Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the description contains the keywords prince or of or all or men.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Quilaztli f Aztec and Toltec Mythology, Nahuatl
Means "she who creates plants, she who makes vegetables grow" in Nahuatl, from quilitl "edible herbs and vegetables" and the instrumental suffix -huaztli. This was the name of an Aztec creation deity, the patron of midwives, as well as a title or alternative name for the goddess Cihuacōātl... [more]
Quilene f Afrikaans (Rare), Dutch (Rare), English (American, Rare), German (Rare)
Most likely a combination of a name starting with Qui- (such as Quinn and Quirijn) with a name that ends in -lene, such as Helene and Marlene.... [more]
Quílez m Aragonese
Aragonese form of Cyriacus.
Quiliano m Spanish (Archaic)
Spanish form of Cillian, referring to the saint.
Quilina f Spanish (Latin American, Modern, Rare)
Spanish form of Chilina or Kilina (finally going back to Aquilina).
Quilindschy m Obscure
In the case of Dutch soccer player Quilindschy Hartman (2001-), it is a combination of Quirine (the name of his sister) and Lindschy (possibly a Dutch form of Lindsay).
Quilino m Asturian
Truncated form of Aquilino.
Quiliom m Biblical Portuguese
Portuguese form of Chilion.
Quill m & f English
Diminutive of Aquilla.... [more]
Quilla f Inca Mythology (Hispanicized)
Hispanicized form of Killa. In Inca mythology Mama Quilla or Mama Killa was the goddess of the moon, worshipped in particular by women and often represented by a disc made of either gold or silver... [more]
Quillan m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Quillen.
Quille f & m English, African American
Variant of Quill, or a diminutive of Aquila or Shaquille. It may also be transferred use of the surname Quille.
Quillien m Breton (Archaic), French (Archaic)
Breton and French form of Killian, which is no longer in use as a given name today, but it still survives as a patronymic surname (which is most prevalent in Brittany and the rest of northwestern France).
Quillon m American (Rare)
Means "Crossed Swords" in French. Also the name of a town in Chile.
Quima f Catalan
Short form of Joaquima.
Quimburga f Anglo-Saxon (Latinized), Popular Culture
Quimburga is a latinisation of the Anglo-saxon name Cyneburga. Quimburga is the name of a notable cyclone in northern Germany in 1972.
Quincas m Portuguese
Diminutive of Joaquim.
Quincetta f American (Rare), Italian (Rare, Archaic)
Possibly Italian diminutive of Quinzia. This name is also used as English feminine form of Quincy.
Quincho m Spanish
Diminutive of Joaquin.
Quincia f Spanish (Rare), English (American, Rare)
Spanish form of Quintia and (American) English feminization of Quincy.
Quincià m Catalan
Catalan form of Quintianus.
Quinciano m Spanish
Spanish form of Quintianus.
Quíncio m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Quintius.
Quincio m Spanish
Spanish form of Quintius.
Quindolyn f English
Combination of Quinn and Gwendolyn.
Quinella f English (Rare)
A combination of the name ‘Quinn’ with the common suffix -ella.
Quinesha f African American (Rare)
Elaboration of Quin in the style of names such as Quanisha.
Quinidius m History (Ecclesiastical)
Catholic saint, hermit and bishop. He was originally a hermit in the region of Aix in Provence, France, becoming bishop of Vaison in that region.
Quinley m & f American (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Quinley.
Quinlin m & f English (American, Rare)
From an Irish surname which was a variant of Quinlan.
Quinlyn f & m English
Variant spelling of Quinlan.
Quinlynne f English
Feminine form of Quinlan.
Quinnie f & m English
Diminutive of Quinn.
Quinnlyn f English (American, Modern, Rare)
Feminine variant of Quinlan, influenced by Quinn and the popular name suffix lyn.
Quinny m & f English
Diminutive of Quinn.
Quino m Spanish
Diminutive of Joaquín.
Quint m Catalan, Dutch, English, Emilian-Romagnol, French (Rare), German
Catalan, Emilian-Romagnol and French form of Quintus as well as the Dutch, English and German short form of any given name starting with Quint-, such as Quinten and Quintijn (Dutch), Quintus and Quintinus (German) and Quintin (English).... [more]
Quìnta f Emilian-Romagnol
Feminine form of Quint.
