Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the gender is feminine; and the usage is Mythology.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
A'akuluujjusi f Inuit Mythology
A'akuluujjusi is the great creator mother among the Inuit people.
Aara f Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Hinduism, Marathi, Nepali, Gujarati, Bengali, Tamil, Telugu
Means "saw, awl, shoemaker's knife" in Sanskrit.
Aastiki f Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Hinduism, Nepali, Punjabi, Bengali, Marathi, Assamese
Means "one who believes in a god or gods; theist" in Sanskrit.
Aavya f Sanskrit, Indian, Hinduism
Means "to animate, to drive, to protect" in Sanskrit.
Aayra f Arabic, Hinduism, Hindi
Means "intelligence; happiness" in Hindi and Arabic.
Aba f Greek Mythology
The name of a Thracian nymph loved by Poseidon.
Abarbaree f Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek ἀβάρβαρος (abarbaros), ἀβόρβορος (aborboros) meaning "without filth", itself from α (a), a negative prefix, and βόρβορος (borboros) meaning "mud, mire, filth"... [more]
Abnoba f Celtic Mythology
The name of an obscure Gaulish goddess, thought to be connected to Celtic abona "river" (source of Avon). The second element may be derived from either Proto-Indo-European nogʷo-, meaning "naked, nude" or "tree", or the verbal root *nebh- "burst out, be damp".
Abricotine f Folklore
Means "apricot-plum" in French. This is the name of a character in Madame d'Aulnoy's fairy tale "The Imp Prince" (1697). Abricotine is a fairy who is the beloved of the protagonist, Léandre.
Abuk f African Mythology, Dinka
In Dinka mythology (south Sudan), the first woman. She is the patron goddess of women and gardens. Her emblem is a little snake. She is the mother of Deng (Danka).
Abundancia f Roman Mythology (Hispanicized)
Spanish form of Abundantia. This is also the Spanish word for "abundance".
Abundantia f Roman Mythology, Late Roman, Italian
Feminine form of Abundantius. She was the Roman personification of abundance, prosperity and good fortune, portrayed as distributing grain and money from a cornucopia... [more]
Abyzou f Near Eastern Mythology
Appears to be a corrupted form of the Greek ἄβυσσος ábyssos "abyss", the Greek itself was borrowed from Akkadian Apsu or Sumerian Abzu.
Acacallis f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
This was a word for the narcissus flower used in Crete. It is said to mean "unwalled" in Greek, possibly from the Greek negative prefix α (a) with an element related to ἀκή (ake) "point, edge"... [more]
Acalle f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Form of Acacallis found in the Bibliotheca, a compendium of Greek myths.
Acanthis f Greek Mythology (Latinized), Literature
Latinized form of Greek Ἀκανθίς (Akanthis), which was the name of a type of finch, known as thistle finch in English, literally meaning "prickly" from Greek ἄκανθα (akantha) "thorn, prickle, thistle" (compare Acantha, Acanthus)... [more]
Acaste f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Ἂκαστη (Akaste), which is the feminine form of Akastos (see Acastus). This name is borne by two characters in Greek mythology... [more]
Acca f Roman Mythology
In Roman legend this was another name of Larentia, the foster mother of the twins Romulus and Remus, and wife of the shepherd Faustulus... [more]
Accalia f Roman Mythology (?), English (Rare)
According to questionable sources, such as baby name books and websites, this was another name for Acca, the human foster-mother of Romulus and Remus in Roman legend, also known as Acca Larentia (see Acca)... [more]
Aceso f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
From the Greek Ἀκεσώ (Akeso), derived from ἄκεσις (akesis) meaning "healing, curing". She was the Greek goddess of healing (wounds) and curing (illness); unlike her sister Panakeia (Panacea), Aceso personified the process of a curing rather than the cure itself.
Achaia f Greek Mythology, English (Rare)
Of uncertain etymology, possibly derived from Greek ἄχος (achos) meaning "grief, pain, distress" (also see Achaios, Achilles)... [more]
Achall f Irish Mythology
Achall, daughter of Cairbre Nia Fer, king of Tara, and his wife Fedelm Noíchrothach, is a minor character from the Ulster Cycle of Irish mythology. After her brother Erc was killed by Conall Cernach, she died of grief on a hill near Tara, which was named Achall after her.
Achelois f Greek Mythology, Ancient Greek
Feminine form of Acheloios. In Greek myth this was the name of a minor moon goddess as well as a general name for water nymphs and an epithet of the Sirens (as the daughters of Achelous).
Achiroë f Greek Mythology
Etymology unknown, perhaps related to ἄχος (akhos) meaning "distress, grief" and ρόη (rhoe) meaning "flow, stream, river".
Achmayexguayaxerax f Guanche Mythology
This is one of Chaxiraxi's names and it means "behold his mother, the Spirit that sustains the universe".
Achtan f Irish Mythology, Celtic Mythology
The Irish heroine who bore Cormac, the king.
Acidusa f Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek ἀκίς (akis) meaning "pointed object; barb, arrow". This was the name of the wife of Scamander, whom he named the well of Boeotia after.
Aclima f Judeo-Christian-Islamic Legend
Meaning unknown. In some religious traditions, this is the name of the first human female born, a daughter of Adam and Eve.
Acraea f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Ἀκραία (Akraia), an epithet of numerous goddesses whose temples were situated on hills or mountains, including Athena and Hera, which meant "of the heights" or "dwelling on the heights"... [more]
Actaea f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Aktaie and Aktaia, both of which derive from Greek ἁκτή (akte) "headland, sea-coast, shore" (compare the masculine equivalent Aktaios and its latinized form Actaeus)... [more]
Acuecucyoticihuati f Aztec and Toltec Mythology
The Aztec goddess of the ocean, running water, and rivers, closely associated with Chalchiuhtlicue of whom she is another appearance. She is invoked by Aztec women in labor.
Adaheli m & f New World Mythology
The Venezuelan Carib personification of the Sun.
Adamanteia f Greek Mythology (?)
