This is a list of submitted names in which the gender is feminine; and the usage is Mythology.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Helka f Hungarian MythologyThe name of a fairy from the region around Lake Balaton. The origin and meaning of her name are uncertain, theories include a diminutive of
Hellivesa f Germanic MythologyA minor Germanic goddess whose functions have been lost to time. She was worshipped in Germania Inferior, a Roman province located on the west bank of the Rhine and bordering the North Sea.
Helva f Norse MythologyHelva is a variation of
Helvi. In Norse Mythology, Helva is the daughter of Lord Nesvek and the love of Esbern Snare. Her father rejected Esbren's marriage proposal to her unless he built a church, causing him to bargain with trolls.
Hemithea f Greek MythologyMeans "demigoddess" in Greek. In Greek myth this name belonged to a goddess who was formerly the mortal woman
Molpadia. It was also borne by the sister of Tenes, locked in a chest with her brother and cast out to sea and together landing on an island where Tenes reigned as king... [
Henioche f Greek MythologyDerived from Greek ἡνίοχος
(hêniochos) meaning "charioteer, driver, one who holds the reins", itself derived in part from the word ἡνία
(hênia) "reins, bridle". In Greek mythology this was an epithet of the goddess Hera... [
Ḫepat f Hurrian MythologyMeans "She of Halab". Ḫepat was the mother goddess of the Hurrian people. Her name occurs frequently as an element of personal names, examples being the names
Puduḫepa, and
Heqet f Egyptian MythologyHeqet was an Egyptian goddess of fertility and was identified with Hathor. She was linked to the annual flooding of the Nile, and was represented as a frog.
Herja f Norse MythologyMeans "devastate" in Old Norse. The Prose Edda briefly mentions this name as that of a Valkyrie.
Hesione f Greek MythologySaid to mean "knowing" from Greek ἡσο
(heso). In Greek mythology this was an epithet of Pronoia, the Titan goddess of foresight and wife of the Titan Prometheus; it was also borne by a legendary Trojan princess, a daughter of King Laomedon and sister to Priam... [
Hesychia f Ancient Greek, Greek MythologyDerived from the Greek noun ἡσυχία
(hesychia) meaning "rest, quiet". In Greek mythology, this is the name of a daemon or spirit of quiet, rest, silence and stillness.
Heurippa f Greek MythologyMeans "horse finder", derived from Greek εὑρίσκειν
(heuriskein) meaning "to find; find out, discover; get, gain, procure" and ἵππος
(hippos) meaning "horse"... [
Hilaeira f Greek MythologyMeans "softly-shining" in Greek (probably from ἱλαρός
(hilaros) "cheerful, bright"; compare
Hilarius). In Greek myth the sisters Hilaeira and Phoebe, commonly referred to as the Leucippides (being daughters of Leucippus of Mycenae), were carried off by
Castor and
Pollux, who were charmed by their beauty... [
Himiko f Japanese MythologyThis is from Old Japanese hime (姫) meaning 'young noblewoman, princess', or from hi (日) 'sun' and me (女) 'woman' or miko (覡 or 巫女) 'shamaness, shrine maiden, priestess'. Some sources posit that Himiko (Pimiko) is from an archaic Japanese title, himeko, which means 'princess', from hime with the female name suffix -ko (子) 'child'.... [
Himinglæva f Norse MythologyMeans 'the heaven-shining one, the transparent one", referring to the transparency of water. In Norse mythology, Himinglæva was one of nine daughters of
Ægir and
Hippodike f Greek MythologyDerived from Greek ‘ιππος
(hippos) "horse" combined with Greek δικη
(dike) meaning "justice, judgement" as well as "custom, usage".
Hipponome f Greek MythologyDerived from Greek ἱππονόμος
(hipponomos) meaning "keeping horses" or Greek ἱππονομεύς
(hipponomeus) meaning "horse keeper".
Hippothoe f Greek MythologyDerived from
‘ιππος (hippos) meaning "horse" and the feminine form of
θοός (thoós) meaning "quick, swift".
Ḫišamītum f Near Eastern Mythology, Semitic MythologyMeans "Lady of Ḫišamta" (a city in the kingdom of Mari), utilising the Akkadian feminine suffix
tum. Name borne by the tutelary goddess of Ḫišamta, who is thought to have been a localised adaptation of Ishtar.
