Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which an editor of the name is Mike C.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Hyūga m Japanese (Modern)
Derived from place name Hyūga, as a name, also written as 陽向.... [more]
Hyuga m Japanese (Modern)
Variant transcription of Hyūga.
Hyuna f Korean
Moon Hyuna (born 1987), stage name Hyuna, South Korean singer, former member of girl group Nine Muses... [more]
Hyuuga m Japanese (Modern)
Variant transcription of Hyūga.
Hywyn m Welsh (Rare)
Diminutive of Hywel. A notable bearer of this name was Saint Hywyn (d. 516) who founded Aberdaron in Gwynedd, Wales and was a patron of churches in Western England.
Ia f History (Ecclesiastical)
Of unknown origin and meaning. Saint Ia was a 5th-century Cornish virgin martyr, an Irish princess, according to popular tradition, who travelled to Cornwall as a missionary and was martyred on the River Hayle under Tudur Mawr, ruler of Penwith... [more]
Ia f Georgian
Derived from the Georgian noun ია (ia) meaning "violet", as in the spring flower (also see Violet). In turn, it is thought to be derived from the Georgian noun იასამანი (iasamani) meaning "lilac", which might possibly be of Persian origin... [more]
Iana f Georgian
Georgian form of Jane.
Iasion m Greek Mythology
The name of a minor mythological figure, occasionally depicted as the springtime consort of Demeter. The meaning of the name Iasion is unknown, but it has occasionally been suggested to mean "bindweed".
Iasmin m Romanian (Rare)
Masculine form of Iasmina.
Iati'e f Ancient Near Eastern, History
Variant transcription of Yatie.
Ibadat m & f Kazakh, Persian, Turkish, Arabic
Derived from the Turkish word ibadet, meaning "worship" (ultimately derived from Arabic ibādat). Used in Kazakh, Persian, Turkish, Arabic, Turkmen, Tajik, Uzbek, & Pashto languages.
Ibadullah m Arabic, Urdu
The first element of this name is derived from Arabic عباد ('ibad), which is the plural of the noun عبد ('abd) meaning "servant, slave". The second element is derived from the Arabic noun الله (Allah) meaning "God" (see Allah)... [more]
Ibenu m Idoma
Ibenu means "dare not a warrior" it was given after the Ibenu empire who lived in the Benue-Plateau region before its disintegration. The history was told that Ikwu who beget Ibenu were both warriors... [more]
Ibish m Azerbaijani
Azeri diminutive of Ibrahim.
Ibo m Turkish, Arabic
Diminutive of Ibrahim.
Iboniamasiboniamanoro m Literature
One of the main characters in the Ibonia, an epic poem that has been told in various forms across the island of Madagascar for at least several hundred years.
Ibram m English
Possibly a variation of Abram 1 influenced by Ibrahim. It is most often associated with Russian-American sculptor Ibram Lassaw.
Iccha f Sanskrit
Icchā is a Sanskrit term translating to free will, desire, creative urge. Iccha Sakti is the power of desire, will, longing, wishing. When iccha shakti merges with kriya Shakti, the power of action, manifestation, creation, they together generate jnana shakti, the power of knowledge and wisdom... [more]
Icel m Anglo-Saxon
Icel of Mercia was a 6th-century Anglish king in Britain.
Iceses f English (American, Modern)
Extremely rare variant of Isis, possibly influenced by the English word ice.
