Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the description contains the keywords prince or of or all or men.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Orihime f Japanese
Means "weaving princess". According to Shinto beliefs, there was a woman named Orihime who had a lover. But her lover became too distracting for her to continue her weaving, her father separated them, only allowing them to see each other once a year... [more]
Orijana f Croatian, Serbian, Slovene (Rare)
Croatian and Serbian form of Oriana and Slovene variant of Orjana.
Orikkia m Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Úrœkja.
Orilus m Arthurian Cycle
Jeschute’s husband, the Duke of Lalander in "Parzival" by Wolfram von Eschenbach.
Orimonde f Arthurian Cycle
Daughter of the Emir of Persia, she was the wife of Marc, son of Ysaie the Sad and grandson of Tristan.
Orin m Literature, English (Rare)
Used by Eugene O'Neill in Mourning Becomes Electra as a deliberate link, it has been suggested, with Greek Orestes. ... [more]
Orin f & m Japanese (Rare)
From Rin combined with an o kanji, e.g. 緒 meaning "cord, strap," also used as an honorific version of that name, prefixed with 御/お- (o), used with regards to female names from around the Kamakura and Muromachi periods to around the 20th century.... [more]
Orin m Jewish
Form of Oren.
Orina f English (Rare)
Feminine form of Orin.
Orina f Mari
Mari variant of Irina.
Orine f Khakas
Khakas form of Irina.
Oringle m Arthurian Cycle
Count of the town of Limors in Chrétien’s Erec.... [more]
Orinoco m & f English, Spanish (Latin American), American (Hispanic), English (Modern)
The name of one of the longest rivers in South America. Irish musician Enya used the name of the river in her song 1988 song "Orinoco Flow," which many people know as "Sail Away." A famous bearer is male swimmer from New Zealand Orinoco Faamausili-Banse-Prince.
Oriolda f Medieval English
Allegedly a Latinized variant of Oriel via the variant Oriold.
Oriole m & f English
From the English word "oriole" referring to "any of various colorful passerine birds, the New World orioles from the family Icteridae and the Old World orioles from the family Oriolidae (typically yellow in color)"... [more]
Orione m Italian, Brazilian
Italian form of Orion.
Oritía f Spanish
Spanish form of Orithyia.
Orival m Portuguese (Brazilian)
There are several possibilities for the meaning and origin of this name. One is that it is derived from Ariovaldo via its variant form Orivaldo... [more]
Orivaldo m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Variant form of Ariovaldo via Oriovaldo.
Oriya f Hebrew
Combination of the name Ori with the letters יה (which are part of the name of God) means "My light is God" in Hebrew.
Oriya f Japanese
From Japanese 織 (ori) meaning "woven" combined with 夜 (ya) meaning "night; the evening". Other combinations of kanji characters are also possible.
Oriya f & m Hebrew
Combination of the name Ori with the letters יה (which are part of the name of God). When the elements are put together, the name means "My light is God" in Hebrew.... [more]
Oriyan f & m Hebrew (Rare)
Original form of Oryan.
Orizia f Italian (Rare)
Italian form of Orithyia.
Orizoba m & f Nahuatl
Possibly from the Nahuatl word meaning "valley of happy waters". Another theory suggests it is a distant derivation of Tarshish, meaning "trading post".... [more]
Orjana f Slovene, Croatian (Rare), Serbian (Rare), Albanian
Slovene, Croatian and Serbian form and Albanian variant form of Oriana.
Orje m Literature, German (Rare)
Berlin dialect form of Georg. The name occurs frequently in the works of Heinrich Zille.
Orjeta f Albanian
Variant of Orieta.
Orkun m Turkish (Modern)
Came from name of Orkhon Valley in Mongolia. Valley have first Turkic inscriptions in history, which was erected in the valley by Bilge Khan, an 8th-century ruler of the Göktürk Empire.
Orkus m Polish
Polish form of Orcus.
Orkut m Turkish
Means "city of holiness" in Turkish.
Orlaigh f Irish
Variant spelling of Orlagh.
Orlan m American (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Orlan.
Orlana f French (Modern, Rare), Spanish (Latin American), English
French variant of Orlane and Spanish variant of Orlanda.
Orland m American
An English language form of Orlando.
Orlandina f Medieval Italian
Feminine diminutive of Orlando.
Orlandó m Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Orlando.
Orlandu m Corsican
Corsican form of Orlando.