Histiaea f Greek Mythology (Latinized)Latinized form of
Histiaia. In Greek mythology, the nymph Histiaea was one of the daughters of Hyrieus. The ancient town of Histiaea (later called Oreum) in northern Euboea was named in her honour.
Histiaia f Greek MythologyThe meaning of this Greek name is a bit uncertain; it may have been derived from Greek
histia "feast" or from Greek
histiē "hearth" (see
Hestia)... [
Hlaðgunnr f Old Norse, Norse MythologyDerived from Old Norse
hlað "lace-work, headdress" and
gunnr "battle, fight". This is the name of a Valkyrie in Norse mythology who only appears in heroic poetry. Hlaðgunnr, also called
Svanhvít, is the sister of
Hervǫr and the daughter of
Hlǫðver... [
Hlín f Old Norse, Norse Mythology, IcelandicMeans "protection" in Old Norse, the root of which is Old Icelandic
hleina "to save, protect, defend" (ultimately relating to Old English
hlæna and modern English
lean; also the related noun
hlein is used of the upright warp-weighted loom, which is leaned against a wall in use)... [
Hludana f Germanic MythologyHludana is a Germanic goddess attested in five ancient Latin inscriptions from the Rhineland and Frisia, all dating from 197–235 AD (the Beetgum inscription was dedicated by a group of fishermen)... [
Hobomock m & f Algonquin, Wampanoag, Narragansett, New World MythologyIn Algonquin legends (mainly Wampanoag and Narragansett) Hobomock is the
manito the spirit of death: a destructive, often evil, being. He is subject of many Wampanoag 'bogeyman' stories, warning children away from dangerous or naughty behavior... [
Hófehérke f FolkloreHungarian name meaning "snow white". This is a literal translation of the German literary name
Schneewittchen (earlier
Sneewittchen), and was probably first used as a borrowing from the fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm.
Homa f Persian Mythology, PersianFrom Middle Persian
humāy meaning "bird of good omen, eagle", itself derived from Iranian
*hu- meaning "good" and
*māyā- meaning "blessing, happiness". This is the name of a legendary bird in Persian mythology, said to live its entire life in the sky without ever touching the ground... [
Homi f Sanskrit, Hinduism, Hindi, Gujarati, Indian, Marathi, Nepali, Bengali, Punjabi, Tamil, KannadaMEANING - fire, clarified butter, water
Horme f Greek MythologyDerived from Greek ὁρμή
(horme) meaning "an onrush, an onset, an assault". In Greek mythology Horme is the personification of energetic activity, impulse or effort (to do a thing), eagerness, setting oneself in motion, and starting an action, and particularly onrush in battle... [
Houtu f Chinese Mythology, Far Eastern MythologyFrom a combination of the characters 后 (hou, meaning “queen”) and 土 (tu, meaning “earth”). Houtu was the Chinese goddess of the earth who regulated all life above ground. In earlier Chinese texts she was also a goddess of the underworld, but later she was absorbed into the Daoist religion and became one of the main deities assisting the rule of
Hradini f Sanskrit, Nepali, Indian, Tamil, Hinduism, Hindi, Bengali, Marathi, Punjabi, Indian (Sikh), Malayalam, Gujarati, Assamese, Telugu, KannadaMEANING - river, lightning
Hrímgarðr f Norse Mythology, Old NorseDerived from
hrīm "rime, hoarfrost" and
garðr "enclosure, protection". In Norse mythology this is the name of a giantess, the daughter of
Hati, who is drawn into a verbal duel with
Hrishti f Sanskrit, Indian, Hindi, Tamil, Hinduism, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Nepali, BengaliMEANING : delight, joy, pride... [
Hrist f Norse Mythology, Old NorseMeans "the shaker" from Old Norse
hrista "shake, quake". In Norse poetry the name was frequently used as a kenning for "woman"; in mythology it belonged to a Valkyrie.
Hrund f Norse Mythology, IcelandicMeaning uncertain, perhaps related to the Old Norse verb
hrinda meaning "to push". This was the name of a valkyrie in Norse legend.
Huitaca f New World MythologyEtymology unknown. This was the name of the Muisca goddess of arts, dance and music, witchcraft, sexual liberation and the Moon who was turned into a white owl.
