Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the description contains the keywords prince or of or all or men.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Ochola m Luo
"birthed after the death of the father"
Ochopintre m Georgian Mythology
Combination of ოჭო (ocho) which is related to the name of the god Bochi and პინტრე (pintre) which is related to the Greek god Pan... [more]
Ochozias m Biblical Latin, Ancient Hebrew (Latinized), Biblical French
French and Latinized form of Ahaziah via it's Hellenized form Okhozias.
Ocia f Polish
Diminutive form of Otylia.
Ocie m & f American (Rare)
Unisex name of unknown origin used primarily in the southeastern US.
Ociroe f Italian (Rare)
Italian form of Ocyrhoe.
Ocka f East Frisian
Variant of Okka.
Ockie m Afrikaans
Short form of Ockert.
Ocko m East Frisian
Variant of Okko.
Ocky m Manx (Archaic)
Manx borrowing of Oghie.
Ocnus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Means "hesitation, shrinking; alarm, fear" in Greek. This was the name of a son of Tiberinus and Manto, and the reputed founder of the town of Mantua... [more]
Ocotlán f & m Spanish (Mexican)
From the Marian title Nuestra Señora de Ocotlán meaning "Our Lady of Ocotlán" (see Ocotlán), the Virgin of Ocotlán being the patron saint of Tlaxcala and the neighbouring state of Puebla.
Ocran m Biblical
Ocran was a member of the house of Asher according to Numbers 1:13. He was the father of Pagiel.
Ocridion m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Okridion. In Greek mythology, Ocridion is the name of a mortal man who was engaged to Cydippe before she was stolen from him by her uncle Cercaphus.
Octa f English
Possible diminutive of Octavia.
Octaaf m Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare)
Dutch form of Octavius. A known bearer of this name was the Belgian composer Octaaf de Hovre (1876-1951).
Octaivia f English
Variant of Octavia.
Octander m Norwegian (Archaic)
Combination of Latin oct- "eight" and Greek -ander "man" given to children born in October or to the eighth child of the family.
Octav m Romanian
Short form of Octavian.
Octavi m Catalan, Lengadocian, Provençal, Gascon
Catalan, Languedocian, Provençal and Gascon form of Octavius.
Octàvia f Catalan, Provençal, Gascon, Lengadocian
Catalan and Occitan form of Octavia.
Octavià m Catalan
Catalan form of Octavian.
Octaviaan m Dutch (Archaic)
Archaic Dutch form of Octavian.
Octaviana f Ancient Roman, Romanian, Provençal
Anciant Roman feminine form of Octavianus and Romanian and Provençal feminine form of Octavian.
Octaviano m Spanish, Galician
Spanish and Galician form of Octavian.
Octaviu m Romanian (Rare)
Romanian form of Octavius.
Oculi m French (Rare)
Derived from Latin oculi, the plural form of oculus "eye". This name used to be given to children born on Oculi, known in English as Oculi Sunday, the third Sunday in Lent... [more]
Oculie f French (Rare)
Feminine form of Oculi.
Ocursus m Arthurian Cycle
A Knight of the Round Table, related to Lancelot, who participated in the Grail Quest.
Ocypete f Greek Mythology
Means "swift wing". This is the name of a Harpy in Greek mythology, also known as Ocypode and Ocythoe.
Ocypode f Greek Mythology
Means "swift foot". This is another name of the harpy Ocypete in Greek mythology.
Od m Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Oddr.
Óda f Icelandic
Icelandic form of Oda.
Odafin m Yoruba (?)
Literally meaning 'lawmaker' or 'the establisher of laws'.
Odai f Arabic
Variant transcription of Uday.
Odal m Swedish (Rare)
Short form of Germanic names containing the name element odal.
Odalfried m German
Variant spelling of Odalfrid, as well as the modern German form.
Odália f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Portuguese form of Odalia. Also compare Odélia and Odília.
Odalie f French (Rare)
French form of Odalia. Also compare Odélie and Odilie.
Odálio m Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Portuguese form of Odalio. Also compare Odélio and Odílio.
