names are used by the Yakut (or Sakha) people of Siberia.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Serge Сэргэ m YakutFrom the name of a ritual pole or tree in Buryat and Yakut culture, used to indicate that a place has an owner, ultimately from the Buryat word for "pole".
Sulustaan Сулустаан m YakutDerived from Yakut сулус
(sulus) meaning "star".
Sulustaana Сулустаана f YakutFrom the Yakut word сулус (
sulus) meaning "star" possibly combined with the element
stani meaning "stand, become".
Tolbon Толбон m YakutMeans "bright, colorful" in Yakut.
Tulluktaana Туллуктаана f YakutFrom the Yakut word туллук (
tulluk) meaning "snow bunting".
Tuluykhan Тулуйхан m YakutCombination of
Tuluy and the Turkic title
khan meaning "leader, ruler".
Tümen Түмэн m & f Mongolian, YakutMeans "ten thousand, multitude, myriad" or "people, nation" in Mongolian and Yakut, the attributive form of Mongolian түм
(tüm). Among the Mongol and Turkic peoples, a
tümen (
tumen in English) was historically also a social and military unit of 10,000 households and soldiers.... [
Tupsuuna Тупсууна f YakutFrom the Yakut word тупсуу (
tupsuu) meaning "reconciliation; truce".
Tuskul Тускул m YakutMeans "the better future" in Yakut.
Tuskulaana Тускулаана f YakutEither from тускул
(tuskul) meaning "future" or means "doing good" in Yakut.
Tygyn Тыгын m YakutFrom the name of
Тыгын Дархан (Tygyn Darkhan) a legendary Yakut leader from the 17th century.
Uraan Ураан m YakutMeans "skillful, clever, savvy".
Uygulaana Уйгулаана f YakutDerived from Yakut уйгу
(uygu) meaning "rich".
Uyguuna Уйгууна f YakutMeans "rich, successful," from Yakut уйгу
(uygu) meaning "wealth".