Orlanduccia f Medieval Italian
Medieval Italian diminutive of Orlanda, as -uccia is an Italian feminine diminutive suffix.
Orlanduccio m Medieval Italian
Medieval Italian diminutive of Orlando, as -uccio is an Italian masculine diminutive suffix.
Orlantha f English
Possibly a female variant of Orlando or a variant of Iolanthe.
Orlayna f English
Orlayna is irregularly used as a name and is derived from French origins.... [more]
Orlean f English (American, Rare)
Possibly a variant of Orlene.
Orleana f American (South, Archaic)
Variant of Orlena (compare Arleana). Orleana Hawks Puckett was an American midwife in the mountains of Patrick and Carroll County, Virginia... [more]
Orlev m & f Hebrew (Rare)
Combination of the name Or means "light" and the name Lev 2 means "heart".
Orley m American (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Orley or possibly a nickname of Orlando.
Orlie f Hebrew
variant of Orly and Orli, meaning "my light" in Hebrew
Orlina f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Orlin.
Orlo m Jewish
Eastern Ashkenazic Jewish: from Oryol 'eagle' or Orl, a pet form of Aaron.
Örlygur m Icelandic
Modern form of Ørlygr.
Orm m Medieval English, Old Danish, Old Swedish, Norwegian (Rare), Swedish (Rare), Norse Mythology
Medieval English, Old Danish, Old Swedish and modern Scandinavian form of the Old Norse name Ormr, which itself was derived from Old Norse ormr "snake, serpent".... [more]
Orma f African American, English
Allegedly from a Kenyan word meaning "free men." The Orma people live in Eastern Kenya along the lower Tana River. However, this name may be a feminine form of Ormond.
Orme m English
Transferred use of the surname Orme. A known bearer of Orme as a given name is Canadian actor Christopher Plummer (b. 1929), who carries it as a middle name - as did his father John Orme Plummer (1894-?) before him... [more]
Ormfríðr f Old Norse
Old Norse combination of ormr "snake, serpent" and fríðr "beautiful", originally "beloved".
Ormgæirr m Old Norse
Old Norse combination of ormr 'snake, serpent' and geirr 'spear'.
Ormhildr f Old Norse
Combination of ormr 'snake, serpent' and hildr 'battle, fight'.
Ormhildur f Icelandic
Icelandic younger form of Ormhildr.
Ormi m Old Norse
Variant of Ormr.
Ormira f Albanian
Feminine form of Ormir.
Ormisda m Italian
Italian form of Hormisdas.
Ormisda m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Hormisdas.
Ormos m Hungarian
Of uncertain origin and meaning. Theories include a derivation from Hungarian orom "peak; ridge; summit".
Ormr m Old Norse, Norse Mythology
Derived from Old Norse ormr "snake, serpent" (the English word worm derives from the same root). In Norse mythology this was another name for Jǫrmungandr, the son of Loki... [more]
Ormstein m Faroese
Younger form of Ormsteinn.
Ormsteinn m Old Norse
Old Norse combination of ormr 'snake, serpent' and steinn 'stone'.
Ormsten m Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Ormsteinn.
Ormur m Faroese, Icelandic
Faroese and Icelandic form of Ormr.
Ørn m Norwegian (Rare), Danish (Rare)
Norwegian and Danish form of Örn. It could also be a short form of any name starting with ørn-.
Ornah f Irish, Hebrew
Variant of Orna 1 or Orna 2.
Ornanong f Thai
Alternate transcription of Onanong.
Ornchira f Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai อรจิรา (see Onchira).
Ornelia f Italian
Variant of Ornella.
Orneo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Orneus.
Orneu m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Orneus.
Orneus m Greek Mythology
Possibly derived from Greek ὄρνις (ornis) meaning "bird, chicken". Also compare Greek ὄρνεον (orneon) meaning "bird" and the name Ornytion... [more]
Orney m Russian
Russian form of Orneus.
Ornicar m Popular Culture, Western African (Rare)
From the phrase Mais où est donc Ornicar? that is a mnemonic of the French coordinating conjunctions. The phrase is also the title of a movie and part of the French Chuck Norris fact Chuck Norris knows where Ornicar is.
Örnir m Old Norse
Variant of Aurnir.
Ornjira f Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai อรจิรา (see Onchira).
Ǫrnólfr m Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Arnulfr.
Örnólfur m Icelandic
Icelandic younger form of Ǫrnólfr.
Ørnolvur m Faroese
Faroese modern form of Ǫrnólfr.