Odalio m Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Spanish masculinization of Odalia. Also compare Odelio and Odilio.
Odalrik m Old High German
Old High German variant of Odalric.
Odalysis f American (Hispanic)
A variant of Odalys or Odalis influenced by the French word for lily, which is lys. The meaning of Odalis being "fatherland" or "wealth, fortune," the meaning of Odalysis could be interpreted as "lily of the fatherland" or "wealth of lilies."
Odam m Uzbek
Uzbek form of Adam.
Od Ana f Mythology
Turkic and Mongolian goddess of fire and marriage, derived from od meaning "fire" and ana meaning "mother".
Odav m Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Hinduism, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Punjabi, Bengali, Marathi, Nepali, Sinhalese
MEANING - "mode which consists of five notes only"... [more]
Odayi m Ijaw (Anglicized)
Means "of his father" in Ijaw.
Odbayar m Mongolian
Means "star of joy" in Mongolian, from од (od) meaning "star" and баяр (bayar) meaning "joy, celebration".
Oddbergur m Icelandic (Rare)
Icelandic masculine form of Oddbjörg.
Oddbiǫrg f Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Oddbjǫrg.
Oddbjörg f Icelandic, Swedish
Icelandic and Swedish younger form of Oddbjǫrg.
Odde m Old Swedish, Swedish (Rare), Norwegian (Archaic)
Short form of names starting with Old Norse oddr "point of a sword".
Odder m Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Oddr.
Oddfrid f Norwegian (Rare)
Norwegian form of Oddfríðr.
Oddfríð f Faroese
Faroese modern form of Oddfríðr.
Oddfríðr f Old Norse
Old Norse combination of oddr 'point of a weapon' and fríðr 'beautiful', originally 'beloved'.
Oddgard m Norwegian (Rare, Archaic)
Rare masculine form of Oddgerðr, used briefly in the 20th century.
Oddgerð f Faroese
Faroese modern form of Oddgerðr.
Oddgerðr f Old Norse
Derived from the Germanic name elements oddr "point (of a weapon)" and garðr "enclosure", "protection".
Oddgerður f Icelandic
Icelandic younger form of Oddgerðr.
Oddgunn f Norwegian (Rare)
Modern name created by combining the Old Norse elements oddr "point (of a weapon)" and gunnr "battle, fight".
Oddhild f Norwegian
Norwegian form of Oddhildur first used in the late 19th century.
Oddhildur f Icelandic (Rare)
Combination of Old Norse oddr "point of a weapon" and hildr "battle".
Oddie m & f English (Rare)
Variant of Odie.
Oddkatla f Old Norse
Feminine form of Oddkell.
Oddkell m Old Norse, Icelandic (Archaic, ?)
Old Norse name derived from the elements oddr meaning "point of a sword" and ketill which meant "kettle, cauldron" (later also acquiring the meaning "helmet").
Oddkjell m Norwegian (Rare, Archaic)
Norwegian modern form of Oddkell used in the early 20th century.
Oddlaug f Old Norse, Norwegian, Icelandic
Combination of Old Norse oddr "spur, point of a weapon" and laug possibly meaning "betrothed woman".
Oddleif m & f Norwegian
Modern form of Oddleifr, as well as the feminine form.
Oddleifr m Old Norse
Combination of Old Norse oddr "spur, point of a weapon" and leifr "descendant".
Oddleiv m Norwegian (Rare)
Alternative spelling of Oddleif.
Oddleyg f Faroese
Faroese form of Oddlaug.
Oddlög f Swedish (Rare)
Swedish form of Oddlaug.
Oddly f Norwegian (Archaic)
Norwegian combination of oddr "point of a weapon" and -ly.
Oddmar m Norwegian, Faroese
Modern form of the Old Norse name Oddmárr, composed of oddr "point (of a weapon), spur" and mærr "famous, great".
Oddolf m Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Uddulfr.
Oddone m Italian
Diminutive form of Oddo. Oddone of Savoy, son of Victor Emmanuel II of Italy, and the Cardinal Oddone di Monferrato were two well-known bearers of this name.
