 彦 (yàn) meaning "elegant, handsome, learned", 延 (yán) meaning "stretch, prolong", 炎 (yán) meaning "flaming, blazing, burning, red" or 雁 (yàn) meaning "wild goose" combined with 俊 (jùn) meaning "talented, handsome", 钧 (jūn) meaning "potter's wheel", 军 (jūn) meaning "army" or 均 (jūn) meaning "equal, even, balanced, all"... [more]
Yanling f & m Chinese
From Chinese 燕 (yàn) meaning "swallow (bird)" or 延 (yán) meaning "stretch, prolong" combined with 玲 (líng) meaning "tinkling of jade" or 龄 (líng) meaning "age, duration"... [more]
Yanlong f Chinese
From the Chinese 燕 (yàn) meaning "swallow (bird)" and 珑 (lóng) meaning “a kind of jade that is for requesting rain and has the figure of Chinese dragon on”.
Yanmiao f Chinese
From the Chinese 琰 (yǎn) meaning "jewel, gem, glitter of gems" and 淼 (miǎo) meaning "wide expanse of water".
Yanna f Chinese
Combination of Yan 2 and Na.
Yannai m Hebrew
Variant of Yanai.
Yannathan m Indigenous Australian
Place name; a rural suburb on the outskirts of Melbourne in Victoria, Australia. Its name is from a local language and means "walk about, travel, journey, roam".
Yann Badezour m Breton
Breton form of Jean 1-Baptiste, used in reference to the saint.
Yann-Bêr m Breton
Breton form of Jean-Pierre (cf. Yann-Vari).
Yanne f French
French borrowing of Breton Yanna 2. ... [more]
Yannez f Breton (Rare)
Feminine form of Yann.
Yannik m French, Breton (Gallicized)
Gallicized form of Yannig.
Yannou m Breton
Diminutive of Yann.
Yann-Vari m Breton
Breton form of Jean-Marie.
Yanny m French (Rare), Flemish (Rare), Walloon (Rare)
Diminutive of Yann, Yannick and perhaps also Giovanni in a select few cases.
Yano f Japanese
From Japanese 也 (ya) meaning "also", 八 (ya) meaning "eight", 哉 (ya), an exclamation, 埜 (ya) meaning "open country, field, wilderness", 夜 (ya) meaning "night", 屋 (ya) meaning "roof, house, shop, dealer, seller", 弥 (ya) meaning "all the more, increasingly", 椰 (ya) meaning "coconut tree", 矢 (ya) meaning "dart, arrow" or 耶 (ya), an interjection combined with 乃 (no), a possessive particle, 暢 (no) meaning "stretch", 弐 (no) meaning "two, second", 展 (no) meaning "unfold, expand", 能 (no) meaning "ability, talent, skill, capacity", 音 (no) meaning "sound", 信 (no) meaning "faith, truth, fidelity, trust" or 倫 (no) meaning "ethics, companion"... [more]
Yanpeng f Chinese
From the Chinese 琰 (yǎn) meaning "jewel, gem, glitter of gems", 彦 (yàn) meaning "elegant" or 燕 (yàn) meaning "swallow (bird)" and 朋 (péng) meaning "friend".
Yanrong f Chinese
From the Chinese 琰 (yǎn) meaning "jewel, gem, glitter of gems" and 荣 (róng) meaning "glory, honour, prosper".
Yansi f Indian
Yansi means having a part of anything or everything. ... [more]
Yansika f Indian
Variant of Hansika.
Yanthi f Indonesian
Variant of Yanti.
Yanti f Indonesian
From Sanskrit यान्ति (Yanti), a title of the Hindu goddess Parvati.
Yanto m Indonesian
Masculine form of Yanti.
Yanuar m & f Indonesian
From the name of the month of January, typically given to children born in that month.
Yanuarius m Indonesian
Indonesian form of Januarius.
Yanvarina f Russian (Rare, ?)
From Russian январь (yanvar) "January", making it a cognate of Januaria. (Cf. Oktyabrina, Noyabrina.)