Ornsiri f Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai อรศิริ or อรสิริ (see Onsiri).
Ornsuda f Thai
Alternate transcription of Thai อรสุดา (see Onsuda).
Ørnulf m Norwegian
Norwegian form of Ǫrnulfr.
Ǫrnulfr m Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Ǫrnólfr.
Ørnulv m Norwegian
Modern form of Ǫrnulfr.
Ornuma f Thai
Alternate transcription of Onuma.
Ornytion m Greek Mythology
Diminutive form of Ornytos, as this name contains the Greek diminutive suffix -ιων (-ion). In Greek mythology, Ornytion was the name of the father of Phocus and Thoas.
Ornytos m Greek Mythology
Possibly derived from Greek ὄρνυμι (ornymi) or Greek ὀρνύω (ornyo), both of which mean "to rouse, to stir, to awaken". These words may be etymologically related to Greek ὄρνις (ornis) meaning "bird, chicken".
Ornytus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Ornytos. This was the name of several characters in Greek mythology, a few of which were soldiers.
Oro m Tahitian
Etymology uncertain, Oro is the name of a war god who is the national god of Tahiti.
Oroana f Medieval Spanish
Medieval Spanish form of Oriana.
Orobita f Medieval Basque
Variant of Auribita, possibly influenced by Spanish oro "gold".
Orocara f Judeo-Spanish
Combination of Oro 1 and Cara.
Oroceti f Judeo-Spanish
Combination of Oro 1 and Ceti.
Orochi f Japanese Mythology
From Japanese 大蛇 meaning "big snake". In Mythology, this was the name of a serpent that demanded virgin sacrifices.
Orochimaru m Japanese
The name Orochimaru is the name of the enemy of Jiraiya in the Japanese folktale Jiraiya Goketsu Monogatari (児雷也豪傑物語) or The tale of the gallant Jiraiya. He was once a follower of Jiraiya's and was named Yashagorou (夜叉五郎) ,but was taken over by snake magic and changing his name to Orochimaru and having the ability to turn into a snake... [more]
Orocobix m Taíno (Archaic)
Name of the cacique of the Jatibonicu region of Puerto Rico at the time of the arrival of Columbus.
Orodes m Parthian (Latinized)
Latinized form of Ὀρώδης (Orṓdēs), a Hellenized form of Parthian 𐭅𐭓𐭅𐭃 (wrwd), of uncertain meaning. Likely from a compound whose second part is cognate with from Avestan 𐬭𐬀𐬊𐬜𐬀 (raoδa) “growth, appearance” and Persian روی (roy) “face”... [more]
Orodreth m Literature
Means "mountaineer" in Sindarin. In the works of J. R. R. Tolkien, Orodreth is an Elf, the father of Finduilas and in some versions the father of Gilgalad.
Orodueynna f Judeo-Spanish
Combination of Oro 1 and Dueynna.
Órœkia m Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Úrœkja.
Orofrisa f Spanish (European, Rare), Literature
Possibly elaboration of Orosia. The famous bearer of this name was Doña Orofrisa (Orofrisia) de Mendoza y Castilla, married to Don Francisco de Cepeda y Guzmán, who was a nephew of Saint Teresa of Ávila (1515 - 1582)... [more]
Órøkia m Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Úrœkja.
Oromadre f Judeo-Spanish
Combination of Oro 1 and Judeo-Spanish madre, meaning "mother".
Orome m Literature
The huntsman of the Valar in J.R.R. Tolkien's, the Silmarillion.
Oroncio m Spanish
Spanish form of Orontius.
Orono f Japanese
Orono Noguchi is the lead singer of the band Superorganism.
Orontius m Late Roman
Means "from Orontes River" in Latin, coming from the Ancient Greek name ΄Ορόντης (Oróntes). Orontes is a Western Asian river flowing through Lebanon, Syria and Turkey. It can also be the variant of Aruntius, Latin form of the Etruscan name Arunte of obscure meaning.
Orontsiy m Russian
Russian form of Orontius.
Oronzio m Italian
Italian form of Orontius.
Oronzo m Italian
Italian form of Orontius.
Oroonoko m Literature
Possibly a corruption of Orinoco, the name of a river in northern South America. This is the name of the title character of 'Oroonoko: or, the Royal Slave' (1688) by Aphra Behn... [more]
Oropher m Literature
Means "tall beech-tree", from Sindarin oro ("high") and fêr ("beech"). In Tolkien's Legendarium this is the name of an Elf, the father of Thranduil and grandfather of Legolas.
