Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the description contains the keywords prince or of or all or men.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Phosthonia f Greek Mythology
Means "light" (phôster) in Greek. This was the name of one of the Alcyonides, Alkyoneus, the King of the Giants. When Herakles slew their father, they cast themselves into the sea and were transformed by Amphitrite into kingfishers.
Photin m History (Ecclesiastical)
French form of Φωτεινός (Photeinos) and Φωτίνος (Photinos) via their latinized form Photinus.
Photini f Greek
Variant transcription of Fotini.
Photinos m Ancient Greek
Masculine form of Photine.
Photinus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Φωτεινός (Photeinos) and Photinos. This name was borne by a Christian heresiarch and bishop of Sirmium from the 4th century AD and by Photinus of Thessalonica, a 5th-century deacon of the Eastern Orthodox Church.
Photius m Ancient Greek (Latinized), History (Ecclesiastical)
Latinized form of Photios. Saint Photius the Great was a famous Patriarch of Constantinople.
Phoumy m Lao
Means "king, prince" in Lao.
Phoutiel m Biblical Greek
Greek form of Putiel, as it first appeared in the Septuagint.
Phoutthasay m Lao
Alternate transcription of Phoutthaxay.
Phraew f Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai แพรว (see Phraeo).
Phraewpan f Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai แพรวพรรณ (see Phraeophan).
Phraewphan f Thai
Alternate transcription of Phraeophan.
Phrankee f English (Modern)
Variant spelling of Frankie.
Phraortes m Old Persian (Hellenized)
Hellenized form of Old Persian Fravartiš. Phraortes (c. 665-633 BC) was the son of Deioces, and the second king of the Median Empire.
Phrixa f Greek Mythology
Feminine form of Phrixos (see Phrixus).
Phronios m Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek noun φρόνις (phronis) meaning "prudence, wisdom", which is ultimately derived from the Greek verb φρονέω (phroneo) meaning "to think" as well as "to be minded"... [more]
Phronius m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Phronios. This is the name of a character in Greek mythology.
Phronsie f English
Diminutive of Sophronia, the name of the youngest child in Margaret Sydney's "Five Little Peppers"
Phrontis m & f Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek noun φροντίς (phrontis) meaning "thought, care, attention", which is ultimately derived from the Greek verb φρονέω (phroneo) meaning "to think" as well as "to be minded"... [more]
Phronton m Late Greek
Derived from the Greek verb φροντίζω (phrontizo) meaning "to take care of, to attend to" as well as "to consider, to reflect, to take thought", which is ultimately derived from the Greek verb φρονέω (phroneo) meaning "to think" as well as "to be minded"... [more]
Phrosine f French (Archaic), French (Quebec, Archaic), Theatre
Truncated form of Euphrosine. Mélidore et Phrosine (1794) is an opera by the French composer Étienne Méhul. It is considered an important example of early Romantic opera.
Phryne f History, Literature
Ancient Greek nickname meaning "toad", literally "the brown animal". Phryne was a 4th-century BC hetaira or courtesan, famed for her beauty, whose stage name - like those of many hetairai - was based on a physical feature; she was called that either because of a dark complexion (*phrynos being cognate with brown) or because of a "snub nose" (phrynē "a kind of toad")... [more]
Phrynia f Theatre
Variant of Phryne used by Shakespeare in his play Timon of Athens (first performed between 1607 and 1608).
Phrynichos m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is derived from the Greek noun φρύνη (phryne) meaning "toad" (see Phryne). Also compare Greek φρῦνος (phrynos), which can mean "toad" as well as "brown"... [more]
Phrynichus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Phrynichos. This name was borne by two Greek poets from the 5th century BC; one was a tragic poet, while the other was a comic poet.
Phthia f Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Perhaps derived from the Greek place name Φθία (Phthia); compare Φθῖος (Phthios) meaning "a Phthian, inhabitant of Phthia". In Greek mythology, the city of Phthia in Thessaly was the home of Achilles... [more]
Phthonos m Greek Mythology
From Greek φθόνος (phthonos) meaning "ill-will, malice, envy, jealousy". In Greek mythology Phthonos was the daimon or spirit of envy and jealousy; he was particularly associated with the jealous passions of love.