Apparently derived from Greek ἀδάμαντος (adamantos) meaning "unbreakable, inflexible". The 1st-century BC Roman writer Hyginus called the nymph Amaltheia by this name in his Fabulae (139).
Adamanthea f Greek Mythology (Modern, ?)
Possibly a corruption of Adamanteia, a name used by Hyginus in reference to Amalthea.
Adamma f Hurrian Mythology, Semitic Mythology
Etymology uncertain, possibly deriving from the Eblaite element ʾdm ("blood, red"). Name borne by a goddess of the Eblaite pantheon who was later incorporated into the Hurrian pantheon.
Adastrea f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Adastreia, which is a variant of Adrasteia.
Adataneses f Judeo-Christian-Islamic Legend
Means "gift" in ancient Hebrew. This was the name of the wife of Japheth in the Book of Jubilees.
Adea f Greek Mythology, Albanian
In Greek mythology, Adea was the birth name of Eurydice.
Adeona f Roman Mythology
The Roman goddess who guides the child back home, after it has left the parental house for the first time and monitored its coming and going in learning to walk.
Adephagia f Greek Mythology
The name of the goddess of gluttony.
Adgilis Deda f Georgian Mythology
Means "the mother of locality" or "place mother", from Georgian ადგილი (adgili) meaning "place" and დედა (deda) meaning "mother". In Georgian mythology, Adgilis Deda is the goddess of fertility and livestock portrayed as a beautiful woman with silver jewelry... [more]
Adiante f Greek Mythology
Possibly derived from Greek ἀδίαντον (adianton) meaning "maidenhair" (a plant, species Adiantum capillus-veneris) or ἀδίαντος (adiantos) meaning "unwetted, not bathed in sweat", from the negative prefix ἀ (a) and the verb διαίνω (diaino) "to wet, to moisten"... [more]
Adikia f Greek Mythology
Means "injustice, iniquity" in Greek, derived from ἀ (a), a negative prefix, and δίκη (dike) "justice"... [more]
Admete f Greek Mythology
Feminine form of Admetos. This name belonged to two characters in Greek mythology: the daughter of King Eurystheus (for whom Herakles stole the girdle of Hippolyta), and one of the Oceanids.
Adnoartina f & m Indigenous Australian Mythology
This name represents a sacred ancestral being in the form of a gecko lizard. Adnoartina is associated with the formation of Uluru, the iconic sandstone landmark in the Northern Territory.
Adrastia f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
One of the Latinized forms of Adrasteia
Adrestia f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Variant form of Adrastia, which is one of the various latinized forms of Adrasteia. In Greek mythology, this was the name of a war figure and goddess of revenge and balance, who often battled in war... [more]
Adrika f Indian, Hinduism
Means "small mountain" in Sanskrit. According to the Mahabharata, Adrika is an apsara (a female spirit of clouds and waters) who was the mother of Matsya and Satyavati.
Adsullata f Celtic Mythology
Meaning unknown, possibly British adsiltia "she who is gazed at". This was the name of a river goddess worshipped by the Continental Celts. It may be an older form of Esyllt.
Advesha f Hinduism
Means "harmless, not malevolent".
Adze f & m African Mythology
The adze is a vampiric being in Ewe folklore. It takes the form of a firefly and will transform into human form upon capture.... [more]
Aëdon f Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek ἀηδών (aēdōn) "songstress" or from Greek ἀηδονίς (aēdonis) "nightingale". Also compare Greek ἀοιδή (aoidē) meaning "song". This was the name of a legendary queen of Thebes who plotted to kill her rival Niobe's son, but killed her own son accidentally... [more]
Aedos f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of the Greek Αιδως (Aidos) which meant "modesty, decency". In Greek mythology, Aedos was a goddess or daimona of modesty, reverence and respect and a companion of the goddess Nemesis.
Aedumanda f Celtic Mythology (Hypothetical)
Reconstructed old Celtic form of Aimend.
Aega f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Αἴγη (Aige), derived from αἴξ (aix) "she-goat" or ἄϊξ (aix) "gale of wind". In Greek mythology, Aega or Aex nursed the infant Zeus in Crete, along with her sister Helice, after Rhea gave Cronus a stone to swallow instead of the newborn Zeus... [more]
Aegea f Greek Mythology
She was sister to Circe and Pasiphaë, and daughter of the sun. When the Titans attacked the gods of Olympus, Gaia placed Aegea in a cave to hide her shining loveliness.
Aegiale f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Αἰγιάλη (Aigiale), derived from Greek αἰγιαλός (aigialos) meaning "beach, shore" (also see the masculine form Aigialos)... [more]
Aegina f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
From the Greek Αιγινη (Aigine), which is of unknown meaning, perhaps an alternative name for the plant known as Etruscan honeysuckle in English. In Greek mythology she was a naiad loved by Zeus, who abducted her in the form of an eagle, carrying her off to the island of Attica... [more]
Aegleis f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Αἰγληίς (Aigleis), a derivative of αἴγλη (aigle) meaning "radiance, splendour" (compare Aegle). In Greek mythology this name belonged to one of the Hyacinthides, the four daughters of Hyacinthus the Lacedaemonian, who was said to have moved to Athens and, in compliance with an oracle, to have caused his daughters to be sacrificed by the Athenians on the tomb of the Cyclops Geraestus for the purpose of delivering the city from famine and the plague, under which it was suffering during the war with Minos.
Aello f Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek ἄελλα (aella) "whirlwind, tempest". This was the name of a "storm-swift" harpy in Greek myth.
Aellopos f Greek Mythology
Variant of Aellopous. This was the form used by Homer (in his Iliad, as an epithet of the goddess Iris).
Aellopous f Greek Mythology
Means "swift as a whirlwind", literally "whirlwood-footed", from Greek ἄελλα (aella) meaning "a stormy wind, whirlwind" and πούς (pous) "foot". This was an epithet of the Greek goddess Iris, the swift messenger of the gods... [more]
Aenete f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latin form of the Greek Αἰνήτη (Ainete), derived from Greek αἰνητός (ainetos) meaning "praiseworthy, deserving praise", from αἰνέω (aineo) "to praise". In Greek mythology Aenete was the wife of Aeneas, the legendary founder of the ancient Thracian city of Aenus.
