Judeo-Arabic Submitted Names

Judeo-Arabic names were used by Jews living in the Arab world. See also about Jewish names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Abyad m Jewish, Judeo-Arabic
Refers to a person with fair skin from the Arabic word abyad.
Galaf m Judeo-Spanish, Judeo-Arabic
Judeo-Spanish form of Arabic Halif.
Jayyida f Judeo-Arabic, Arabic
Variant transcription of Jaida.
Maimun m Judeo-Arabic, Jewish
Arabic Jew's translation of Mazliach.
Mazaltuf f Judeo-Arabic (Archaic), Medieval Jewish
From the Hebrew/Yiddish phrase mazel tov, meaning "good luck".
Qasmūna قسمونة f Medieval Arabic (Moorish), Judeo-Arabic
Derived from قَسَمَ (qasama) meaning "to divide, to distribute". This was the name of a twelfth century Arabic-language Jewish poetess in Andalusia.
Qurra f Judeo-Arabic, Arabic
Means "comfort, consolation" in Arabic.
Rahil f Judeo-Arabic (Archaic), Medieval Jewish
Medieval Judeo-Arabic form of Rachel.
Rifqa رفقة f Judeo-Arabic, Arabic
Arabic form and Judeo-Arabic transcription of Rivqah.
Thamira f Judeo-Arabic
Feminine form of Thamir.
Ya'qubu יעקוב m Judeo-Arabic
Judeo-Arabic form of Jacob.
Yusufu יוסף m Judeo-Arabic
Judeo-Arabic form of Joseph.