Ichigo m & f Japanese (Modern), Popular Culture
As a masculine name, this name combines 一 (ichi, itsu, hito-, hito.tsu) meaning "one" with 吾 (go, a-, waga-, ware) meaning "I, my, one's own," 悟 (go, meaning "perceive, realise, understand," 護 (go, meaning "safeguard, protect," 期 (ki, go) meaning "date, period, term, time" or 五 (go, itsu, itsu.tsu) meaning "five."... [more]
Ichika f & m Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (ichi) meaning "love", 以 (i) meaning "compared to", 依 (i) meaning "rely on, be set in", 維 (i) meaning "to tie; to fasten; to tie up", 衣 (i) meaning "clothing", 育 (i) meaning "produce, give birth to", 一 (ichi) or 壱 (ichi) both meaning "one", 希 (ichi) meaning "hope, rare", 初 (i) meaning "beginning, start, first", 唯 (i) meaning "just, only, simply", 葉 (ichi) meaning "leaf" or 苺 (ichi) meaning "strawberry", 知 (chi) meaning "to know", 千 (chi) meaning "thousand", 智 (chi) meaning "knowledge, wisdom" combined with 華 (ka) or 花 (ka) both meaning "flower", 佳 (ka) meaning "beautiful, good", 果 (ka) meaning "pieces of fruit", 樺 (ka) meaning "Japanese white birch", 愛 (chika) meaning "love, affection", 夏 (ka) meaning "summer", 伽 (ka) meaning "temple", 可 (ka) meaning "passable", 歌 (ka) meaning "song, poem", 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance", 風 (ka) meaning "wind", 翔 (ka) meaning "soar, glide", 加 (ka) meaning "add, addition, increase", 圭 (ka) meaning "jade pointed at top", 彩 (chika) meaning "colour", 誓 (chika) meaning "swear, pledge", 絵 (ka) meaning "picture, painting, drawing, sketch" or 綺 (ka) meaning "elegant, beautiful"... [more]
Ichimaru m Japanese (Rare)
Combination of 一/壱 (ichi) meaning "one" and the suffix 丸 (maru) meaning "circle, round," used before the Meiji Period (1868-1912) as a suffix denoting affection (along with -maro (麿/麻呂)) and was given to boys of upper class until they came of age, usually at ages 13 to 17.... [more]
Ichirōta m Japanese (Rare)
This name combines 一 (ichi, itsu, hito-, hito.tsu) meaning "one" or 市 (shi, ichi) meaning "market" & 郎 (ryou, rou, otoko) meaning "son" or 朗 (rou, aki.raka, hoga.raka) meaning "bright, cheerful, clear, merry" with 太 (ta, tai, futo.i, meaning "big, plump, thick."... [more]
Icko m Low German, East Frisian
Short form of names built from the name element agjō "edge (of a sword)" like Ekkehard.
Ico m Popular Culture
Ico is the name of the protagonist in the Japanese action-adventure game 'Ico', developed by Team Ico (named after the game) and Sony Computer Entertainment. Ico is a young boy who was born with horns, which his village considers a bad omen... [more]
Ida f Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Hinduism, Marathi, Nepali
MEANING - speech, Goddess of speech ( Saraswati), earth, heaven, refreshment, food, vital spirit, offering ... [more]
Idaira f Spanish (Modern), Spanish (Canarian)
This was allegedly the name of a Guanche princess from the Canarian island of La Palma. It has perhaps been popularized in the Spanish-speaking world by the Canarian-born Spanish singer simply known as Idaira (1985-).
Idalah f American (Rare, Archaic)
From an Old Testament place name, Yidh’alah in the original Hebrew, which means either "memorial of God" or "the hand of slander, cursing" or "snares".
Idamaja f Swedish (Rare)
Combination of Ida and Maja 1 or Maja 2.
Idar m Norwegian, Swedish (Rare), Danish (Rare)
Possibly intended to be a masculine form of Ida created by combining the Old Norse element "industrious, work, activity" (compare the Germanic element id) and the common name suffix -r, taken from Norse herr "army, warrior".
Idi f Indian
Name - Idi , Idy इदि ... [more]
Idina f English, Hebrew
Possibly related to Adina 1. Actress Idina Menzel is a well-known bearer.
Idiris m Somali
Somali form of Idris 1.
Idirisu m Hausa
Hausa form of Idris 1.
Idrees m Arabic, Urdu, Dhivehi
Alternate transcription of Arabic إدريس (see Idris 1), as well as the Urdu and Dhivehi form.
Idries m Arabic
Variant of Idris 1.
Iemon m Japanese (Archaic)
From 右衛門/右エ門 (emon), shortened from Uemon, prefixed with an i kanji, like 伊 or 猪, the latter referring to a wild boar.... [more]
Ies m Dutch, Limburgish
Dutch and Limburgish short form of mainly Isidoor. In some instances, it is also a short form of Israel and Izaäk.