Aeolia f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Αἰολία (Aiolia), itself derived from αἰόλος (aiolos) meaning "moving, swift" (see Aiolos).
Aequitas m & f Roman Mythology
Means "equity, equality, fairness" in Latin. During the Roman Empire, Aequitas as a divine personification was part of the religious propaganda of the emperor, under the name Aequitas Augusti, which also appeared on coins... [more]
Aeracura f Celtic Mythology
Of unclear origin. It has been connected with Latin aes, aeris "copper, bronze, money, wealth" as well as era "mistress" and the name of the Greek goddess Hera.... [more]
Aerecura f Roman Mythology (Latinized)
Form of Aericura occurring in Roman mythology.
Aerfen f Welsh Mythology
Welsh form of Aerten, the name of a Brythonic goddess of fate. Aerten is derived from Proto-Celtic *agro- "carnage, slaughter" (cf. Agrona) and *tan-nu "to broaden, to spread" or *ten-n-d-o- "to break, to cut"... [more]
Aergia f Greek Mythology
Means "idleness" in Greek, derived from the negative prefix α (a) and ἔργον (ergon) "work". This was the name of the Greek personification of sloth and idleness.
Aericura f Celtic Mythology (Latinized)
The origins of this name are uncertain; probably a Latinized form of a Celtic name, although some Latin roots have been suggested (including aes, genitive aeris, "brass, copper, bronze, money, wealth"; and era, genitive erae, "mistress of a house")... [more]
Aero f Greek Mythology
Perhaps derived from the Greek verb ἀείρω (aeiro), αἴρω (airo) "to lift up, to raise". In Greek mythology, Aero (also called Haero, Aerope and Maerope) was a princess of the island of Chios, a daughter of Oenopion and Helice... [more]
Aeropa f Greek Mythology
Elaboration of Aerope.
Aerope f Greek Mythology
Feminine form of Greek Ἀέροπος (Aeropos) (see Aeropus). In Greek myth Aerope was a daughter of King Catreus of Crete, granddaughter of Minos and wife of Atreus (to whom she was married after the death of his son and her first husband Pleisthenes)... [more]
Aeternitas f Roman Mythology
Aeternitas was a Roman goddess and the personification of eternity.
Aethra f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Αιθρη (Aithre) meaning "bright, purer air; the sky" in Greek (from aithein "to burn, shine"). This was the name of several characters in Greek myth including the mother of Theseus, a captive of Troy, at the service of Helen until the city was besieged.
Aethusa f Greek Mythology
Aethusa was a daughter of Poseidon and the Pleiad Alcyone. She was also loved by Apollo.
Aetna f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Αἴτνη (Aitne), perhaps from aithein "to burn". Aetna was the Greek personification of Mount Etna, a volcano on Sicily. Its strange noises were attributed to the ironworking of Vulcan's forge.
Aeval f Irish Mythology
Anglicized form of Aíbell.
Aex f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Αιξ (Aix) meaning "goat". In Greek mythology Aex or Aega was a goat nymph who nursed the infant Zeus in Crete, and he afterwards changed her into the constellation Capella... [more]
Agameda f Greek Mythology (Russified)
Serbian, Russian, Spanish and Basque form of Agamede.
Agamede f Greek Mythology
Means "very cunning", derived from Greek ἄγαν (agan) meaning "very much" and μήδεα (medea) meaning "plans, counsel, cunning"... [more]
Aganippe f Greek Mythology
Possibly derived from Greek ἀγανός (aganos) meaning "mild, gentle" and ἵππος (hippos) meaning "horse". This was the name of various figures in Greek mythology... [more]
Agasaya f Near Eastern Mythology
Possibly means "shrieker". This was the name of an early Semitic goddess of war who was merged into Ishtar in her identity as fearless warrior of the sky.
Agathippe f Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek ἀγαθός (agathos) meaning "good" and ἵππος (hippos) meaning "horse"... [more]
Agenoria f Roman Mythology
Goddess who endowed a child with the capacity to lead an active (actus) life. Her name is presumably derived from the Latin verb ago, agere, egi, actum, "to do, drive, go."
Aglaonoe f Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek adjective ἀγλαός (aglaos) meaning "splendid, shining, bright" (see Aglaos) combined with the Greek noun νόος (noos) meaning "mind".... [more]
Aglaope f Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek adjective ἀγλαός (aglaos) meaning "splendid, shining, bright" (see Aglaos) combined with either the Greek noun ὄψ (ops) meaning "voice" or the Greek noun ὤψ (ops) meaning "eye, face, countenance".... [more]
Aglaopheme f Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek adjective ἀγλαόφημος (aglaophemos) meaning "of splendid fame", which consists of the Greek adjective ἀγλαός (aglaos) meaning "splendid, shining, bright" (see Aglaos) combined with the Greek noun φήμη (pheme) meaning "prophetic saying" as well as "rumour" and "(good) report, repute, fame".... [more]
Aglaophonos m & f Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek adjective ἀγλαόφωνος (aglaophonos) meaning "with a splendid voice", which consists of the Greek adjective ἀγλαός (aglaos) meaning "splendid, shining, bright" (see Aglaos) combined with the Greek noun φωνή (phone) meaning "voice" as well as "sound, tone".... [more]
Aglaophonus m & f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Aglaophonos. In Greek mythology, Aglaophonus is the name of one of the Sirens.
Aglauros f Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek adjective ἄγλαυρος (aglauros), a variant of ἀγλαός (aglaos) meaning "bright, shining, splendid". In Greek mythology Aglauros was the eldest daughter of the Athenian king Cecrops... [more]
Aglaurus f Greek Mythology
Possibly derived from the Ancient Greek Agraulos "countryside flute".... [more]
Agloolik m & f Inuit Mythology
In Inuit mythology, Agloolik is a spirit that lives underneath the ice and gives aid to fishermen and hunters.