Oddstein m Norwegian (Rare)
Norwegian form of Oddsteinn.
Oddsteinn m Icelandic (Rare), Old Norwegian
Derived from Old Norse oddr "point of a weapon" and steinn "stone".
Oddulf m Old Swedish
Old Swedish variant form of Oddolf.
Oddur m Faroese, Icelandic
Icelandic and Faroese form of Oddr.
Oddvald m Norwegian (Rare)
Combination of the Old Norse name elements oddr "point of a weapon" and valdr "ruler". The name was coined in the late 19th century.
Oddvaldur m Faroese
Faroese name with the combination of oddr "spear" and valdr "ruler, mighty one, powerful one".
Oddvard m Norwegian (Rare)
Combination of the Old Norse name elements oddr "point of a weapon" and vǫrðr "guard".
Oddvin m Norwegian
Relatively modern name (from 1843) created by combining the Old Norse name elements oddr "point (of a weapon), spur" and vinr "friend".
Oddvör f Icelandic
Icelandic younger form of Oddvǫr.
Oddvør f Faroese
Faroese form of Oddvǫr.
Oddvǫr f Old Norse
Old Norse combination of oddr "point of a sword" and vár "spring (season)".
Oddvor f Norwegian (Rare)
Norwegian form of Oddvǫr.
Ode f Estonian
Estonian diminutive of Eudokia and its associate names.
Ode f French (Rare), French (Belgian, Rare), Flemish (Rare), History (Ecclesiastical)
French form of Oda. This name was borne by several minor French saints.
Odea f Hebrew (Rare), Jewish
Variant transliteration of אוֹדֶיָּה (see Odeya).
Odeda f Hebrew
Feminine form of Oded.
Odee m & f English (Modern)
A variation of the name Odell
Odei m & f Basque Mythology, Basque (Modern)
In Basque mythology, Odei, also known as Hodei, is a spirit of thunder and the personification of storm clouds. It is now used for both men and women.
Odel f Hebrew
Hebrew form of Adel or Adele, also means "Thanks to God", which is making it relative to Odelia 2... [more]
Odélia f French (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian)
French variant of Odélie and Portuguese form of Odelia 1. Also compare Odília.
Odeliah f Hebrew
Variant of the Hebrew name Odelia 2.
Odélie f French (Quebec, Rare), French (Rare), French (Belgian, Rare)
French form of Odelia 1, which is a variant of Odilia. Also compare Odalie and Odilie.
Odelinde f Old High German
Combination of Germanic elements uodal "inheritance" and lindi "weak, soft, flexible".
Odélio m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Portuguese form of Odelio. Also compare Odílio.
Odelio m Italian (Rare), Spanish (Latin American)
Italian and Spanish masculinization of Odelia 1.
Odella f English
May be a variant of Odelia 1 or a feminization of Odell.
Odelle f English (Rare)
Variant of Odell and rare form of Odelia 1.
Odelrada f Medieval German
Feminine form of Odelrad.
Odéric m French (Rare)
French form of Auderic via its variant form Odoric.
Oderica f Friulian
Feminine form of Odorico.
Oderigo m Medieval Italian
Italian form of Auderic (see Odéric).
Oderisio m Italian
Italian form of Oderisius.
Oderisius m Late Roman
Meaning uncertain. This was the name of a Benedictine abbot of Monte Cassino who is venerated as a saint; Abbot Oderisius I (not to be confused with his relative Abbot Oderisius II), born at Marsi, Italy, acted as mediator between the Crusaders and the Greek emperor Alexicus.
Odert m German
German younger form of Authart and Audoard.
Odesser f American (South, Rare)
Variant of Odessa derived from colloquial pronunciation.
Odet m French (Archaic)
French diminutive of Odo (see Otto), as -et is a French masculine diminutive suffix. In other words: this name is the masculine equivalent of Odette.... [more]
Odetha f Obscure
Variant of Odetta.
Odétte f Obscure
Variant of Odette.
Odetthe f Obscure
Variant of Odette.
