Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the description contains the keywords prince or of or all or men.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Pesha f Yiddish
Related to Pesach (Passover). Alternately, a Yiddish diminutive of Batya.
Peshkop m Albanian
It means bishop in albanian, also the city of Peshkopi comes from this name, it was a monastery around it.
Pesho m Bulgarian
Diminutive of Petar.
Pessach m Jewish
Name of a holiday, the original Jewish version of Passover. It is commonly given to babies born on, or close to Pessach.... [more]
Pesse f Yiddish
Variant of Pesche.
Pesseline f Medieval Jewish, Judeo-French
Diminutive of Pesse (compare Pessel) recorded in the border region between modern-day France and modern-day Germany in the 14th century.
Pessi m Literature
From the Finnish fairy tale Pessi and Illusia by Yrjo Kokko, published in 1944. ... [more]
Pessy f Yiddish
Yiddish diminutive of Batya.
Pesulia m Romani
Possibly a Romani corruption of Persuvius.
Peta m Comanche
Peta Nocona (d. 1864) was a chief of the Comanche band Noconi. He led his tribe during the extensive Indian Wars in Texas from the 1830s to 1860. He was the son of the Comanche chief Iron Jacket and father of chief Quanah Parker with Nadua... [more]
Petala f Brazilian
Are constituent parts of the flower, located at its most protective whorl. They are normally membranous structures, broad, colorful and have many functions, among them the attraction of pollinators.
Petanu m Sardinian
Nuorese short form of Subustianu.
Petco m Bulgarian (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of Petko borne by Mr Petco Slabenoff, a Bulgarian passenger aboard the Titanic who died during the sinking of the ship in 1912.
Pete m Greek (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of Pit.
Petelo m Samoan
Samoan form of Peter.
Petelu m Nyakyusa
Nyakyusa form of Peter.
Petephre m Coptic
Coptic form of Egyptian Padipare.
Petequakey m Cree
Means "come to us with the sound of wings" in Cree.
Peterina f English, Scottish, Dutch
Elaboration of Peter, feminized with the suffix -ina.
Peterli m German (Swiss)
Diminutive of Peter.
Petermann m Medieval German
Medieval German pet form of Peter, as the Germanic element man has been used as a suffix for pet forms of both masculine and feminine names since the 7th century AD.
Peternella f Medieval German
Medieval German variant of Petronella.
Petero m Tahitian, Hawaiian (Archaic), Biblical Hawaiian
Tahitian and Old Hawaiian form of Peter. It appears in the Bible in Hawaiian.
Peter-Paul m Dutch
Combination of Peter and Paul.
Pēters m Latvian (Rare)
Contracted form of Pēteris.
Peters m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Peters.
Peterson m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Peterson.
Petey m English
Diminutive of Peter.
Pethuël m Dutch
Dutch form of Pethuel, but less common than the main Dutch form (Petuël).
Pethuel m Biblical, Hebrew
Apparently means "God's opening" or "persuasion of God" in Hebrew, derived from Hebrew pathah "to open, to allure, to persuade" combined with el "God". In the bible, this was the name of the father of the prophet Joel.
Peti f Maori
Maori form of Betty.
Petî m Walloon
Walloon form of Peter.
Petie m English (Rare), Obscure (?)
Variation of Petey. There is a typhoon in the 1950 Pacific typhoon season with this name.
Petimat f Chechen
Chechen form of Fatimah.
Petina f Shona
The name of the Zimbabwian writer Petina Gappah.
Petit m Judeo-Catalan (Archaic), Medieval Jewish
Derived from Catalan petit "small", this name was used as a translation of Hebrew Katan.
Petita f Spanish
Diminutive of Pilar and Maria del Pilar.
Petito m Judeo-Italian
Italian form of Petit.
Petiya m & f Russian, Bulgarian
Variant of Petia
Petja m & f Finnish, Slovene, Bulgarian
Finnish form and Bulgarian variant transcription of Petya and Slovene diminutive of Petra (used as a given name in its own right).
Petjo m Bulgarian
Variant transcription of Петьо (see Petyo).
