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Meaning & History

Aerandir is a Sindarin word for 'Sea Wanderer'.

Aerandir's kindred and birthdate are unspecified, but it is assumed that he lived in Arvernien, in the Havens of Sirion.

When Eärendil was resolved to sail to Aman to plead for Valar's help, Aerandir went with him, as did Falathar and Erellont. When they reached the shores of the Blessed Realm, he and the others remained aboard while Eärendil sought the Valar. After Eärendil's embassy was complete, Eönwë, herald of Manwë, came to Aerandir and the others and set them upon another ship. Manwë then sent a great wind to blow them east back to Middle-earth.

His fate afterwards is unknown.
Added 9/5/2024 by hermeline