Agnimitra m & f Sanskrit, Hinduism
The meaning is, "Friend of Fire".
Agriya m & f Indian, Hinduism
First Best, Prime... [more]
Agrotora f Greek Mythology
This was an epithet of the Greek goddess Artemis, under which title she was regarded as the patron goddess of hunters. Conceivably related to Greek ἄγρᾱ (agra) "hunt, catch" and the name of the Brythonic war goddess Agrona, from old Celtic agro "battle, carnage".
Agunda f Ossetian Mythology, Ossetian
Derived from Persian آخوند (akhund) meaning "cleric, teacher". This is the name of a heroine in the Nart sagas.
Agušaya f Akkadian, Near Eastern Mythology
Means "the whirling dancer", deriving from the Akkadian words gâšum ("to dance") and gūštum ("dance"). Attested as an epithet for Ishtar in the Hymn of Agushaya.
Ahalya f Hinduism
From Sanskrit अहल (ahala) meaning "unploughed, unfurrowed". In Hindu mythology Ahalya was a woman created by the god Brahma. She was married to the sage Gautama Maharishi but was seduced by Indra, causing her husband to punish her for her infidelity by turning her into stone... [more]
Ahez f Breton Legend
Of unknown origin and meaning, albeit a connection to Welsh aches, a word denoting the sound of the water clashing on the shore, has been suggested. In Breton legend, Ahez is always described as the daughter of King Gralon, sometimes described as a sorceress, enchantress, fairy or giantess, and often, though not always, considered identical with Dahud... [more]
Ahilya f Hinduism
Variant of Ahalya.
Ahladini f Sanskrit, Hinduism, Indian, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Gujarati, Bengali, Indian (Sikh), Marathi
MEANING - causing joy or delight, delightful, a name of goddess Durga
Ahuña f Basque (Rare), Basque Mythology
From the name of a mountain in the Basque region of Spain whose Basque name Ahuñamendi is derived from Basque ahuña "small goat" and mendi "mountain".... [more]
Ahura f Near Eastern Mythology, Persian Mythology
Referring to either the creator god Ahura Mazda or the various other ahuras of the Avesta. Meaning, "lord" or "spirit."
Ahurani f Near Eastern Mythology, Persian Mythology
Means "she who belongs to Ahura" in Avestan, from the name Ahura, referring to either the creator god Ahura Mazda or the various other ahuras of the Avesta, combined with the feminine suffix -ani meaning "companion, wife, mate"... [more]
Aia f Greek Mythology
A Naiad associated with a well, spring or fountain of the town of Aia, also known as Kolkhis, on the Black Sea. Her name was taken from that place. According to myth she was loved and pursued by the local river-god Phasis, and saved from him by the gods who transformed her into an island bearing that name.
Aideko f Basque Mythology
Aideko is the supernatural aspect of Aide (as opposed to Berezko who represents Aide's natural aspect).
Aidos f Greek Mythology
From Greek Αἰδώς aidṓs "shame, respect, reverence." This is the Greek goddess of shame, modesty, and humility.
Aigeiros f Greek Mythology
Derived from Ancient Greek αἴγειρος (aígeiros) meaning "black poplar". This was the name of one of the eight hamadryad daughters of Oxylos and Hamadryas, associated with the black poplar tree.
Ailuros f Egyptian Mythology (Hellenized)
Means "cat" in Ancient Greek. The Egyptian goddess Bastet was known by this name in Ancient Greek religion.
Aimend f Irish Mythology
Irish sun godess. This name appears to be derived from Proto-Celtic aidu-mandā. The name literally means "burning stain," which may have been a byword for the notion of ‘sunburn.’ The Romano-British form of this Proto-Celtic name is likely to have been Aedumanda.
Ainia f Greek Mythology
Ainia was an Amazon who presumably accompanied Penthesilea to the Trojan War and was eventuelly killed by Achilles. She is known only from an Attic terracotta relief fragment.
Ainina f Georgian Mythology
Meaning unknown, though it is believed that her name is a corruption of the name Danina, derived from Georgian da and nana. Ainina is a Georgian goddess and in a pair with the deity Danina.
Ainsel f Folklore
Used for a fairy in Thomas Keightley's The Fairy Mythology, released in 1870. Ainsel was a fairy who came down the chimney to play with a little boy.
Aiolia f Greek Mythology
Greek form of Aeolia.
Aischris f Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek αισχρός (aischros) "the one with shame".
Aishi f Hinduism
Means "God's gift" in Hindi.
Aithra f Greek Mythology, Greek (Rare)
Original Greek form of Aethra.
Aithusa f Greek Mythology (Latinized), Popular Culture
From Greek αἴθουσα (aithousa), a participle of the verb αἴθω (aitho) meaning "to light up". In Greek mythology, Aithousa (Latin: Aethusa) is the daughter of Poseidon and Alcyone, and a lover of Apollo (the Sun) with whom she had Eleuther... [more]
Aitne f Greek Mythology
In Greek mythology, Aitne is the name of a nymph seduced by Zeus. This is also the name of one of the moons of Jupiter. Mount Aetna's name also derives from this name.
Aizkorri f Basque, Basque Mythology
Derived from Basque aitz, a local variant of haitz, "stone, rock" and gorri "red; bare, naked". Aizkorri is a massif, the highest one of the Basque Autonomous Community (Spain)... [more]
Aja f Near Eastern Mythology
In Mesopotamian mythology, Aja was the wife of the sun god Šamaš.
Ajatar f Finnish Mythology
Possibly from Finnish ajaa, menaing "to pursue", and the ending -tar, translates to "female pursuer". She is an evil, female spirit in Finnish Mythology. She lives in the woods on the Pohjola Mountains.
Aje f & m Yoruba Mythology, Yoruba
Means "wealth, money, profit" in Yoruba. This is the name of a goddess of wealth, prosperity, and business in Yoruba tradition.