Orophernes m Old Persian (Hellenized), History
Hellenized form of an ancient Persian name, which must have consisted of two elements. The first element is still unknown to me, but the second element must probably have been derived from Old Persian farnah "glory, splendour, fortune"... [more]
Orophin m Literature
Possibly means "mountain-peak". In Tolkien's Legendarium this is the name of an Elf, the brother of Haldir and Rúmil.
Orora f Japanese
From Japanese 緒 (o) meaning "beginning", 露 (ro) meaning "naked, bare" combined with 良 (ra) meaning "good". Other kanji combinations are possible.... [more]
Ororo f Popular Culture
Ororo Munroe is one of the main protagonists in Marvel's X-Men line of comics, where she is better known by her 'mutant' name Storm. As a mutant she has the ability to control the weather... [more]
Oros m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
In Greek mythology, this is the name of a king of Troezen, who is the (human) maternal grandfather of the demi-god Althepus.... [more]
Orose f Basque (Rare)
Basque form of Orosia.
Orosio m Galician (Rare)
Masculine form of Orosia.
Orosol f Judeo-Spanish
Combination of Oro 1 and Sol 1.
Oroveso m Theatre
Possibly based on an Ancient Celtic name. Oroveso was used by Vincenzo Bellini and Felice Romani for the character in 'Norma' (1831), based on the play 'Norma, ou L'infanticide' by Alexandre Soumet... [more]
Orovida f Judeo-Spanish
Means "golden life" from Spanish oro "gold" combined with vida "life". This name was used by Jewish women in the medieval kingdom of Navarre.
Oroxi f Basque (Rare)
Basque form of Orosia.
O'rozboq m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek o'roz meaning "hope" and boq meaning "to look" or "to take care of, raise, support".
Orpa f Biblical German, Biblical Dutch, Dutch (Rare), Afrikaans
German, Dutch and Afrikaans form of Orpah.
Orpaz f & m Hebrew
Combination of the names Or and Paz 2 means "golden light" in Hebrew.
Orphée m & f Greek Mythology (Gallicized), French (Rare), French (Belgian, Rare)
French form of Orpheus. Although the mythological character is masculine, this name is now more frequently borne by women than by men.
Orphélie f French (Modern, Rare), French (Belgian, Modern, Rare)
Of debated origin and meaning. Theories include a contraction of Orphée and Ophélie.
Orphia f English (American, Rare, Archaic)
Possibly an elaboration of Orpha.
Orphne f Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek ὄρφνη (orphne) meaning "the darkness". In Greek mythology this was the name of a nymph of the underworld. She was the mother of Ascalaphus by Acheron.
Orr m & f Hebrew
Variant of Or.
Orra f English
Variant of Ora 1. A famous bearer is American botanical and scientific illustrator Orra White Hitchcock (1796–1863).
Orraca f Medieval Portuguese, Medieval Galician
Medieval Portuguese and medieval Galician adoption of medieval Spanish Urraca.
Orran m Scottish, English
Variant of Orrin.
Orreaga f Basque
The Basque Orreaga, composed of orre (juniper) and aga (a common Basque ending that indicates abundance), means "place full of junipers, juniper grove". ... [more]
Orren m Biblical, Irish
Variant of Oren or Orrin.
Orri m Old Norse, Icelandic
Old West Norse byname meaning "black grouse", a type of game bird (Lyrurus tetrix).
Orrick m English
Transferred use of the surname Orrick.
Orris m English (Rare), Scottish
Transferred use of the surname Orris.
Orry m Manx
Variant and Anglicization of Gorry. Godred Crovan or "King Orry" is an important figure in Manx folklore, surviving in folk songs and local legends... [more]
Örs m Hungarian
Hungarian male name. Örs was an ancient Hungarian leader and the name seems to originate as one of the names of the Kabar (Turkic Khazar) tribes who joined the Magyar confederation in the 9th century... [more]
Orsa f Medieval Italian
Italian form of Ursa.
Orsabaris f History, Old Persian (Hellenized, ?)
Allegedly the Greek form of a Persian name meaning "brilliant Venus". This was the name of a 1st-century BC princess of Pontus, a state founded by the Persian Mithridatic dynasty, of which Orsabaris was a member as the youngest daughter of Mithridates VI.
Orsalia f Greek
Greek variant of Ursula.
Örsébet f Hungarian (Archaic)
Early Modern variant of Erzsébet.
