Yakut Submitted Names

Yakut names are used by the Yakut (or Sakha) people of Siberia.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Aiaal Айаал m Yakut
Alternate trancription of Айаал (see Ayaal)
Aisien Айсиэн m Yakut
Variant form of Aiyy Sien.
Aiy Siene Айыы Сиэнэ m Yakut (Rare)
Means "descendant of Aiyy", referring to the Aiyy deities in Yakut mythology.
Aiyy Kuo Айыы-Куо f Yakut (Rare)
Means "beautiful Aiyy" from the name of the Yakut Aiyy deities combined with куо (kuo) meaning "beautiful".
Aiyy Sien Айыы Сиэн m Yakut (Rare)
Means "grandson of Aiyy" from Yakut сиэн (sien) meaning "grandson" combined with the name of the Yakut Aiyy deities.
Alaapıya Алаапыйа f Yakut
Yakut form of Agafya.
Alaas Алаас m Yakut
Means "large field" in Sakha.
Alban Албан m Yakut
Means "wonderful, excellent, lovely" in Yakut.
Aldaana Алдаана f Yakut
From the name of the Aldan River that flows through Yakutia.
Aldan Алдан m Yakut
Means "interest, passion, comfort".
Algyr Алгыр m Yakut
Means "tenacious, capable, person with great erudition".
Algys Алгыс m Yakut
Variant of Algiy.
Algystaana Алгыстаана f Yakut
Altaana Алтаана f Yakut
Derived from Yakut алтан (altan) meaning "copper".
Amaana Амаана f Yakut
Aman Аман m Yakut
Means "healthy, strong, hearty".
Anii Аныы m Yakut
Anys Аныс m Yakut
Aramaan Арамаан m Yakut
Yakut form of Roman.
Arbay Арбай m Yakut
Means "bush" in Yakut.
Archiina Арчыына f Yakut
Archyn Арчын m Yakut
Means "deliverer, savior, redeemer" in Yakut.
Arkaac'ty Аркаадььтй m Yakut
Yakut form of Arcadius.
Arylkhan Арылхан m Yakut
Atalamy Аталамы m Yakut
Means "deity / creator of horses".
Atyrdakh Атырдьах m Yakut
Means "pitchfork" in Yakut.
Ay Ай m Yakut
Means "the inventor" in Yakut.
Ayaal Айаал m Yakut
Derived from Yakut ай (ay) meaning "to invent".
Ayaan Айаан m Yakut
Derived from Yakut айан (ayan) meaning "journey".
Ayaana Айаана f Yakut
Means "way, road, path" in Yakut.
Ayantay Айантай m Yakut
Means "the further way", ultimately from Yakut айан (ayan) meaning "journey".
Ayastaan Айастаан m Yakut
Either from Yakut айаас (ayaas) meaning "unbroken" or айа (aya) meaning "fatigue".
Ayatas Айатас m Yakut
Means "true friend" in Yakut.
Aydarkhan Айдархан m Yakut
Combination of Aydar and the Turkish tite khan meaning "ruler, leader".
Ayga Айга f Yakut
Aygiina Айгыына f Yakut
Aygylaana Айгылаана f Yakut
Means "inventor" in Yakut.
Ayhal Айхал m Yakut
Ayiina Айыына f Yakut
From Айыы (Ayii), the name of the supreme and creator deity in Yakut mythology.
Aykhaal Айхаал m Yakut
Means "joy" in Yakut.
Aykhaan Айхаан m Yakut
Variant of Aykhaal.
Aykhaana Айхаана f Yakut
Feminine form of Aykhan.
Aykhal Айхал m Yakut
Means "fame, glory" in Sakha.
Aylaana Айлаана f Yakut
Aynaan Айнаан m Yakut
Variant of Ayaan.
Aynan m Yakut
Means "travel" in Yakut.
Aysen Айсен m Yakut
Derived from the name of the god Aiyy and Yakut сиэн (sien) meaning "grandson".
Ayta Айта f Yakut
Aytal Айтал m Yakut
Either from айыы (ayii), the name of a a Yakut god of light or from ай (ay) meaning "to create" and тал (tal) meaning "to choose".
Aytaliina Айталыына f Yakut
Aytas Айтас m Yakut
Ayuol Айуол m Yakut
Baasa Бааса m Yakut
Yakut form of Vasya.