Ajkuna f Albanian, Albanian Mythology
In Albanian mythology, Ajkuna is the wife of Muji.
Ajuna f Greenlandic, Inuit Mythology
Variant of Ajut using -na, a Greenlandic suffix indicating a personal name. In Greenlandic mythology, Ajuna is a woman who escapes from her pursuer and becomes the sun.
Ajut f Greenlandic, Inuit Mythology
Derived from Canadian Arctic ajujuq meaning "runs away". In Greenland mythology Ajut is the name of the woman who flees from her pursuer and becomes the sun.
Ajysyt f Siberian Mythology
Means "birthgiver" or "mother of cradles" in Yakut. Ajysyt wwas the mother goddess in Yakut mythology. She was said to be present whenever one of her people gave birth, and she brought with her the soul of the child, so that a complete human being could be brought into existence.
Akalle f Greek Mythology
Non-Latinized form of Acalle.
Akashagamini f Hinduism
Means "flew in the sky". It is one of the 108 names of the goddess Durga.
Akeso f Greek Mythology
The name of the goddess of curing illness and healing wounds.
Akhlut m & f Inuit Mythology
In Inuit mythology, Akhlut is a spirit that takes the form of both a wolf and an orca. It is a vicious, dangerous beast. Its tracks can be recognized because they are wolf tracks that lead to and from the ocean.
Aĸigssiaĸ f Greenlandic, Inuit Mythology
Means "Ptarmigan chick" in Greenlandic.
Akna f New World Mythology, Inuit Mythology
In Inuit mythology, Akna ("mother") is a goddess of fertility and childbirth. ... [more]
Akoma m & f Central African, African Mythology
Akoma is the creator god of Pahuin mythology. His name Means “creator” in Pahuin, a common language in parts of São Tomé and Principe, southern Cameroon, much of northern Gabon, and mainland Equatorial Guinea.
Akraia f Greek Mythology
A Naiad daughter of the river Asterion who — with her sisters, Euboea and Prosymna — nursed the infant goddess Hera.
Akshika f Hinduism (Rare)
Derived from the Sanskrit word "Aksha", which means "eyes". Akshika has a feminine connotation and means "one with good eyes."
Akshiti f Sanskrit, Indian, Marathi, Hinduism, Hindi
Means "imperishableness; imperishable" in Sanskrit, Hindi and Marathi.
Aktaie f Greek Mythology
Means "shore, headland" in Greek. In Greek myth Aktaie was one of the fifty Nereids or goddesses of the sea, particularly responsible for the seashore.
Akte f Greek Mythology
The ninth of the twelve Horai (hours) and goddess of an hour of the afternoon.
Aktoris f Greek Mythology
Possibly a feminine form of Aktor. This is the name of a handmaid of Penelope in Homer's epic the Odyssey.
Ala f Hittite Mythology, Luwian Mythology
Ala was a Hittite and Luwian goddess of the wilderness and partner of the god Runtiya. Her name is likely derived from the Luwian adjective ala- "high".
Alahtin f New World Mythology
The name of the Chumash goddess of the moon who also governs over purification, health and menstruation.
Alakshmi f Indian (Rare), Hinduism
The name of the older sister of Lakshmi and the Hindu goddess of misfortune. She is sometimes viewed, according to one source, as another avatar of a form of the goddess Kali... [more]
Alala f Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek ἀλαλή (alalē) meaning "war-cry, battle-cry". This onomatopoeic name belonged to the female personification of the war-cry in Greek mythology. She was an attendant of the war god Ares, whose war-cry was her name: Alale alala.
Alalcomeneïs f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Probably means "the Protectress, the Defender" from the Greek verb ἀλαλκεῖν (alalkein) "to ward, to keep off". This was an epithet of the goddess Athena as guardian of Boeotia... [more]
Al Basty f Caucasian Mythology
A spirit in Caucasian mythology who is seen as being a personification of guilt, associated with punishing crimes which have gone unpunished.
Albrinia f Germanic Mythology, History
Albruna, Aurinia or Albrinia are some of the forms of the name of a probable Germanic seeress who would have lived in the late 1st century BC or in the early 1st century AD. She was mentioned by Tacitus in Germania, after the seeress Veleda, and he implied that the two were venerated because of true divine inspiration by the Germanic peoples, in contrast to Roman women who were fabricated into goddesses... [more]
Albruna f Germanic Mythology, History
Albruna, Aurinia or Albrinia are some of the forms of the name of a probable Germanic seeress who would have lived in the late 1st century BC or in the early 1st century AD. She was mentioned by Tacitus in Germania, after the seeress Veleda, and he implied that the two were venerated because of true divine inspiration by the Germanic peoples, in contrast to Roman women who were fabricated into goddesses... [more]
Albunea f Roman Mythology
Possibly derived from Latin albus meaning "white". In Roman mythology Albunea was a nymph who dwelt at a sulfuric spring or fountain near the town of Tibur (modern Tivoli)... [more]
Alcathoe f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Ἀλκαθόη (Alkathoê), which is derived from Greek αλκη (alke) "strength" and θοός (thoos) "swift, nimble"... [more]
Alcibie f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Αλκιβίη (Alkibie) which was derived from ἀλκή (alke) meaning "defense, defensive strength, valour" and βία (bia) "bodily strength, force, act of violence" (compare Alcibiades)... [more]
Alcidice f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Ἀλκιδίκη (Alkidike), which is derived from Greek αλκη (alke) "strength" combined with Greek δικη (dike) meaning "justice, judgement" as well as "custom, usage"... [more]
Alcimede f Greek Mythology
Meaning "mighty cunning." The mother of Jason.
Alcithoe f Greek Mythology
Derived from αλκη (alke) meaning "strength" and θοός (thoos) meaning "swift, nimble".