Phú m Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka Chinese form of Fu.
Phước m & f Vietnamese
Variant of Phúc chiefly used in southern Vietnam.
Phuc m & f Vietnamese (Anglicized)
Variant of Phúc used outside of Vietnam.
Phumipat m Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai ภูมิพัฒน์ or ภูมิภัทร (see Phumiphat).
Phunchok m & f Ladakhi
Ladakhi form of Phuntsok.
Phuntsho m & f Bhutanese
Bhutanese form of Phuntsok.
Phuntsog m & f Tibetan, Ladakhi
Alternate transcription of Tibetan ཕུན་ཚོགས (see Phuntsok).
Phuong f Vietnamese (Anglicized, Expatriate)
Variant of Phương or Phượng used outside of Vietnam.
Phurah m Biblical
Phurah was a servant of Gideon in Judges 7. Gideon takes Phurah with him to spy on the Midianites before battle.
Phuree m Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai ภูริ (see Phuri).
Phut m Biblical
In the Bible, Phut was the third son of Ham.
Phut m Buddhism
Lao and Thai form of Buddha.
Phuthichai m Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai พุฒิชัย (see Phutthichai).
Phutichai m Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai พุฒิชัย (see Phutthichai).
Phutiel m Biblical, Biblical Latin
Form of Putiel used in the Douay-Rheims Bible (1582-1610), the Clementine Vulgate (1592) and the Nova Vulgata ("Neo-Vulgate", 1979). The latter two are respectively the former and current official Bible of the Roman Catholic Church.
Phutihel m Biblical Latin
Form of Putiel used in the Latin Old Testament.
Phutthipong m Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai พุทธิพงศ์/พุทธิพงษ์ (see Phutthiphong).
Phuttichai m Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai พุฒิชัย (see Phutthichai).
Phuttinan m Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai พุทธินันท์/พุทธินันทน์ (see Phutthinan).
Phuttiphong m Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai พุทธิพงศ์/พุทธิพงษ์ (see Phutthiphong).
Phuttipong m Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai พุทธิพงศ์/พุทธิพงษ์ (see Phutthiphong).
Phuvah m Biblical
Phuvah was a son of Issachar according to Genesis 46:13 and Numbers 26:23. He was one of the 70 souls to migrate to Egypt with Jacob.
Phuwadol m Thai
Alternate transcription of Phuwadon.
Phway f Burmese
Alternate transcription of Burmese ဖွေး (see Phwe).
Phyl m & f English
Diminutive of Phylip, Philippa and other names that begin with Phil.
Phylecia f African American
Variant of Felicia. Also compare Phylicia.
Phyleus m Greek Mythology
Probably derived from Greek φυλή (phylē) meaning "tribe, clan, race, people". However, compare Phyllis and also Greek φυλάσσω (phylassō) meaning "to keep watch, to guard"... [more]
Phylicia f African American
Blend of Phyllis and Felicia. Famous bearer is Phylicia Rashad, actress.
Phylip m Welsh
Welsh form of Philip.
Phylips m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch variant of Filips.
Phylla f Obscure
Possibly a variant of Phyllis.
Phyllon m Obscure
From Greek φύλλον (phyllon) "leaf", perhaps intended to be a masculine form of Phyllis. This name was used by Dutch model Doutzen Kroes for her son born 2011.
Phylly f English
Perhaps a diminutive of Philadelphia.
Phyoe m & f Burmese
Alternate transcription of Burmese ဖြိုး (see Phyo).
Phyre f & m English (Modern, Rare)
Variant of the word fire.
Pi m Chinese
Variant of Pei.
Pi f Danish (Rare), Swedish (Rare)
Either a variant of Py or a diminutive of names containing or starting with pi.
Piala f History (Ecclesiastical)
The name of an obsuce Irish saint. According to legend, Piala and her brother Fingar were children of an Irish king. They were converted by Saint Patrick, driven into exile by their father, and landed first in Brittany, where they were well received, before moving on to Cornwall where they died at the hand of Tewdrick, king of Dumnonia... [more]
Pialotta f Swedish (Rare)
Combination of Pia and Lotta.