Baatyr Баатыр m Kyrgyz, Yakut (Rare)
Kyrgyz and Yakut form of Batur.
Badeey Бадьээй m Yakut
Derived from the name of a folk Yakut hero who was the first leader of the Kangalassky Yakuts.
Badzhei Баджей m & f Yakut
Bahylay Баһылай m Yakut
Yakut form of Vasiliy.
Balaağiya Балааҕыйа f Yakut
Yakut form of Pelageya.
Balbaara Балбаара f Yakut
Yakut form of Varvara.
Balıkaar Балылкаар m Yakut
Yakut form of Polycarp.
Baltuga Балтуга m Yakut
Barakhsaana Барахсаана f Yakut
Barakhsan Барахсан m Yakut
Means "favorite", "security, defense".
Baroon Бароон m Yakut
Barylan Барылан m Yakut
Means "wealth, property, knowledge".
Bayaana Байаана f Yakut
Bayañ Байаҥ m Yakut
Means "visitor with great wealth".
Bayanay Байанай m Yakut
Means "hunter-trapper" and "fisherman".
Baybal Байбал m Yakut
Yakut form of Pavel.
Baydam Байдам m Yakut
Bergen Бэргэн m Yakut
Means "accurate" in Yakut.
Bert Бэрт m Yakut
Means "valiant" in Yakut.
Bete Бэтэ m Yakut
Biebey Биэбэй m Yakut
Means "honey" in Yakut.
Bılatıan Былатыан m Yakut
Yakut form of Platon.
Biyaman Быйаман m Yakut
Means "make wealth" in Yakut.
Bootur Боотур m Yakut
Means "protector", "to protect the people and the homeland".
Boroskuobuya Бороскуобуйа f Yakut
Yakut form of Praskoviya.
Boydoy Бойдой m Yakut
Buetur Буэтур m Yakut
Yakut form of Peter.
Bukdur Букдур m Yakut
Buotur Буотур m Yakut
Yakut form of Pyotr.
Bylatyan Былатыан m Yakut
Yakut form of Platon.
Bytyk Бытык m Yakut
Byyang Быйаҥ m Yakut
Means "abundance, wealth" in Sakha.
Caakıp Дьаакып m Yakut
Yakut form of Jacob.
Caraahın m Yakut
Yakut form of Gerasim.
Ceguer Дьэуэр m Yakut
Yakut for of George.
Cekiim Дьэкиим m Yakut
Yakut form of Yefim.
Chağyl Чаҕыл m Yakut
Chakyl Чакыл m Yakut
Chelgiyeene Чэлгийээнэ f Yakut
Chemeliine Чэмэлиинэ f Yakut
Meaning unknown.
Chokon Чокон m Yakut
Çömçüüne Чөмчүүнэ f Yakut
Means "pearl" in Yakut.
Culusxan Дьулусхан m Yakut
Means "impetuous" in Yakut.
Culuur Дьулуур m Yakut
Means "strong desire" in Yakut.
D'aakyp Дьаакып m Yakut
Yakut form of Yakov.
D'aakypchaan Дьаакыпчаан m Yakut
Diminutive form of D'aakyp.
Dabaan Дабаан m Yakut
Means "aspiration, yearning".
Dabııt Дабыыт m Yakut
Yakut form of David.
Dabyl Дабыл m Yakut
Dabyn Дабын m Yakut
Dalaana Далаана f Yakut
Dalan Далан m Yakut
Means "broad, free, spacious".
Dalbar Далбар m Yakut
Means "chick" (as in a baby bird).
Dalbara Далбара f Yakut
Feminine form of Dalbar.
Dalbaray Далбарай f Yakut
From an alternative Sakha word for "skylark".
Darkhaan Дархаан m Yakut
Means "arrogant, conceited, proud".
Darkhan Дархан m Yakut
Means "honourable, important", or, possibly "proud, arrogant" in Sakha.
Dayaana Дайаана f Yakut
Means "flying, air" in Yakut.
Dayan Дайан m Yakut
Means "light, brisk" in Yakut.
Delegey Дэлэгэй m Yakut (Rare)
Means "secured" in Yakut.
Delem Дэлэм m Yakut
Delgey Дэлгэй m Yakut
Dobun Добун m Yakut
Means "heavy, difficult" in Yakut.
Dögüör Дьөгүөр m Yakut
Yakut form of Egor.
Doidusa Дойдуса f & m Yakut
Dokhsun Дохсун m Yakut
Means "sporty" in Yakut.