Petka f Serbian, Croatian (Rare), Bulgarian
Feminine form of Petko. Saint Paraskeva of the Balkans is known by this name in Serbia and Bulgaria.
Petkan m Bulgarian
Masculine form of Petkana.
Peto m Georgian (Rare)
Short form of Petre.
Pétör m Medieval Hungarian
Vernacular form of Péter.
Pētõr m Livonian
Livonian form of Peter.
Petòu m & f Occitan
Possibly a diminutive of names starting with Pe, such as Pèire or Pelegrina.
Pétr m Old Norse
Old Norse form of Petrus.
Pětr m Sorbian
Sorbian form of Peter. Jan Pětr Jordan (German: Johann Peter Jordan), born 1818, was a Sorbian philosopher.
Petӗr m Chuvash
Chuvash form of Pyotr.
Petrache m Romanian (Rare)
Romanian form of Petrakis.
Petraea f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Πετραία (Petraia) meaning "of a rock" as well as "rocky" and "living among the rocks", a derivative of πέτρα (petra)... [more]
Petrakis m Greek
Modern Greek diminutive of Petros, as it contains the modern Greek diminutive suffix -άκης (-akis). This name is typically only used informally, meaning: it does not appear on birth certificates.... [more]
Petrako m Nenets
Nenets form of Peter.
Petralka f Popular Culture
Variant of the name Petra.
Petranchjinu m Corsican
Diminutive of Petru.
Petr'Anghjulu m Corsican
Contraction of Petru and Anghjulu.
Petranka f Bulgarian
Diminutive of Petrana.
Petr'Anto m Corsican
Combination of Petru and Anto.
Petraq m Albanian
Albanian form of Petrakis. Unlike the original Greek name, the Albanian form is used as an official name on birth certificates.... [more]
Petrašin m Vlach, Serbian (Archaic)
Means "son of Peter" in Vlach and Serbian.
Petratishkovna f Popular Culture
Full name of the character Tish from the early 2000s show The Weekenders. It was said to mean "girl with one nose", but the elements of the name could come from other names such as Petra (meaning of "stone") or Tish (from Letitia, meaning of "joy, happiness")... [more]
Petrė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Petras. In other words, this name is the Lithuanian equivalent of Petra.
Petrea f & m English, Romanian, Danish, Swedish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare), Icelandic (Rare)
Elaborated form of Petra and Romanian variant of Petre.
Pétremand m French (Archaic)
Gallicized form of Petermann, a German diminutive of Peter. This name was found in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region up until the late 1600s.
Petrez m Caucasian Mythology
West Circassian (Adyghe) form of Batradz.
Petrezok m Circassian
Name of a 15th-century prince from Western Circassia. Possibly the Circassian version of the name Petros.
Petria f English
Elaboration of Petra.
Petríček m Slovak
Diminutive form of Peter.
Petrichor f Obscure
From the English word petrichor that denotes the earthy scent produced when rain falls on dry soil, which was coined by Australian mineralogist and biochemist Richard Grenfell Thomas in 1964 from Greek πέτρα (petra) meaning "rock" or πέτρος (petros) "stone" and ἰχώρ (ichor) "the juice, not blood, that flows in the veins of gods in Greek mythology".... [more]
Petriina f Finnish
Feminine variant of Petri or an elaboration of Petra.
Petrija f Serbian (Rare)
Serbian feminine form of Peter.
Petrimir m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Petromir.
Petrína f Icelandic
Icelandic form of Petrina.
Petrine f Danish, Norwegian (Rare)
Feminine form of Peter.
Petrinola f Greek
A rare Greek given name, found mostly on the island Naxos of Cyclades where it probably originated. It is possibly a derivative form of the Latin name Petronilla, since Naxos and most of Cyclades were occupied, as the Duchy of Naxos, by the Republic of Venice from 1207 to 1579 A.D.
Petřiška f Czech
Diminutive form of Petra.
Petrislav m Croatian, Serbian, History
Croatian and Serbian form of Petroslav. Known bearers of this name were Serbian rulers Petrislav of Duklja and Petrislav of Rascia, who both lived in the 11th century AD.
