RöschenfGerman (Rare) German diminutive of Rosa 1 and other feminine names that start with Ros- (such as Rosalie), as it has the German diminutive suffix -chen... [more]
RosciusmAncient Roman From a Roman nomen gentile, which was derived from Latin ros "dew" via roscidus "dewy, wet". This name was borne by several ancient Romans, one of them being an ancient Roman actor named Quintus Roscius Gallus.
RosebudfEnglish (Rare), Popular Culture Name of Rosebud Denovo, street activist, and Rosebud the Basselope, a character in the comic strip Bloom County.
RoselilfDanish (Rare) Possibly a combination of Danish rose meaning "rose" and lilje meaning "lily" or lille meaning "little". Roselil og hendes moder (Roselil and Her Mother) is a Danish song by Christian Knud Frederik Molbech (1821-1888)... [more]
RosennafHebrew Hebrew origin meaning “rose of grace”.
Rose RedfFolklore English translation of German Rosenrot. This name was featured on the German fairy tale Snow-White and Rose-Red by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm.
RosslynfEnglish (Rare) Either a variant of Roslyn or, in more recent times, an adoption of the name of Rosslyn Chapel in the Scottish village of Roslin which became famous overnight thanks to the publication of Holy Blood, Holy Grail by Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln in 1982 (and again two decades later when it featured in Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code (2003)).... [more]
RotbaldmGermanic Derived from the Germanic element hrôthi "fame" combined with Old High German bald "bold, brave."
RotbernmGermanic Derived from the Germanic element hrôthi "fame" combined with Proto-Germanic beran or bernu "bear" (bero and bern in Old High German).
RotburgfGermanic The first element of this name is derived from the Germanic element hrôthi "fame." The second element is derived from Gothic bairgan (bergan in Old High German) "to keep, to save, to preserve", or from Old High German burg "fortress."
RotfridmGermanic Derived from the Germanic element hrôthi "fame" combined with Old High German fridu "peace."
RotgangmGermanic Derived from the Germanic element hrôthi "fame" combined with gang "path."
RotgardfGermanic The first element of this name is derived from the Germanic element hrôthi "fame." The second element is derived from gardan "to hedge in, to enclose, to fence in" or from Gothic gards "house, garden, (court)yard."
RotgastmGermanic Derived from the Germanic element hrôthi "fame" combined with Gothic gasts (gast in Old High German) "guest, stranger."
RotgildfGermanic Derived from the Germanic element hrôthi "fame" combined with Gothic gild "sacrifice."
RotgrimmGermanic Derived from the Germanic element hrôthi "fame" combined with Old Norse grîma "mask."
RothardmGermanic Derived from the Germanic element hrôthi "fame" combined with Gothic hardus (hart in Old High German) "brave, hardy."
RotharimLombardic Variant of Rothar. This name was borne by a 7th-century Lombard king of the house of Arodus.
RotmundmGermanic Derived from the Germanic element hrôthi "fame" combined with Old High German mund "protection."
RotrudefGermanic, History Variant spelling of Rotrud. Rotrude of Treves was the first wife of Charles Martel, a Frankish king from the Carolingian dynasty.
RotwardmGermanic Derived from the Germanic element hrôthi "fame" combined with Old High German wart "guard."
RougnedmSouth American (Rare) In the case of Venezuelan baseball player Rougned Odor, his first name is a combination of his grandfather's name, Douglas, and his grandmother's name, Nedia; in keeping with the family custom of giving boys names that begin with the letter "R", the "D" in Douglas was changed to an "R", yielding Rougned.
RouichimJapanese From Japanese 朗 (rou) meaning "bright, clear" combined with 一 (ichi) meaning "one". Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
RozhinafKurdish, Iranian Rozhina is a Kurdish/Iranian name and means = first morning light, first day, morning dawn, clear morning, purity and brightness, mother sun, like day ... [more]
RsholinmNivkh (Archaic) Traditional Nivkh name of unknown meaning. Because most Nivkhs adopted Russian names in the 20th century, it is no longer used in the modern-day.
RuatapumMaori Ruatapu tried to kill his half brother, Kahutia-te-rangi (who assumed the name Paikea) and drove him out, forcing him to survive by riding humpback whales to present day New Zealand
RubinasmLithuanian (Rare) Derived from the Lithuanian noun rubinas meaning "ruby" (as in, the gemstone). Also compare the similar-looking name Rubenas.
RubiselmSpanish (Mexican) Hispanic name that, like Elián, is originally a combination of the parents' names. In this case, it is Rubén combined with probably Gisela.
RuchikafHinduism Ruchika means Shinning or Beautiful, is of Indian origin.
Ruchiraf & mThai, Sinhalese, Indian, Bengali, Hindi From Sanskrit रुचिर (rucira) meaning "brilliant, radiant, agreeable, splendid". It is used as a feminine name in Thailand and India while it is unisex in Sri Lanka.
RudabehfPersian Mythology, Persian From Persian رود (rōd) meaning "river, torrent" and آب (āb) meaning "water". In the Persian epic the Shahnameh Rudabeh was the mother of the hero Rostam and the wife of Zal.