Yanwei f Chinese
From the Chinese 琰 (yǎn) meaning "jewel, gem, glitter of gems" and 蔚 (wèi) meaning "luxuriant, thick, ornamental".
Yanxi f Chinese
From the Chinese 燕 (yàn) meaning "swallow (bird)" or 琰 (yǎn) meaning "jewel, gem, glitter of gems" and 曦 (xī) meaning "sunlight, sunshine, early dawn" or 夕 (xī) meaning "evening, night, dusk".
Yanxun f Chinese
From the Chinese 燕 (yàn) meaning "swallow (bird)" or 琰 (yǎn) meaning "jewel, gem, glitter of gems" and 勋 (xūn) meaning "meritorious deeds, merits" or 洵 (xún) meaning "true, real, truly".
Yany m & f Western African
Named from the Kingdom of Yany in Gambia, a diminutive of Yanimarew.
Yanyan f & m Chinese
From Chinese 燕 (yàn) meaning "swallow (bird)", 炎 (yán) meaning "flaming, blazing, burning, red", 妍 (yán) meaning "beautiful, handsome" or 雁 (yàn) meaning "wild goose" all combined with themselves... [more]
Yanyi f Chinese
From the Chinese 琰 (yǎn) meaning "jewel, gem, glitter of gems" and 怡 (yí) meaning "happy, joyful, harmony, joy".
Yanyuan f Chinese
From the Chinese 琰 (yǎn) meaning "jewel, gem, glitter of gems", 嫣 (yān) meaning "charming, fascinating", 燕 (yàn) meaning "swallow (bird)" or 雁 (yàn) meaning "wild goose" and 媛 (yuàn) meaning "beauty, beautiful woman" or 鸢 (yuān) meaning "kite (bird)".
Yao f & m Chinese
Chinese unisex given name written with the Hanzi 瑤 (yáo) and meaning "jade" or "mother of pearl".
Yao m Baoulé
Derived from Baoulé ya "Friday", referring to the day of the week on which the child was born and hence to be understood as "born on Friday".
Yáochí Jīnmǔ f Far Eastern Mythology
Alternative name or epithet of the Queen Mother of the West, which translates to "Golden Mother of the Nacre Lake" or "Golden Mother of the Mother-of-Pearl Lake".
Yaocuixtli m Nahuatl
Means "war kite, combative kite", derived from Nahuatl yao- "war, combat" and cuixtli "kite (bird of prey)".
Yaoji f Chinese Mythology, Far Eastern Mythology
From a combination of the characters 瑶 (yao, meaning “beautiful jade”) 姬 (ji, meaning “princess” or “noble woman”). Yaoji is the goddess of Wushan, a mountain in southern China. Some sources say that she was a daughter of the Flame Emperor, while later ones incorporate her into the Daoist religion by making her a daughter of Xiwangmu.... [more]
Yaojin f Chinese
From the Chinese 瑶 (yáo) meaning "precious jade" and 瑾 (jǐn) meaning "brilliance of gems, fine jade".
Yaoling f Chinese
From the Chinese 谣 (yáo) meaning "folksong, ballad" and 玲 (líng) meaning "tinkling of jade".
Yaosca f Spanish (Latin American), Central American
From the name of a river in central Nicaragua, hence the heavy concentration of the name's usage in that country.
Yaoska f Spanish (Latin American), Central American
More commonly used variant of Yaosca.
Yaotlachinol m & f Nahuatl
Means "scorching of war" or "destruction of war" in Nahuatl.
Yaotlaloc m Nahuatl
Possibly a combination of yao- "war, combat" and the name of the deity Tlaloc.
Yaowaluck f Thai
Alternate transcription of Yaowalak.
Yaowamal f Thai
Alternate transcription of Yaowaman.
Yaowarat f Thai
Means "(young) prince, heir" in Thai.
Yaoxing f Chinese
From the Chinese 瑶 (yáo) meaning "precious jade" and 星 (xīng) meaning "star, planet, point of light".