Odeya f Hebrew
Derived from a Hebrew phrase meaning "I will thank God", which is said to consist of Hebrew ode "I will thank, praise" (compare the Hebrew name Odelia 2) combined with Hebrew ya, yah "Yahweh"... [more]
Odfrid m Germanic
Variant form of Autfrid.
Ödgärd f Old Swedish, Swedish
Old Swedish variant and younger form of Ödhgärdh.
Odger m Germanic, German
Variant form of Audogar. Also, this name is a cognate of Eadgar.
Ödgerd f Old Swedish
Old Swedish variant of Ödhgärdh.
Ödgon f Old Swedish
Regional variant of Ödgun.
Ödgun f Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Eadgyð.
Odhenkarl m Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Óðinkárr.
Ödhgärdh f Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Auðgærðr.
Ödhgrim m Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Auðgrímr.
Ødhgrim m Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Auðgrímr.
Ödhmar m Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Otmar.
Odhran m English
Anglicised form of Odhrán.
Ödhsten m Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Auðstæinn.
Ødhsten m Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Auðstæinn.
Ödhulf m Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Auðulfr.
Odia f American (South), French (Acadian, Archaic), French (Quebec, Archaic), Louisiana Creole
Variant of Odéa and cognate of Odea. This name was borne by singer Odia Coates (1941–1991).
Odie m & f English
Diminutive of names such as Otis, Odell, Odessa, and Oda.
Odiel m & f Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare)
In the case of male bearers, this name is a Dutch form of Odilo via its French form Odile. In the case of female bearers, this name is a Dutch variant form of Odilia... [more]
Odierna f Medieval Italian
Italian cognate of Hodierna.
Odierne f Medieval French, Medieval English
Old French form of Audigerna. This form survived as a variant of the usual Medieval French form Hodierna... [more]
Odil f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Odile.
Odil m Uzbek, Tajik (Rare)
Uzbek and Tajik form of Adil.
Odilão m Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Portuguese form of Odilo and/or Odilon.
Odili f Alsatian (Archaic)
Vernacular form of Ottilie.
Odília f Portuguese, Provençal, Hungarian
Portuguese, Provençal and Hungarian form of Odilia. Also compare Odélia.
Odiliano m Italian (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Probably a combination of Odilon (Portuguese) or Odilone (Italian) with a given name that ends in -iano, such as Adriano and Luciano.
Odilien m French (Rare), French (African, Rare), French (Caribbean, Rare)
Probably a combination of Odile or Odilon with a given name that ends in -ien, such as Lucien and Sébastien.
Odilija f Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Odilia.
Odílio m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Portuguese form of Odilio. Also compare Odélio.... [more]
Odilio m Italian (Rare), Spanish (Latin American)
Italian and Spanish masculinization of Odilia.... [more]
Odiliya f Bulgarian (Rare)
Bulgarian form of Odilia.
Odilja f Maltese
Maltese form of Odilia.
Odilla f Polish
Polish form of Odile.
Odillya f English (Archaic)
Form of Odilia borne by a short-lived daughter (1598) of the poet Emilia Lanier and Henry Carey, 1st Baron Hunsdon.
Odiló m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Odilo.
Odilón m Spanish (Latin American)
Spanish form of Odilo and/or Odilon.
Odilone m Italian (Archaic)
Italian form of Odilo and/or Odilon.
Odín m Galician, Spanish
Galician and Spanish form of Odin.
Odina f Various
Perhaps a feminine form of Odin.
Odinakachukwu m & f Igbo
Means "it's in the hand of God" in Igbo, from o "it's", di "in", na "the", aka "hand" (compare Akachi) and Chukwu "God".
Odine f Medieval French, Old Norse
Feminine form of Odin or a nickname for Odart.
Odinkar m Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Óðinkárr.
Odino m Italian
Italian form of Odin.
Ödis f Old Swedish
Old Swedish variant of Ødis.
Ødis f Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Øydís.
Odisej m Bosnian, Croatian, Macedonian, Serbian
Bosnian, Croatian, Macedonian and Serbian form of Odysseus.