Quintana f English (American, Modern, Rare)
Perhaps from Latin quintanus "fifth-ranking", from quintus "fifth" (see Quintus) or a transferred use of the surname. In today's English-speaking world it is sometimes perceived as a feminine form of Quintin or Quentin.... [more]
Quintavia f African American (Rare)
Variant of Quantavia, maybe influenced by Quinn or Quintella.
Quinte f French (Archaic)
French form of Quinta.
Quintelle f English (Rare)
Feminine diminutive of Quintus, using the suffix -elle.
Quintessa f African American (Rare)
Variant of Quintella inspired by the word quintessence, meaning "the fifth element", "aether". According to Medieval science, the quintessence was the material that filled the region of the universe beyond the terrestrial sphere... [more]
Quintessence f English (Rare)
This name comes from the word that can mean "a thing that is the most perfect example of its type" or, in its literal sense, "fifth essence." The word is derived from Middle French quinte essence, which is, ultimately originated from Medieval Latin quinta essentia, a combination of Latin quinta, the feminine equivalent of quintus meaning "five," and essentia meaning "essence."
Quintí m Catalan
Catalan form of Quintinus.
Quintian m English (Rare), German (Rare)
English and German form of Quintianus.
Quintiano m Portuguese (Rare), Spanish (Rare)
Portuguese form of Quintianus and Spanish variant of Quinciano.
Quintianus m Ancient Roman, History
From the Roman cognomen Quintianus (originally written as Quinctianus), which was derived from the Roman nomen gentile Quintius. This was the name of the father and a nephew of the Roman general Tiberius Claudius Pompeianus (2nd century AD), as well as of several Roman Catholic saints.
Quintien m French (Rare)
French form of Quintianus. Not to be confused with Quentin.
Quintienne f French (Archaic)
French form of Quintiana. Also compare the masculine counterpart Quintien.
Quintil m Catalan, Occitan
Catalan and Occitan form of Quintillus.
Quintil m French
French form of Quintilis.
Quintila f Spanish (Rare), Portuguese (Rare)
Spanish and Portuguese form of Quintilla. Also compare the masculine counterpart Quintilo.
Quintili m Catalan
Catalan form of Quintilius.
Quintília f Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Portuguese form of Quintilia. Also compare the masculine counterpart Quintílio.
Quintilià m Catalan
Catalan form of Quintilianus (see Quintilian).
Quintiliano m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Galician
Italian, Spanish, Galician and Portuguese form of Quintilianus (see Quintilian).
Quintilianu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Quintilianus (see Quintilian).
Quintilien m French (Rare), French (Quebec, Rare)
French form of Quintilianus (see Quintilian).
Quintílio m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Quintilius.
Quintilio m Italian, Spanish (Rare)
Italian and Spanish form of Quintilius.
Quintilis m Late Roman
Derived from Latin Quintilis, which was the name of the fifth month in the ancient Roman calendar. The month ultimately derived its name from the Latin ordinal number quintus meaning "fifth" (see Quintus)... [more]
Quintilla f Ancient Roman, Afrikaans (Rare), Dutch (Rare), English (Rare), Italian (Archaic), Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Latin diminutive of Quinta, which thus makes this name the feminine equivalent of Quintillus.
Quintille m French
French form of Quintillus.
Quintillia f English (Rare)
English variant spelling of Quintilia. Also compare Quintilla.
Quintillo m Italian
Italian form of Quintillus.
Quintillu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Quintillus.
Quintilo m Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Quintillus.
Quintine f French (Archaic), French (Quebec, Archaic), Dutch (Rare), English (Rare), French (Belgian, Archaic)
French variant form of Quentine, of which the use has not solely been limited to France: it has been used in other francophone regions in the world (such as Québec in Canada and Wallonia in Belgium) and even in non-francophone countries, such as the Netherlands.... [more]
Quintinià m Catalan
Catalan form of Quintinianus (see also Quintinian).
Quintinian m Late Roman (Anglicized), English (Archaic)
Anglicized form of Quintinianus. This name was borne by a 3rd-century Roman consul or prefect of Sicily, who had the breasts of saint Agatha of Sicily amputated after she refused his romantic advances and held firm to her faith in Jesus Christ.
Quintiniano m Italian (Archaic), Spanish (Archaic)
Italian and Spanish form of Quintinianus (see also Quintinian).