Yaoxochitl f & m Nahuatl, Mexican
Means "enemy flower" or "war flower", from Nahuatl yaotl "enemy, combatant; war" and xochitl "flower". This can refer to a type of organised warfare, or to an actual flower, possibly the marigold.
Yaozar m Abkhaz
Abkhaz form of Azar.
Yaphet m Hebrew, African American
Variant of Japheth reflecting the Hebrew pronunciation.
Yapyk m Mari
Mari form of Yakov.
Yaqeena f Arabic
Feminine form of Yaqeen.
Yaqob m Uzbek
Uzbek form of Yaqub (see Jacob).
Yaqoub m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic يعقوب (see Yaqub).
Ya'qubu m Judeo-Arabic
Judeo-Arabic form of Jacob.
Yaqubun m Azerbaijani
Azerbaijani form of Jacob.
Yaquelín f Spanish (Latin American), Spanish (Caribbean)
Variant of Jacqueline in use in Latin America. It is especially popular in Cuba.
Yaquisha f African American (Rare)
Variant of Yakisha or Yakeisha, a combination of the phonetic element ya with the name Keisha.
Yaqup m Bashkir
Bashkir form of Yaqub.
Yaquta f Arabic
Variant form of Yaqut.
Yar f Dinka
Refers to a specific kind of cow in Dinka.
Yara f Hebrew, Italian
Italian form and variant transcription of Yaara.
Yaragi m Chechen
Means "sunny", derived from Lezgin рагъ (rag) meaning "sun". This was also the name of Magomed al-Yaragi (1771-1838), a Dagestani imam of Lezgin ethnicity.
Yarai f Gamilaraay
Variant of Yhi.
Yaraklas m Coptic
Coptic form of Heraklas. Saint Heraclas (born Yaraklas) was a 3rd century pope of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria.
Yaran f & m Chinese (Modern)
Combination of Ya and Ran.
Yarash m Belarusian
Belarusian version of the Greek name Hieronymus meaning "with a sacred name".
Yarashch m Khanty, Mansi
Khanty and Mansi form of Gerasim.
Yarde m English
Transferred use of the surname Yarde.
Yardley m & f English, Haitian Creole
Transferred use of the surname Yardley.
Yarel m & f Spanish (Modern)
Invented name, probably inspired by Jarell, Yara 2 and Yael... [more]
Yarema m Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Jeremiah.
Yari f & m Spanish (Caribbean, Rare)
Allegedly derived from a Taíno word meaning "small gold jewelry", for example necklaces of gold.... [more]
Yariel m Spanish, Hebrew
Of Hebrew & Spanish origin, meaning "Lion of God". Possibly related to the names Yadiel and Ariel.
Yarikh m Near Eastern Mythology, Semitic Mythology
Derives from the Ugaritic yariḫ ("moon"). Name borne by a moon god worshipped in the Amorite and Ugaritic pantheons, and later as part of the Phoenician and Punic pantheons following the collapse of Ugarit... [more]
Yarilo m Russian (Rare, Archaic), Slavic Mythology, Serbian (Rare, Archaic), Polish (Rare, Archaic), Belarusian
Yarilo is a Slavic god of vegetation, fertility and spring.
Yarin m & f Hebrew
Masculine and feminine variant of Yaron.
Yarin f & m Japanese
Combination of Ya and Rin
Yarina f Russian
Variant of Irina, perhaps influenced by the Slavic element yaru meaning "energetic".
Yarisbel f Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Combination of Yaris and the popular element -bel.
Yarishna f American (Hispanic), Spanish (Caribbean)
Perhaps a variant of Yaritza. It is borne by Yarishna Ayala (1991-), a Puerto Rican bodybuilder and fitness model on Instagram. This name was given to 18 girls born in the United States in 2018, and to 28 girls born in the United States in 2019.
Yarisleidis f Spanish (Caribbean, Modern, Rare)
Combination of Yaris and Leidis, present mostly in Cuba.
