PhilyrafGreek Mythology Means "lime tree, linden tree" in Greek. In Greek mythology Philyra was one of the 3,000 Oceanids, water nymph daughters of the Titans Oceanus and Tethys... [more]
PhilyrefGreek Mythology Epic and Ionic Greek form of Philyra. In Greek mythology, Philyre or Philyra was an Oceanid nymph and mother of Chiron.
PhimratfThai From Thai พิมพ์ (phim) meaning "type, print" and รัตน์ (rat) meaning "gem, jewel".
PhlegonmAncient Greek, Greek Mythology, Biblical, Biblical Greek, Biblical Latin Essentially means "burning, aflame, inflamed, fiery", since it is derived from the Greek verb φλέγω (phlego) meaning "to burn (up), to inflame". A known bearer of this name was Phlegon of Tralles (2nd century AD), a Greek writer and freedman of the Roman emperor Hadrian.... [more]
PhocionmHistory Most likely derived from Greek φώκη (phoke), meaning "seal", referring to the animal. This name was borne by an Athenian politician who was also known as a subject of one of Plutarch's Parallel Lives.
PholienmFrench (Belgian) Variant of Feuillen via Pholian, itself an older Gallicization of Foillan. This name is borne by Pholien Systermans, a Belgian swimmer who gained the Belgian 100m freestyle record in 2009.
PhorkysmGreek Mythology Meaning uncertain. In Greek mythology, Phorkys was an old man ruling over the sea; later he was described as a god of the hidden dangers of the deep, a brother of Nereus, and was depicted as a kind of merman.
PhutielmBiblical, Biblical Latin Form of Putiel used in the Douay-Rheims Bible (1582-1610), the Clementine Vulgate (1592) and the Nova Vulgata ("Neo-Vulgate", 1979). The latter two are respectively the former and current official Bible of the Roman Catholic Church.
Phuvangm & fLao From Lao ພູ (phou) meaning "mountain" and ວັງ (vang) meaning "palace" or "protect, encircle".
PhyleusmGreek Mythology Probably derived from Greek φυλή (phylē) meaning "tribe, clan, race, people". However, compare Phyllis and also Greek φυλάσσω (phylassō) meaning "to keep watch, to guard"... [more]
PhyllonmObscure From Greek φύλλον (phyllon) "leaf", perhaps intended to be a masculine form of Phyllis. This name was used by Dutch model Doutzen Kroes for her son born 2011.
PiccolomPopular Culture From the name of the musical instrument, meaning "small" in Italian. This was the name of one of the characters in the anime franchise Dragon Ball made by Akira Toriyama.
PidenḫifHurrian Mythology Means "she of Piten". This was a Hurrian epithet for the goddess Shalash, referring to her cult center in Piten (also written as Bitin).
Pidgeonm & fEnglish (American, Modern, Rare) Archaic form of pigeon, a bird, inherited from Middle English pygeoun, borrowed from Old French pyjon, inherited from Late Latin pīpiōnem “chirping bird”, derived from Latin pīpiāre “chirp”... [more]
PiechnafMedieval Polish This is either a medieval Polish vernacular form of Bella, being derived from piekna "beautiful", or a medieval Polish contraction of Petronela... [more]
Piʻilanim & fHawaiian Means "rising sky" or "to ascend to heaven," from piʻi meaning "climb, ascend, advance, mount, rise" and lani meaning "sky, heaven, heavenly, spiritual, royal, exalted, noble, aristocratic."... [more]
PildashmBiblical Of uncertain Hebrew etymology. In the Bible, Pildash was the sixth son of Nahor and Milcah (Genesis 22:22).
PileriafItalian (Rare) Taken from the title of the Virgin Mary Maria Santissima del Pilerio whose name is derived from the Calabrian dialect word pileri (pilastro in Standard Italian) "pillar" (compare Spanish Pilar).
PileriomItalian Possibly from Calabrian pilíeri, meaning "pillar", referring to Our Lady of the Pillar, one of the titles given to Mary, or from Ancient Greek πυλωρός ("gatekeeper, guardian").
PimentafJudeo-Anglo-Norman Derived from Norman piment "spice; (figuratively) spice (vigour); balm", ultimately from Old French piment or pimenc "balsam; fragrant spice".
PinikirfNear Eastern Mythology, Elamite Mythology This was the name of the most important goddess in Elamite religion. It is uncertain what the meaning of her name was in the Elamite language. Pinikir started out as the mother-goddess (in which capacity she was also the goddess of love and fertility), making her rank above all Elamite gods - even the male ones... [more]
PioneermEnglish From early 16th century (as a military term denoting a member of the infantry) from French pionnier ‘foot soldier, pioneer’, Old French paonier, from paon, from Latin pedo, pedon-.