Petrișor m Romanian
Diminutive of Petru and Petru.
Petrissa f German (Rare), Medieval German
This name started probably as a variant of Beatrice but was later understood as a feminine form to Peter/Petrus... [more]
Petroc m Cornish
Cornish form of Peter.
Petrocus m Late Roman
Latinized form of Petroc.
Petrok m Cornish
Cornish form of Pedrog and Pereg.
Petromir m Bulgarian
This name is Christian in origin. The first element is derived from Petros (see Peter) and refers to Saint Peter, who was one of Jesus' twelve apostles and went on to become the first Pope of the Catholic Church... [more]
Petronel m Romanian
Masculine form of Petronela.
Petronėlė f Lithuanian
Form of Petronella. Famous bearers include Petronėlė Gerlikienė (1905-1979).
Petrónella f Icelandic
Icelandic form of Petronella.
Petronetta f Dutch
Variant form of Petronette.
Petronette f French, Dutch
Diminutive form of Petrona or Petronia, in a similar way as names like Antoinette and Nicolette... [more]
Petrónia f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Petronia.
Petronija f Croatian (Rare), Lithuanian (Archaic)
Croatian and Lithuanian form of Petronia.
Petronijus m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Petronius.
Petronilo m Spanish
Masculine form of Petronila.
Petrónio m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Petronius.
Petronio m Italian, Galician, Venetian
Italian, Venetian and Galician form of Petronius.
Petróniusz m Hungarian
Cognate of Petronius, meaning "yokel".
Petroniusz m Polish (Rare), Kashubian
Polish and Kashubian form of Petronius.
Petroniy m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Petronius.
Petroniya f Bulgarian (Rare), Russian (Rare)
Bulgarian and Russian form of Petronia.
Petrosinella f Literature
South Italian dialect word meaning "little parsley" derived from Latin petrosilium, from Greek πετροσέλινον (petroselinon) "rock-selery". ... [more]
Petroslav m Bulgarian
This name is Christian in origin. The first element is derived from Petros (see Peter) and refers to Saint Peter, who was one of Jesus' twelve apostles and went on to become the first Pope of the Catholic Church... [more]
Petrova f English, Literature
Russian patronymic last name. Petrova is the name of one of the Fossil sisters in the book (and movie) 'Ballet Shoes' by Noel Streatfeild.
Petrul m Vlach
Vlach form of Peter.
Petrunelia f Ukrainian (Rare)
Ukrainian form of Petronilla. It appears to have been most common among Poles living in Ukraine (see also Petronela.
Petruša f Croatian (Rare), Czech, Slovak
Croatian, Czech and Slovak diminutive of Petra and Petronela. Also compare Petruška.
Petrussa f Medieval Basque
Feminine form of Petrus.
Petruța f Romanian
Diminutive of Petronela.
Petrutė f Lithuanian (Rare)
Diminutive of feminine given names that start with Petr- (such as Petrė and Petronėlė), since this name contains the feminine diminutive suffix -utė.
Petrutis m Lithuanian
Diminutive of masculine given names that start with Petr- (such as Petras and Petronijus), since this name contains the masculine diminutive suffix -utis.
Petruxka f Basque
Basque form of Petra.
Pětš m Sorbian
Lower Sorbian variant of Pětr (compare Pěc).
Petsche m Medieval German
Medieval German diminutive of Peter, popular in the Rhineland region in Germany in the 1300s and 1400s.
Petsy f Faroese
Variant of Patsy.
Petternel f Medieval German
Medieval German variant of Peternella.
Pettifleur f English
A female English name. It is the first name of Real Housewife of Melbourne Pettifleur Berenger (1964-).
Pettronella f Medieval Hungarian
Medieval Hungarian variant of Petronella.
Petuël m Dutch
Dutch main form of Pethuel.
Petulia f English
Possible variation or elaboration of Petula.
Petuliki m Tongan
Tongan form of Patrick.
Petulisa f Tongan
Feminine form of Petuliki.