Yarley f & m Spanish (Latin American)
Perhaps a variant of Yarely. It coincides with an English surname which is a variant of Yearley.
Yarmil m Czech (Archaic), Folklore
Yarmil was the name of a character in the Czech folk tale "The Mouse-Hole and the Underground Kingdom".
Yaro m Russian, Ukrainian
Short form of Yaroslav
Yarofey m Russian (Archaic)
Archaic variant of Ierofey. The spelling might have been influenced by Slavic names that contain the Slavic element yaru meaning "fierce, energetic", such as Yaroslav.
Yarosh m Ukrainian
Ukrainian folk form of Hierotheos.
Yarovit m Germanic Mythology, Slavic Mythology
The name of a Polabian god of war, often identified with the Roman god Mars.... [more]
Yarramundi m Indigenous Australian
Means "deep water" in Darug. Yarramundi was a famous 18th/19th century Indigenous leader from the western Sydney area; many of his descendants still live in the area.
Yarrio m Spanish (Mexican, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Yarrio.
Yarrow m English (Rare), Afro-American (Slavery-era)
Transferred use of the surname Yarrow, and/or from the word for the flowering plant (Achillea millefolium).
Yarӑslav m Chuvash
Chuvash form of Yaroslav.
Yarulla m Tatar (Rare)
Means "Friend of God” in Tatar.
Yaryna f Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Yarina.
Yasamim f Persian
Alternate transcription of Persian یاسمین (see Yasamin).
Yasamina f Punjabi
Derived from Punjabi ਯਾਸਮੀਨ (yāsamīna) meaning "jasmine", making it the Punjabi form of Yasmin.
Yascha m & f Dutch
Variant of Yasha.
Yaseen m Arabic, Urdu
Alternate transcription of Yasin.
Yasel m & f Spanish (Mexican)
Yasel was the name of a mexican warrior that helped lead the spanish people
Yasena f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Yasen.
Yaseni f & m Arabic
The name comes from a chapter of the Holy Qur'an called Ya Sin.... [more]
Yasha f Indian, Sanskrit
Feminine form of Yash.
Yashaul m Hebrew
A given son or “A prayed for” of Yahuah (Creator God) salvation,
Yasher m Filipino, Tausug
Possibly a form of Yasir or from Arabic يَعِشْ (yaʿiš) meaning "live" or يُشِيرَ (yušīra) meaning "indicate, mention, reference".
Yashi f Indian, Sanskrit, Hindi, Nepali, Hinduism
Feminine form of Yash.
Yashimabet f African
Meaning princess of beauty grace, loyalty and kindness. Ethopian
Yashimmabet f Amharic
Means "mistress of a thousand" in Amharic.
Yashio m & f Japanese
Combination of a ya kanji, e.g. 八 meaning "eight," and 潮 (shio) meaning "tide, current; sea water."... [more]
Yashira f Spanish (Caribbean), American (Hispanic)
Possibly a Spanish feminine form of Yasir.
Yashita f Indian
lakshmi-goddess of fame,The one who attain highest degree of fame-one of the nine roop(like aishwarya,vaibhav,yashita...) of ... [more]
Yashodhara f Buddhism
Means "preserving glory" from Sanskrit यशस् (yashas) meaning "fame, praise, glory" and धर (dhara) meaning "holding, maintaining, bearing"... [more]
Yashov'am m Biblical
Variant transcription of Jashobeam.... [more]
Yashovarman m Sanskrit, History
From Sanskrit यशस् (yáśas) "glory, fame, renown" and वर्मन् (varman) "armor, protection". This was the name of a medieval Indian ruler of Kannauj who founded the Varman dynasty of Northern India.
Yashue m Theology (Arabized)
Form of Yeshua used by Arabic-speaking Jews. Arabic-speaking Christians instead use يسوع (Yasu') to refer to Jesus Christ, while Muslims use عيسى ('Isa), the form in the Quran.
Yashuuca m Somali (?)