Alectrona f Greek Mythology
An early goddess who was a daughter of the sun. It is speculated by some that she was possibly a goddess of the morning, or of man's waking sense, which causes him to wake up in the morning; the Doric form of her name is akin to the Greek word for "rooster" (Alectrona, the feminine genitive of Αλεκτορ, Alektor, the Greek word for "rooster"), while the Greek form Electryone is akin to the word for "amber" (Ἠλέκτρα, Elektra), as in the amber color of sunrise (as opposed to sunset, implied by Helios being her father); naturally, either of which would be an appropriate name for a solar goddess.
Alemona f Roman Mythology
Roman birth deity that feeds the embryo or generally nourished growth in utero.
Alemonia f Roman Mythology
Perhaps related to Greek ἀλήμων (ălēmon) "a wanderer, rover". In Roman mythology, Alemona or Alemonia was a minor, tutelary goddess of the fetus, the entity responsible for feeding the unborn child (i.e., nourishing growth in utero).
Aletheia f Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek ἀλήθεια (aletheia) meaning "truth". (Compare English Alethea.) According to some Greek myths she was the personification of truth, a daughter of Zeus and one of the nurses to Apollo.
Alexirhoe f Greek Mythology
Variant spelling of Alexirrhoe.
Alexiroe f Greek Mythology
Variant transcription of Alexirhoe, which in turn is a variant spelling of Alexirrhoe.
Alexirrhoe f Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek verb ἀλέξω (alexo) meaning "to defend" as well as "to help" combined with the Greek noun ῥοή (rhoe) meaning "river, stream". Also compare the Greek noun ῥόος (rhoos) meaning "stream, flow of water, current" as well as the name Alexirrhoia, which are both closely related.... [more]
Alexirrhoia f Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek ἀλέξω (alexo) meaning "to defend, to help" and ῥοία (rhoia) meaning "flow, flux", which is related to ῥοή (rhoe) meaning "river, stream".... [more]
Alilat f Near Eastern Mythology
Variant of Allat. The Arabian mother goddess.
Aliscea f Philippine Mythology
It is a feminine forename of Philippines origin that is used globally(I found this informatiom on the only source u could find on my name)
Alistra f Greek Mythology
Alistra was a lover of Poseidon who bore him Ogyges.
Alkelda f English (British, Rare, Archaic), Anglo-Saxon Mythology, History (Ecclesiastical)
Younger form of Old English Hǣlcelde. Saint Alkelda (died on 28 March c. 800) was ostensibly an Anglo-Saxon princess who was strangled by pagan Viking women during Danish raids in about 800 at Middleham in Yorkshire, England... [more]
Allani f Hurrian Mythology
In Hurrian mythology, Allani was the goddess of the underworld. Her name is likely derived from Hurrian allai=ni "lady, mistress".
Allanzu f Hurrian Mythology
Etymology uncertain, possibly deriving from the Hurrian element alla=i, meaning "lady, queen". Another possible element is the Hurrian alu-, meaning "to speak". Name borne by a Hurrian goddess that was often worshipped alongside Ḫepat, who was considered to be her mother.
Allat f Near Eastern Mythology
Means "the Goddess" from Arabic al-Lat. She was an ancient mother and fertility goddess of the pre-Islamic Arabs.
Allatu f Near Eastern Mythology
This was the name of the Mesopotamian goddess of copulation, equal to the Sumero-Babylonian goddess Ereshkigal; perhaps her name was a Semitic form of Ereshkigal... [more]
Allatum f Persian Mythology
The goddess of the underworld in early Iranian mythology. She is believed to be of Mesopotamian origin (Ellat).
Allerleirauh f Folklore (Germanized)
Means "all kinds of fur" in German. This is the name of the title character of a fairy tale collected by the Brothers Grimm. Allerleirauh is a princess who flees from her father, who wants to marry her, and brings three dresses and a coat with all kinds of furs with her... [more]
Alobha f Sanskrit, Hindi, Hinduism, Kannada, Indian
MEANING - free from greed or cupidity, moderation, Contentment
Aloña f Basque (Rare), Basque Mythology
Taken from the name of a massif on the Basque Mountains range.... [more]
Alope f Greek Mythology
Unknown etymology, although it may be linked to the word ᾰ̓λώπηξ (alṓpēx) meaning "fox".
Alpan f Etruscan Mythology
The Etruscan goddess of love and the underworld. She belongs to the Lasas and is usually portrayed naked.
Alpanu f Etruscan Mythology
The Etruscan goddess of the underworld, associated with rebirth, revenge, and triumph out of suffering.
Alpheiaia f Greek Mythology
Epithet of the Greek goddess Artemis which was derived from the name of the river god Alpheios, who loved her. Artemis Alpheiaia was worshipped at Letrini in Elis and on the island of Ortygia near Syracuse; she also shared an altar with Alpheios at Olympia... [more]
Alphesiboea f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Ἀλφεσίβοια (Alphesiboia) meaning "much-courted" (literally "earning cattle, bringing in oxen", from ἀλφάνω (alphano) meaning "to bring in, yield, earn" and βοῦς (bous) meaning "bullock, bull, ox")... [more]
Alunsina f Filipino (Rare), Philippine Mythology
Alunsina, also called "Laon-Sina," is considered the 'virgin goddess' of the eastern skies in Philippines mythology. In a Panay version of the Creation Myth, Alunsina’s name has been translated as the "Unmarried One," "The One from Foreign Skies" and "One who is Foreign."
Al-ʻuzzā f Near Eastern Mythology
The ancient Arabian goddess of might, protection and love. Her name is derived from al-‘Azīz meaning "the mighty".
Áma f Old Norse, Greenlandic, Norse Mythology
Feminine form of Ámr or a Greenlandic form of Amma. In Norse mythology this is the name of a giantess.
Amalur f Basque, Basque Mythology
Combination of Basque ama "mother" and Lur.
Amamikyu f Near Eastern Mythology
Amamikyu's name comes from the reading of the Chinese characters 阿摩美久 or 阿摩彌姑, which were most likely written ad hoc for the Okinawan pronunciation.
