RarmianmEnglish (Australian, Rare) Meaning unknown. The best (and only) known bearer of this name is the Australian actor Rarmian Newton (b. 1993), who at the moment is best known for playing the young Danny Warren in the short-lived 2016 American drama series "The Family".
Raroengm & fThai Means "cheerful, happy, delighted" in Thai.
RasalasmAstronomy The name Rasalas is the name of a star in the constellation Leo. The name comes from the Arabic phrase "Ras Elased Borealis", which translates to "northern part of Leo's head".
RashwanmArabic (Egyptian), Arabic, Kurdish Variant of Kurdish ڕەشوان (Reşwan) meaning "The Blacks"; a Kurdish tribe, native to the western frontier of Kurdistan. The name Reşwan is a compound of the Kurdish words reş (transl. black) and the plural form -ân... [more]
RasminefDanish (Rare), Norwegian (Archaic) Danish and Norwegian feminine form of Rasmus. However, in Denmark, Rasmine has been used as a term for domineering, despotic, tyrannical, bossy women.
RasuolėfLithuanian Literally means "little dew", derived from the Lithuanian noun rasa meaning "dew" combined with the feminine diminutive suffix -(u)olė. As such, one could consider this name to be a diminutive of the name Rasa.
RasydanmMalay Came from the 18th century. Rasydan was a King from the Malayan land. He was a good looking king with a perfect body.
RataxesmLiterature Rataxes is the king of the Rhinoceroses in the Babar books.
Ratbathf & mRathbathian Rats originated in Southeast Asia about 12 million years ago12. They were larger and more adaptable than their relatives and soon spread across Eurasia and Africa. Some of the earliest rat fossils have been found in China, India, Pakistan, Thailand, Indonesia, and Turkey1.
Raushanf & mKazakh, Indian, Hindi, Bengali Kazakh and Bengali form of Roshan as well as a Hindi variant. This coincides with the Kazakh word for "rose", which is also derived from Persian روشن (roshan)... [more]
RavanuifTahitian Means "great brown (brunette)"; from Tahitian rava meaning "brown, dark, black" and nui meaning "great, immense".
RazhdenmGeorgian The meaning of the first element of this compound name is uncertain. It might possibly have been derived from Middle Persian rōz meaning "day". As for the second element, that is derived from Middle Persian dēn meaning "religion"... [more]
RéaltánfIrish (Modern, Rare) Extremely rare (and supposedly newly coined) name meaning "little star" in Irish, from the Irish word réalta, meaning "star", with a diminutive suffix (-án).
RéaltínfIrish (Modern) From Irish réalt, réalta meaning "star" paired with ín, a diminutive. This is a modern Irish name.
RedimirmMedieval Slavic The first element of this archaic name is derived from Proto-Slavic rědъkъ "rare, sparse". Compare modern Russian redkij or redkiy, Croatian rijedak and Polish rzadki, all of which mean "rare, scarce, uncommon"... [more]
RedmonafEnglish (American, Rare) Feminization of Redmon. This was the original middle name of the American author and poet Jessie Redmon Fauset (1882-1961). She had it changed to Redmon later in life.
RedoshifAfro-American (Slavery-era) Of uncertain origin. This was the name of the last known survivor of the Transatlantic slave trade, a woman from present-day Benin in West Africa who was kidnapped at about age 12, sold to American slavers and taken to Alabama in 1860... [more]
RedversmEnglish (Rare) Transferred use of the surname Redvers, originally largely given in honor of Sir Redvers Buller (1839-1908), the general responsible for the "Relief of Ladysmith", which was considered a huge victory for the British, during the Second Boer War.
RedwaldmMedieval English Derives from Old English name Rædwald with ræd meaning "counsel" and weald meaning "power". Redwald was a seventh century king of East Anglia, an Anglo-Saxon kingdom which included the present-day English counties of Norfolk and Suffolk.
RefrainfEnglish (Archaic), English (Puritan) From the English word refrain meaning "restrain, repress", which ultimately derives from Latin refrenare "bridle, hold in with a bit". This was one of the rarer virtue names adopted by the Puritans, akin to the more popular Temperance.
Refugiom & fSpanish (Mexican) Means "refuge, shelter" in Spanish. As a feminine name, it is often part of the compound name María del Refugio, from the Spanish title of the Virgin Mary Nuestra Señora del Refugio (de los Pecadores) meaning "Our Lady, Refuge (of Sinners)".
ReginaefAfrican American (Modern) Elaboration of Regina using the popular phonetic element nay. This name was used by American rapper Lil Wayne for his daughter born 1998 (possibly after his stepfather, Reginald).
Rejoycef & mEnglish (Puritan) Unaware of the puritanical history of the name, modern users tend to consider it an alternate spelling of Rejoice influenced by the name Joyce.
RelindefGerman (Rare) Shortened form of a German name with the name elements REGIN "advice" and LIND "linden tree, lime; shield (made of lime wood); gentle, soft".
Renewedf & mEnglish (Puritan, Anglicized) Referring to being "born again." See also Renata, the Latinized form originally used by Puritans before switching to the Anglicized variant.