Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the description contains the keywords prince or of or all or men.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Ridon m English (Rare)
Anglo-Saxon in origin. It is a product of their having lived in Roydon, places found in Essex and Norfolk. The place-name Roydon is derived from the Old English elements rygen, which means "rye", and dun, which means "hill"... [more]
Ridorfo m Ligurian
Ligurian form of Rudolph.
Ridouane m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Maghrebi variant of Ridwan (chiefly Moroccan).
Riduan m Indonesian, Malay
Indonesian and Malay form of Ridwan.
Riduwan m Indonesian
Indonesian form of Ridwan.
Ridvan m Albanian
Albanian form of Rıdvan.
Ridza m Malay
Malay form of Ridha.
Ridzuan m Malay
Malay form of Ridwan.
Ridzuwan m Malay
Malay form of Ridwan.
Ridzwan m Malay
Malay form of Ridwan.
Rie f Dutch, Danish, Limburgish
Dutch, Danish and Limburgish short form of Maria and Marie.
Riece m & f American (Rare)
Variant of Reese/Rhys.
Riedel m Minahasan
Transferred use of the surname Riedel as a given name. In Minahasa, this name is used in honor of Johann Friedrich Riedel (1798–1860), a German missionary who brought Christianity to the local people, alongside with Johann Gottlieb Schwarz.
Riefge f Medieval Jewish, Yiddish (Archaic)
Late medieval German-Yiddish variant of Rifka.
Rieg m Breton
Variant of Riok.
Riek f Dutch
Dutch short form of Henrika, Frederiek and Marieke.
Rieke f German, Dutch
Short form of feminine names that contain the Germanic element rih meaning "ruler, king" (such as Friederike and Henrike and their variant forms and spellings).
Rieke f Dutch
Diminutive of Rie, as it contains the Dutch diminutive suffix -ke.... [more]
Rieko f Japanese
This name combines 理 (ri, kotowari) meaning "arrangement, justice, logic, reason, truth", 利 (ri, ki.ku) meaning "advantage, benefit, profit" or 里 (ri, sato) meaning "league, parent's home, ri (unit of distance - equal to 3.927 km), village" & 恵 (e, kei, megu.mi) meaning "blessing, favour, grace, kindness", 絵 (e, kai) meaning "drawing, painting, picture, sketch" or 江 (kou, e) meaning "bay, creek, inlet" with 子 (shi, su, tsu, ko) meaning "child, sign of the rat."... [more]
Rieko m Dutch (Rare), Frisian (Rare), German (Rare)
Probably a Low German diminutive of Hendrik.
Riel m & f Various
Transferred from the French surname Riel or a short form of names ending in -riel, especially Ariel (See also Rielle/Riella).
Rielle f English (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
Short form of names ending in -rielle.
Rielley f & m English (Rare)
Variant of Reilly and Riley.
Rielly m & f English (Rare), Brazilian (Rare)
Variant of Reilly. In Brazil, it's used as a short form of names ending in -rielly, especially Gabrielly.
Riem f & m West Frisian
Mostly feminine form of Rieme.
Rieme f & m West Frisian
West Frisian short form of names that have Germanic hrôthi Anglo-Frisian hreth- "glory, fame" as a first element, such as Rodmar and Rotburg.
Riemer m West Frisian
Strictly masculine form of Rieme.
Riemke f West Frisian
Feminine diminutive form of Riem or Rieme.
Rieneke f & m Dutch
When borne by a female person, this name is a good example of how one can turn a very masculine name (Rien 1) into a feminine name by simply adding the diminutive suffix -ke to the original name... [more]
Rienna f English (Australian)
Possibly a modern Australian form of Adriana and short for Adrienna.
Riënne f Dutch (Rare)
Possibly a feminine form of either Rien 1 or Rien 2.
Riera f Catalan (Rare)
Means "torrent" in Catalan, taken from the Catalan title of the Virgin Mary, Mare de Déu de la Riera, meaning "Mother of God of the Torrent," venerated at the hermitage in the Baix Camp municipality of Les Borges del Camp.
Riese f & m American (Modern, Rare)
Transferred use of the (originally German) surname Riese.
Riet f Dutch, Limburgish
Dutch and Limburgish short form of Marietje and Margriet.
Riet m Romansh
Variant of Riget, traditionally found in the Engadine valley and in central Grisons.
Rietje f German, Dutch
Short form of Marietje.
Rieto f Provençal
Short form of Enrieto.
Riëtte f Dutch
Short form of Henriëtte.
