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Gender Feminine
Scripts 卑弥呼, 卑彌呼(Japanese Kanji)
Pronounced Pron. KHEE-MEE-KO  [key]
Other Forms FormsPimiko, Hibiko, Himeko

Meaning & History

This is from Old Japanese hime (姫) meaning 'young noblewoman, princess', or from hi (日) 'sun' and me (女) 'woman' or miko (覡 or 巫女) 'shamaness, shrine maiden, priestess'. Some sources posit that Himiko (Pimiko) is from an archaic Japanese title, himeko, which means 'princess', from hime with the female name suffix -ko (子) 'child'.

A famous bearer of the name is the Empress Himiko (Pimiko), a shaman queen also known as Yamtohime No Mikoto, the Sun Queen or Sun Goddess of Japanese legend. She is alleged to be the first known ruler of Wa (Japan), and of the legendary land of Yamatai, believed by some to be the same as Wa. She is the supposed originator of the Grand Shrine of Ise, which is considered one of the most important Shintō sanctuaries in Japan to this day.
Added 3/16/2014 by Ora
Edited 1/3/2025 by ShioTanbo1 and Ora

Himiko 2
Gender Feminine
Usage Japanese
Scripts 火美子, 日美子, 火実子, 日実子, 秘密子(Japanese Kanji)
Other Forms FormsHimiko, Kamiko, Homiko

Meaning & History

himiko can come from 秘密(himitsu) meaning "secret" and 子(ko). it can also come from 火(hi,ka,ho) meaning "fire" or 日(hi, ka) meaning "sun" with 美(mi) meaning "beauty" or 実(mi) meaning "reality" ended with 子. a bearer of this name is Himiko Yumeno (夢野秘密子) from Danganronpa V3.
Added 5/18/2020 by bebbi69
Edited 9/13/2020 by Mike C