PirimzefGeorgian Basically means "sun-faced" in Georgian. It is derived from the Georgian noun პირი (piri) meaning "face" as well as "mouth" (see Okropir) combined with the Georgian noun მზე (mze) meaning "sun" (see Mzia).... [more]
PiscinemLiterature Pi's full name (from 'Life of Pi') is Piscine Molitor Patel and it means "swimming pool" in French.
PisenormGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Peisenor. This is the name of several characters in Greek mythology, one of which is one of the many suitors of Penelope.
PitirimmRussian Russian form of the late Greek masculine name Pithyrion, which is possibly derived from Greek πίτυρον (pituron) or (pityron) meaning "husks of corn, bran" - which itself is derived from Greek πίτυρα (pitura) or (pityra) meaning "bran"... [more]
PiyotonfNahuatl Possibly means "little chicken", from Nahuatl piyo, "chicken" (borrowed from the Spanish onomatopoeia pío), and the diminutive suffix -ton.
PlataiafGreek Mythology Derived from Greek πλατύς (platys) meaning "broad, wide, flat". This was the name of a daughter of the river god Asopus and nymph Metope, after whom an eponymous city-state in Boeotia was supposedly named.
PlatedafLithuanian This name was on my grandfather's death certificate listed as his Mother. I cannot seem to find it.
PleiadafGreek Mythology From the Greek word Πλειάδες "pleiades", which were the seven daughters of Atlas and Pleione and companions to Artemis.
PlenirafRussian, Literature Name invented by Gavriil Romanovich Derzhavin (1743 - 1816), one of the most highly esteemed Russian poet. It is derived from Russian verb пленить (plenit') meaning "to captivate", "to charm"... [more]
PlestiafArabic (Mashriqi, Rare) Borne by Palestinian journalist Plestia Alaqad (2001-), whose father named her after one of the first tribes that lived in Palestine.
Pleuniem & fDutch, Limburgish In Limburgish, Pleunie is a diminutive form of Pleun (a pet form of Apollonia) and is thus strictly used on females. It is different in Dutch, however, where Pleunie used on a female is a good example of how one can turn a very masculine name (Pleun) into a feminine name by simply adding the diminutive suffix ie to the original name... [more]
Pleunism & fMedieval Dutch, Medieval Flemish, Dutch (Rare) Medieval short form of Apollonius, which is still in use today (albeit rarely). In more recent times, the name has also been used as a short form of Apollonia for women, but very rarely so, especially when compared to the more traditional feminine forms Pleunie and Pleuntje.
PlutinafAmerican (South, Archaic) Probably an invented name, used primarily in the Southern United States in the 19th century. Plutina Cox is the heroine of Waldron Baily's novel 'The Heart of the Blue Ridge' (1915), set in Wilkes County, North Carolina.
PodrickmPopular Culture Podrick Payne, frequently called Pod, is the squire of Tyrion Lannister (from the "Song of Ice and Fire" series of books by George R. R. Martin).
PoeherefTahitian Means "pearl of love"; a combination of Tahitian poe "pearl" and here "love".
PoeranifTahitian Means "heavenly pearl" or "divine pearl"; a combination of Tahitian poe meaning "pearl" and rani, which is derived from Tuamotuan rangi meaning "heaven".
PoeravafTahitian Means "black pearl"; a combination of Tahitian poe meaning "pearl" and rava meaning "black".
Polarisf & mAstronomy, Popular Culture, English (Modern, Rare) Derived from Latin stella polaris, meaning "pole star". This is the proper Latin name of the brightest star in the constellation Ursa Minor, commonly called the North Star or Pole Star. It is borne by a character (real name Lorna Dane) in Marvel's X-Men line of comics, created in 1968.
PolgarafLiterature The name of a sorceress in the Belgeriad series of books by David and Leigh Eddings.... [more]
PoliʻahufPolynesian Mythology The name of Hawaiian snow goddess and enemy of Pele. Her name is derived from poli meaning "bosom" and 'ahu meaning "garment, clothed".
PolianafPortuguese (Brazilian) Brazilian Portuguese adoption of Pollyanna. The name features prominently in the telenovela As Aventuras de Poliana (2018 - 2020), which is based on Eleanor H. Porter's classic children's novel Pollyanna (1913).
PomposafSpanish (Mexican, Rare) Derived from the Late Latin adjective pomposus meaning "stately, dignified, pompous". Saint Pomposa was a 9th-century martyr, a nun who was beheaded by Moors in Córdoba, Spain.
PontiacmIndigenous American Pontiac or Obwaandi'eyaag was an Odawa war chief known for his role in the war named for him, from 1763 to 1766 leading Native Americans in an armed struggle against the British in the Great Lakes region due to, among other reasons, dissatisfaction with British policies.... [more]
PontianmEnglish English form of Pontianus. This name was borne by a pope from the 3rd century AD.
Pontidam & fGreek (Rare) Son of Pontos, from the Greek suffix -idas, meaning "son of". Alternatively, this name could be in reference to the Italian commune of Pontida. While most commonly used as a surname, there have been instances in which it has been used as a first name.