Hutellura f Hurrian MythologyLikely means "midwife", deriving from the Hurrian
hutelluri. Hutellura was a goddess of fate, and a divine midwife. In her role as a divine midwife she is closely associated with
Hutena f Near Eastern Mythology, Hurrian MythologyLikely derived from the Hurrian
ḫut, which has been translated as both "to favour" and "to raise". Hutena was a goddess of fate in Hurrian mythology, and was also a divine midwife. In her role as a divine midwife, she is associated closely with
Hvít f Old Norse, Norse MythologyFeminine form of
Hvítr, a by-name meaning "white". Hvít appears in the 'Hrólfs saga kraka' as the queen of Norway and the mother of legendary hero Bödvar (Bǫðvarr) Bjarki.
Hyacinthia f FolkloreVariant of
Hyacintha used by Andrew Lang for a character in his version of the Russian fairy tale King Kojata. It also coincides with the name of an ancient Spartan festival that celebrated the death of
Hyale f Greek MythologyDerived from Greek ὕαλος
(hyalos) meaning "crystal". In Greek mythology this name was borne by one of the band of sixty young Okeanid Nymphs that formed the core retinue of the goddess Artemis.
Hybla f MythologyThe name of a goddess of earth and fertility in Sicel or Siceliot mythology, worshiped in ancient Sicily by the Sicels. Multiple cities were named after her.
Hybris f Greek MythologyFrom Greek ὕβρις
(hybris) meaning "insolence, arrogance, wanton violence, outrage, insult" (originally "presumption toward the gods"). In Greek mythology Hybris was a spirit or goddess of violence, insolence and outrageous behaviour... [
Hygieia f Greek MythologyFrom the name of the Greek goddess of medical cleanliness. Her name is derived from Ancient Greek Ὑγίεια (
Hugíeia), which is also from ὑγίεια (
hugíeia) meaning "health".
Hylonome f Greek MythologyDerived from Greek ὑλονόμος
(hylonomos) meaning "living in the woods". In Greek mythology this was the name of a female centaur.
Hypermnestra f Greek MythologyMeans "much-wooed", from Greek ὑπέρ
(hyper) meaning "over" and μνηστήρ
(mnester) meaning "courter, wooer". In Greek mythology Hypermnestra was one of Danaus' fifty daughters, the Danaids... [
Ianassa f Greek MythologyPossibly derived from Greek ἰά
(ia) meaning "shout, clamour; sound, roar" and νάσσα
(nassa), the aorist form of ναίω
(naio) meaning "to dwell in" or "to make habitable"... [
Iárnvidia f Norse MythologyMeans "she of Iron-wood" in Old Norse. In the Prose Edda Iárnvidia is a female troll who lives in Járnvid ("the iron wood"). She is sometimes identified with
Iaso f Greek MythologyA minor goddess of healing, remedies, and recuperating from ailments, one of the daughters and attendants of
Asklepios. Her name comes from the word ίασης
(iasis), meaning "cure, remedy, healing".
Ida f Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Hinduism, Marathi, NepaliMEANING - speech, Goddess of speech ( Saraswati), earth, heaven, refreshment, food, vital spirit, offering ... [
Idaia f Greek MythologyMeans "of Mount Ida, Idaean" in Greek (see
Ida). Also see the masculine form
Idaios. In Greek mythology this was the name of several characters, including a minor nymph.
Ihi f Polynesian MythologyThe Tahitian goddess of wisdom and learning. Her name may refer to the Tahitian chestnut tree.
Ilione f Greek MythologyDerived from the Greek place name Ἴλιον
(Ilion), an alternative name of
Troy, the ancient city that was besieged by the Greeks in Homer's
Iliad... [
Ilmr f Norse MythologyMeaning uncertain, though it coincides with an Old Norse masculine word meaning "pleasant scent". This was the name of an obscure Norse goddess.