Ieyasu m Japanese (Rare)
This name is used as 家康 with 家 (ka, ke, ie, uchi, ya) meaning "family, house(hold)" and 康 (kou, yasu) meaning "ease, peace."... [more]
If-Christ-had-not-died-for-thee-thou-hadst-been-damned m English (Puritan)
An English Puritan name, a variant of If-Jesus-Christ-had-not-died-for-thee-thou-hadst-been-damned, referring to Jesus Christ's death and resurrection... [more]
Ifejika m Igbo, Nigerian
Why we are greater; What I have is greater;
If-Jesus-Christ-had-not-died-for-thee-thou-hadst-been-damned m English (Puritan)
Means "if Jesus Christ had not died for your sins, you shall be confined to damnation". This was the baptismal name of the English economist, physician and financial speculator Nicholas Barebone (or Barbon; ca... [more]
Ifumi f Japanese (Rare)
From Fumi prefixed with an i kanji, e.g. 伊.... [more]
Igaliko m Greenlandic
Means "abandoned hearth, fireplace" in Greenlandic.
Igaluk m Inuit Mythology
In Inuit mythology, Igaluk is a lunar god. He lusted after his sister, the solar goddess Malina, but she rejected his advances and fled from him. Their eternal chase explains the movement of the sun and the moon through the sky.... [more]
Iginia f Italian
Feminine form of Iginio.
Ignazia f Sicilian, Sardinian, Romansh
Feminine form of Ignazio and Ignazi.
Ignjat m Serbian, Croatian
Croatian and Serbian form of Ignatius. A bearer of this name was the Croatian poet Ignjat Ðurđević.
Ignjatija f & m Vlach
Vlach feminine and masculine form of Ignatius.
Igolo f & m African
Meaning: Biblical name (in Nigeria of Africa) that means 'the star that the three wise men followed when Christ was born.'... [more]
Igoryok m Russian
Russian diminutive of Igor
Iheanyichukwu m Igbo
Means "there is nothing God cannot do" in Igbo.
Ihit m Gujarati, Nepali, Marathi, Hindi, Bengali, Punjabi, Assamese
MEANING - sought, wished, desired, attempted, desire, request
Ihme m & f East Frisian (Rare)
Variant of East Frisian Ime 2, which is a very shortened form of Germanic names with the element irmin or ermin meaning "big, overwhelming".... [more]
Ihmel m East Frisian
Variation of Ime 2.
Iisak m Estonian (Rare), Finnish, Biblical Finnish
Estonian and Finnish form of Isaac.
Ijinashi m Korean (Rare, ?)
Originated from the Gaya Confederacy
Ike f Japanese (Modern, Rare)
池 (Ike) meaning "pond, cistern, pool, reservoir", 潢 (Ike) meaning "Expanse of water, lake, pond". There are similar kanji characters which have the same meaning but are pronounced differently.
Ikhlas f & m Arabic, Indonesian
Means "sincerity, devotion, loyalty" in Arabic. This is the name of the 112th chapter of the Quran (surah Al-Ikhlas).
Ikkesh m Biblical
Tekoite and father of Ira, one of King David's Warriors (2 Samuel 23:26, 1 Chronicles 11:28).
Ikki m Japanese
This name combines 一 (ichi, itsu, hito-, hito.tsu, i') meaning "one" with 輝 (ki, kagaya.ku) meaning "radiance, shine, sparkle, brilliance," 貴 (ki, tatto.i, touto.i) meaning "precious, prize, value," 稀 (ki, ke, mabora, mare) meaning "rare," 希 (ki, ke, mare) meaning "few, hope, wish, rare," 樹 (ju, ki) meaning "timber, wood, tree," 気 (ki, ke, iki) meaning "air, atmosphere, mind, mood, spirit," 喜 (ki, yoroko.bu) meaning "rejoice, pleasure" or 期 (ki, go) meaning "date, period, term, time."... [more]
Iko f Japanese (Rare)
This name combines 斐 (hi, i) meaning "beautiful, patterned", 衣 (i, e, kinu, -gi, koromo) meaning "clothes, dressing, garment", 惟 (i, yui, omo.nmiru, kore, omo.uni) meaning "consider, reflect, think", 伊 (i, kare) meaning "Italy, that one", 威 (i, odo.kasu, odo.shi, meaning "dignity, intimidate, majesty, menace, threaten", 慰 (i, nagusa.meru, meaning "consolation, amusement, seduce, cheer, make sport of, comfort, console", 維 (i) meaning "fibre, tie, rope", 偉 (i, era.i) meaning "admirable, conceited, excellent, famous, greatness, remarkable", 委 (i, yuda.neru) meaning "committee, entrust to, leave to, devote, discard", 位 (i, kurai, gurai) meaning "rank, grade, throne, crown, about, some", 井 (sei, shou, i) meaning "well, well crib, town, community", 以 (i, mo'.te) meaning "because, by means of, compared with, in view of", 蔚 (utsu, i, uchi, otokoyomogi) meaning "dense growth" or 猪 (cho, i, inoshishi) meaning "boar" with 子 (shi, su, tsu, ko, -ko, -ne) meaning "child, sign of the rat (1st sign of the Chinese zodiac)."... [more]