Odiseo m Galician, Spanish
Galician and Spanish form of Odysseus.
Odiseu m Romanian
Romanian form of Odysseus.
Odisseas m Greek (Rare)
Variant transcription of Οδυσσέας (see Odysseas).
Odisseo m Italian
Italian form of Odysseus.
Odisseu m Catalan, Portuguese
Catalan and Portuguese form of Odysseus.
Odisszeusz m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Odysseus.
Odkhuu m Mongolian
Possibly a variant form of Odkhüü.
Odma m Sanskrit, Indian, Hinduism, Hindi, Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, Sinhalese
Odm /Odma ओद्म means- moistening, act of wetting. ... [more]
Ödmar m Old Swedish
Old Swedish variant of Ödhmar.
Odmar m Germanic, Dutch
Variant of Othmar.
Odna f Faroese
Faroese variant of Árna.
Odny f Norwegian
Variant of Oddny.
Òdo m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Odo.
Odó m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Odo.
Odoardo m Italian
Variant of Edoardo.
Odochia f Medieval Romanian
Medieval Romanian variant of Evdochia.
Odoenus m Old Norse
Latinized form of Auðun.
Odoka f Udmurt
Udmurt form of Eudocia.
Odolen m Polish
Variant of Odolan.
Odolf m Medieval Polish
Medieval Polish variant of Adolf.
Odomar m Germanic
Variant form of Audamar.
Odomir m Germanic
Variant spelling of Odomar. But with this spelling it is also possible that the second element is derived from Slavic mir "peace."
Odón m Galician
Galician form of Otto.
Odon m Polish (Rare)
Variant of Odo.
Odonahue m English
Transferred use of the surname O'Donahue.
Odone m Corsican (Archaic)
Corsican form of Odo.
Odongo m Luo
"second born of twins"
Ódor m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Ulrich via Old Hungarian Oldruch.
Odoric m Germanic
Variant form of Auderic.
Odorico m Italian, Spanish, Galician
Italian, Galician and Spanish form of Auderic via its variant form Odoric.
Odoryk m Polish
Polish form of Auderic via its variant form Odoric.
Odottya f Udmurt
Udmurt form of Avdotya.
Odoun m Norman
Norman form of Odon.
Odrė f Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Audrey.
Odri f Russian, Croatian (Rare)
Variant of Audrey, reflecting the English pronunciation.
Odriana f Medieval Flemish
Medieval Flemish variant of Adriana.
Odrun f Norwegian
Variant of Oddrun.
Odstanus m Old Danish (Latinized)
Old Danish Latinized form of Auðstæinn.
Odu m & f Yoruba
A name from the Yoruba language of Nigeria, possibly meaning "womb" but more likely meaning "mystery", in particular to refer to the sacred mystery of God. ... [more]
Oduduwa m Yoruba Mythology
Oduduwa, Olofin Adimula, Emperor and First Suzerain of the Yoruba, was the Oba of Ile-Ife. His name is generally ascribed to the ancestral dynasty of Yorubaland due to the fact that he is held by the Yoruba to have been the ancestor of their numerous crowned kings... [more]
Odulf m Germanic, Dutch, German
Variant form of Audulf.
Odulia f Asturian, Galician, Aragonese
Asturian, Galician and Aragonese form of Obdulia.
Odulina f Medieval Spanish, Medieval Catalan
Medieval Spanish and medieval Catalan form of Odilia.
Oduor m Luo
Means "born in the middle of the night" in Luo.
Odus m English
Variant of Otis.
Odüsszeusz m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Odysseus.
Odval f Mongolian
Variant transcription of Udval.
Odvar m Norwegian
Variant spelling of Oddvar.
Odwin m Germanic
Variant form of Audowin.
Odylen m Polish
Variant of Odolan.
Odylia f Polish (Archaic), Dutch (Rare), Spanish (Latin American, Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Polish variant of Otylia as well as a Dutch and Latin American variant spelling of Odilia.
Odylon m Polish (Rare), French (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Polish form of Odilon as well as a French and Brazilian Portuguese variant spelling of Odilon.