Petúr m Hungarian
19th-century misinterpretation of Petur which was used in medieval Hungarian records as a written form of Pétör.
Petushch f Khanty, Mansi
Khanty and Mansi form of Theodosia.
Petyo m Bulgarian
Diminutive of Petar.
Petyr m Literature, Popular Culture
Petyr Baelish is a major character in the Song of Ice and Fire books by GRR Martin and the TV show Game of Thrones based upon the former. It is obviously an alternative spelling of real-world Peter.
Petzi f & m German
Obsolete diminutive of Petra and Peter.
Peu m Portuguese
Diminutive of Pedro.
Peucestas m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Peukestas. This was the name of a distinguished Macedonian officer in the service of Alexander the Great (4th century BC).
Peucolaus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), History
Latinized form of Peukolaos. This was the name of a Macedonian man who participated in Dimnus of Chalastra's conspiracy to assassinate Alexander the Great (4th century BC).
Peukestas m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek noun πεύκη (peuke) meaning "pine (tree)" combined with -τας (-tas), which is the Aeolic, Epic and Doric Greek form of the Attic Greek suffix -της (-tes)... [more]
Peukolaos m Ancient Greek, History
Derived from the Greek noun πεύκη (peuke) meaning "pine (tree)" combined with the Greek noun λαός (laos) meaning "(the) people". This was the name of one of the men who participated in Dimnos of Chalastra's conspiracy to assassinate Alexander the Great (4th century BC).... [more]
Peul m Limburgish (Rare)
Limburgish form of Paulus (see Paul). It has been in use since medieval times, as is evidenced by the existence of the patronymic surname Peulen, which is still primarily prevalent in the Limburgish language area.
Peum m Limburgish (Archaic)
Medieval Limburgish variant of Palm. It likely came about via its other variant Paum, as -au- is known to shift to -eu- in some parts of the Limburgish language area... [more]
Peus m Limburgish (Archaic)
Medieval Limburgish short form of Paschalis and Paschasius. It was in use until at least the 18th century, and had become obsolete by the 20th century.... [more]
Pèvla f Emilian-Romagnol
Emilian-Italian form of Paola.
Peweli f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Beverly.
Pexé m & f Shipibo-Conibo
Means "clear up, reappearance of light" in Shipibo.
Pexine f French (Rare, Archaic), History (Ecclesiastical)
Variant of Pazanne. The name of an obscure French saint whose life and work are somewhat of a mystery. Nonetheless, she left her name in several place names throughout France.
Pey m Gascon
Variant of Pèir.
Peyo m Popular Culture
The pen name of Pierre Culliford, Belgian comic artist and writer, and creator of the Smurfs.
Peyre m Medieval Occitan
Medieval Occitan cognate of Peter.
Peyrona f Medieval Occitan, Gascon
Occitan feminine form of Peyre as well as a Gascon feminine form of Pey.
Peyronne f Occitan (Archaic)
Gallicized form of Peyrona.
Peytan f & m English
Variant of Peyton.
Peytin f & m English (Rare)
Variant of Peyton.
Peyuco m Spanish
Diminutive of Pedro.
Pezr m Medieval Breton
Middle Breton variant of Pedr and Per.
Pfaura f German (Rare, Archaic)
Historical Alsatian form of Deborah.
Pfeiffer f & m English (Modern, Rare)
Transferred use of the German surname Pfeiffer.
Pfiffigunde f Literature
Created by the translator Ute Eichler as the name for Princess Smartypants (by Babette Cole). The name contains the German word pfiffig "smart" and the German name element GUND "war" (see, e.g., Hildegund).
Phabianos m Ancient Roman (Hellenized)
Hellenized form of Fabianus (see Fabian).
Phabrikios m Ancient Roman (Hellenized)
Hellenized form of Fabricius (see Fabrice).
Phadael m Biblical Greek
Greek form of Pedahel, as it first appeared in the Septuagint.
Phadcha f Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai พัดชา (see Phatcha).
Phadej m Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai เผด็จ (see Phadet).
Phádraig m Irish
Variant of Padraig.