Somali form of Joshua.
Yasiel m Spanish (Caribbean), Spanish (Latin American)
Probably a variant of Jasiel. A known bearer of this name is Yasiel Puig (b. 1990), a Cuban professional baseball player.
Yasine m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Maghrebi transcription of Yasin.
Yasinta f Indonesian, Javanese, Swahili
Most likely an elaboration of Sinta. Indonesian model Yasinta Aurellia is a well-known bearer.
Yasira f Arabic
Feminine form of Yasir.
Yasja f Dutch
Dutch form of Yasha, usually used for females rather than males.
Yasmani m Spanish (Latin American)
Yasmani is a masculine given name of Cuban origin.
Yasmeena f Arabic (Rare)
Variant transcription of Yasmina.
Yasmiin f Somali
Somali form of Yasmin.
Yasmín f Spanish
Variant of Yasmin.
Yasmira f Obscure
Variant of Jasmira
Yasmyn f English
Variant of Yasmin.
Yasna f Bulgarian
Bulgarian form of Jasna.
Yasna f Persian (Modern)
An important part of the worship of God in the book of Avesta
Yaśodharā f Buddhism
Alternate transcription of Sanskrit यशोधरा (see Yashodhara).
Yason m Russian, Turkish, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Jason, as well as a Turkish variant form of İason.
Yason m Arabic
Arabic, Russian and Ukrainian form of Jason, as well as a Turkish variant form of İason.
Yasoua m Arabic
Biblical Arabic form of Jesus (See Joshua).
Yasoy m Eastern African
Potential variant of Youssou.
Yasse f Arabic (Anglicized)
A feminine variant of Yasser.
Yassen m Bulgarian
Variant of Yasen.
Yassin m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Yasin.
Yassine m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Yasin chiefly used in Northern Africa.
Yassir m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Yasir.
Yassmin f Arabic
Alternate transcription of Yasmin.
Yasu m & f Chinese
Conbination of Ya and Su 2
Yasuha f Japanese
Meaning unknown. Notable bearer of this name is Yasuha Ebina. (1961- )
Yasuhiko m Japanese
From Japanese 康 (yasu) meaning "peaceful" or 安 (yasu) meaning "peace, quiet" combined with 彦 (hiko) meaning "boy, prince". Other kanji combinations are also possible.... [more]
Yasuhiro m Japanese
From Japanese 安 (yasu) meaning "peace, quiet" combined with 央 (hiro) meaning "centre, middle". Other kanji combinations are possible.... [more]
Yasuichi m Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (yasu) meaning "love, affection", 安 (yasu) meaning "peace, quiet", 康 (yasu) meaning "peaceful" or 泰 (yasu) meaning "peaceful, calm" combined with 一 (ichi) meaning "one". Other kanji combinations are possible.... [more]
Yasuichirou m Japanese
From Japanese 安 (yasu) meaning "peace, quiet", 康 (yasu) meaning "peaceful", 泰 (yasu) meaning "peaceful, calm", 保 (yasu) meaning "to protect; to safeguard; to defend" or 靖 (yasu) meaning "peaceful, calm, easygoing", 一 (ichi) meaning "one" combined with 郎 (rou) meaning "son" or 朗 (rou) meaning "bright, clear"... [more]
Yasujirou m Japanese
Variant transcription of Yasujiro.