Orseida f Bulgarian
Bulgarian form of Orseis.
Orseide f Italian (Rare)
Italian form of Orseis.
Orsena f American (Rare, Archaic)
In the case of Orsena Fowler (1838-1918), it appears to be a feminine form of Orson, the name of her father - the American phrenologist Orson Squire Fowler.
Orsetta f Medieval Italian
Diminutive of Orsa.
Orshai f & m Hebrew (Modern, Rare)
Combination of the name Or, meaning "light". And the name Shai, meaning "gift".
Örsi f Hungarian
Feminine form of Örs.
Orsi f Hungarian
Diminutive of Orsolya.
Orsika f Hungarian
Originally a diminutive of Orsolya, occasionally used as a given name in its own right.
Orsilochos m Greek Mythology
The first element of this name is uncertain. It might possibly be derived from ὄρσω (orso), the future case of the Greek verb ὄρνυμι (ornymi) meaning "to awaken, to arouse" as well as "to raise, to excite" and "to stir up"... [more]
Orsilochus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Orsilochos. This is the name of several characters in Greek mythology, one of which is a son of the river god Alpheus.
Orsine f French (Archaic)
Local form of Ursine found in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region up until the 1600s.
Orsippos m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is uncertain. It might possibly be derived from ὄρσω (orso), the future case of the Greek verb ὄρνυμι (ornymi) meaning "to awaken, to arouse" as well as "to raise, to excite" and "to stir up"... [more]
Orsippus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Orsippos. A notable bearer of this name was the Greek runner Orsippus of Megara. He was not only the first to run naked in the Olympic Games, but also the first to win it naked (in 720 BC).
Orsolina f Italian (Rare)
Diminutive of Orsola. See also its latinized form Ursulina and the Italian surname Orsolini... [more]
Orsolo m Italian
Italian masculine form of Ursula.
Orsu m Corsican
Corsican form of Ours.
Oršula f Czech (Rare)
A Czech form of Ursula.
Orsula f Gascon (Rare), Corsican, Sicilian
Gascon, Corsican and Sicilian form of Ursula.
Orsulina f Sicilian
Diminutive of Orsula.
Òrszula f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Ursula.
Orszula f Polish (Archaic)
Archaic variant of Urszula.
Orta f Medieval Basque
Medieval Basque name, first documented in 1276.... [more]
Orta f Sorbian, Latvian (Rare)
Latvian and Lower Sorbian borrowing of Orte.
Ortal f Hebrew
Combination of Or and Tal; composed of Hebrew אוֹר ('or) meaning "light" and טַל (tal) meaning "dew" (together meaning "dew glow").
Ortance f Picard
Picard form of Hortense.
Ortansa f Romanian
Romanian variant of Hortensia.
Ortbert m Old High German, Old Saxon, Medieval, German (Austrian, Archaic), Medieval English
Old English ord, Old High German ort "point (of a spear or sword)" + Old English beorht, Old High German beraht, Old Saxon berht "bright" from Proto-Germanic berhtaz.
Orte f German (Archaic)
Short form of Dorothea (compare Orthia).
Ortènsi m Occitan
Masculine form of Ortènsia.
Ortènsia f Provençal
Provençal form of Hortensia.
Ortensia f Italian, Gascon, Aragonese, Piedmontese
Italian, Piedmontese, Gascon and Aragonese form of Hortensia. Ortensia is also the Italian name of the plant Hydrangea.
Ortensio m Italian
Italian masculine form of Hortense.
Ortgar m Old High German, Old Saxon, Medieval, Medieval English
Old English ord, Old High German ort "point (of a spear or sword)" + Old English gār, Old High German, Old Saxon gēr "spear".
Ortgis m Old High German, Medieval, Medieval German
Old High German ort "point (of a spear or sword)" + Proto-Germanic gaisa, gaiza "arrow".
Orthagoras m Ancient Greek
There are three possible meanings for this name: "to speak loudly at the assembly", "righteous speaker" and "righteous assembly".... [more]
Orthey f Medieval German
Medieval German short form of Dorothea (compare Orthia).
Ortheya f German (Archaic)
Variant of Orthia (compare Orthey).
Orthia f Greek Mythology
Meaning uncertain, possibly of pre-Greek origin, but perhaps related to Greek ὄρθιος (orthios) which meant "straight up, steep, uphill" as well as "setting straight". This was the name of a pre-Greek goddess worshipped in the central Peloponnese and later identified with Artemis (called Artemis Orthia).