Quintinianus m Late Roman
From the rare Roman agnomen Quintinianus (also found spelled as Quinctinianus), which was derived from the Roman cognomen Quintinus (which was originally spelled as Quinctinus).... [more]
Quintinu m Corsican
Corsican form of Quintinus.
Quintu m Corsican, Sicilian
Corsican and Sicilian form of Quintus.
Quinzia f Italian, Emilian-Romagnol
Italian and Emilian form of Quintia.
Quinziano m Italian
Italian form of Quintianus.
Quinzinho m Portuguese
Diminutive of Joaquim.
Quinzio m Italian
Italian form of Quintius.
Quiolas m Arthurian Cycle
A name appearing in Le Livre d’Artus, a work of Arthurian romance. He wass a Saxon king who, under King Hargadabran, fought Arthur’s forces at the battle of Clarence and was killed by Adragain.
Quiônia f Portuguese
Portuguese form of Chionia.
Quionia f Spanish (Rare)
Spanish form of Chionia.
Quirce m Spanish (Rare)
Spanish variant of Cyriacus.
Quirentia f Obscure
Anna Quirentia Nilsson, better known as Anna Q. Nilsson, was a well-known Swedish-born silent movie actress. She was given her middle name because she was born on March 30, the feast day of Quirinus of Neuss.
Quiriacus m Late Roman, History
Variant of Cyriacus. This was the name of several saints including the three-year-old son of Saint Julitta, a noble widow of Tarsus... [more]
Quiriakus m German
Germanised spelling of Quiriacus.
Quirico m Galician, Italian
Galician and Italian form of Quiricus.
Quiricus m Ancient Roman
Older Roman form of Cyriacus.
Quirien m & f Dutch
Variant spelling of Quirijn or Quirine, depending on the sex of the bearer.
Quirillus m History
Perhaps a form of Cyrillus. It was borne by an obscure saint, one of a group of 35 martyrs executed in northwestern Africa.
Quirinck m East Frisian (Archaic)
Variant of Quirin recorded in the 16th century in East Frisia.
Quirinia f German (Rare)
Feminine form of Quirinius.
Quirinius m Biblical
Roman cognomen of unknown meaning (not to be confused with Quirinus). Publius Sulpicius Quirinius was a Roman governor of Syria when Jesus was born.
Quirinu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Quirinus.
Quiritis f Roman Mythology
Most likely derived from Latin quiritis, the genitive form of quiris, a Sabine word meaning "spear". Quiritis was a Sabine goddess of motherhood, later equated with the goddess Juno.
Quirt m American (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Quirt. In some cases of modern-day usage, it might also be considered a variant of Quiert, itself a variant of Quert.
Quiryn m Medieval Dutch
Medieval Dutch form of Quirinus.
Quirze m Catalan
Catalan form of Quiricus (probably a form of Cyriacus).
Quisara f Theatre
Origin uncertain. This was used for the title character in John Fletcher's play 'The Island Princess' (written ca. 1619-1621): a princess of Tidore (an Islamic state in Indonesia) who vows to marry the man who frees her brother, the king, who has recently been captured by a local rival.
Quiselpoo f Indigenous American
The name of an Akokisa woman, recorded in a mission record (the Akokisa being an extinct Native American tribe in what is now Texas). It has been suggested that the name could mean "full moon woman", in part from Atakapa ki.c "woman".
Quissik m Greenlandic, Inuit Mythology
Means "urinated on" in Greenlandic. Quissik was the name of a shaman, still remembered in local legends, who acquired that name when foxes in human figure urinated on him.
Quissina m Greenlandic
Combination of Quissik and suffix -na.
Quitèira f Occitan, Gascon
Gascon form of Quitterie.
Quitèri f Gascon
Gascon form of Quitterie.
Quitèria f Catalan
Catalan form of Quiteria.
Quitman m English (American)
Transferred use of the suranem Quitman.
Quitong m Filipino
Diminutive of Paquito.
Quitterie f French
French form of Quiteria.
Quivox f History (Ecclesiastical)
Variation of Kennocha, from its variation Kevoca.
Quiyauh m Nahuatl
Means "it has rained", derived from Nahuatl quiyahuitl "rain, rainstorm", the nineteenth day sign of the tonalpohualli.
Qujaaq m Greenlandic
Greenlandic younger form of K’ujâĸ.