Dolan Долан m Yakut
Variant of Dolgan.
Dolgan Долган m Yakut
Dolguuna Долгууна f Yakut
From долгун (dolgun) meaning "wave".
Dolun Долун m Yakut
Means "winner" or "victory of the revolution".
Doroppuun Дороппуун m Yakut
Yakut form of Trofim.
Doydu Дойду m Yakut
Means "land, country" in Sakha.
Doyduuna Дойдууна f Yakut (Rare)
Of unknown meaning.
Doyduuna Дойдууна f Yakut
Feminine form of Doydu.
Duley Дьулэй m Yakut
Means "deaf" in Yakut.
Dulus Дьулус m Yakut
Means "persistent, purposeful".
Duluskhaan Дьулусхаан m Yakut
Dulustaan Дьулустаан m Yakut
Duluur Дьулуур m Yakut
D’uluur Дьулуур m Yakut
Means "diligence" in Sakha.
Duolan Дуолан m Yakut
Means "sporty" in Yakut.
Duon Дьуон m Yakut
Düpsün Дүпсүн m Yakut
Durustaan Дьурустаан m Yakut
Means "high, straight, smooth, energetic, persistent".
Dvebdekieye Двэбдэкиэйэ f Yakut
Yakut form of Yevdokiya.
Dygyn Дыгын m Yakut
Variant of Tygyn.
Echiney Эчинэй m Yakut
Elley Эллэй m Yakut
From the name of Elley Bootur, a Yakut cultural hero who founded the pastoral economy of the Yakut people.
Erchim Эрчим m Yakut
Means "vigorous, active" in Yakut.
Erchimen Эрчимэн m Yakut
Variant of Erchim.
Erel Эрэл m Yakut
Means "elder" in Yakut.
Ergis Эргис m Yakut
From the name of a Yakut mythical hero; means "revolving", "energetic".
Erilik Эрилик m Yakut
Erkhaan Эрхаан m Yakut
Means "the brave blood" in Yakut.
Erkin Эркин m Yakut
Means "fair" in Yakut.
Ilcaana Ылдьаана f Yakut
Yakut form of Julia.
Irgen Иргэн m Yakut
J̌uuruy Дьууруй m Yakut
Yakut form of Yuriy.
Karachaane Кэрэчээнэ f Yakut
Keetikeliir Кээтикэлиир f Yakut
Yakut form of Katenka.
Kençeeri Кэнчээри m Yakut
Means "growth" in Yakut.
Kencheeri Кэнчээри m Yakut
Means "new for old" or "new generation".
Kerecheene Кэрэчээнэ f Yakut
Derived from Yakut кэрэ (kere) meaning "beautiful, lovely".
Keremen Кэрэмэн m Yakut
Means "good, favorite" in Yakut.
Keskil Кэскил m Yakut
Means "a better future" in Yakut.
Keskileene Кэскилээнэ f Yakut
Derived from Yakut кэскил (keskil) meaning "future".
Kestekuun Кэстэкуун m Yakut
Yakut form of Constantine.
Keteriine Кэтэриинэ f Yakut
Yakut form of Catherine.
Khaachylaana Хаачылаана f Yakut
Khaarchaana Хаарчаана f Yakut
From Yakut хаар (xaar) meaning "snow", of Turkic origin. This is also the Yakut name for the milk-white brittlegill, a type of flower, and a reference to the Snezhana, a Russian fairy tale character.
Khabyrylla Хабырылла m Yakut
Yakut form of Gabriel.
Khabyryys Хабырыыс m Yakut
Yakut form of Gavril.
Khanbuncha Ханбунча m Yakut
Kharakh Харах m Yakut
Kharyskhaan Харысхаан m Yakut
Means "protecting blood" in Yakut.
Kharystaana Харыстаана f Yakut
Khasaul Хасаул m Yakut
Khatan Хатан m Yakut
Khatyyna Хатыына f Yakut
Yakut form of Khatun.
Khohuun Хоһуун m Yakut
Means "industrious, brave".
Khomus Хомус m Yakut
Means "cane" in Yakut.
Khomustaan Хомустаан m Yakut
variant of Khomus.
Khorula Хорула m Yakut
Khotoy Хотой m Yakut
Means "eagle" in Yakut.
Khotuuna Хотууна f Yakut
Khyrsyn Хырсын m Yakut
Kintey Кинтэй m Yakut
Means "haughty" in Yakut.
