Yakut Submitted Names

Yakut names are used by the Yakut (or Sakha) people of Siberia.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Sedueççuye Сэдуэччуйэ f Yakut
Yakut form of Theodosia.
Serge Сэргэ m Yakut
From the name of a ritual pole or tree in Buryat and Yakut culture, used to indicate that a place has an owner, ultimately from the Buryat word for "pole".
Söduöre Сөдуөрэ f Yakut
Yakut form of Theodora.
Sulus Сулус m Yakut
Means "star" in Yakut.
Sulustaan Сулустаан m Yakut
Derived from Yakut сулус (sulus) meaning "star".
Sulustaana Сулустаана f Yakut
From the Yakut word сулус (sulus) meaning "star" possibly combined with the element stani meaning "stand, become".
Suoder Суодэр m Yakut
Yakut form of Theodore.
Suoppuya Суоппуйа f Yakut
Yakut form of Sophia.
Sürex Сүрэх m Yakut
Means "heart" in Yakut.
Sürgen Сүргэн m Yakut
Syral Сырал m Yakut
Means "warm, sociable".
Syralyma Сыралыма f Yakut (Rare)
Meaning unknown.
Talbaana Талбаана f Yakut
Talban Талбан m Yakut
Talygyr Талыгыр m Yakut
Talyman Талыман m Yakut
Taman Таман m Yakut
Taragay Тарагай m Yakut
Means "bald" in Yakut.
Tarkhay Тархай m Yakut
Taybiir Тайбыыр m Yakut
Taymiir Таймыыр m Yakut
Tebiya Тэбийа f Yakut
Timir Тимир m Yakut (Rare)
Cgnate of Timur.
Tolbon Толбон m Yakut
Means "bright, colorful" in Yakut.
Tolluman Толлуман m Yakut
Means "fearless" in Yakut.
Tonokh Тонох m Yakut
Tübek Түбэк m Yakut
Tübey Түбэй m Yakut
Tukay Тукай m Yakut
Tulluktaana Туллуктаана f Yakut
From the Yakut word туллук (tulluk) meaning "snow bunting".
Tuluy Тулуй m Yakut
Means "patient" in Yakut.
Tuluykhan Тулуйхан m Yakut
Combination of Tuluy and the Turkic title khan meaning "leader, ruler".
Tümen Түмэн m & f Mongolian, Yakut
Means "ten thousand, multitude, myriad" or "people, nation" in Mongolian and Yakut, the attributive form of Mongolian түм (tüm). Among the Mongol and Turkic peoples, a tümen (tumen in English) was historically also a social and military unit of 10,000 households and soldiers.... [more]
Tupsunna Тупсууна f Yakut
Tupsuuna Тупсууна f Yakut
From the Yakut word тупсуу (tupsuu) meaning "reconciliation; truce".
Turkun Туркун m Yakut
Turuya Туруйа f Yakut
Means "crane" in Yakut.
Tuskul Тускул m Yakut
Means "the better future" in Yakut.
Tuskulaana Тускулаана f Yakut
Either from тускул (tuskul) meaning "future" or means "doing good" in Yakut.
Tuskun Тускун m Yakut
Tüskünn Түскүнн m Yakut
Tuyaara Туйаара f Yakut
Means "light, airy" in Yakut.
Tuyaaryma Туйаарыма f Yakut
Tuyaaryma Kuo Туйаарыма Куо f Yakut
Combination of the Yakut name Tuyaaryma and the Yakut word куо (kuo) meaning "beautiful".
Tuyara Туйара f Yakut
Variant of Tuyaara.
Tuygun Туйгун m Yakut
Tuyguuna Туйгууна f Yakut
Tuymaada Туймаада f Yakut
Tygyn Тыгын m Yakut
From the name of Тыгын Дархан (Tygyn Darkhan) a legendary Yakut leader from the 17th century.
Tymyr Тымыр m Yakut
Variant of Timir.
Tyrtyk Тыртык m Yakut
Tyusyulge Тюсюлге m Yakut
Umsuura Умсуура f Yakut
Uolan Уолан m Yakut
Means "man" in Yakut.
Uraan Ураан m Yakut
Means "skillful, clever, savvy".
Ursun Урсун m Yakut
Uruy Уруй m Yakut
Means "joy", "celebration".
Uruydaana Уруйдаана f Yakut
Usun Усун m Yakut
Uybaan Уйбаан m Yakut
Yakut form of Ivan.
Uybaanchyk Уйбаанчык m Yakut
Diminutive of Uybaan.
Uygulaan Уйгулаан m Yakut
Variant of Uygun.
Uygulaana Уйгулаана f Yakut
Derived from Yakut уйгу (uygu) meaning "rich".
Uygun Уйгун m Yakut
Means "wealth" in Yakut.
Uyguuna Уйгууна f Yakut
Means "rich, successful," from Yakut уйгу (uygu) meaning "wealth".
Vahılay Баһылай m Yakut
Yakut form of Vasiliy.
Viere Биэрэ f Yakut
Yakut form of Vera 1.
Xomus Хомус f Yakut
Means "reed" in Yakut.