Phadungdech m Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai ผดุงเดช (see Phadungdet).
Phadungpong m Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai ผดุงพงษ์ (see Phadungphong).
Phaeax m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Phaiax. Bearers of this name include an architect and an orator, who both lived in the 5th century BC.... [more]
Phaedo m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Phaidon. A notable bearer of this name was the Greek philosopher Phaedo of Elis (4th century BC).
Phaedon m Greek, Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Variant latinization of Phaidon, as well as a modern transcription. (Its proper latinized form is Phaedo.)
Phaedria f Literature
Variant of Phaedra used by Edmund Spenser in his epic poem 'The Faerie Queene' (1590), where it belongs to a water fairy who lures knights to her enchanted island.
Phaedymia f Old Persian (Latinized)
Latinized form of Phaidyme. This name was borne by a 6th-century BC Persian noblewoman, the daughter of Otanes, who would later go on to marry Darius I.
Phaenarete f Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of the Greek name Φαιναρέτη (Phainarete) meaning "she who brings virtue to light", derived from the Greek verb φαίνω (phaino) meaning "to shine" as well as "to show, to appear" combined with the Greek noun ἀρετὴ (arete) meaning "virtue, excellence"... [more]
Phaenippus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Phainippos. This name was borne by an eponymous archon of Athens, who lived in the 5th century BC.
Phaenops m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Φαῖνοψ (Phainops) meaning "bright-eyed, conspicuous", derived from φαεινός (phaeinos) "shining, radiant" and ὄψ (ops) "eye"... [more]
Phaeo f Greek Mythology
The name of one of the Hyades, derived from φαιός (phaiós) meaning "dull, ashy, grey".
Phaëthon m Greek Mythology
the son of Helios
Phaethon m Greek
From Greek meaning "Shining one". Phaethon was the son of the sun god Helios, who asked to drive the celestial chariot that drove the sun across the sky. After losing control, Zeus killed him with a lightning strike.
Phaethousa f Greek Mythology, Ancient Greek
Means "beaming, radiant" in Greek, being a participle of the verb φαέθω (phaethô) "to shine". In Greek mythology this was the name of a daughter of the sun god Helios by the nymph Neaira... [more]
Phaëthusa f Astronomy
The name of an asteroid pertaining to the Main belt in the Solar System. It is named after the mythological character Phaethousa.
Phagaiel m Biblical Greek
Greek form of Pagiel, as it first appeared in the Septuagint.
Phaia f Greek Mythology
Means "dusky" or "grey" in Greek, from φαιός (phaios). This is the name of the Crommyonian Sow, a mythological pig slain by Theseus. Some versions of the story say that this was the name of the old woman who owned the sow, which was named after her... [more]
Phaiax m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek noun Φαίαξ (Phaiax) meaning "Phaeacian". A Phaeacian was an inhabitant of Phaeacia, a region in Greek mythology.... [more]
Phaibool m Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai ไพบูลย์ (see Phaibun).
Phaiboon m Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai ไพบูลย์ (see Phaibun).
Phaibul m Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai ไพบูลย์ (see Phaibun).
Phaidimos m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek φαίδιμος (phaidimos) meaning "shining, radiant, glistening". This was the name of several characters in Greek legend, including a king of Sidon mentioned in the 'Odyssey'... [more]
Phaidon m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek noun φάος (phaos) meaning "light", which is ultimately derived from the Greek verb φαίνω (phaino) meaning "to shine" as well as "to show, to appear". Also compare the related names Phaedra and Pasiphaë.... [more]
Phaidyme f Old Persian (Hellenized)
Hellenized form of an unidentified Old Persian name. According to Herodotus this was borne by the daughter of Otanes who in turn married Сambyses, False Smerdis (real name: Gaumata) and Darius.
Phaim m Bengali
Possibly a Bengali form of Fahim.... [more]
Phaine f History (Ecclesiastical)
Probably related to Phaenna, or perhaps from Greek φανης (phanes) meaning "appearing". A notable bearer was Saint Phaine of Ancyra, a 3rd-century Christian martyr... [more]
Phainon m Greek Mythology
The name of a mythological celestial deity, the god of either Saturn or the planet Jupiter. The name is ultimately derived from the root φαινω (phaino) meaning "shining".