Ikoi f Japanese (Modern, Rare)
From 憩い (ikoi) meaning "rest, relaxation," also suffixed with an i kanji, such as 依 meaning "reliance, dependence," 生 meaning "live, exist" or 衣 meaning "clothing."... [more]
Iku f Japanese
This name can be used as 生 (shou, sei, i.kiru, i.keru, -u, u.mare, o.u, ki,, ha.eru, iku) meaning "birth, genuine, life," 郁 (iku) meaning "cultural progress, perfume," 幾 (ki, iku-, iku.tsu, iku.ra) meaning "how far/long/many/much" or it can be used to combine 伊 (i, kare) meaning "Italy, that one" with 久 (kyuu, ku, hisa.shii) meaning "long time, old story" or 玖 (kyuu, ku) meaning "beautiful black jewel, nine (used in legal documents)."... [more]
Ikue f Japanese
From Japanese 育 (iku) meaning "education" and 江 (e) meaning "bay". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Ikuko f Japanese
From Japanese 郁 (iku) meaning "fragrance" or 育 (iku) meaning "education" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Ikune f Japanese
From Japanese 活 (iku) meaning "life" combined with 音 (ne) meaning "sound". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Ikuo m Japanese
From Japanese 以 (i) meaning "compared to", 久 (ku) meaning "long time" combined with 男 (o) meaning "man, male". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Ikuya m Japanese
The meaning of Ikuya is “Fragrant one”.
Ikya f Sanskrit
Ikya is an Indian/Sanskrit name. It is derived from the Sanskrit word "Aikya," meaning "Oneness", "Integration" and "Uniqueness".
Ila f Scottish
Meaning "island."... [more]
Ilaha f Azerbaijani
Variant transcription of İlahə.
İlay f & m Turkish
Possibly a short form of İlayda.
Ilayata f Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian
MEANING : to keep still, to become quiet ... [more]
Ilcke m East Frisian (Archaic)
Variation of Elke recorded from the 15th to 17th century in East Frisia.
Ildefons m Polish, Romansh
Polish and Romansh form of Hildefons.
Ildibrando m Spanish
Spanish form of Hildebrand.
Île m Greenlandic
Greenlandic form of Eli 1.
Ileksen m Khakas
Khakas form of Aleksei.
Ileshi f Sanskrit, Indian, Hindi, Hinduism
MEANING : wife of king (queen)... [more]
Ilgara f Azerbaijani (Rare)
Variant transcription of İlqarə.
Ilihia f Hawaiian (Rare)
From the word referring to reverence, meaning "stricken with awe."
Ilijan m Vlach
Vlach form of Elijah.
Iliko m Georgian, Montenegrin, Literature
Georgian diminutive of Ilia. The name might possibly have the same type of etymology in Montenegrin.... [more]
Iliona f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Ilione, as well as the Italian, French, Russian and Ukrainian form. Alternatively, it might be spelled Ἰλίωνα (Iliona) in Greek... [more]
Iľja m Slovak
Slovak form of Ilja.
Illuyanka m Near Eastern Mythology, Hittite Mythology
Likely means "snake", from Proto-Indo-European elements *h₁illu- and *h₂engʷeh₂. Illuyanka was the name of a serpentine dragon in Hittite mythology, who was slain by the sky god Tarhunz... [more]
Illyan m Ukrainian
A variant of Illya.
Ilmedous m Livonian, Medieval Baltic
Of uncertain origin and meaning. Some modern-day academics link this name to Livonian ilma "joy; light", while others see a connection to Finnish ilma "air".
Ilnur m Tatar, Bashkir
From Turkic el meaning "country, society" and Arabic نور (nur) meaning "light".
Ilo m Livonian (Archaic), Medieval Baltic (Rare)
Of uncertain origin and meaning. One theory, however, links this name to Finnish ilo "joy, gladness".
Ilsabe f German (Archaic)
Old German variant of Elisabeth (see also Elzebe).
Ilsat m Tatar
Means "gladness of the motherland" in Tatar.