Imentet f Egyptian MythologyMeans "she of the west". In Egyptian mythology she was the goddess representing the necropolis west of the Nile River and the consort of
Aken. Typically depicted wearing the hieroglyph for 'west' on her head, she often appeared on tombs to welcome the deceased into the afterlife... [
Inara f Hittite MythologyIn Hittite–Hurrian mythology, Inara was the goddess of the wild animals of the steppe and daughter of the Storm-god
Indraja f Lithuanian (Rare), Baltic MythologyBorrowed from the name of a lake and river in the Utena district municipality of north-eastern Lithuania, derived from Eastern Aukštaitian Lithuanian
indrė (standard Lithuanian
nendrė) meaning "reed."... [
Ioke f Greek MythologyDerived from Greek ἰωκή
(ioke) meaning "rout, pursuit, attack", from the verb διώκω
(dioko) which means "to pursue, to chase (in war or hunting)" and "to drive away, to chase away"... [
Ioulo f Greek MythologyBasically means "related to corn sheaves", derived from the Greek noun ἴουλος
(ioulos) meaning "down" (the first growth of the whiskers and beard) as well as "corn sheaf" (see
Ioulos).... [
Iphianassa f Greek MythologyMeans "powerful queen" or "rule strongly", derived from Greek ἶφι
(iphi) meaning "by force, mightily" (compare ἴφιος
(iphios) "strong, stout") and ἄνασσα
(anassa) meaning "queen" (feminine form of ἄναξ
(anax) "lord, master")... [
Iphianeira f Greek MythologyDerived from Ancient Greek wirds
ιφιος (iphios) meaning "strong, stout" and possibly
ανηρ (aner) meaning "man".
Iphimedusa f Greek MythologyDerived from
ιφιος (iphios) meaning "strong, stout" and
μεδω (medo) meaning "to protect, to rule over".
Iphinoe f Greek MythologyPossibly derived from Ancient Greek ἴφιος
(iphios) meaning "strong stout" or ἶφι
(iphi) meaning "by force, mightily" combined with νόος
(noos) meaning "mind, thought"... [
Iphis f & m Greek MythologyPossibly from Greek ιφιος (
iphios) meaning "strong, stout". This was the name of seven characters in Greek myth, both male and female, including the slave woman given to
Patroclus by his cousin Achilles in Homer's 'Iliad'.
Iphthime f Greek MythologyDerived from Greek ἴφθιμος
(iphthimos) "stout, strong", a word which meant "comely, goodly" when applied to women. This name was borne by a sister of Penelope in Homer's epic the 'Odyssey'.
Ipy f & m Egyptian Mythology, Ancient EgyptianFrom Egyptian
jpt, possibly meaning "harem" or "inner sanctum". This was the name of an Egyptian fertility goddess, often depicted with the head of a hippopotamus. It was also the name of a royal scribe of the Eighteenth Dynasty.
Ira m & f HinduismIn Hinduism, Ira (ईर) is the name of the wind-god who is the father of the monkey god Hanuman. His name means "wind" in Sanskrit.... [
Iravati f HinduismMeans "possessing refreshment" in Sanskrit, from इरा
(ira) meaning "water, refreshment" and वती
(vati) meaning "having". This is the name of a figure in Hindu mythology who is associated with the Ravi River in northwestern India... [
Ishara f Near Eastern MythologyAn ancient Hittite goddess associated with love and oaths. Her name possibly comes from the Hittite word for "treaty, binding promise", or may be related to the name of the goddess
Ishta f Sanskrit, Tamil, Hinduism, Telugu, Hindi, Indian, Kannada, Malayalam, Punjabi, Marathi, Gujarati, Nepali, SinhaleseMEANING - desired, loved, worshipped, respected, sacrificed
Ishtu f Indian, Sanskrit, Hinduism, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Punjabi, Malayalam, Nepali, Sinhalese, Fijian, Bengali, Marathi, Gujarati, AmericanMEANING -desire, wish... [
Ishvari f HinduismMeans "queen, mistress, goddess" in Sanskrit, the feminine form of ईश्वर
(īśvará) which is both an adjective meaning "able to do, capable of" and a noun meaning "lord, king, God"... [
Issa f Ancient Greek, Greek MythologyThe name of several characters in Greek mythology, including a princess of the Greek island Issa (now called
Lesbos), a nymph from the same island, and a pseudonym of
Achilles when he was disguised as a woman on Skyros... [
Isse f Greek MythologyIn Greek mythology, Isse is the daughter of the Lesbian king
Macareus (born of an incestuous relationship with his sister
Canace), hence she is also called 'Isse Macareïs', i.e. "Isse the daughter of Macareus"... [
Issoria f Greek MythologyAn epithet of the Greek goddess
Artemis which derives from
Issorion, the name of a mountain near Sparta on which there was a sanctuary dedicated to her... [
Ištanu m & f Near Eastern MythologyDeriving from the Hattic
estan meaning "Sun deity, day". This was an epithet likely used to refer to the of the Sun Goddess of Arinna. It was also used in reference to a solar deity known as the Sun God of Heaven (equivalent to the Hurrian Simige).