Amanchuu f Far Eastern Mythology
Okinawan reading of Amamikyu, the traditional creator goddess of the Ryukyu Islands. Her name is derived from 阿 (a) meaning "a", 摩 (ma) meaning "to rub, chafe", 美 (mi) meaning "beauty" and 久 (yu) meaning "long time"... [more]
Amanozako f Japanese Mythology
The furious and monsterous goddess born from Susanoo's pent up rage. Her name means "heaven opposing everything".
Amarysia f Greek Mythology
An epithet or title of the Greek goddess Artemis meaning "of Amarynthus", Amarynthus being a town in Euboea (according to Stephanus of Byzantium, Euboea itself)... [more]
Amathaunta f Near Eastern Mythology
In Sumerian mythology she is the goddess of the ocean, possibly related to Poseidon. She was also worshipped by Sumerian immigrants in Egypt which lead to some believing her to be an Egyptian goddess... [more]
Amatheia f Greek Mythology
The name of one of the Nereids in Greek mythology.
Amathia f Greek Mythology (Latinized, ?)
A form of Amatheia. In Greek myth this was the name of one of the Nereids, the 50 daughters of the sea god Nereus.
Ambika f Hinduism, Indian
Possibly means "dear mother" in Sanskrit. Ambika is a feminine personification of the Hindu goddess Durga and also another name for Parvati.
Ambracia f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
In Greek mythology Ambracia was the daughter of Melaneus, son of Apollo and Oechalia. The ancient Greek city of Ambracia in Epirus was named after her.
Amechania f Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek ἀμηχανία (amechania) meaning "want of means, want of resources, helplessness". Amechania was the Greek personification of helplessness and want.
Amekushin-otome-ōankami f Far Eastern Mythology
An alternative name for the Okinawan creator goddess Amanchuu. Her name is derived from 天 (ame) meaning "heavens, sky", 久 (kyu) meaning "a long time", 神 (shin) meaning "spirit, deity", 乙女 (otome) meaning "daughter, maiden, virgin", 王 (ō) meaning "king", 御 (here read as 'an'), an honourific particle, and 神 (kami) meaning "spirit, deity".
Ame-no-uzume f Japanese Mythology
Japanese goddess of dawn, mirth and revelry. Her name is derived from 天 (ame) meaning "sky, heavens", 宇 (u) meaning "roof, eaves, house" or "the whole world", 受 (zu) meaning "accept" and 売 (me) meaning "sell", or meaning "ornamental hairpen" and 女 (me) meaning "woman".
Amesemi f Eastern African, African Mythology
Amesemi was goddess of the ancient Kingdom of Kush, and wife of the god Apedemak.
Ámgerðr f Old Norse, Norse Mythology
Derived from Old Norse ámr "black, loathsome, dark" and garðr "enclosure, protection". This is the name of a giantess in Norse mythology.
Amicitia f Roman Mythology
Means "friendship" in Latin. Amicitia was the Roman goddess of friendship and affection. Her Greek equivalent is Philotes.
Amilamia f Basque, Basque Mythology, Spanish (Mexican, Rare)
In Basque mythology, Amilamia is a benevolent being who helps those in need.... [more]
Amimona f Greek Mythology
Romanian form of Amymone.
Amithya f Sanskrit, Nepali, Hinduism, Gujarati, Indian, Bengali, Assamese, Marathi, Hindi
MEANING - not-falsely, truthfully. Here अ means not + मिथ्या means false, lie
Amma f Norse Mythology, Old Swedish, Greenlandic
Has several possible meanings. May be a short form of names beginning with Arn- or Am-, derived from Old Swedish amma ("wet nurse"), Old Norse amma ("grandmother") or Old Norse ama ("dark one").... [more]
Ammavaru f Indian, Hinduism
An ancient goddess of India who existed before the beginning of time. She laid an egg that hatched into the divine trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.
Ammayi f Sanskrit, Hinduism, Gujarati, Bengali, Hindi
Hindi, Sanskrit script : अम्मयी... [more]
Ammit f Egyptian Mythology
Derived from Ancient Egyptian ꜥm-mwt "devourer of the dead". In Egyptian mythology she was a female demon and funerary deity with a body that was part lion, hippopotamus, and crocodile, all of which were seen as dangerous animals to the ancient Egyptians... [more]
Ammonia f American (Rare, Archaic), Greek Mythology, Ancient Greek
Feminine form of Ammon. In Greek mythology, Ammonia is an epithet of the goddess Hera.
Ampelos m & f Greek Mythology
Derived from Ancient Greek ἄμπελος (ámpelos) meaning "vine, grapevine". In Greek mythology it belonged to a satyr who was transformed into the first grapevine, loved by the god Dionysos, as well as to one of the eight hamadryad daughters of Oxylos, associated with vines such as wild grapes and bryony.
Amphiale f Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek ἀμφίαλος (amphialos) meaning "between two seas, living amid seas", derived from ἀμφίς (amphis) meaning "surrounding, around, between" and ἅλς (hals) "sea" (genitive ἁλός)... [more]
Amphianassa f Greek Mythology (?)
Apparently derived from Greek αμφι (amphi) meaning "around, on both sides" (compare Amphitrite) and ανασσα (anassa) meaning "queen, lady" (used as a term of address for goddesses)... [more]
Amphictyone f Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek ἀμφικτίονες (amphiktiones) meaning "neighbours, they that live nearby", itself from ἀμφίς (amphis) meaning "surrounding, around, between" and κτίζω (ktizo) meaning "to found, build, people".
Amphinome f Greek Mythology
Derived from αμφι (amphi) meaning "around, on both sides" and νομή (nome) meaning "devision, destribution".
Amphiro f Greek Mythology
The name of one of the Okeanides and a minor goddess of the rising tide.
Amphithea f Greek Mythology
The name of several women in Greek mythology.
Amthelo f Judeo-Christian-Islamic Legend
The name of the mother of Abraham according to the Book of Jasher.