Riette f Afrikaans
Variant of Riëtte.
Rieuwerd m Dutch
Dutch form of Radward.
Rieuwert m West Frisian
Modern Frisian form of Redward.
Rif m Bashkir, Tatar
Either derived from Arabic رِيف (rīf) meaning "country, countryside" or a Bashkir and Tatar form of the name Arif.
Rif m & f Dutch (Rare)
The meaning of this rare but predominantly masculine name is a bit uncertain.... [more]
Riff m & f Hebrew (Modern, Rare)
Short form of Rifka, Rivka or Rafael.
Riff m & f Popular Culture, Dutch (Modern, Rare)
In popular culture, this name is best known for being the name of one of the main characters of the 1957 Broadway musical West Side Story, namely the leader of a gang called the Jets. His name might possibly be derived from the English noun riff, which refers to a repeated instrumental melody line in a song.... [more]
Riff m Medieval German
Short form of Riffert. Also compare Riffo and Rifo, which are both early medieval diminutives of Ricfrid.
Riffca f Judeo-French
Judeo-French cognate of Rifka.
Riffert m Medieval German
Medieval German form of Ricfrid.
Rifke m West Frisian (Archaic)
Frisian diminutive of a masculine Germanic given name, which was likely Riffert or a variant of Rieuwert (such as Rivert and Riwert).
Rifke f Dutch (Rare)
Dutch variant form of Rifka as well as a variant spelling of Rivke, both of which have the same etymological origin.
Rifkele f Yiddish
Diminutive of Rifka. Used frequently in Ruth Minsky Sender's novel "The Cage."
Rifoel m Yiddish
Yiddish form of Raphael.
Rifqa f Judeo-Arabic, Arabic
Arabic form and Judeo-Arabic transcription of Rivqah.
Rifqät m Bashkir
Bashkir form of Rifat.
Rig m Swedish
Short form of names containing the name element RIK or a Swedish form of Rex.
Rigard m Manx
Manx form of Richard.
Rigdzin m & f Tibetan
Alternate transcription of Tibetan རིག་འཛིན (see Rigzin).
Riggs m English
Transferred use of the surname Riggs.
Righetta f Romansh (Archaic)
Feminine form of Righet.
Rigin m Old Irish
Old Irish form of Rhain, used by a king of the bilingual kingdom of Dyfed with his Irish-speaking subjects.
Rigina f Greek
Greek form of Regina.
Riginos m Greek (Cypriot)
This is the name of the patron saint of the Greek island of Skopelos. According to tradition, he was a 4th-century bishop who was tortured to death.
Rigley m & f American
Transferred use of the surname Rigley (See also Rigby, Ridley and Ripley).
Rigmár f Old Danish
Old Danish form of Ricmot. The last element of the name has later sometimes been associated with Old Danish már "girl, virgin".
Rignomer m Germanic, History
Variant of either Ragnomar or Ricomer (see Ricmar). Rignomer of Le Mans was a brother of Ragnachar, a 5th-century king of Cambrai (France).
Rigo m Asturian
Diminutive of Rodrigo.
Rigobert m Germanic, History (Ecclesiastical)
Form of Ricbert. Saint Rigobert (died 743) was a Benedictine monk and later abbot at Orbais who subsequently succeeded Saint Rieul as bishop of Reims in 698.
Rigoberta f Spanish (Rare), Italian (Rare)
Feminine form of Rigoberto. A famous bearer is the Guatemalan human rights activist Rigoberta Menchú (1959-).
Rigoberte f French (Rare)
Feminine form of Rigobert.
Rigoberto m Spanish
Spanish form of Rigobert.
Rigoletto m Romani
From the title of the Versi opera 'Rigoletto'.
Rigotto m Medieval Italian
Short form of Amerigotto, Arrigotto and other pet forms that end in -rigotto.
Rigoulos m Greek
Modern Greek spelling of Regoulos, which is the ancient Greek and late Greek form of Regulus.
Rígr m Norse Mythology
A Norse god, described as "old and wise, mighty and strong", fathers the classes of mankind. The prose introduction of Rígsþula (or Rígsmál) states that Rígr is another name for Heimdall, who is also called the father of mankind in Völuspá.
Riguccio m Medieval Italian
Short form of Ameriguccio, Arriguccio and other pet forms that end in -riguccio.
Rigunth f Germanic (Latinized), History
Variant of Rigundis via the spelling Rigunthis. This name was borne by a daughter of the 6th century Neustrian king Chilperic I.
Rigzen m & f Ladakhi
Ladakhi form of Rigzin.