Piama f Coptic, Late Greek
Piama often links to Pia, a name whose meaning is Lover, Beloved or from Latin origins meaning “pious” or “reverent” Breaking apart the last key phrase of Piama to -ama could also be in relation to Ama, a feminine name of mixed origins... [more]
Piano f Japanese
From Japanese 比 (pi) meaning "the Philippines", 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia" combined with 乃 (no), a possessive particle or from Japanese 音 (piano) meaning "sound". Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.... [more]
Piarre m Provençal
Provençal form of Pierre.
Piarres m Basque
Basque form of Pierre.
Piarreto f Provençal
Provençal form of Pierrette.
Piast m Medieval Polish
Piast was a legendary Polish monarch, protoplast of the Piast dynasty. The name itself might have been an alternative of piastun, which meant "the one who takes care of the prince's house and family", derived from piastować - "to take care of"
Pîâte f Greenlandic
Greenlandic form of Beate.
Piatro m Belarusian
Belarusian form of Peter.
Piatta f Finnish
Finnish dialectal form (Karelia) of Beata.
Picabo f English (American, Modern, Rare)
From the name of the village Picabo in Idaho.
Piccarda f Medieval Italian, Literature
Feminine form of Piccardo. Piccarda Donati was a 13th-century Florentine (Italian) noblewoman who appears as a character in Dante's Paradise... [more]
Piccardo m Medieval Italian
Medieval Italian name, probably meaning "from the French region of Picardy".
Piccolo m Popular Culture
From the name of the musical instrument, meaning "small" in Italian. This was the name of one of the characters in the anime franchise Dragon Ball made by Akira Toriyama.
Pichet m Thai
Alternate transcription of Phichet.
Pico m Spanish
Spanish form of Picus.
Picumnus m Roman Mythology
Derived from Latin picus, meaning "woodpecker". In Roman mythology, Picumnus was a minor god of fertility, agriculture, matrimony, infants and children, as well as a personification of the woodpecker... [more]
Picus m Roman Mythology
Picus was the founder of the first Latin tribe and settlement, Laurentum, located a few miles to the Southeast of the site of the later city of Rome. According to Festus he got his name as a consequence of the fact that he used to rely on a woodpecker for the purpose of divination.
Pidan f Azerbaijani (Rare)
Variant transcription of Fidan, used by Azerbaijani population living in Georgia (country)
Pidcock m Medieval English
Diminutive of Peter. See also Peacock.
Pidel m Basque
Basque form of Fidel.
Pidenḫi f Hurrian Mythology
Means "she of Piten". This was a Hurrian epithet for the goddess Shalash, referring to her cult center in Piten (also written as Bitin).
Pidgeon m & f English (American, Modern, Rare)
Archaic form of pigeon, a bird, inherited from Middle English pygeoun, borrowed from Old French pyjon, inherited from Late Latin pīpiōnem “chirping bird”, derived from Latin pīpiāre “chirp”... [more]
Pidgey m English (Rare, Archaic)
Variation of Pidge. This was the nickname of American baseball player Pidgey Morgan (1853-1910).
Pido m Georgian (Rare)
Short form of Pridon.
Pidray f Semitic Mythology, Ugaritic Mythology
Etymology uncertain. Possibly derives from the Semitic element pdr ("to scatter/spread"). Another possible origin is the element bqr ("lightning"). A Hurrian origin for her name has also been speculated, specifically from the element pedari ("bull")... [more]
Pidru m Quechua
Quechua form of Peter.
Pie m & f French (Rare)
French form of Pius and Pia.
Piechna f Medieval Polish
This is either a medieval Polish vernacular form of Bella, being derived from piekna "beautiful", or a medieval Polish contraction of Petronela... [more]
Piechno m Medieval Polish
Diminutive of Piotr.
Piedat f Aragonese
Aragonese form of Piedad.
Pieder m Romansh
Romansh form of Peter, traditionally found in the Surselva region.
