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Meaning & History

Count of the town of Limors in Chrétien’s Erec.

Finding Erec injured and unconscious, apparently dead of too much errant adventuring and Enide about to kill herself in despair, this Count and his men took them both back to his castle of Limors. The Count intended to bury Erec and marry Enide, making her his countess.

This much seems to accord honorably with the customs of the time: so far, the Count’s only fault would appear to lie in acting with so much haste. Not content to allow the new widow any interval for all grieving, he made his chaplain perform the marriage ceremony that same evening, forcing Enide to sit with him on the dais to dine and, when she refused to make merry, actually commencing to strike her.

Enide’s screams awoke Erec, saw the situation, struck down the Count, and escaped with Enide. Less fortunate than Count Galoain – although their relative degrees of guilt could be debated – the Count of Limors was left slain at his table.

The name of the count’s town, Limors (Limours), is given to the nobleman himself in the Welsh Geraint. The Norse Erex Saga calls him Placidus and Tennyson names him Doorm.
Added 9/26/2024 by hermeline