Rigzin m & f Tibetan, Bhutanese, Ladakhi
From Tibetan རིག་འཛིན (rig-dzin) meaning "holder of knowledge", derived from རིག (rig) meaning "knowledge, awareness" and འཛིན (dzin) meaning "to hold, to bear".
Rihan f Armenian
Armenian form of Reyhan.
Riħanna f Maltese
Variant form of Rihanna, or from the Maltese riħan meaning "myrtle".
Rihannon f English (British, Rare)
Variant of Rhiannon influenced by the spelling of the famous singer: Rihanna.
Rihárd m Hungarian
Variant of Richárd, meaning "brave ruler".
Riharda f Slovene
Feminine form of Rihard.
Rihito m Japanese
From Japanese 俐 (ri) meaning "clever", 凛 (ri) meaning "dignified, severe, cold", 凜 (ri) meaning "cold, strict, severe", 利 (ri) meaning "profit, advantage, benefit", 吏 (ri) meaning "officer, an official", 李 (ri) meaning "plum", 梨 (ri) meaning "pear", 理 (ri) meaning "reason, logic", 璃 (ri) meaning "glassy, lapis lazuli", 莉 (ri) meaning "jasmine" or 陸 (ri) meaning "land", 飛 (hi) meaning "fly", 光 (hi) meaning "light", 比 (hi) meaning "compare, race, ratio, Philippines", 緋 (hi) meaning "scarlet, cardinal", 陽 (hi) meaning "light, sun, male" or 火 (hi) meaning "fire" combined with 人 (hito, to) meaning "person", 仁 (hito) meaning "humanity, virtue, benevolence, charity, man, kernel", 士 (hito) meaning "gentleman, scholar, samurai", 翔 (hito) meaning "soar, fly", 斗 (to), which refers to a Chinese constellation, 瞳 (hito) meaning "pupil (of eye)", 史 (hito) meaning "history", 都 (to) meaning "metropolis, capital, all, everything" or 秀 (hito) meaning "excel, excellence, beauty, surpass"... [more]
Rihmeek m Obscure
Possibly an anglicized spelling of an Arabic given name. Rihmeek is the middle name of Meek Mill born Robert Rihmeek Williams.
Riho m Estonian
Originally a short form of Richard, now used as a given name in its own right.
Riho f Japanese
From Japanese 利 (ri) meaning "profit, advantage, benefit", 李 (ri) meaning "plum", 梨 (ri) meaning "pear", 理 (ri) meaning "logic, arrangement, reason, justice, truth", 璃 (ri) meaning "glassy, lapis lazuli", 里 (ri) meaning "village", 麗 (ri) meaning "lovely, beautiful, graceful, resplendent", 六 (ri) meaning "six", 凛 (ri) meaning "dignified, severe, cold", 澪 (ri) meaning "water route, shipping channel", 莉 (ri) meaning "jasmine" or 凜 (ri) meaning "cold, strict, severe" combined with 帆 (ho) meaning "sail", 歩 (ho) meaning "walk", 穂 (ho) meaning "ear of grain", 畝 (ho) meaning "furrow, thirty tsubo, ridge, rib", 芳 (ho) meaning "perfume, balmy, favorable, fragrant", 星 (ho) meaning "star", 萌 (ho) meaning "bud, sprout", 保 (ho) meaning "protect, guarantee, keep, preserve, sustain, support" or 秀 (ho) meaning "excellent, outstanding"... [more]
Rihttá f Sami
Variant of Riittá.
Rihuryu m Quechua
Quechua form of Gregory.
Аrihva f Chuvash
Chuvash form of Arifa.
Riia f Finnish
A Finnish variant spelling of Ria. Finnish name day July 2.
Riichi m Japanese
From Japanese 理 (ri) "reason, logic" or 利 (ri) meaning "profit, advantage, benefit" combined with 一 (ichi) meaning "one"... [more]
Riichirō m Japanese
From Japanese 理 (ri) "reason, logic" combined with 一 (ichi) meaning "one" and 郎 () "son"... [more]
Riichirou m Japanese
Variant transcription of Riichiro.
Riidá f Sami
Variant of Riittá.
Riiga f Sami
Sami form of Rika.
Riigu m Sami
Sami form of Reko.
Riikki f Greenlandic
Greenlandic younger form of Rike.
Riiko m Finnish (Rare)
Possibly a Finnish diminutive of Rikhard.
Riine f Estonian
Variant of Riina.
Riinki m Greenlandic
Variant of Rinke.