Piedraescrita f Spanish (European, Rare)
Means "written stone" in Spanish, taken from the title of the Virgin Mary Nuestra Señora de Piedraescrita meaning "Our Lady of the Written Stone". She is the patron saint of the municipality of Campanario, located in the Spanish province of Badajoz.... [more]
Piedras Albas f Spanish (Rare)
Means "white stones" in Spanish (the second word only used as a Latinism or in a poetic/literary sense, in place of blanca), taken from the titles of the Virgin Mary, La Virgen de Piedras Albas and Nuestra Señora de Piedras Albas, meaning "The Virgin of White Stones" and "Our Lady of White Stones" respectively.... [more]
Piedrasanta f Spanish (Rare)
Singular (slightly more common) form of Piedrasantas.
Piedrasantas f Spanish (Rare)
Means "holy stones" in Spanish, taken from the titles of the Virgin Mary, La Virgen de Piedrasantas and Nuestra Señora de Piedrasantas, meaning "The Virgin of Holy Stones" and "Our Lady of Holy Stones" respectively.... [more]
Piedro m Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Possibly a combination of Pietro and Pedro.
Pieko f Japanese
Form of Piko
Piel m Popular Culture
The name of a child character in 1982 Franco-Hungarian animated science fiction film "Les Maîtres du Temps", directed by René Laloux.
Pieper f English (Modern, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Pieper.
Piera m Sami
Variant of Biera.
Pierangela f Italian
Feminine form of Pierangelo.
Pierangelo m Italian
Combination of Piero and Angelo.
Pieranna f Italian
Combination of Piera and Anna.
Pierantonio m Italian
Combination of Pier and Antonio.
Piercinald m Popular Culture
Full first name of Pierce Hawthorne, a character played by Chevy Chase on the sitcom Community (2009-15). Possibly a combination of Pierce and Reginald.
Piercy m & f English (British, Rare)
A variant of Piers, a Middle English form of Peter. Peter is derived from the Greek petros, meaning "stone" or "rock".
Pière m Picard
Picard form of Pierre.
Piere m Swedish
Variant of Pierre.
Pieretta f Italian, Corsican
Diminutive of Piera.
Pierfrancesco m Italian
Combination of Piero and Francesco.
Piergiorgio m Italian
Combination of Pier and Giorgio.
Pieri m Friulian
Friulian form of Peter.
Pieria f Greek Mythology
This was the name of one of the multiple wives of King Danaus of Libya.
Piérine f French (Rare)
Feminine form of Pierre.
Piério m Portuguese
Portuguese form of PIERIUS.
Piermaria m Italian (Rare)
Combination of Piero and Maria.
Piermassimiliano m Italian
Combination of Pietro and Massimiliano. A famous bearer of this name is the Italian rugby union player Piermassimiliano Dotto (1970-2012).
Piérotin m Norman
Diminutive of Pierrot.
Pierpont m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Pierpont.
Pierra f Various
A feminine form of Pierre formed in countries where French is NOT spoken.
Pierrat m French (Archaic)
Local diminutive of Pierre found in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region up until the late 1600s.
Pierrina f Italian
The name of a genus of flowering plants, and when used as a name probably a feminine form of Pierre or Piero. This makes it a variant of Pierina, Perrine and Pierrette.
Pièrrot m Jèrriais
Diminutive of Pièrre.
Piersanti m Italian
Meaning "of Saint Peter".
Pierson m English
Transferred use of the surname Pierson.
Pieszko m Medieval Polish
Diminutive of Piotr.
Pieta f & m Finnish
A variant of Beata and a diminutive of Pietari.
Pietar m Sami (Skolt)
Skolt Sami form of Peter.
Pietas f Roman Mythology
Means "piety, compassion; duty" in Latin. This name belonged to the goddess of duty and personification of piety in Roman mythology.
Pietat f Catalan
Catalan cognate of Piedad.
Pietate f Basque
Basque form of Piedad.
Pietatea f Basque
Basque form of Piedad.
Pieterke f & m Dutch, West Frisian
Variant form of Pietertje. This form is not as common as Pietertje in The Netherlands.
Pieternel f Dutch
Dutch form of Petronella.
Pieternella f Dutch
Alternate form of Petronella.
Pietertje f & m Dutch, West Frisian
When borne by a female person, this name is a good example of how one can turn a very masculine name (Pieter) into a feminine name by simply adding the diminutive suffix tje to the original name... [more]
Pietertjie m Afrikaans
Afrikaans cognate of Pietertje.