RudamunmAncient Egyptian From Egyptian rwḏ-jmn meaning "Amun is strong" or "Amun succeeds", derived from rwḏ "firm strong, enduring" or "prosper, succeed, prevail" combined with the name of the god Amun.
RudranifHinduism, Indian (Rare) Means "wife of Rudra" in Sanskrit. This is the name of the consort of Rudra, a Vedic deity who is considered an incarnation of Shiva in contemporary Hinduism... [more]
RuhamahfBiblical Means "loved, pitied" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament, the prophet Hosea originally names his daughter Lo-Ruhamah meaning "not loved" or "has not obtained compassion", as a sign of God's displeasure with the Jews for following other gods; later, in Hosea 2:23, she is redeemed and renamed Ruhamah.
RuhsorafUzbek (Rare), Tajik (Rare) Means "pink-cheeked" from Persian رخ (rux) meaning "cheek, face" combined with صورتی (surati) meaning "pink". It could also be derived from Persian روح (ruh) meaning "spirit, soul, essence" combined with سارا (sara) meaning "clean, pure".
RuilingfChinese From the Chinese 瑞 (ruì) meaning "felicitous omen, auspicious" and 玲 (líng) meaning "tinkling of jade".
RuimengfChinese From the Chinese 蕊 (ruǐ) meaning "unopened flowers, flower buds" and 萌 (méng) meaning "bud, sprout".
RuinuanfChinese From the Chinese 睿 (ruì) meaning "shrewd, astute, clever" and 暖 (nuǎn) meaning "warm, genial".
Ruipingf & mChinese From Chinese 瑞 (ruì) meaning "felicitous omen, auspicious" or 锐 (ruì) meaning "sharp, keen" combined with 萍 (píng) meaning "to wander, to travel around" or 平 (píng) meaning "level, even, peaceful"... [more]
RuirongfChinese From the Chinese 睿 (ruì) meaning "shrewd, astute, clever" or 瑞 (ruì) meaning "felicitous omen, auspicious" and 榕 (róng) meaning "banyan tree".
RuitiaofChinese From the Chinese 睿 (ruì) meaning "shrewd, astute, clever" and 窕 (tiǎo) meaning "slender, quiet and modest, charming".
RuitingfChinese From the Chinese 蕊 (ruǐ) meaning "unopened flowers, flower bud" and 婷 (tíng) meaning "pretty, graceful".
RuixianfChinese From the Chinese 睿 (ruì) meaning "shrewd, astute, clever" and 娴 (xián) meaning "elegant, refined, skillful".
RuixiaofChinese From the Chinese 睿 (ruì) meaning "shrewd, astute, clever" and 笑 (xiào) meaning "smile, laugh".
RuixingfChinese From the Chinese 瑞 (ruì) meaning "felicitous omen, auspicious" and 杏 (xìng) meaning "apricot, almond".
Ruiyingf & mChinese From the Chinese 睿 (ruì) meaning "shrewd, astute, clever", 瑞 (ruì) meaning "felicitous omen, auspicious" or 蕤 (ruí) meaning "drooping leaves, delicate" and 瑛 (yīng) meaning "luster of gems, crystal", 莹 (yíng) meaning "luster of gems, bright, lustrous" or 英 (yīng) meaning "hero, brave" or "flower, petal, leaf".
RuiyuanfChinese From the Chinese 瑞 (ruì) meaning "felicitous omen, auspicious" and 缘 (yuán) meaning "hem, margin, reason, cause, fate".
RuizhenfChinese From the Chinese 瑞 (ruì) meaning "felicitous omen, auspicious" and 榛 (zhēn) meaning "hazelnut" or "thicket".
RumaysafArabic Derived from Arabic رمص (ramaṣ) meaning "rheum, sleep in the eye", used as an Arabic name for the star Sirius. Al-Rumaysa bint Milhan, also known as Umm Sulaym, was a companion of the Prophet Muhammad.
RumboldmHistory (Ecclesiastical) Means "bold fame" from the Germanic elements "hrom", meaning "fame" and "bald", meaning "bold". This is the name of a Hiberno-Scottish saint from around 8th century, though his nationality is unknown.
RungrotmThai Means "flourishing, thriving, glorious, illustrious" in Thai.
RunhildfGermanic Derived from Gothic rûna "secret" combined with Old Norse hildr "battle."
RuntiyamNear Eastern Mythology, Luwian Mythology The name is possibly derived from a word for "horn" or "antler", but all the etymologies which have been proposed to date are problematic. Name borne by a Luwian god of hunting, who was often invoked alongside the goddess Ala... [more]
RuntrudfGermanic Derived from Gothic rûna "secret" combined with þruþ "strength."
RuobingfChinese Feminine name combining the words ruò (若), meaning "to be like", with bīng (冰), meaning "ice" or "cold water". Other combinations are possible.
RuoshanmChinese From the characters 若 (ruò, meaning “like, similar to”) and 山 (shān, meaning “mountain”). This was the name of a ruler of the Han state during the Chinese Warring Kingdoms period (475 - 221 B.C.E.).