Itonia f Greek MythologyMeans "of Iton, Itonian" in Greek. This was an epithet of the Greek goddess Athena originating in the ancient town of Iton (also known as Itonos), south of Phthiotis, in Thessaly. Some ancient sources say that Athena Itonia was given her epithet from a king or priest named
Ītzpāpālōtl f Aztec and Toltec MythologyDerived from Nahuatl
itztli meaning "obsidian, obsidian knife" and
pāpālōtl "butterfly". This name has been translated as "clawed butterfly", perhaps in effect equal to "bat". In Aztec mythology, Ītzpāpālōtl was a skeletal warrior goddess of infant mortality and women who die in childbirth.
Iunit f Egyptian MythologyIunit of Armant means "she of Armant". Armant, also known as Hermonthis, is a town in Egypt whose name is derived from
Montu. In Egyptian mythology she was a minor goddess and a consort of Montu.... [
Iusaaset f Egyptian MythologyEtymology uncertain, may mean something similar to "she who grows as she comes". This was the name of the feminine counterpart to
Atum, also associated with the acacia tree.
Ixtab f Mayan MythologyAt the time of the Spanish conquest of Yucatán (1527–1546), Ix Tab or Ixtab ( "Rope Woman", "Hangwoman") was the indigenous Mayan goddess of suicide by hanging. Playing the role of a psychopomp, she would accompany such suicides to heaven.
Ixtli f New World MythologyDiminutive of
Ixtaccihuatl, which means "white woman" in Nahuatl from
iztac "white" and
cihuatl "woman". This was the name of a beautiful princess in Mexican legend who fell in love with the hero
Popo, but died of grief when a messenger falsely reported that her lover had died in war... [
Iynx f Greek MythologyFrom Greek mythology. The name of a nymph who invented the magical love-charm known as the iynx--a spinning wheel with a wryneck bird attached, according to mythology she either used the charm to make
Zeus fall in love with her or with another nymph,
Io... [
Jaami f Sanskrit, Indian, Hinduism, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Nepali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, BengaliMEANING : a virtuous or respectable woman, Sister, daughter -in-law. ( It is name of an apsara)
Jahnavi f Indian, HinduismMeans "daughter of Jahnu" in Sanskrit. This is another name of the Hindu goddess
Ganga (the river Ganges personified), because she flooded the ashram of the rishi or saint Jahnu while being led by Bhagiratha.
Jami f Sanskrit, Hindi, Hinduism, Indian, Punjabi, Marathi, Malayalam, Sinhalese, Telugu, Assamese, OdiaMEANING : a virtuous or respectable woman, Sister, daughter -in-law. (It is name of an Apsara)
Jamphel m & f Tibetan, Bhutanese, BuddhismFrom Tibetan འཇམ་དཔལ
('jam-dpal) meaning "gentle splendour", derived from འཇམ
('jam) meaning "soft" and དཔལ
(dpal) meaning "splendour, glory, magnificence"... [
Japa f Sanskrit, Hindi, Hinduism, Indian, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Nepali, Kannada, Sinhalese, Indonesian, Gujarati, BengaliMEANING : China rose,... [
Jatini f Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Hinduism, Punjabi, Bengali, Malayalam, Kannada, Telugu, Tamil, Gujarati, MarathiName - Jatini जटिनी ... [
Java f Sanskrit, Indian, Hindi, Tamil, Hinduism, Gujarati, Bengali, Marathi, Malayalam, Kannada, Telugu, NepaliMEANING : China rose, saffron... [
Jeh f Persian MythologyPossibly derived from the Arabic verb جَاءَ
(ja'a) meaning "to come, to bring". In Zoroastrianism, Jeh is the consort of
Ahriman, and is a demon of lasciviousness who is associated with the menstrual cycle, improper behaviour and the defilement of women.