Amula f Sanskrit, Indian, Hindi, Gujarati, Hinduism, Marathi
MEANING : { rootless , Agnishikha plant ( Methonica Superba- Bot. ) , a bulbous plant ... [more]
Amymone f Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek ἀμύμων (amymon) meaning "blameless, noble, excellent", itself from ἀ (a), a negative prefix, and μῶμος (momos) "blame, reproach"... [more]
Amynomene f Greek Mythology
The name of an Amazon warrior, said to mean "defender", or sometimes "blameless defender". It is probably derived from Greek ἀμυνομένη (amynomene), participle of the verb ἀμύνω (amyno) meaning "to keep off, to ward off, to defend, to assist; to avenge, to repay"... [more]
Anabiel f Judeo-Christian-Islamic Legend (?)
In the Kabbalah, Anabeil can be called upon to cure stupidity.
Anactoria f Literature, Greek Mythology (Latinized, ?), Ancient Greek (Latinized, ?)
Latinized form of the Greek Ἀνακτορία (Anaktoria), derived from ἀνακτόρῐος (anaktorios) "royal", literally "belonging to a king, a lord" from ἀνάκτωρ (anaktor) "lord", from ἄναξ (anax) "lord"... [more]
Anadyomene f Greek Mythology, Roman Mythology
Means "emerging, rising from the sea", derived from Greek αναδύομαι (anadyomai) meaning "to surface, emerge, rise to the surface". This was an epithet of Aphrodite.
Anael m & f Judeo-Christian-Islamic Legend, Biblical, Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew name of uncertain meaning, possibly "God answers" (making it an equivalent of Anaiah, using el "God" as the second element as opposed to yah "Yahweh"); alternatively the first element may be related to chanah "favour, grace" (making it a relative of Hananiah and perhaps a form of Hanniel or Channiel)... [more]
Anaga f Hinduism, Indian, Tamil
Means "sinless."
Anaideia f Greek Mythology
From Greek ἀναίδεια (anaideia) meaning "shamelessness", derived from ἀν- (an-) "without" (alternative form of the negative prefix ἀ- (a-) used before a vowel) combined with αἰδώς (aidos) "shame, decency, regard for others, respect, reverence"... [more]
Anamitra m & f Hinduism
Means "Lord Surya (Sun)."
Anane m & f Judeo-Christian-Islamic Legend
A fallen angel mentioned in the Book of Enoch.
Ananke f Greek Mythology
Meaning "force, constraint, necessity." Ananke was the personification of destiny, necessity and fate, depicted as holding a spindle. She marks the beginning of the cosmos, along with Chronos.
Ananthiy f Hinduism
Meaning, Happiness or Joy
Anapel f Siberian Mythology
Known as "Little Grandmother," this goddess of the Koryak people of Siberia is Matron of Reincarnation. She was worshipped at ceremonies following the birth of a new child.
Anasuya f Hinduism, Indian, Bengali, Telugu, Kannada
Means "without envy" or "without spite", from Sanskrit अ (a) meaning "not" and असूया (asūyā) "envy, jealousy". In Hindu mythology, Anasuya is the pious wife of the ancient rishi (sage) Atri.
Anaxandra f Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology, French (Quebec, Rare)
Feminine form of Anaxandros. In Greek legend this name was borne by the wife of King Procles of Sparta. It was also the name of a 3rd-century BC Greek painter, who is mentioned in Clement of Alexandria's essay 'Women as Well as Men Capable of Perfection'.
Anaxarete f Greek Mythology
Means "master of virtue", derived from Greek ἄναξ (anax) meaning "lord, master" and ἀρετή (arete) meaning "virtue"... [more]
Anaxibia f Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Feminine form of Anaxibios. This name is carried by several characters in Greek mythology.
Anaxo f Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek αναξ (anax) meaning "master, lord, king".
Ancamna f Celtic Mythology (Latinized)
A water goddess from Continental Celtic mythology known from inscriptions in the area of modern-day France and Germany.... [more]
Ancasta f Celtic Mythology
Ancasta is the name of a little known goddess of Roman Britian.
Anchiale f Greek Mythology
The name of the Titan goddess of the warming heat of fire, the sister of Prometheus and mother of the metal-working Daktyloi. Her name may be derived from ank-, a prefix meaning "to reveal or uncover" and further elements meaning "heat"... [more]
Anchiroe f Greek Mythology
The name of several Greek mythological figures, meaning "pouring flow".
Andarta f Celtic Mythology
Andarta was a goddess worshiped in southern Gaul (in present-day southern France and in Bern, Switzerland). Her name has traditionally been translated as "Great Bear" (from Gaulish artos "bear"), more recent analyses of the name, however, offer the translation "Well-fixed, Staying firm".
Anđelija f Serbian, Croatian, Slavic Mythology
Serbian and Croatian form of Angelia. Ćorava Anđelija ("One-eyed Anđelija") is a storm demon in Balkan mythology.
Androdameia f Greek Mythology
Feminine form of Androdamas, which means "man fighter" or "subduer of men", from Greek ἀνδρός (andros) "of a man" and δαμάζω (damazo) "to tame"... [more]
Aneecha f Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Bengali, Tamil, Punjabi, Gujarati, Marathi, Hinduism
DEVANAGARI SCRIPT : अनीचा... [more]
Anesidora f Greek Mythology
Means "giver of gifts" (or "she who sends forth gifts", "sender-up of gifts") or "spender of gifts" in Greek. This was an epithet (and epiklesis) of the Greek goddesses Demeter, who had a temple under this name at Phlius in Attica, and Gaia; it was also applied to Pandora.
Aṅgayaṟkaṇṇi f Hinduism
Alternate transcription of Tamil அங்கயற்கண்ணி (see Angayarkanni).
Angayarkanni f Hinduism, Tamil (Rare)
Means "she who has beautiful fish-like eyes" in Tamil, from அம் (am) meaning "beautiful", கயல் (kayal) meaning "fish", கண் (kan) meaning "eye" and the feminine suffix -இ (-i)... [more]