Riinu f Estonian
Variant of Riina.
Riita f Finnish
Variant form of Riitta. Hasn't been used for several years, due to its meaning of "fight" or "row" in Finnish.
Riita f Greenlandic
Greenlandic younger form of Rîta.
Riiti m Finnish
Finnish short form of names containing the name element FRID "love, peace".
Riittá f Sami
Sami form of Riitta.
Riivo m Estonian
Of uncertain origin and meaning.
Rijá m Sami
Northern Sami form of Andreas.
Rijad m Bosnian
Bosnian form of Riad.
Rijada f Bosnian
Bosnian feminine form of Riad.
Rijckwijn m Medieval Dutch
Variant spelling of Ryckwyn.
Rijk m Dutch
Dutch form of Rik or a short form of Rijkert.
Rijkert m Dutch
Dutch form of Richard.
Rijklof m Dutch
Dutch form of Riculf (also compare Roelof for the -lof ending). The name is perhaps best known because of Rijcklof van Goens (Rijcklof is an archaic spelling), a 17th-century Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies.
Rijkwijn m Dutch (Archaic)
Archaic Dutch form of Ricwin via the medieval Rijckwijn. This name was mostly seen in the 18th and 19th centuries.
Rijnhard m Dutch (Rare)
Dutch cognate of Reinhard.
Rijvi f Indian
Name - Rijvi ऋज्वी... [more]
Rikaartti m Finnish
Finnish variant of Rikard.
Rikako f Japanese
From Japanese 里 (ri) meaning "village", 花 (ka) meaning "flower" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.... [more]
Rikano f Japanese
From Japanese 凛 (ri) meaning "dignified, severe, cold", 花 (ka) meaning "flower" combined with 乃 (no), a possessive particle. Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
Rikárd m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Richard.
Rikarda f Hungarian
Feminine form of Richárd.
Rikardo m Croatian
Croatian variant spelling of Ricardo.
Rikardo m Basque (Rare)
Basque form of Ricardo.
Rikardu m Quechua
Quechua form of Richard.
Rikarðr m Old Norse
Old Norse form of Richard.
Ríkarður m Icelandic
Icelandic modern form of Rikarðr.
Rike f Greenlandic
Greenlandic short form of Rikîna.
Riken m West Frisian
Frisian form of Ricwin.
Rikeneu m Medieval Breton
An Old Breton name, composed of ri "king" + ceneuan "boy".
Riker m English (Modern)
Pet form of Richard, possibly Dutch. William Riker was a character in Star Trek: The Next Generation. Riker's Island is New York City's largest jail, named after Abraham Rycken.... [more]
Rikesh m Indian
"One who is capable of converting all his desires in to reality."... [more]
Rikharð m Icelandic
Icelandic variant of Ríkharður.
Ríkharður m Icelandic
Icelandic younger form of Rikarðr.
Riki m Finnish
Derived from Riku which is derived from Richard, it's a somewhat rare Finnish name, only a fraction of Finnish people have this name.
Riki m & f Japanese
As a unisex name, it can be used as 理希, 里希, 利希, 莉樹, 里生 or 莉希 with 理 (ri, kotowari) meaning "arrangement, justice, logic, reason, truth", 里 (ri, sato) meaning "league, parent's home, ri (unit of distance - equal to 3.927 km), village", 利 (ri, ki.ku) meaning "advantage, benefit, profit", 莉 (rai, ri, rei) meaning "jasmine", 希 (ki, ke, mare) meaning "beg, beseech, few, Greece, hope, phenomenal, pray, rare, request", 樹 (ju, ki) meaning "timber trees, wood" and 生 (shou, sei, i.kiru, u.mare, o.u, ki) meaning "birth, genuine, life."... [more]
Riki f Hebrew
Diminutive of Rivka
Rikica f Bosnian (Archaic)
Diminutive of Rika.
Rikilda f Medieval English
Medieval English variant of Richild.
Rikimaru m Japanese
This name is used as 力丸 with 力 (rii, riki, ryoku, chikara) meaning "bear up, exert, power, strain, strength, strong" and 丸 (gan, maru, maru.i, maru.meru) meaning "curl up, explain away, full, make round, month, perfection, pills, roll up, round, seduce."... [more]
Rikîna f Greenlandic
Greenlandic form of Regina.