Orthia f German (Archaic)
Obsolescent short form of Dorothea.
Orthosia f Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek ὄρθωσις (orthosis) meaning "prosperity". Orthosia or Orthosie was one of the Horae (Greek goddesses associated with times and seasons).
Orthosie f Astronomy, Greek Mythology
Variant of Orthosia borne by one of Jupiter's moons.
Orthros m Greek Mythology
From Greek ὄρθρος (orthros) meaning "the time just before daybreak, early dawn, cock-crow". He was a mythological two-headed watchdog, a brother of Cerberus and son of the monster Echidna, that kept the herds of Geryon on the island Erytheia, and was there killed by Herakles... [more]
Örti m Komi
Komi form of Artyom.
Ortissa f Medieval Basque (Latinized)
Medieval Basque feminine form of Orti, recorded in the 13th century.
Ortixa f Medieval Basque
Feminine form of Orti.
Ortlinde f Theatre
The name can be interpreted as a dithematic Germanic name formed of the name elements ort "point (of a sword or a lance)" and linta "linden tree, lime; shield (made of lime wood); gentle, soft"... [more]
Ortmar m Old High German, Old Saxon, Medieval, Medieval English
Old English ord, Old High German ort "point (of a spear or sword)" + Old English mære, Old High German, Old Saxon māri from Proto-Germanic mērijaz "famous".
Ortnit m Medieval German
Formed from the Germanic name elements ort "point (of a sword)" and neid "necessity, need; envy, jealousy".... [more]
Ortolana f Italian
Italian feminine form of Hortolanus.
Ortolf m Old High German, Gothic, Medieval, Medieval English, German (Austrian, Archaic), Medieval German
Old High German ort "point (of a spear or sword)" + Old High German wolf, Gothic wulf "wolf".
Orton m English
Transferred use of the surname Orton.
Ortrich m Old High German, Medieval, Medieval English
Old English ord, Old High German ort "point (of a spear or sword)" + Old English rīc, Old High German rih "ruler".
Ortrud f Germanic, German (Rare)
Means "point of strength", derived from the Germanic elements ort "point (of a sword)" and thrud "strength".... [more]
Oʹrttem m Sami (Skolt)
Skolt Sami form of Artemius.
Ortʹtʹo m Karelian
Karelian form of Artyom.
Orttyge f Medieval Baltic
Medieval Latvian form of Dorothea.
Oru f Judeo-Spanish
Variant of Oro.
Oruach f Judeo-Spanish
Possibly a combination of Oro 1 and Acha 3.
Oruc m Azerbaijani
Means "sawm" in Azerbaijani, referring to the practice of fasting in Islam.
Oruç m Turkish
Means "fast" in Turkish. A famous bearer of this name is Oruç Reis (c. 1474–1518), a Barbary pirate.
Orumatillera f Judeo-Spanish
Possibly a diminutive of Oromadre.
Orunchimeg f Mongolian
Possibly a variant form or misspelling of Oyunchimeg.
Orungan m Yoruba Mythology
Means "air" in Yoruba.... [more]
Orus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized), English (American, Rare)
Latinized form of Oros. A known bearer of this name was the American professional golfer and Olympic medalist Orus Jones (1867-1963).
Orûsît f Greenlandic
Greenlandic form of Rosina.
Oruune f Yakut
Yakut form of Irina.
Oruusiit f Greenlandic
Greenlandic younger form of Orûsît.
Orva f & m English (Archaic)
Originally a feminine form of Orville, but sometimes used as a masculine name, possibly influenced by Alva 2.
Orvan m English (American, Rare)
Meaning as of yet unknown. Also compare Orvon.... [more]
Orvel m English
Variant of Orville.
Orvella f English
Anglicized form of Órfhlaith.... [more]
Orvie m English
Diminutive of Orville.
Orvil m English
Variant of Orville.
Orvill m English (Rare)
Variant of Orville.
Orvis m English
Transferred use of the surname Orvis.
Orvoloson m Literature (Italianized)
The equivalent of Marvolo in the Italian version of the Harry Potter novels. In the new reprintings it was replaced with the original name, as were most of the other characters' names... [more]
Ørvur m Faroese
Faroese form of Orvar.
Orvyn m English
A variant of Orvin.
Orwell m English (Modern, Rare)
The pen name of Eric Arthur Blair or better known as George Orwell.
Orwen f Arthurian Cycle
The twin sister of King Meriadoc of Wales.... [more]