Yasumi m & f Japanese
From Japanese 安 (yasu) meaning "calm, peaceful", 恭 (yasu) meaning "respect", 康 (yasu) meaning "peace", 妥 (yasu) meaning "gentle", 泰 (yasu) meaning "peaceful, calm", 悌 (yasu) meaning "brotherly, respectful", 寧 (yasu) meaning "rather", 八 (ya) meaning "eight", 保 (yasu) meaning "to raise; to rear", 也 (ya) meaning "also", 夜 (ya) meaning "night", 矢 (ya) meaning "arrow", 靖 (yasu) meaning "peaceful, calm, easygoing" or 晏 (yasu) meaning "peaceful, quiet", 州 (su) meaning "prefecture", 寸 (su) meaning "measurement" or 壽 or 寿 (su) both meaning "longevity, long life" combined with 見 (mi) meaning "to see", 三 (mi) meaning "three", 実 (mi) meaning "fruit", 純 (mi) meaning "pure", 身 (mi) meaning "body, identity", 水 (mi) meaning "water", 未 (mi) meaning "the Sheep", 巳 (mi) meaning "sign of the snake", 生 (mi) meaning "raw, live", 海 (mi) meaning "sea, ocean", 己 (mi) meaning "self", 心 (mi) meaning "heart, mind, soul", 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful", 隅 (sumi) meaning "corner, nook, remote place" or 満 (mi) meaning "fullness"... [more]
Yasunari m Japanese
From Japanese 康 (yasu) meaning "peaceful" combined with 成 (nari) meaning "to become". Other combinations of kanji characters are possible. ... [more]
Yasuno f Japanese
From Japanese 康 (yasu) meaning "peaceful" or 安 (yasu) meaning "peace, quiet" combined with 乃 (no), a possessive particle or 野 (no) meaning "area, field". Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
Yasunobu m Japanese
This name is a combination of 泰 (yasu) meaning "Thailand, calm, easy, peaceful", or 安 (yasu, an) meaning "relax, rested, cheap, low, inexpensive", and 伸/延 (nobu, noburu) meaning "stretch, extend, prolong", or 信 (nobu, shin) meaning "trust, faith, believe"... [more]
Yasunori m Japanese
From Japanese 安 (yasu) meaning "peace, quiet", 泰 (yasu) meaning "peaceful, calm", 恭 (yasu) meaning "respect" or 康 (yasu) meaning "peaceful" combined with 範 (nori) meaning "boundary; rule; law, to control"... [more]
Yasur m & f Hebrew (Modern, Rare)
Yasur is a first name and a last name that refers to some types of birds that live near the sea.... [more]
Yasushi m Japanese
This name, as one kanji, can be used as 泰 (tai, yasushi) meaning "calm, easy, peace, peaceful, Thailand", 保 (ho, hou, tamo.tsu, yasushi) meaning "guarantee, keep, preserve, protect, support, sustain", 靖 (jou, sei, yasu.njiru, yasushi) meaning "peaceful" or 康 (kou, yasushi) meaning "ease, peace."... [more]
Yasutaro m Japanese
Variant transcription of Yasutarou.
Yasutarou m Japanese
From Japanese 泰 (yasu) meaning "peaceful, calm, Thailand", 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big" combined with 郎 (rou) meaning "son". Other kanji combinations are possible.... [more]
Yasutora m Japanese
tora for "tiger." The name of a character in the popular anime and manga BLEACH.
Yasuyo f Japanese
From 保 (yasu) meaning "protection" or 康 (yasu) meaning "peaceful" combined with 燿⁠ (kagaya.ku, hikari, yo, teru) meaning “shine, sparkle” or 湧⁠ (yu, yo. wa.ku, wa.kasu, wa.kiwaka, waki, waku) meaning “(of water) to spring forth, gush out, well up”.
Yasuyoshi m Japanese
This name could be made of 安 (yasu) meaning "inexpensive, peaceful, relax, cheap, quiet" combined with 吉 (yoshi) meaning "fortune, good luck", 義 (yoshi) meaning "righteous", or 芳 (yoshi) meaning "fragrance"... [more]
Yasuyuki m Japanese
This name combines 泰 (tai, yasu) meaning "calm, easy, peace, peaceful, Thailand," 康 (kou, yasu) meaning "ease, peace", 靖 (jou, sei, yasu.njiru) meaning "peaceful" or 安 (an, yasu, yasu.i, yasu.maru, yasu.raka) meaning "cheap, contented, low, peaceful, quiet, relax, rested" with 幸 (kou, saiwa.i, sachi,, yuki) meaning "blessing, fortune, happiness", 之 (shi, oite, kono, kore, no, yuku, yuki) meaning "of, this" or 行 (an, gyou, kou,, -iki, i.ku, okona.u, oko.nau,, -yuki, yu.ku) meaning "going, journey."