Rikinosuke m Japanese
This name combines 力 (rii, riki, ryoku, chikara) meaning "bear up, exert, power, strain, strength, strong" and 之 (shi, oite, kono, kore, no, yuku) meaning "of, this" with 助 (jo, suke, tasu.keru) meaning "assist, help, rescue," 介 (kai, suke) meaning "concern oneself with, jammed in, mediate, shellfish", 輔 (fu, ho, tasu.keru, suke) meaning "help" or 典 (ten, den, suke) meaning "ceremony, code, law, rule."... [more]
Rikishi m Japanese (Rare)
Combination of 力 (ryoku, riki, rii, chikara) meaning "strength, power," and a shi kanji, like 士 meaning "samurai" or 志 meaning "will, aim, goal."... [more]
Rikissa f Old Swedish
Old Swedish variant of Richiza.
Rikiwo m & f Japanese
A variant form of Rikio.
Rikiya m Japanese
This name combines 力 (rii, riki, ryoku, chikara) meaning "bear up, exert, power, strain, strength, strong" with 也 (e, ya, ka, nari, mata) meaning "to be (archaic form)", 哉 (sai, kana, ya) meaning "alas, how, question mark, what", 弥 (bi, mi, amaneshi, iya, iyoiyo, tooi, hisa.shii, ya, meaning "all the more, increasingly", 矢 (shi, ya) meaning "arrow, dart" or 耶 (ja, ya, ka) meaning "question mark."
Rikka f Japanese
From Japanese 梨 (ri) meaning "pear", 律 (ri) meaning "rhythm, law, regulation, gauge, control", 立 (ri) meaning "stand up, rise, set up, erect" or 六 (ri) meaning "six" combined with 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance", 夏 (ka) meaning "summer" or 花 (ka) or 華 (ka) both meaning "flower"... [more]
Rikkar m Sami
Sami form of Rikard.
Rikke f Japanese
Variant of rikka
Riklef m East Frisian, North Frisian
East Frisian and/or North Frisian form of Ryklef.
Rikmod f Old High German
Old High German variant of Ricmot.
Rikmoth f Old High German
Old High German variant form of Ricmot.
Rikmut f Old High German
Old High German variant form of Ricmot.
Riko m Estonian
Estonian form of Rick.
Rikomita f Japanese
A Japanese name made of the characters "ri" meaning white jasmine, "ko" meaning child, "mi" meaning beautiful, and "ta" meaning thick.
Riksa f Dutch (Archaic)
Variant of Rixa and Rikse.
Rikst f West Frisian, Dutch (Rare)
West Frisian short form of Ricswind and Richild.
Rikuro m Japanese
Variant transcription of Rikurou.
Ríkví f Old Norse
Old Norse combination of ríkr "mighty", "distinguished", "rich" and "home", "temple", "sanctuary".
Rikvidh m Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Ríkviðr.
Rikwin m Dutch
Modern variant spelling of Rickwin - in other words, one could say that this is the modern Dutch form of Ricwin.
Rilana f Popular Culture, German (Modern, Rare)
Rilana is the name of the female protagonist in the French-German TV series 'Arpad le Tzigane/Arpad der Zigeuner' ("Arpad the Gypsy").... [more]
Rilary f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Rhyming variant of Hilary.
Rilee f & m English
Variant of Riley.
Rileyann f English (Modern, Rare)
Combination of Riley and Ann, used as a feminine given name.
Rilian m Literature
The name of the Prince in C. S. Lewis' 'The Silver Chair'. He is Caspian X's son, his mother is a star, known as Lilliandil.
Rilinda f Albanian
Feminine form of Rilind.
Rilley m & f English (Rare)
Variant of Riley and Reilly.
Rillie f English (American)
Diminutive of Aurelia or Amarilla (variant of Amaryllis). Also compare Rilla.
Rim f & m West Frisian
Variant spelling of Riem.
Rima f Arabic, Indonesian
Variant of Rim.
Rima f Japanese
From Japanese 利 (ri) meaning "benefit; advantage" combined with 麻 (ma) meaning "flax". Other combinations of kanji characters are also possible.
Rima f Lithuanian
Short form of names beginning with Rim-, like Rimtautė and Rimgailė.
Rimael m Medieval Breton
Derived from Old Breton ri meaning "king" combined with Old Breton mael meaning "lord" or "prince" (ultimately from Proto-Celtic *maglos meaning "noble, chief").
Rimanelli f Obscure
Borne by Rimanelli 'Rima' Mellal (1989-), a participant in the ninth season of the American reality television series Bad Girls Club (2012). By some accounts, she was born in Algeria.
Rimantė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Rimantas.