Pieti m Finnish
Variant of Pietari.
Pietie m & f Afrikaans
Diminutive of Piet, as it contains the Afrikaans diminutive suffix -ie.... [more]
Pietje m & f Dutch, Literature
When borne by a female person, this name is a good example of how one can turn a very masculine name (Piet) into a feminine name by simply adding the diminutive suffix -je to the original name... [more]
Pietjie f Afrikaans
Afrikaans cognate of Pietje.
Pietrek m Medieval Polish
Diminutive of Pietyr and Pieter.
Pietru m Maltese, Sicilian
Maltese and Sicilian form of Peter.
Pietyr m Medieval Polish
Medieval Polish form of Peter.
Pifagor m Russian
Russian form of Pythagoras.
Pifanio m Aragonese (Rare)
Truncated form of Epifanio.
Pigi f Greek
Derived from Greek πηγή (pêgê) "a spring, fountain; fount, source", possibly taken from the Greek title of the Virgin Mary, Ζωοδόχος Πηγή (Zôodochos Pêgê), meaning "life-giving spring" (or πηγή ζωής (pêgê zôês) "fountain of life" or "source of life")... [more]
Pigma m Popular Culture
Possibly from pig. This was the name of Pigma Dengar, a character in Star Fox who betrayed James McCloud and Peppy Hare in Venom and then battled the Star Fox team as a member of Team Star Wolf.
Pigmenia f Spanish (Mexican, Rare)
Feminine form of Pigmenius. In the Spanish-speaking world (especially in Mexico), this name is also encountered as a short form or variant of Epigmenia.
Pigmenio m Italian (Archaic), Spanish (Mexican, Rare)
Italian and Spanish form of Pigmenius. In the Spanish-speaking world (especially in Mexico), this name is also encountered as a short form or variant of Epigmenio.
Pigmenius m History (Ecclesiastical)
This name is best known for being the name of the 4th-century saint Pigmenius of Rome, who was martyred during the reign of the Roman emperor Julian the Apostate (died in 363 AD)... [more]
Pigol m Coptic
The meaning of this name is still unknown to me at this time. This name was borne by a Coptic saint from the 5th century AD.
Piibe f Estonian (Rare)
Possibly derived from the Estonian word "piibeleht" meaning "lily of the valley".
Piichi f Japanese
From Japanese 姫 (pi) meaning "princess" combined with 苺 (chi) meaning "strawberry". Other kanji combinations are possible. ... [more]
Piijá f Sami
Sami form of Pia.
Piʻilani m & f Hawaiian
Means "rising sky" or "to ascend to heaven," from piʻi meaning "climb, ascend, advance, mount, rise" and lani meaning "sky, heaven, heavenly, spiritual, royal, exalted, noble, aristocratic."... [more]
Piili m Greenlandic
Greenlandic younger form of Pîle.
Piine f Estonian (Rare)
Short form of Sabiine.
Piiniamiit m Greenlandic
Greenlandic younger form of Pîniamît.
Piintitta f Greenlandic
Greenlandic younger form of Pîntigta.
Piipa f Greenlandic
Greenlandic younger form of Pîpa.
Piipi f Greenlandic
Greenlandic younger form of Pîpe.
Piitu f Finnish
Diminutive of Pirkko and other names beginning Pi-.... [more]
Pij m Slovene
Slovene form of Pius.
Pija f Slovene
Variant of Pia.
Pijatta f Finnish
Finnish dialectal form (Itä-Suomi) of Beata.
Pije f Basque
Basque form of Pia.
Pijke m & f West Frisian, Dutch
Variant form of Pike.
Piju m Maltese
Maltese form of Pius.
Pikake f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Jasmine.
Pike m & f West Frisian
West Frisian form of Pieter and Pietertje (also Pieterke), which started out as a hypocorism (via baby talk).
Pike m English
Transferred use of the surname Pike. May also be used in reference to the various species of fish.
Pikirayi m Shona
Vow to it. Promise. Name of a Zimbabwean journalist Pikirayi Deketeke.
Pikiru m Inca Mythology
Pikiru is the deity of the night in Inca Mythology. His name has an unknown meaning.