Phairoj m Thai
Alternate transcription of Phairot.
Phairote m Thai
Alternate transcription of Phairot.
Phaisal m Thai
Alternate transcription of Phaisan.
Phaithoon m Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai ไพฑูรย์ (see Phaithun).
Phaithun m Thai
Means "chrysoberyl" (a type of gem) in Thai.
Phaitoon m Thai
Alternate transcription of Phaithun.
Phaitun m Thai
Alternate transcription of Phaithun.
Phaiwan m & f Thai
Alternate transcription of Phraiwan.
Pha̍k m & f Chinese (Hakka)
Hakka Chinese form of Bai.
Phakphoom m Thai
Alternate transcription of Phakphum.
Phakphum m Thai
Means "proud of" in Thai.
Phakpoom m Thai
Alternate transcription of Phakphum.
Phakpum m Thai
Alternate transcription of Phakphum.
Phalak f Sanskrit
MEANING - fruit, result, gain, a board, lath, plank, leaf. bench, a slab or tablet (for writing or painting on ; also = page, leaf), a slab at the base, any flat surface (often in comp. with parts of the body, applied to broad flat bones, the palm of the hand, the top or head of an arrow, a shield, bark (as a material for clothes), the pericarp of a lotus, a layer, the stand on which a monk keeps his turban... [more]
Phalaris m Ancient Greek
Probably derived from Greek φάλαρον (phalaron), which was the name for a metal disc or boss that was worn as a military ornament on the breast. Phalaris was the name of a tyrant of Acragas (now Agrigento) in Sicily, who lived in the 6th century BC.
Phalec m Biblical
From Φάλεκ (Phalek), a Hellenized form of Peleg. Allegedly the form used in the Septuagint is Φάλεγ (Phaleg).
Phalgvi f Indian
MEANING : reddish, red, spring season, small. It is feminine of Phalgu or Falgu... [more]
Phallu m Biblical
Phallu was a son of Reuben according to Genesis 46:9, Exodus 6:14 and Numbers 26:5. He was one of the 70 souls to migrate to Egypt with Jacob.
Phaltiel m Biblical, Biblical Greek, Biblical Latin
Form of Paltiel used in the English, Greek and Latin Old Testament.
Phalyn f Irish
Form of Fallon.
Phanas m Thai
Alternate transcription of Phanat.
Phanessa f English (American, Rare), English (Australian, Rare)
Perhaps intended to be a feminine form of Phanes, probably influenced by the name Vanessa. In Greek mythology, Phanes was a primeval god of procreation whose name derived from Greek phainô "to bring light, make clear".
Phania f English
Diminutive of Stephania.
Phannee f Thai
Alternate transcription of Phanni.
Phanocles m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Phanokles. This name was borne by an ancient Greek elegiac poet from the 4th century BC.
Phanokles m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is probably derived from Greek φανός (phanos), which can mean "light, bright" as well as "torch, lantern". However, it is also possible that it is derived from Greek φανης (phanes) "appearing"... [more]
Phanomachos m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is probably derived from Greek φανός (phanos), which can mean "light, bright" as well as "torch, lantern". However, it is also possible that it is derived from Greek φανης (phanes) "appearing"... [more]
Phanomachus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Phanomachos. This name was borne by an eponymous archon of Athens, who lived in the 3rd century BC.
Phanostratos m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is probably derived from Greek φανός (phanos), which can mean "light, bright" as well as "torch, lantern". However, it is also possible that it is derived from Greek φανης (phanes) "appearing"... [more]
Phanostratus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Phanostratos. This name was borne by two eponymous archons of Athens, the earliest of which lived in the 4th century BC.
Phanoub m Coptic
Variant form of Panoub.