Rimdaugas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is derived from the Lithuanian verb rimti meaning "to calm down, to quieten". It is related to the Lithuanian adjective ramus meaning "calm, quiet, peaceful" (see Ramūnas) and the Lithuanian noun ramybė meaning "tranquility, peace, quiet"... [more]
Rimdaugė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Rimdaugas.
Rime f & m West Frisian
Variant spelling of Rieme.
Rime f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Maghrebi form of Rima.
Rimer m West Frisian
Variant spelling of Riemer.
Rimgailas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is derived from the Lithuanian verb rimti meaning "to calm down, to quieten". It is related to the Lithuanian adjective ramus meaning "calm, quiet, peaceful" (see Ramūnas) and the Lithuanian noun ramybė meaning "tranquility, peace, quiet"... [more]
Rimgailė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Rimgailas.
Rimgaudas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is derived from the Lithuanian verb rimti meaning "to calm down, to quieten". It is related to the Lithuanian adjective ramus meaning "calm, quiet, peaceful" (see Ramūnas) and the Lithuanian noun ramybė meaning "tranquility, peace, quiet"... [more]
Rimgaudė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Rimgaudas.
Rimgirdas m Lithuanian (Rare)
The first element of this name is derived from the Lithuanian verb rimti meaning "to calm down, to quieten". It is related to the Lithuanian adjective ramus meaning "calm, quiet, peaceful" (see Ramūnas) and the Lithuanian noun ramybė meaning "tranquility, peace, quiet"... [more]
Rimiggiu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Remigius (see Rémy).
Rimke f & m West Frisian
Variant of Rim, where the diminutive suffix ke has been added to the name.
Rimma f Russian
The name of a Slavic (male) saint, which was Ριμμᾶς (Rimmas) in the original Greek, the etymology of which is uncertain. In modern times this is used as a Russian feminine name and is sometimes associated with Рим (Rim) "Rome", the Russian name for the Italian city.
Rimme m West Frisian
Strictly masculine form of Rieme.
Rimmert m West Frisian
This West Frisian name is a form of Reinbert or a variant of Rimmer.
Rimmon m & f Biblical, Hebrew
Means "pomegranate" in Hebrew. It occurs in the Old Testament belonging to "a man of the tribe of Benjamin at the time of King Saul" as well as two places and a Syrian deity (allegedly known as Ramanu "the Thunderer" in Assyrian).
Rimon f & m Hebrew
Variant of Rimmon. Biblical place name (Joshua 19:13).
Rimona f Hebrew (Rare)
Feminine form of Rimon.
Rimonit f Hebrew (Modern), Jewish (Modern)
Feminine version of the Hebrew word 'rimon', traditionally meaning pomegranate, used as a feminine name most common in Israel. Pomegranates have a special religious significance in Jewish tradition - they symbolise righteousness, fruitfulness, knowledge, learning, and wisdom... [more]
Rimtautas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is derived from the Lithuanian verb rimti meaning "to calm down, to quieten". It is related to the Lithuanian adjective ramus meaning "calm, quiet, peaceful" (see Ramūnas) and the Lithuanian noun ramybė meaning "tranquility, peace, quiet"... [more]
Rimtautė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Rimtautas.
Rimush m Akkadian
Meaning unknown. A noted bearer is Rimush, an Akkadian king (c.2280 BCE), the second king of the Akkadian empire, son of King Sargon of Akkad and Queen Tashlultum, brother of Manishtushu, and uncle of Naram-Sin.
Rimvaldas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is derived from the Lithuanian verb rimti meaning "to calm down, to quieten". It is related to the Lithuanian adjective ramus meaning "calm, quiet, peaceful" (see Ramūnas) and the Lithuanian noun ramybė meaning "tranquility, peace, quiet"... [more]
Rimvaldė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Rimvaldas.
Rimvilas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is derived from the Lithuanian verb rimti meaning "to calm down, to quieten". It is related to the Lithuanian adjective ramus meaning "calm, quiet, peaceful" (see Ramūnas) and the Lithuanian noun ramybė meaning "tranquility, peace, quiet"... [more]
Rimvilė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Rimvilas.
Rimvydas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is derived from the Lithuanian verb rimti meaning "to calm down, to quieten". It is related to the Lithuanian adjective ramus meaning "calm, quiet, peaceful" (see Ramūnas) and the Lithuanian noun ramybė meaning "tranquility, peace, quiet"... [more]
Rimvydė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Rimvydas.
Rín f Icelandic
Icelandic form of Rina.
Rina f Romansh
Truncated form of Catrina and Chatrina.
Rina f Irish (Anglicized, Rare)
Anglicized form of Ríona.