Yasya f Russian, Ukrainian
Possibly a diminutive of Yaroslava.
Yasyr m Dungan
Variant transcription of Iasyr.
Yatarou m Japanese
From Japanese 弥 (ya) meaning "universally", 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big" combined with 郎 (rou) meaning "son" or 朗 (rou) meaning "bright, clear". Other combinations of kanji characters are also possible.
Yates m American (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Yates.
Yatha m Near Eastern Mythology
Yatha is a pre-Islamic god worshiped by the Sabaeans and Hemyarites of Yemen. Nine kings have a theophoric name prefixed by Yathaʾ.
Yatie f Arabic
A famous bearer of this name is Yatie, who was a queen of the Nomadic Arab tribes of Qedar. She ruled in the 8th century.
Yatin m Indian, Literature
Yatin is an Indian male given name, meaning "ascetic, devotee".This is the name of Yatin Bhagat, a character in the "Harry Potter" series written by J.K. Rowling.
Yatingan f & m Chinese (Modern, Rare)
Combination of the names Yating and An 1.
Yato m Japanese
"Stopped Night". Comes from the combination of the kanji 夜 or ya meaning night and the katakana syllable ト meaning "to stop." It is the name of the fictional god character in the anime/manga series Noragami... [more]
Yatonmilk m Phoenician
Means "the king gives", deriving from the Phoenician elements 𐤉𐤕𐤍 yaton, ("to give") and 𐤌𐤋𐤊 milk ("king"). Name borne by a king of Sidon.
Yatsumi f Japanese
Form of Yatsu or Yatsue
Yatzari f Mexican, Purépecha (?), Central American
Possibly a variant of Yatziri. This is also an anagram of Yaritza.
Yatziri f Spanish (Mexican)
Some sources mention this being Mayan in origin, however no evidence can be found supporting this, nor of the supposed meaning of 'maiden of the moon'. It's possible it's derived from an authentic yet obscure indigenous name, or it's a modern invention inspired by the likes of Yaretzi and Yaritza.
Yauheni m Belarusian
Belarusian form of Yevgeny
Yauhenia f Belarusian
Variant transcription of Яўгенія (Yauheniya).
Yavanika f Odia
Means "curtain of the stage" in Odia.
Yavanna f Literature
Quenya (High-Elven) for "giver of fruits." Was the Valie (female "angelic spirit") of plants. ... [more]
Yavdokha f Ukrainian
Ukrainian and Belarusian form of Eudocia.
Yavdonya f Ukrainian
Ukrainian diminutive of Yavdokha.
Yavdoshka f Ukrainian
Diminutive of Yavdokha.
Yávien f Literature
A fictional character created by J.R.R. Tolkien. Yávien was the first child and only daughter of Nolondil, the youngest son of the short-reigning King Vardamir Nólimon. She was born somewhere in Númenor... [more]
Yavira f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Elvira.
Yavora f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Yavor.
Yavtukh m Ukrainian
Ukrainian folk form of Eutychius.
Yavuz Selim m Turkish
Combination of Yavuz and Salim, given in honour of Sultan Selim I (1470-1520) of the Ottoman Empire, who was nicknamed Selim the Grim.
Yawara m & f Japanese (Rare)
From the stem of adjective 柔らか/和らか (yawaraka) meaning "soft, tender, gentle."... [more]
Yawari f Japanese
It means soft (an anime name preferably for Tsunderes)... [more]
Yawdat m Bashkir
Bashkir form of Jawdat.
Yawe m Theology, Lingala (Rare)
Lingala form of Yahweh.
Yawhieniya f Belarusian
Alternate transcription of Yauheniya
Yaxia f Chinese
Combination of Ya and Xia.
Yaxya m Bashkir
Bashkir form of Yahya.