Kirgieley Киргиэлей m Yakut
Yakut form of Grigoriy.
Kiyaara Кыйаара f Yakut
Means "distance, height, immensity".
Kübeye Күбэйэ f Yakut
Kuday Кудай m Yakut
Means "universe" in Yakut.
Kuduk Кудук m Yakut
Means "well" in Yakut.
Kukchan Кукчан m Yakut
Kuk Da Кук Дьа m Yakut
Kunay Кунай m Yakut
Kündül Күндүл m Yakut
Means "bright, light" in Yakut.
Kündümen Күндүмэн m Yakut
Variant of Kündül.
Kündüüne Күндүүнэ f Yakut
Künney Күннэй f Yakut
From Yakut күн (kün) meaning "sun, solar".
Kuobakh Куобах m Yakut
Means "hare" in Yakut.
Kuobakhaya Куобахайа f Yakut
Means "hare" in Yakut.
Kuo Kuobakhaya Куо Куобахайа f Yakut
Means "hare beauty" in Yakut.
Küöregey Күөрэгэй f Yakut
Means "early bird" in Yakut.
Küöregeyçeene Күөрэгэйчээнэ f Yakut
Means "lark" in Yakut.
Kurchekhan Курчэхан m Yakut
Kureyaak Курэйаак m Yakut
Küsteekh Күстээх m Yakut
Means "mighty, powerful" in Yakut.
Kustuk Кустук m Yakut
Means "rainbow" in Yakut.
Kustuktaan Кустуктаан m Yakut
Kustuktaana Кустуктаана f Yakut
From кустук (kustuk) meaning "rainbow".
Kuuhuma Кууһума m Yakut
Yakut form of Kuzma.
Kuykey Куйкэй m Yakut
Kydaana Кыдаана f Yakut
Either means "blizzard", "cold", or "the sparkle of kydamniir" in Yakut.
Kytaanakh Кытаанах m Yakut
Means "strong" in Yakut.
Kytaliina Кыталыына f Yakut
Derived from Yakut кыталык (kytalyk) meaning "Siberian crane".
Kyunnyay f Yakut
Means "solar" in Yakut.
Laahar Лааһар m Yakut
Yakut form of Lazarus.
Legentey Лэгэнтэй m Yakut
Yakut form of Innokentiy.
Maappa Мааппа f Yakut
Yakut form of Marfa.
Maariya Маарыйа f Yakut
Yakut form of Mariya.
Maaryya Маарыйа f Yakut
Yakut form of Mariya.
Maasa Мааса f Yakut
Yakut form of Masha.
Maayystaan Маайыстаан f Yakut
Pet form of Maaryya.
Madan Мадан m Yakut
Malaanńa Малаанньа f Yakut
Yakut form of Melania.
Manchaary Манчаары m Yakut
From the name of Vasiliy Manchaary (or simply Manchaary), a Yakut national hero.
Mappıay Маппыай m Yakut
Yakut form of Matthew.
Mappyay Маппыай m Yakut
Yakut form of Matvey.
Mavr Мавр m Russian, Yakut
Russian form of Maurus.
Mekheele Мэхээлэ m Yakut
Yakut form of Mikhail.
Mexeele Мэхээлэ m Yakut
Yakut form of Michael.
Michil Мичил m Yakut
Means "smile, joy, happiness".
Michiye Мичийэ f Yakut
Miise Миисэ m Yakut
Yakut form of Misha.
Miiterey Миитэрэй m Yakut
Yakut form of Dmitriy.
Mikiite Микиитэ m Yakut
Yakut form of Nikita 1.
Modun Модун m Yakut
Means "strong, brave" in Yakut.
Mold'ogor Молдьогор m Yakut
Moturuona Мотуруона f Yakut
Yakut form of Matryona.
Munnan Мунньан m Yakut
From the name of Munnan Darkhan, the second leader of the Kangalassky Yakuts.
Murgun Мургун m Yakut
Nahaap Наһаап m Yakut
Yakut form of Nazar.
Namiina Намыына f Yakut
Of unknown meaning.
Namiya Намыйа f Yakut
Nariyaana Нарыйаана f Yakut
Derived from Yakut нарын (naryn) meaning "tender".
Nariyanaa Нарыйаана f Yakut
Nataaha Натааһа f Yakut
Yakut form of Natasha.