Rina f Greek
Diminutive of Irini.
Rinako f Japanese
From Japanese 璃 (ri) meaning "glassy, lapis lazuli", 奈 (na) meaning "apple tree" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.... [more]
Rinald m Albanian
Albanian form of Rinaldo.
Rinalda f Italian (Rare), Dutch (Rare), Albanian (Rare)
Italian feminine form of Rinaldo and Dutch variant form of Reinalda.
Rinalde f Scots (Archaic), Medieval Scottish
Scots form of Raghnaid via the variant Raonaild.
Rinalduccio m Medieval Italian
Medieval Italian diminutive of Rinaldo, as -uccio is an Italian masculine diminutive suffix.
Rinan m English
Rinan is of Old English origin. The meaning is 'born during a period of rain'.
Rinardu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Rinaldo.
Rinata f Corsican (Rare, Archaic)
Corsican variant of Renata.
Rinatu m Corsican
Corsican form of Renatus.
Rinawati f Indonesian
Combination of the name Rina and the feminine suffix -wati.
Rincewind m Literature
A wizard from some of Sir Terry Pratchett's books, including 'The Colour of Magic'. According to Pratchett, he took Rincewind's name from 'Churm Rincewind', an imaginary person referred to in early 'Beachcomber' columns from the Daily Express.
Rinchin m & f Tibetan, Buryat, Mongolian
Tibetan alternate transcription of Rinchen as well as the Buryat and Mongolian form. In Buryatia it is solely used as a masculine name.
Rinchinbal m Medieval Mongolian
From Tibetan rin chen meaning ''precious, valuable, dear'' and dpal meaning ''glory, splendor''.... [more]
Rind f Norwegian, Swedish
Norwegian and Swedish form of Vrindr.
Rinda f Popular Culture, English, Norse Mythology
Short form of names ending in -rinda (Florinda, Lorinda, etc.).... [more]
Rindr f Old Norse, Norse Mythology
Variant of Vrindr. In Norse mythology Rindr is a giantess, the mother of Odin's son Váli.
Rindy f English (American, Rare)
Diminutive of Marinda, Clarinda, Dorinda and other names containing a similar sound... [more]
Rine f Dutch
Variant form of Rina 1.
Rinea f Japanese
From Japanese 里 (ri) meaning "village", 音 (ne) meaning "sound" combined with 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia". Other kanji combinations are possible. ... [more]
Rineke f Dutch
Diminutive form of Rine.
Ring m English
Short for Ringgold, a Welsh surname meaning “cliff, steep bank”.... [more]
Ringala f Romanian
Romanian form of Rimgailė. Not used as a given name.
Ringan m Scots
Scots variant of Ninian.
Ringborg f & m Swedish (Rare)
Combination of Swedish ring "ring" and borg "fortification, castle".
Ringhild f Swedish (Rare)
Swedish name with the combination of hringr "ring" and hildr "battle, fight". It might have been influenced by Inghild and Ragnhild.
Ringo m & f English, Japanese
Transferred use of the surname Ringo. A famous bearer of this name was Beatles drummer Richard Starkey (1940), who was nicknamed Ringo due to the many rings he would wear... [more]
Ringvor f Swedish (Rare)
Early 20th century combination of Swedish ring "circle, ring (piece of jewelry)" and Old Norse vǫr "vigilant, cautious" (compare Ingvor and Ragnvor).
Ringware f Medieval English
Variation of Hringwaru used in the Medieval English times.
Ringzin m & f Tibetan, Ladakhi
Alternate transcription of Tibetan རིག་འཛིན (see Rigzin).
Rini m Dutch (Rare)
Diminutive of Marinus.
Rin'ichi m Japanese
From Japanese 凛 (rin) meaning "dignified, severe, cold" combined with 一 (ichi) meaning "one". Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
Rinie f Dutch, Limburgish
Diminutive form of Rina 1.
Riniero m Italian
Italian variant of Rainer.
Rinieru m Corsican
Corsican form of Riniero.
Rinin m English
Variant of Rinan.
Rinio f Greek
Diminutive of Irini.
Rinjirou m Japanese
From Japanese 林 (rin) meaning "woods" or 鱗 (rin) meaning "scale of a fish", 次 (ji) meaning "next, secondary", 治 (ji) meaning "govern, regulate, administer" or 二 (ji) meaning "two" combined with 郎 (rou) meaning "son"... [more]
Rink m Old Danish, Greenlandic
Old Danish and Greenlandic form of Rinkr.