Odyn m Polish
Polish form of Odin.
Odyseusz m Polish
Polish form of Odysseus.
Odysseas m Greek
Modern Greek form of Odysseus (see also Odyssefs). Known bearers of this name include Odysseas Androutsos (a hero of the Greek War of Independence) and Odysseas Elytis (winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1979).
Odyssefs m Greek
Modern Greek form of Odysseus (see also Odysseas).
Odyssey f English (American, Modern, Rare)
From the English word meaning "an adventurous voyage" and "a spiritual quest", derived from Greek Ὀδύσσεια (Odysseia), literally "of Odysseus"... [more]
Oe m & f Chinese (Wu)
Wu Chinese form of An 1.
Oebele m West Frisian (Archaic)
West Frisian form of Odbald.
Oecles m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Οἰκλῆς (Oiklês) or Οἰκλείης (Oikleiês), derived from ὄις (ois) meaning "sheep" (cf. Latin ovis, the possible source of Ovid) and κλέος (kleos) meaning "glory"... [more]
Oedipa f Literature, Various
Feminine form of Oedipus.
Oedo m Dutch
Dutch form of Odo.
Oein m Irish
In terms of etymology it is though to be derived from the Shelta words for “Seer”, as a phonetical interpretation of the Gaelic/ Irish word Ogham.... [more]
Oeke f & m West Frisian
Shorter form (even if only slightly so) of both Oelke and Oenke.
Oel m Medieval Dutch
Possibly a short form of Oelard.
Oele m & f West Frisian (Rare)
West Frisian short form of Germanic given names that contain the element od (or aud) meaning "wealth, fortune, property" or the element odal meaning "heritage, fatherland".
Oelke m & f West Frisian (Rare)
Diminutive of Oele.
Oella f American, English
It is the name of a small historic mill town in Maryland founded in 1808 that inspired generations of women's name in one family.
Oemar m Indonesian (Dutchified)
Older spelling of Umar based on Dutch orthography.
Oenanthe f Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Oinanthe. A known bearer of this name was the Egyptian Greek noblewoman Oenanthe of Egypt (3rd century BC), who was a prominent member of the Ptolemaic court.
Oene m West Frisian
West Frisian variant form of One. This given name is not be confused with Dutch oen, which is a slang term for a dumb and foolish person.
Oenke f West Frisian (Rare)
Feminine form of Oene, which was created using the diminutive suffix -ke.
Oenophilus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Oinophilos. This name was borne by two eponymous archons of Athens, the earliest of which lived in the 1st century BC.
Oenopion m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Oinopion. In Greek mythology, Oenopion was a king of the island of Chios.
Oenus m History
Oenus was a legendary king of the Britons as accounted by Geoffrey of Monmouth. He was preceded by Cap and succeeded by Sisillius III... [more]
Oeric m Anglo-Saxon (Germanized)
Probably derived from Old English os "god". This was the given name of a 5th-century king of Kent, more commonly known as Oisc (see Æsc)... [more]
Oeroe f Greek Mythology
Probably derived from Greek ῥοή (rhoe) meaning "river, stream, flow". This was another name for the nymph Plataia, in honour of a stream by the same name.
Oesho m Near Eastern Mythology
Of uncertain etymology. Name borne by a Kushan deity associated with wind and high places, primarily worshipped between the 2nd and 6th centuries CE. Oesho is associated today with the Hindu god Shiva, and the Zoroastrian deity Vayu-Vata.
Oesman m Indonesian (Dutchified)
Older spelling of Usman influenced by Dutch orthography.
Oet m West Frisian
Frisian form of Ot.
Oetse m West Frisian
Frisian form of Odo.
Oetsina f West Frisian
Feminine form of Oetse.
Oetske f West Frisian
Feminine form of Oetse, where the diminutive suffix ke has been added to the name.
Ofa f Polynesian
Short form of Alofa and Ofania.
Ófeigr m Old Norse
Variant transcription of ᚬᚠᛅᛁᚴ (see Úfeigr).