Jhallika f Sanskrit, Indian, Hindi, Tamil, Hinduism, Kannada, Bengali, Malayalam, Gujarati, Telugu, NepaliMEANING : light, sunshine, cloth used for applying colour or perfumes... [
Jiufeng m & f Chinese Mythology, Far Eastern MythologyFrom a combination of the characters 九 (jiu, meaning “nine”) and 凤 (feng, meaning “phoenix”). This is the name of a deity mentioned in the Shanhaijing (山海经), or Classic of Mountains and Seas... [
Jophiella f Judeo-Christian-Islamic LegendThe name derives from
Jophiel, which is the non-canonical archangel of wisdom, understanding, and judgment, art and beauty. She is listed as one of the Seven Archangels in Pseudo-Dionysian teachings.
Jǫrð f Old Norse, Norse MythologyDerived from Old Norse
jǫrð meaning "earth". In Norse mythology, Jǫrð was the goddess of the earth and the mother of Þórr (see
Thor). Other names for her included
Hlóðyn and
Josha f Sanskrit, Hinduism, Hindi, Nepali, Indian, Marathi, Gujarati, Assamese, Punjabi, Malayalam, TeluguMEANING - woman, lady
Jowangsin f Korean MythologyThe goddess of the fire and hearth in traditional Korean religion. Her name is derived from the hanja
竈 (jo) meaning "hearth, kitchen stove, kitchen",
王 (wang) meaning "great, king" and
神 (sin) meaning "god, goddess, spirit".
Juoksáhkká f Sami, Sami MythologyCombination of
Juoksa and Sami
áhkká meaning "wife, woman, mother". Jousáhkká is a goddess in Sami mythology who decides whether an unborn baby will be a boy or girl... [
Justitia f Roman MythologyDerived from Latin
iustitia "justice", this was the name of the Roman goddess of justice.
Kaatyaayani f HinduismThis is one of the 108 names of Maa Durga, the Hindu Goddess signifying power.
Kachina f New World MythologyFrom the name of a specific kind of supernatural entity in the mythology of the Hopi and other typically western Pueblo cultures in the North American Southwest.... [
Kadlu f Inuit MythologyIn Inuit mythology, Kadlu refers to either one goddess or three sisters who presided over thunder.
Kadru f HinduismMeans "tawny, reddish-brown" in Sanskrit. In Hindu mythology Kadru is the wife of
Kashyapa and the mother of the nagas, a race of divine half-human, half-serpent beings.
Kaikeyi f Hinduism, IndianName of a character, the second consort of King Dasharatha and the Queen of Ayodhya, in the Hindu epic, the Ramayana.
Kainis f Greek MythologyProbably derived from the Greek noun καινίς
(kainis) meaning "knife", which is ultimately derived from the Greek verb καίνω
(kaino) meaning "to kill, to slay".... [
Kakia f Greek MythologyProbably related to (kakos) which means "vice or immorality." Kakia was the spirit (daimona) of vice and moral badness.
Kakuyama-no-uneo-no-konoshita-ni-zasu-kami f Japanese MythologyAn epithet of the spring water goddess
Nakisawame. It is derived from
香 (kaku) meaning "pleasant scent, fragrance",
山 (yama) meaning "mountain",
の (no) meaning "of",
畝 (une) meaning "raised earth in a field" or "rib",
尾 (o) meaning "tail", "foot of a mountain" or "the end of something",
の (no) meaning "of",
木 (ki) meaning "tree, wood",
の (no) meaning "of",
下 (shita) meaning "the below",
坐 (za) meaning "to sit, to bear fruit" and
神 (kami) meaning "god, deity, spirit".
Kale f Greek MythologyFrom ancient Greek
Καλη meaning "beauty". In Greek mythology she was one of the Graces and a daughter of Zeus.
Kalika f HinduismAn epithet of the Hindu goddess
Kali 1, destroyer of time, which is taken to mean "pertaining to time" as a derivative of
kali, the feminine form of Sanskrit
kala "time".
Kalimah f Hinduism, MythologyKali Ma, called the "Dark Mother," is the Hindu goddess of creation, preservation, and destruction.
Kalleis f Greek MythologyKalleis comes from the Greek word "kallos", meaning "beauty". It was the name of one the three Kharites, or Graces.