Ńukulay Ньукулай m Yakut
Yakut form of Nicholas.
Nuolan Нуолан m Yakut
Means "thoughtful, unhurried".
N'urguhuna Ньургуһуна f Yakut
Means "snowdrop" in Yakut.
Nurgun Ньургун m Yakut
Means "nice, best" in Yakut.
Nurgustaana Ньургустаана f Yakut
Variant of Nyurguyaana.
Nurguyaana Ньургуйаана f Yakut
Ferminine form of Nurgun.
Nyurgun Ньургун m Yakut
Derived from Yakut ньургуһун (nurguhun) meaning "snowdrop (a type of flower)". Nyurgun is a mythical hero to the Yakuts.
Nyurgustay Нюргустай m Yakut
Nyurgusun Нюргусун f Yakut
Etymology unknown.
Nyurguyaana Ньургуйаана f Yakut
Feminine form of Nyurgun.
Nyurguyana Нюргуяна f Yakut
Means "Pulsatilla" in Yakut. A Pulsatilla, or Pasqueflower, is a type of flower that can be found in cold areas.
Odun Одун m Yakut
Means "pray to God" in Yakut.
Ogdoochchuya Огдооччуйа f Yakut
Yakut form of Evdokiya.
Oğoro Оҕоро m Yakut
Okhonoohoy Охонооһой m Yakut
Yakut form of Afanasiy.
Okokh Окох m Yakut
Okos Окос m Yakut
Öktöm Өктөм m Yakut
Means "healthy, strong" in Yakut.
Ökuluune Өкулуунэ f Yakut
Yakut form of Akilina.
Okuy Окуй m Yakut
Öleene Өлээнэ f Yakut
Yakut form of Elena.
Omoğoy Baay Омоҕой Баай m Yakut
From the name of the legendary founder of the Yakut people.
Omtoon Омтоон m Yakut
Variant Yakut form of Anton.
Önör Өнөр m Yakut
Means "prosperous" in Yakut.
Orduk Ордук m Yakut
Means "best" in Yakut.
Orguy Оргуй m Yakut
Örkön Өркөн m Yakut
Oruune Оруунэ f Yakut
Yakut form of Irina.
Oyuun Ойуун m & f Mongolian, Yakut
Means "mind" in Mongolian.... [more]
Saaba Сааба m Yakut
Yakut form of Savva.
Saaryn Саарын m Yakut
Means "one with a developed lower body, 'Don Juan', a favorite of women".
Saaskiya Сааскыйа f Yakut
Sahayaana Сахайаана f Yakut
Variant transcription of Sakhayaana.
Sakhaaya Сахаайа f Yakut
Derived from Yakut Саха (Sakha) meaning "Sakha, Yakut".
Sakhayaana Сахайаана f Yakut
Variant of Sakhaaya.
Sallaat Саллаат m Yakut
Means "soldier" in Yakut.
Samaana Самаана f Yakut
Sanaaya Санаайа f Yakut
Sandaara Сандаара f Yakut
Derived from Yakut сандаар (sandaar) meaning "to shine".
Sandaman Сандаман m Yakut
Possibly means "radiant" in Yakut.
Sardaana Сардаана f Yakut
From Yakut сардаана (sardaana) meaning "Siberian lily", referring to a type of flower that grows in Yakutia.
Sardana Сардана f Yakut
Variant of Sardaana.
Sargı m Yakut
Means "good luck" in Yakut.
Sargylaana Саргылаана f Yakut
Means "the light beam" in Yakut.
Sargylana Саргылана f Yakut
Means "happy, lucky" in Yakut.
Sargyn Саргын m Yakut
Means "happy, lucky" in Yakut.
Sarıada Сарыада f Yakut
From сарыал (sarıal) meaning "radiance, halo, shining".
Saryada Сарыада f Yakut
Saskulaana Саскылаана f Yakut
Sayaana Сайаана f Yakut
Sayaara Сайаара f Yakut
Saydam Сайдам m Yakut
Means "capable, advanced" in Yakut.
Saydiina Сайдыына f Yakut
Sayiina Сайыына f Yakut
Derived from Yakut сайын (sayın) meaning "summer".
Saymiina Саймыына f Yakut
Saynaara Сайнаара f Yakut
Means "thinking" in Yakut.
Saysary Сайсары f Yakut
Etymology unknown.
Sayyna f Yakut
Yakut feminine name meaning "summer".