Reito m JapaneseFrom Japanese 伶 (rei) meaning "actor", 嶺 (rei) meaning "peak, summit", 怜 (rei) meaning "wise", 澪 (rei) meaning "water route, shipping channel", 玲 (rei) meaning "sound of jewels", 礼 (rei) meaning "salute, bow, ceremony, thanks, remuneration", 禮 (rei) meaning "social custom, manners, courtesy, rites", 羚 (rei) meaning "antelope", 鈴 (rei) meaning "bell", 零 (rei) meaning "zero", 麗 (rei) meaning "lovely, beautiful, graceful, resplendent" or 黎 (rei) meaning "dark, black, many" combined with 人 (to) meaning "person", 斗 (to), which refers to a Chinese constellation, 月 (to) meaning "moon", 登 (to) meaning "ascend, climb up", 都 (to) meaning "metropolis, capital, all, everything", 音 (to) meaning "sound", 仁 (to) meaning "humanity, virtue, benevolence, charity, man, kernel", 翔 (to) meaning "soar, fly", 飛 (to) meaning "fly", 渡 (to) meaning "transit, ford, ferry, cross, import, deliver, diameter, migrate", 土 (to) meaning "soil, earth, ground", 燈 (to) meaning "lamp, light" or 士 (to) meaning "gentleman, scholar, samurai"... [