Kalma f Finnish MythologyFinnish Goddess of death and decay, residing in the underworld. The name means "corpse stench", and can be used as a poetic word for death.Her father is
Tuoni and her mother
Tuonetar... [
Kaltes-Ekwa f Siberian MythologyEtymology unknown. Kaltes-Ekwa is a Mansi and Khanty goddess of the moon, childbirth, fate, dawn, fertility and rejuvenation. She is a shapeshifter and known to take the shape of a hare.
Kalybe f Greek MythologyThe name of a Trojan nymph loved by King Laomedon of Troy. Her name is derived from the element
καλυβη (kalybe), a type of rustic rural hut.
Kalyke f Greek MythologyDerived from Greek κάλυξ
(kalyx) meaning "seed pod, husk, outer covering" (of a fruit, flower bud, etc). This is the name of multiple characters in Greek mythology. It is also one of Jupiter's moons.
Kamalipa f HinduismKamal, Kamala, Kamalika & Kamalipa. All these names orginated from the flower name "Kamal(Lotus". The name Kamalipa means "Big Lotus"
Kamar f Georgian MythologyMeaning uncertain. Kamar was the daughter of the Georgian god of nature and the god of the sky. She was seen as a symbol of divine fire and her beauty caused
Amirani to kidnap her from heaven.
Kamuy m & f Ainu, Far Eastern Mythology, Japanese MythologyRefers to a spiritual or divine entity in the mythology of the indigenous Ainu people of Japan. The term shares similarities with the Japanese word "kami" (神) in both phonology and meaning.
Kapei f & m Pemon, Indigenous American, New World MythologyMeaning “
Moon” in Taurepang (a member of the Pemon micro family of Cariban languages), Kapei is the Taurepang deity of the moon, who appears most famously in the Taurepang folktale ‘Wei and Kapei’.
Kapheira f Greek MythologyPossibly means "stormy breath", derived from the hypothetical Ancient Greek word
*kaphos meaning "to breath, gasp" (compare κάπτω
(kapto) "to gulp down") and εἴρ
(eir), which might mean "hurricane"... [
Kara f Sanskrit, Hindi, Hinduism, Indian, Nepali, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Punjabi, Bengali, GujaratiMEANING - condconfinement, Prison, binding , a part of lute below the neck ( for deadening the sound ), a female messenger, female worker in gold ● Origin - Sanskrit, Indian
Karya f Greek MythologyDerived from Ancient Greek
καρύα "hazel, hazel tree, hazel bush", ultimately from Ancient Greek
κάρυον "nut". In Greek Mythology, Karya is attributed to the hamadryads, one of those nymphs who live in trees and are closely linked to the fate of the tree... [
Kattaḫḫa f Hittite Mythology, Hattian MythologyLikely deriving from the Hattic word
kattaḫ ("queen"), this theonym was applied to several goddesses, the most prominent of whom was the tutelary goddess of the city of Ankuwa. She is listed alongside other 'queen goddesses' in treaties, such as
Kayika f Sanskrit, Hindi, Hinduism, Indian, Marathi, Nepali, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, Bengali, Gujarati, PunjabiMEANING " Corporeal " ; Relating or belonging to body... [
Keelut m & f Inuit MythologyIn Inuit mythology, Keelut is an evil chthonic spirit who resembles a hairless dog.
Kelaino f Greek MythologyDerived from Greek κελαινός
(kelainos) meaning "black, dark". This name belongs to five different figures in Greek mythology, including an Amazon (a woman warrior), one of the Pleiades and the mother of Delphus by Apollo.
Keres f Greek MythologyPlural form of Greek κήρ
(ker) meaning "doom" and "death (especially when violent)". In Greek mythology the Keres are goddesses or demons of death, and daughters of
Nyx, the goddess of night... [
Keroessa f Greek MythologyDerived from Greek κερόεις
(keroeis) meaning "horned" (feminine κερόεσσα
(keroessa)). In Greek mythology Keroessa was the daughter of Io by Zeus and mother of
Byzas, founder of Byzantium... [
Keta f Sanskrit, Hindi, Hinduism, Marathi, Nepali, Indian, Bengali, Gujarati, Assamese, PunjabiMEANING - wish, abode, sign, mark... [