Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Gender Masculine & Feminine
Usage Japanese
Scripts 一紗, 一咲, 一砂, 要咲, etc.(Japanese Kanji)
Pronounced Pron. EE-SAH  [key]

Meaning & History

From Japanese 一 (is) meaning "one" combined with 砂 (sa) meaning "sand". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Added 6/2/2017 by cutenose
Edited 12/27/2024 by ShioTanbo1 and Evil

Gender Feminine
Usage Pet

Meaning & History

During the 1st century, the Roman poet Martial addressed an epigram (or poem) to a lap dog named Issa owned by his friend Publius. The dog's name means "lady, mistress of the house" in Latin, a vulgar, assimilated form of the pronoun ipsa which often had a colloquial sense of "lady, mistress".
Added 2/26/2018 by leoBeyene2002
Edited 9/18/2023 by SeaHorse15 and Frollein Gladys

Gender Feminine
Scripts Ἴσσα(Ancient Greek)
Pronounced Pron. /ˈiːsɑː/(Classical Greek)  [key·simplify]
Other Forms FormsIsse

Meaning & History

The name of several characters in Greek mythology, including a princess of the Greek island Issa (now called Lesbos), a nymph from the same island, and a pseudonym of Achilles when he was disguised as a woman on Skyros. It’s unclear if the island was named after the princess, or vice-versa.
Added 9/23/2023 by jocatchi

See Also