Qujaaraq f Greenlandic
Younger form of K'ujâraĸ.
Qujagi m Greenlandic
Greenlandic younger form of K'ujage.
Qujana m Greenlandic
Greenlandic younger form of K'ujana.
Qulam m Azerbaijani
Azerbaijani form of Ghulam.
Qulamhüseyn m Azerbaijani
Azerbaijani form of Gholamhossein.
Qulamrza m Azerbaijani
Combination of Qulam and Rza.
Quliang m Chinese
From the Chinese character 渠 (qu) meaning “canal” and (liang) meaning “bridge; roof beam”.... [more]
Qulitsaq m Greenlandic
Younger form of K'ulitsaĸ.
Quloqutsuk m Greenlandic, Inuit Mythology
Possibly derived from Kwakiutl Indian quetutsa "sparrow". This is the name of a character in one of Greenland's best known myths.
Qulpynai f Kazakh
Variant of Kulpynai.
Qulutannguaq m Greenlandic
Greenlandic name meaning "sweet little snow bunting", the snow bunting being a type of bird (see also Qulutaq).
Qulutaq m Greenlandic
Younger form of K'ulutaĸ.
Qulyndreia f African American (Rare)
Most likely an invented name. This name is borne by Qulyndreia Wallis, the mother of actress Quvenzhané Wallis.
Qunaaq m Greenlandic
Younger form of K'unâĸ.
Quneq f Greenlandic
Younger form of K'uneκ.
Qunerna f & m Greenlandic
Younger form of K'unerna.
Qunguju f Greenlandic
Younger form of K'ungujo.
Qunguleq f Greenlandic
Younger form of K'unguleĸ.
Quniganna f Greenlandic
Younger form of K'unigána.
Quniik f Greenlandic
Younger form of K'unîk.
Quninngi m Greenlandic
Younger form of K'unínge.
Qunyquekya f African American (Rare)
Most likely an invented name. This name is borne by Qunyquekya Wallis, the older sister of actress Quvenzhané Wallis.
Quoc m Vietnamese (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of Quốc.
Quodvultdeus m History (Ecclesiastical)
Means "what God wants" in Latin. This was the name of a 5th-century saint from North Africa who was martyred in the Valerianus persecutions. He was a spiritual student and friend of Saint Augustine of Hippo.
Quorra f Popular Culture, English
Variant of Cora. It is the name of several characters in popular culture, including a protagonist in the films 'TRON' and 'TRON Legacy', and a figure in 'Star Trek'.
Quoyle m Literature
The name of the main character in E. Annie Proulx‘s The Shipping News (1993). The name apparently is based on the English word coil.
Qupaluna f Greenlandic
Greenlandic younger form of K'upaluna.
Qupanuk f Greenlandic
One of the many names in Greenlandic meaning "snow bunting". This is the name of Greenlandic influencer Qupanuk Olsen, better known as 'Q's Greenland'.
Quraisy m Indonesian, Muslim
Possibly derived from the Quraysh tribe. The Quraysh were a powerful merchant tribe that controlled Mecca and its Ka'aba and that according to tradition descended from Ishmael... [more]
Quratulain f Arabic, Pakistani
From Arabic قرة العين, variously transcribed as Qurat-ul-Ain or Qurratu'l-`Ayn, meaning "solace, consolation of the eyes" (sometimes "coolness of the eyes"). This was a title of Fátimih Baraghání, a 19th-century poet and theologian of the Bábí religion in Iran who has been described as "the first women's suffrage martyr".... [more]
Quriaqos m Ancient Aramaic
Aramaic and Assyrian form of Quiricus.
Quriaqos m Indian (Christian), Malayalam
Form of Cyriacus used by Malayalam-speaking Saint Thomas Christians and Syro-Malabar Catholics, via the older form Quiricus.
Qurini m Aymara
Means "having a lot of gold" in Aymara.
Qurrat al-ʿAyn f Arabic, Iranian (?)
Means "solace/consolation to the eyes" in Arabic. This was the title of Fatimah Baraghani, a 19th-century Persian poet, theologian and reformer (compare Táhirih).
Qusoraq m Greenlandic
Younger form of K'usoraĸ.
Qusta m Arabic
Arabic form of Costa.