Píkíta f Greenlandic
Greenlandic form of Birgitta.
Pikite f Greenlandic
Greenlandic form of Birgitte.
Pikiti f Greenlandic
Greenlandic younger form of Pikite.
Pikkitta f Greenlandic
Greenlandic younger form of Píkíta.
Piko f & m Japanese
From Japanese 飛 (pi) meaning "to fly" combined with 鼓 (ko) meaning "drum". Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
Pikoy m Filipino, Tagalog
Diminutive of Federico.
Pikria f Georgian
Georgian form of Fikriyya. Also compare the Georgian noun ფიქრი (pikri) meaning "thought", which is also of Arabic origin.... [more]
Pil f Danish (Rare)
Danish form of Píl.... [more]
Pila m Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Bill.
Pilaavia f Greenlandic
Greenlandic younger form of Pilâvia.
Pilai f Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai พิไล (see Philai).
Pilaiphon f Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai พิไลพร (see Philaiphon).
Pilaipon f Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai พิไลพร (see Philaiphon).
Pilaiporn f Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai พิไลพร (see Philaiphon).
Pilairat f Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai พิไลรัตน์ (see Philairat).
Pilaiwan f Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai พิไลวรรณ (see Philaiwan).
Pilár f Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Pilar.
Pilara f Galician
Hypocoristic of Pilar.
Pilare f Basque
Basque form of Pilar.
Pilarín f Spanish
Diminutive of Pilar.
Pʿilartos m Armenian
Armenian form of Philaretus via Philaretos.
Pilate m Biblical, English (Puritan), English (African, Rare)
English form of the Roman cognomen Pilatus, which meant "armed with a javelin" from Latin pila "javelin". This was most famously borne by Pontius Pilate, the prefect of the Roman province of Judaea ca... [more]
Pilâvia m Greenlandic
Greenlandic form of Flavia.
Pildash m Biblical
Of uncertain Hebrew etymology. In the Bible, Pildash was the sixth son of Nahor and Milcah (Genesis 22:22).
Pileo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Pylaeus.
Pileria f Italian (Rare)
Taken from the title of the Virgin Mary Maria Santissima del Pilerio whose name is derived from the Calabrian dialect word pileri (pilastro in Standard Italian) "pillar" (compare Spanish Pilar).
Pilerio m Italian
Possibly from Calabrian pilíeri, meaning "pillar", referring to Our Lady of the Pillar, one of the titles given to Mary, or from Ancient Greek πυλωρός ("gatekeeper, guardian").
Piley m Russian
Russian form of Pylaeus.
Pilgrim m Medieval German, English (Rare), English (Puritan)
Medieval German form of both Biligrim and Peregrinus (see Peregrine), as these names were conflated with each other in the Middle Ages... [more]
Pili m Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Billy.
Pilibbos m Armenian
Variant of Philip.
Pilimon m Georgian (Rare)
Georgian form of Philemon via its modern Greek transcription Filimon.
Piling f Filipino, Tagalog
Diminutive of Pilar and other names containing pil.
Pilip m Tamil
Tamil form of Philip.
Pilipe m Georgian (Rare)
Georgian form of Philippos (see Philip).
Pilipe f Basque
Basque form of Felipa.
Pill f Estonian (Archaic)
17th-century variant of Pille.
Pilleriin f Estonian
Combination of Pille and Riin.
Pilo f & m Greenlandic
Greenlandic name meaning "bog bilberry, great bilberry, whortleberry".... [more]
Pilocha f Galician
Diminutive of Pilar.
Piloĸ m Greenlandic
From pilugataaraa meaning "handles it with care" and short form of Pilutaĸ.
Piloĸutínguaĸ f & m Greenlandic
Greenlandic name meaning 'sweet little leaf', from a combination of Pilutaĸ and -nnguaq, a Greenlandic suffix meaning "sweet", "dear", "little" or Grennlandic name meaning "sweet little berry", from a combination of Piloĸ and -nnguaq, a Greenlandic suffix meaning "sweet", "dear", "little".
Piloq m Greenlandic
Younger form of Piloĸ.