Phanourios m Late Greek
This name is best known for being the name of saint Phanourios (also known as Phanurius), a pre-congegration saint who is primarily venerated in the Greek Orthodox Church... [more]
Phantastes m Arthurian Cycle, Literature
Phantastes or Fantasy is the youth in the upper floors of the House of Temperance. He represents imagination and the vision of things to come.
Phanudech m Thai
Alternate transcription of Phanudet.
Phanudej m Thai
Alternate transcription of Phanudet.
Phanuël m Dutch
Dutch form of Phanuel, but less common than the main Dutch form (Fanuël).
Phanumas f & m Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai ภาณุมาศ (see Phanumat).
Phanumat f & m Thai
Means "sun" in Thai. This is a Thai epithet of the Hindu god Aditya.
Phanupong m Thai
Alternate transcription of Phanuphong.
Phanuvat m Thai
Alternate transcription of Phanuwat.
Pharabert m Germanic
Variant spelling of Farabert.
Pharadorn m Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai ภราดร (see Pharadon).
Pharah f English, Arabic
Variant of Farah.
Pharaoh m English, Mormon, African American
Pharaoh is a title used in many modern discussions of the rulers of all Ancient Egyptian dynasties. Historically, however, "pharaoh" only started being used as a title for the king during the New Kingdom, specifically during the middle of the eighteenth dynasty, after the reign of Hatshepsut... [more]
Pharazôn m Literature
Derived from the Adûnaic word pharaz, meaning "gold". In The Silmarillion, Ar-Pharazôn (King Pharazôn) was the name of the last king of Númenor and the husband and usurper of Miriel... [more]
Pharell m English
Variant of Pharrell.
Pharis m Greek Mythology
In Greek mythology, Pharis was the son of Hermes and the Danaid Phylodameia
Pharisee f English (American, Rare, Archaic)
Primarily Southeastern in the United States, dating back to the 1840s and also used in the early 20th century.... [more]
Pharnabazus m Old Persian (Latinized), History
Latinized form of Farnabazu via its hellenized form Pharnabazos. This name was borne by three Persian satraps.
Pharnaces m Old Persian (Latinized)
Latinized form of Farnaka via its hellenized form Pharnakes. This name was borne by several ancient Persians, one of them being the paternal uncle of Darius the Great.
Pharnaspes m Old Persian (Hellenized), History
Hellenized form of Farnaspa. This was the name of the father-in-law of Cyrus the Great (6th century BC).
Pharrell m English (Rare)
Variant of Farrell. In the case of American rapper Pharrell Williams, the spelling is inspired by his father's name Pharaoh.
Phasaelis f Ancient Aramaic
Of uncertain etymology. Name borne by a Nabatean princess, who was the first wife of Herod Antipas.
Phassakon m Thai
Alternate transcription of Phatsakon.
Phassakorn m Thai
Alternate transcription of Phatsakon.
Phật m Buddhism
Vietnamese form of Buddha.
Phatcharaphol m Thai
Alternate transcription of Phatcharaphon.
Phatcharaporn f Thai
Alternate transcription of Phatcharaphon.
Phatsakorn m Thai
Alternate transcription of Phatsakon.
Phatuel m Biblical, Biblical Latin
Form of Pethuel used in the Douay-Rheims Bible (1582-1610), the Clementine Vulgate (1592) and the Nova Vulgata ("Neo-Vulgate", 1979). The latter two are respectively the former and current official Bible of the Roman Catholic Church.
Phaule m Ossetian
Ossetian form of Paul.
Phaustinos m Ancient Roman (Hellenized)
Hellenized form of Faustinus (see Faustino).
Phawat m Thai
Possibly from Thai ภา (pha), a variant spelling of พา (pha) meaning "to bring; to take" and วัฒน์ (wat), from วัฒน (watthana-) meaning "prosperity, beauty".... [more]
Phayao f & m Thai
From the name of a province in northern Thailand, which is of uncertain meaning.
Phayre f English
Variant of Fayre.
Phayu m Thai
Variant of Wayu.
Pheaby f American (Rare, Archaic)
Early American variant of Phoebe.
Phearak m Khmer
Alternate transcription of Khmer ភារៈ (see Pheareak).