Qustantin m Arabic
Arabic form of Constantinus (see Constantine). A notable bearer of this name was the Syrian Arab intellectual Qustantin Zariq (1909-2000), who is better known in English as Constantin Zurayk or Zureiq.
Qutlibibi f Uzbek
Derived from qutli meaning "blessed, full of blessings" and bibi meaning "learned woman".
Qutlijamol f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek qutli meaning "blessed, full of blessings" and jamol meaning "beauty".
Qutlu m Georgian (Archaic)
Georgian form of Qutluğ. A notable bearer of this name was the medieval Georgian politician Qutlu Arslan (12th century), who was of Kipchak descent.
Qutlugh f Medieval Mongolian
Etymology uncertain. This was the Mongol personal name of Princess Supreme Jeguk, who was the wife of Chungnyeol of Goryeo.
Quttoraq m Greenlandic
Younger form of K'ugtoraĸ.
Quuik f & m Greenlandic
Younger form of K'ûik.
Quvenzhané f African American (Modern, Rare)
This name was first borne by American actress Quvenzhané Wallis (2003-). It is derived from the initial syllables of her parents' names, Qulyndreia and Venjie, combined with zhané, an altered form of the Swahili word jini meaning "fairy".
Quy f & m Vietnamese
Quy means turtle in Vietnamese... [more]
Quynh f & m Vietnamese (Anglicized, Expatriate)
Variant of Quỳnh used outside of Vietnam.
Quynn f English (Modern)
Feminine variant of Quinn.
Qvarqvare m Georgian (Archaic), Literature
The general consensus is that this name is ultimately derived from the Georgian verb უყვარს (uqvars) meaning "to love", which basically gives the name the meaning of "beloved". Also compare Saqvarela.... [more]
Qvintinus m Swedish (Rare)
Swedish variant of Quintinus.
Qvintus m Swedish (Rare)
Swedish variant of Quintus.
Qween f English (American, Rare)
Variant of Queen. Qween Amor (1988-) is a performance artist who predominantly utilizes public space for her performances.
Qyburn m Literature
Created by author George R. R. Martin for a character in his series "A Song of Ice and Fire" and the television adaptation "Game of Thrones". In the series, Qyburn is a former maester who was expelled from the Citadel for unethical experiments and necromancy.
Raabiya f Arabic
Variant of Rabi'a or Raabi'a.
Raafaali m Greenlandic
Greenlandic younger form of Râvfaile.
Raafael m Finnish
Finnish form of Raphael.
Raajaa m Odia
Odia form of Raja 2.
Raamah m Biblical
Means "exalted" or "thunder". In the Bible, this is a son of Cush.
Raamiah m Biblical
Means "thunder of Yahweh" in Hebrew. This is a minor character in the Bible, a prince who returns from exile in the book of Nehemiah.
Raamla f African American
In the case of American television writer Raamla Mohamed she was named after a little girl who had the same name her mom later added an extra a so her name could be pronounced correctly
Raanu m & f Indian
Raanu was the Agori leader of the Fire Tribe.
Raas m Dutch (Rare)
Modern Dutch form of Raes.
Raav f Russian
Russian form of Rahab.
Raavi f Indian, Hindi, Hinduism, Kannada, Telugu
Name: Raavi / Raawi रावी... [more]
Raba f German (Archaic)
Possibly a feminine version of Rabe.
Rabadan m Dargin
Dargin form of Ramadan. Another source suggests that it is derived from Arabic رب (rabb) meaning "master, lord, king" and Persian دانا (dana) meaning "wise, learned".
Rabadash m Literature
The ambitious crown prince of Calormen in 'The Horse and His Boy' by C.S. Lewis.
Rabán m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Raban.
Rábano m Galician, Portuguese
Galician and Portuguese form of Raban via it's Latinized form Rabanus.
Rabano m Italian, Spanish, Sardinian, Esperanto
Italian, Spanish, Sardinian, and Esperanto form of Raban via it's Latinized form Rabanus.
Rabastan m Literature
Invented variant of Rastaban. This is the name of Rabastan Lestrange, a character in the "Harry Potter" series written by J.K. Rowling.
Rabbe m Finland Swedish, Swedish (Rare)
Either a German diminutive of Raban or a Swedish diminutive of Rafael.... [more]
Rabbin m Scots (Archaic)
Scots form of Robin.
Rabbiya f Pakistani (Rare)
Variant transcription of Rabi'a.