Pilot m English (Rare)
Either from the surname Pilot, which is derived from Pilate, or directly from the vocabulary word pilot, which is derived from either Greek πηδον (pedon) "steering oar" or πλωτης (plotes) "sailor"... [more]
Pilou m Danish (Rare)
French diminutive of Philip.
Piltzintecuhtli m Aztec and Toltec Mythology
Means "young prince" in Nahuatl, from Nahuatl piltzintli, a diminutive form of pilli "child, youth" and teuctli "lord". In Aztec mythology, Piltzintecuhtli was a god of the rising sun, healing, and visions, associated with Tonatiuh.
Pilu f & m Greenlandic
Younger form of Pilo.
Piluca f Spanish
Diminutive of Pilar.
Piluchi f Spanish
Diminutive of Pilar.
Pilumnus m Roman Mythology
Meaning, "staker." The god who grants the pestle necessary for making flour from grain. He ensured children grew properly and stayed healthy. Ancient Romans made an extra bed after the birth of a child in order to ensure the help of Pilumnus... [more]
Pilutak f & m Greenlandic
Greenlandic younger form of Pilutaĸ.
Pilutaq f & m Greenlandic
Greenlandic younger form of Pilutaĸ.
Pilya m Khanty, Mansi
Khanty and Mansi form of Philip.
Pim m Scots
Scots diminutive of James.
Pima f Japanese
From Japanese 姫 (pi) meaning "princess" combined with 真 (ma) meaning "true, reality". Other kanji can be used.
Pimen m Georgian (Rare), Polish (Archaic), Romanian (Rare), Russian (Rare), Serbian (Rare), Bulgarian (Rare, Archaic)
Georgian, Polish, Romanian, Russian and Serbian form of Poimen (see Poemen). Known bearers of this name include a Metropolitan of Moscow (14th century AD) and the 14th Patriarch of Moscow (20th century AD).
Pimin m Romanian (Rare), Russian (Archaic)
Romanian and Russian variant of Pimen.
Pimm m English
Variant of Pim.
Pimmie m Scots
Scots diminutive of James.
Pimpernel f Literature, English (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
From the flower Scarlet Pimpernel, a low growing annual plant. It is well known for being the emblem of the fictional hero of the same name. Tolkien used the name for one of the Took sisters.
Pimsiri f Thai
Alternate transcription of Phimsiri.
Pina f Filipino
Short form of Agrifina and Josefina.
Pinaere f Ijaw
PINAERE an ijaw tribe name of west Africa meaning "LIGHT SKINNED WOMAN" Pina
Pinang f Filipino, Tagalog
Diminutive of Josefina.
Pinaria f Ancient Roman
Pinaria was a Vestal Virgin put to death for violating her vow of chastity during the reign of Lucius Tarquinius Priscus.
Pinay f Filipino
Diminutive of Josefina, Crispina, Rufina, and other names with a similar sound.
Pinchasah f Hebrew
Feminine form of Hebrew name Pinchas see Phineas. Compound Hebrew name meaning "serpent's mouth"; from Hebrew words peh פֶּה "mouth" and nakhash נָחָשׁ "serpent" with the Hebrew feminine grammatical ending of the letter Hay ה... [more]
Pinches m Yiddish
Yiddish form of Pinchas.
Pinckney m English (Archaic)
From the surname Pinckney. A famous bearer of this name was the first African American to become governor of a U.S. State Pinckney Benton Stewart Pinchback (1837-1921)
Pincu m Romanian
Romanian form of Pinchas. The name was born by Israel Pincu Lazarovitch (1912-2006), a Romanian-born Jewish-Canadian poet better known as Irving Peter Layton.
Pincus m Yiddish (Americanized)
Americanized Verizon of Pinkhas
Pindar m Ancient Greek (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of Pindaros. This was the name of a Greek lyric poet from Thebes (died around 438 AD).
Pindaros m Ancient Greek
Meaning uncertain. This name might possibly be derived from Πίνδος (Pindos), which is the ancient Greek name for Mount Pindus in northern Greece.... [more]
Pindarus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Pindaros. This name was borne by a Greek tyrant of Ephesus from the 6th century BC.
Pine f German (East Prussian)
East Prussian German short form of Philippine.