Rinka f Japanese
From Japanese 李 (rin) meaning "plum", 梨 (rin) meaning "pear", 厘 (rin) meaning "rin, 1/10 sen, 1/10 bu", 林 (rin) meaning "grove, forest", 麟 (rin) meaning "Chinese unicorn, genius, giraffe, bright, shining", 鈴 (rin) meaning "bell", 凛 (rin) meaning "dignified, severe, cold", 稟 (rin) meaning "salary in rice" or 凜 (rin) meaning "cold, strict, severe" combined with 果 (ka) meaning "fruit, reward, carry out, achieve, complete, end, finish, succeed", 花 (ka) or 華 (ka) both meaning "flower", 楓 (ka) meaning "maple", 火 (ka) meaning "fire", 佳 (ka) meaning "excellent, beautiful, good, pleasing, skilled", 馨 (ka) meaning "fragrant, balmy, favourable", 夏 (ka) meaning "summer", 架 (ka) meaning "erect, frame, mount, support, shelf, construct", 歌 (ka) meaning "song, sing", 魁 (ka) meaning "charging ahead of others", 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance", 風 (ka) meaning "wind, air, style, manner", 蘭 (ka) meaning "orchid", 伽 (ka) meaning "nursing, attending, entertainer", 嘉 (ka) meaning "applaud, praise, esteem, happy, auspicious", 霞 (ka) meaning "be hazy, grow dim, blurred", 月 (ka) meaning "moon" or 奏 (ka) meaning "play music, speak to a ruler, complete"... [more]
Rinkai m Japanese (Rare)
Combination of Rin and Kai. This name is extremely rare.
Rinke m & f West Frisian, East Frisian, North Frisian
Masculine and feminine form of Rinne, with the diminutive suffix ke included.
Rinke m Greenlandic
Greenlandic form of Rinkr.
Rinku m Japanese (Modern)
This name combines 凛 (rin, kibishi.i) meaning "cold" with 空 (kuu, a.ku, a.keru, kara, su.ku, sora, muna.shii, ku) meaning "empty, sky, vacant, vacuum, void," 久 (kyuu, ku, hisa.shii) meaning "long time, old story," 玖 (kyuu, ku) meaning "beautiful black jewel, nine (used in legal documents)" or 来 (tai, rai,, meaning "become, cause, come, due, next."... [more]
Rinne m West Frisian
Frisian form of Rein.
Rinner m West Frisian
Frisian short form of Reinier or Rinnert.
Rinnert m West Frisian
Frisian form of Reinhard.
Rinno f Japanese
From Japanese 琳 (rin) meaning "beautiful jade, gem" combined with 乃 (no), a possessive particle. Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
Rinoa f English, Popular Culture, Japanese
A main character in the videogame Final Fantasy VIII. The name is believed to either be a variation of the Irish ríoghan meaning "queen," or the Japanese translation of Lenore.
Rinon f & m Japanese
From Japanese 光 (ri) meaning "light", 凛 (rin, ri) meaning "dignified, severe, cold", 凜 (rin) meaning "cold, strict, severe", 利 (ri) meaning "profit, advantage, benefit", 吏 (ri) meaning "officer, an official", 咲 (ri) meaning "blossom", 哩 (ri) meaning "mile", 奏 (ri) meaning "play music, speak to a ruler, complete", 月 (ri) meaning "moon", 望 (rin) meaning "ambition, full moon, hope, desire, aspire to, expect", 李 (ri) meaning "plum", 栞 (ri) meaning "bookmark, guidebook", 梨 (ri) meaning "pear", 浬 (ri) meaning "knot, nautical mile", 涼 (ri) meaning "cool, refreshing", 理 (ri) meaning "reason, logic", 琳 (rin) meaning "jewel, tinkling of jewelry", 瑠 (ri) meaning "lapis lazuli", 璃 (ri) meaning "glassy, lapis lazuli", 羽 (ri) meaning "feathers", 莉 (ri) meaning "jasmine", 裡 (ri) meaning "reverse, inside, palm, sole, rear, lining, wrong side", 里 (ri) meaning "village" or 鈴 (rin) meaning "bell" combined with 音 (non, on) meaning "sound", 暖 (non) meaning "warmth", 響 (on) meaning "echo, sound", 季 (non) meaning "seasons", 姫 (on) meaning "princess", 乃 (non), a possessive particle, 夢 (non) meaning "dream", 望 (on) meaning "ambition, full moon, hope, desire, aspire to, expect" or 希 (non) meaning "hope, rare"... [more]