Rabe m East Frisian (Archaic)
A short form of Radbod. It coincides in spelling and pronunciation with modern German word Rabe "raven".
Rabea m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic ربيع (see Rabi 1).
Rabeah f Arabic (Rare)
Variant transcription of Rabi'a.
Rabêcca f Guernésiais
Guernésiais form of Rebecca.
Rabege f Medieval English
Meaning uncertain. This was used in the south of England in the latter half of the 16th century.
Rabekkah f English (Rare)
A spelling of Rebecca which seems to have been used in the 1600s and 1700s, and was apparently revived in the late 1990s.
Rabert m Scots
Scots form of Robert.
Rabeya f Bengali
Bengali form of Rabi'a or Raabi'a.
Rabgais m Ladakhi
Ladakhi form of Rabgay.
Rabgye m & f Tibetan, Bhutanese
Alternate transcription of Tibetan རབ་རྒྱས (see Rabgay).
Rabiah f English (Rare), Pakistani (Rare)
Variant transcription of Rabi'a which has also seen some usage in the English-speaking world.
Rabiat f Chechen, Ingush
Chechen and Ingush form of Rabi'a.
Rabie m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic ربيع (see Rabi 1).
Räbiğä f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Raabi'a.
Rabii m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic ربيع (see Rabi 1) chiefly used in Northern Africa.
Rabija f Bosnian (Rare)
Bosnian form of Rabi'a.
Rabije f Albanian
Albanian form of Rabia.
Rabindranath m Bengali
Bengali form of Ravindranath. A notable bearer was Bengali poet Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941).
Rabiyat f Dagestani, Avar, Lezgin, Lak
Dagestani form of Rabi'a.
Rabiye f Turkish
Turkish form of Rabia.
Rabmag m Biblical
Rabmag is the name of two figures in the Bible.
Rabuno f Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (rabu) meaning "love, affection" combined with 乃 (no), a possessive particle. Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
Raburi f Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (rabu) meaning "love, affection" combined with 璃 (ri) meaning "glassy" or 莉 (ri) meaning "white jasmine" or 里 (ri) meaning "village". ... [more]
Rabyga f Turkmen
Turkmen form of Raabi'a.
Raca f Indian (Christian), Malayalam
Malayalam form of Rebecca, borrowed from Portuguese Rebeca. Used by Malayalam-speaking Saint Thomas Christians.
Rəcəb m Azerbaijani
Azerbaijani form of Rajab.
Racer m English (Rare)
Late Old English, from Old Norse rás ‘current.’ It was originally a northern English word with the sense ‘rapid forward movement,’ which gave rise to the senses ‘contest of speed’ (early 16th century) and ‘channel, path’ (i.e., the space traversed)... [more]
Rach f English
Diminutive of Rachel.
Racha m Lao
Lao form of Raja 2.
Rachaell f English
Variant spelling of Rachel.
Rachal f English
Variant of Rachel.
Rachamim m Hebrew
Rachamim, Hebrew word for "mercy", which derives from the Hebrew word for womb, (rechem). Also means "compassionate".... [more]
Rachanee f Thai
Alternate transcription of Ratchani.
Râché f Jèrriais, Guernésiais
Jèrriais and Guernésiais form of Rachel.
Raché f Guernésiais
Guernésiais form of Rachel.
Rached m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Maghrebi transcription of Rashid (chiefly Tunisian).
Ráchel f Czech, Slovak, Hungarian
Czech, Slovak and Hungarian form of Rachel.
Rachela f Italian (Rare), Polish (Rare), Dutch (Rare), Afrikaans (Rare)
Italian variant of Rachele, Polish form of Rachel as well as a Latinate form of Rachel.
Rachelė f Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Rachel.
Racheltjie f Afrikaans
Diminutive of Rachel.
Rachide m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Maghrebi variant of Rashid.
Rachie f English
Diminutive of Rachel.
Rachil f Greek, Judeo-Greek
Modern Greek form of Rachel via Biblical Greek Rhachel.
Rachit m Indian
Creation or to create. Language of origin: Hindi. Place of origin: India
Rachman m Indonesian
Indonesian form of Rahman.
Rachnild f Dutch
Dutch form of Old Norse Ragnhild. ... [more]
Rachouane m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Variant of Arabic رشوان (Rashwan) influenced by French orthography (chiefly Tunisian).