AanorfBreton Variant of Azenor. Folk etymology likes to associate this name with Eléonore due to confusing the variant Aenor with the possibly Germanic name Aenor borne by the mother of Eleanor of Aquitaine (see Eleanor for further information).
AbaturmJudeo-Christian-Islamic Legend, Near Eastern Mythology, Arabic (Archaic) Means literally, "father of the Uthre" in Mandaean, which translates roughly to "father of the angels," derived from aba "father" combined with uthra ('utria) "angel". In the Mandaean Gnostic cosmology, Abatur is "the third of four emanations from the supreme, unknowable deity", and the father of Ptahil, the Mandaean demiurge.
Abd al-BasirmArabic Means "slave of the wise" in Arabic, from عبد ('abd) meaning "servant, slave" and البصير (al-basir) meaning "the wise"
Abd al-GhaffarmArabic Means "servant of the all-forgiver" from Arabic عبد ال ('abd al) meaning "servant of the" and غفار (ghaffar) meaning "forgiver, pardoner".
Abd al-GhafurmArabic Means "servant of the ever-forgiving" from Arabic عبد ال ('abd al) meaning "servant of the" and غفور (ghafur) meaning "forgiving, merciful".
Abd al-JabbarmArabic Means "servant of the almighty" from Arabic عبد (ʿabd) meaning "servant" combined with جبار (jabbār) meaning "almighty, powerful".
Abd al-MusawwirmArabic Means "slave of the fashioner" from عبد ('abd) meaning "slave, servant" and مصوّر (musawwir) meaning "the fashioner, the shaper"
Abd al-QaharmArabic Means "servant of the vanquisher" from Arabic عبد ال ('abd al) meaning "servant of the" and قهار (qahhar) meaning "vanquisher, subduer, conqueror".
Abd al-zahirmArabic, Pashto Means "slave of the helper" from عبد ('abd) meaning "slave, servant" and الظاهر (al-zahir) meaning "helper, support"
Abd an-NasirmArabic Means "servant of the helper" from Arabic عبد (ʿabd) meaning "servant" combined with ناصر (nāṣir) meaning "helper".
Abd an-NurmArabic Means "servant of the light" from Arabic عبد (ʿabd) meaning "servant" combined with نور (nūr) meaning "light".
AbenámarmLiterature Abenámar is the main character of El romance de Abenámar anonimously written and set in 1431. Abenámar is either King Yusuf IV (Abenalmao) himself or one of his courtiers. The poem is a dialogue between Abenámar and King John II of Castille, who wishes for complete possession of Granada (that occurs only in 1492).
Aberf & mAlur Means "I'm better" or "I'm good" in Alur language.
AbgarmAncient Aramaic Abgar was the name of several kings of Edessa (today: Şanlıurfa, Turkey).... [more]
AbiezermBiblical Means "my father is help" in Hebrew. It belonged to three men in the Old Testament–the second son of Hammoleketh, a warrior in King David's army, and the prince of the tribe of Dan.
AbigormJudeo-Christian-Islamic Legend In Christian demonology, this was an upper demon ("great duke") of hell. Allegedly Abigor (also known as Eligor and Eligos) was the demon of war, in command of 60 legions, portrayed riding a winged or skeletal steed... [more]
AbirmHebrew Means "strong, mighty" in Hebrew (compare Adir), derived from the root of אבר (ʿabar) "to strive upward, mount, soar, fly" (allegedly the name also means "aroma"; cf... [more]
AbirmIndian, Bengali From Hindi अबीर (abīr) referring to a type of coloured powder used during the Holi festival. The word itself is ultimately derived from Arabic عَبِير (ʿabīr) meaning "scent, perfume".
AblayarmUzbek (Archaic) Meaning uncertain. It looks like this is a compound name, of which the first element is probably either 'Abla or Ablay... [more]
AbubakirmKazakh Derived from Arabic أَبُو (ʾabū) meaning "father (of)" combined with بكير (bakir) possibly meaning "learner, student" or بَكَرَ (bakara) meaning "to get up early" (figuratively meaning "early ripened" or "quickly learned").
Abu DharrmArabic Means "father of Dharr" in Arabic. Abu Dharr al-Ghifari was a companion of the Prophet Muhammad and one of the first people to convert to Islam. His name was a tekonym referring to his daughter, Dharr.
Acamarm & fAstronomy Derived from Arabic Ākhir an-nahr, meaning "end of the river". This is the traditional name of the star Theta Eridani in the constellation Eridanus.
Acarf & mTurkish Means "fearless" or "clever" in Turkish.
AchernarmAstronomy Derived from Arabic ākhir an-nahr, meaning "the end of the river". This is the name of the brightest star in the constellation Eridanus.
AchiezermHebrew, Biblical Hebrew Hebrew form of Ahiezer. A known bearer of this name is Achiezer 'Achi' Brandt (1938-), an Israeli mathematician.
ActormGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Greek Ἄκτωρ (Aktor), which is derived from Greek ἄκτωρ (aktōr) meaning "leader", which in turn is ultimately derived from Greek ἄγω (agō) meaning "to lead"... [more]
AdalgarmGermanic The first element of this Germanic name is derived from Old High German adal "noble". The second element is derived from Gothic gairu (gêr in Old High German) "spear", or from garva (garo in Old High German, and gearu in Anglo-Saxon) "ready, prepared."
AdamastormLiterature, Portuguese (Rare) Derived from Greek ἀδάμαστος (adamastos) meaning "untamed" or "untameable" (also see Adamastos). The giant Adamastor is a personification of the Cape of Good Hope in the 16th-century Portuguese poet Luís de Camões' epic work Os Lusíadas (The Lusiads)... [more]
AdamirmBosnian (Rare) Meaning uncertain. A known bearer of this name is the Bosnian politician Adamir Jerković (b. 1958).
Adarf & mHebrew Variant of Adara ("noble, exalted, praised"). Adar features in the Jewish calendar as the name of the twelfth month of the biblical year and the sixth month of the civil year, when Purim is celebrated ('thus girls born during this period often bear the name Adara').
AdarmKurdish Means "the month of March" in Kurdish.
AdjutormHistory (Ecclesiastical) Means "helper" in Latin. Adjutor is the patron saint of swimmers, boaters, and drowning victims, as well as of Vernon, France.
ÆilæifrmOld Norse Combination of Old Norse einn "one, alone" and leifr "descendent" or ǣvi "life" and leifr "descendent", as well as a variant of Øylæifr.
AenarmLiterature Created by author George R. R. Martin for a character in his series "A Song of Ice and Fire". In the series, Aenar Targaryen is an ancestor of the Targaryen monarchs in Westeros.
ÆvarmIcelandic Modern Icelandic form of Ævarr or Ǣvarr, an Old Norse name in which the first element derived from ǣvi meaning "eternity, time, life" (compare Aiva, from the Gothic cognate); the second element may have been herr "army" or geirr "spear".
AfkarrmOld Norse Old Norse byname, from Old Norse afkárr meaning "strange", "prodigious".
ÁfríðrfOld Norse Old Norse name with uncertain meaning. The first element Á- is possibly from either Old Norse áss "god", or *az "fear, terror, point, edge", or from *anu "ancestor". The second element is fríðr "beautiful, beloved"... [more]
AğalarmAzerbaijani Means "lords, masters" in Azerbaijani, from the plural form of ağa.
AgamestormAncient Greek Derived from Greek ἄγαν (agan) meaning "very, much" and μήστωρ (mestor) meaning "counsellor, advisor".
AganormArthurian Cycle A knight in the service of King Mordrain, ruler of the Arabain kingdom of Sarras. When Mordrain left his land to seek Joseph of Arimathea in Britain, he bequeathed his kingdom to Aganor.
AgathanormAncient Greek Means "good man", derived from the Greek adjective ἀγαθός (agathos) meaning "good" combined with the Greek noun ἀνήρ (aner) meaning "man".
Agborm & fJagham, Kenyang Means "he/she has fallen" in Jagham and Kenyang, spoken in Nigeria and Cameroon. It derives from the Jagham root gbɔ̌ meaning "to fall" maybe referred to God's blessings falling from above.
AgermBasque Derived from the nickname of Basque writer Balentin Aurre-Apraiz (Valentín Aurre Apraiz in Spanish), who was also known as Agerrekoa. His nickname was likely derived from the name of the farmstead where he grew up, Mendieta-Agerre.
AgirmKurdish Derived from Kurdish adir meaning "flame".
AglanormAncient Greek Derived from the Greek adjective ἀγλαός (aglaos) meaning "splendid, shining, bright" (see Aglaos) combined with the Greek noun ἀνήρ (aner) meaning "man".
AgurmBiblical Means "stranger" or "gathered together" in Hebrew. In the Bible, he is a son of Jakeh and a contributor to Proverbs.
AiglanormAncient Greek Derived from the Greek noun αἴγλη (aigle) meaning "light (of the sun or moon)" as well as "radiance" and "glory" (see Aegle) combined with the Greek noun ἀνήρ (aner) meaning "man".
Ainarm & fKazakh As a masculine name, it means "male moon" and is derived from Kazakh ай (ay) meaning "moon" combined with Persian نر (nar) meaning "male, masculine" while as a feminine name, it means "fire moon" or "pomegranate moon" from Kazakh ай (ay) meaning "moon" combined with Arabic نَار (nār) meaning "fire, flame, light" or Persian نار (nâr) meaning "pomegranate" (or also, "fire"; see Ainara).
AjarmKurdish Derived from Kurdish ajda meaning "sprout, shoot".
AjatarfFinnish Mythology Possibly from Finnish ajaa, menaing "to pursue", and the ending -tar, translates to "female pursuer". She is an evil, female spirit in Finnish Mythology. She lives in the woods on the Pohjola Mountains.
AjhrmKalmyk From the Kalmyk ажрЬ (ajr) meaning "stallion".
AladfarfAstronomy Derived from Arabic al-’uz̧fur, meaning "the talons of the swooping eagle". This is the traditional name of the star Eta Lyrae in the constellation Lyra.