Il-shvai f Assyrian
Aramaic form of Elizabeth.
Ilter m & f Turkish
Turkish version of Eldar with meaning "patriot" or person who loves and protects his country.
Iltutmish m & f Medieval Turkic
Means "maintainer of the kingdom" in Turkic, from el or il meaning "realm" and tut- meaning "to grasp, hold".
Ilvi f Estonian
Variant of Ilve.
Ilyos m Tajik, Uzbek
Tajik and Uzbek form of Ilyas. Known bearers of this name include the Uzbek soccer player Ilyos Zeytullayev (b. 1984) and Ilyos Mallayev (1936-2008), an Uzbek musician and poet.
Ima f Japanese (Rare, Archaic)
今 (Ima) literally means "Now, Present Time" in Japanese. This was a common name in the Edo Period, but since then has scarcely happened.
Imad al-Din m Arabic
Means "pillar of the faith" from Arabic عماد ('imad) meaning "support, pillar" combined with دين (dīn) meaning "religion, faith".
Imake f & m Livonian, Medieval Baltic
Derived from Livonian im "miracle".
Imama f Assyrian
From the Aramaic איממא (imama), meaning "daytime".
Imana f Muslim (Rare)
Possibly a variant of Imani or Iman.
Imand m Estonian
Variant of Imant.
Imandra f Latvian (Rare)
Of uncertain origin and meaning. It has been suggested to be a blend of Imanta and Andra 1.
Imangali m Kazakh
Derived from Arabic إِيمَان (ʾīmān) meaning "faith, belief" combined with the name Ali 1.
Imari f Japanese
This name can be used as 衣鞠, 伊鞠, 一鞠, 伊万里 or 衣麻里 with 衣 (i, e, kinu, -gi, koromo) meaning "clothes, dressing, garment", 伊 (i, kare) meaning "Italy, that one", 一 (ichi, itsu, hito-, hito.tsu, i) meaning "one", 鞠 (kiku, kyuu, mari) meaning "ball", 万 (ban, man, yorozu, ma) meaning "ten thousand/10,000", 麻 (ma, maa, asa) meaning "hemp, flax, numb" and 里 (ri, sato) meaning "league, parent's home, ri (unit of distance - equal to 3.927 km), village."... [more]
Imerârssuaĸ m Greenlandic
Greenlandic name meaning "nice big water", combined with Ime and -rsuaq "big, great".
Imier m French (Archaic), French (Swiss, Rare), History (Ecclesiastical)
French form of Himerius. While this name is archaic in France, it is still occasionally used in French-speaking Switzerland.
Imínguaĸ f & m Greenlandic
Greenlandic name meaning "sweet little water". Combination of Ime and -nnguaq "sweet, dear".
Imka f Dutch, Afrikaans, German
Diminutive of Ime 2.
Imla m Biblical
Meaning "whom God will fill up," "fullness" or "replenisher." Father or progenitor of Micaiah the prophet.
Immaculée f French (African, Rare)
French cognate of Inmaculada. A known bearer is Rwandan writer Immaculée Ilibagiza (1972-), a survivor of the 1994 Rwandan genocide.
Imme m Livonian, Medieval Baltic
Derived from Livonian im "miracle".
Immed m Medieval German
Derived from the Germanic name element irmin "whole, universal" with a -d suffix.... [more]
Immilla f Medieval German (?), Medieval Italian (?)
Possibly a medieval diminutive of various names beginning with Old High German, Old Saxon irmin "strong, whole, universal".
Imoinu f Manipuri
Goddess of the hearth
Imomali m Tajik
Tajik combination of Imam and Ali 1.
Ina f Japanese
This name may have been used as 稲 (te, tou, ina-, ine) meaning "rice plant." Since it is mainly written in hiragana before and in the early stages of modernisation of Japan, it's not clear if the name is derived from that particular kanji.... [more]
Inalegwu m African
popular among the Idoma people of Benue State of Nigeria.translate in English 'as Innocent'.
Inali m Cherokee
Variant of Enoli.
Inazuma f Popular Culture
Notably borne by the character Inazuma (稲妻) from the 'Usagi Yojimbo' comic book series, this name refers to (a flash of) lightning. It combines 稲 (ina), the ancient bound form of ine meaning "rice plant," and 妻/夫 (tsuma), originally referring to a spouse (nowadays, only referring to a wife, written as 妻), based on an ancient belief that rice plants would mate with or otherwise be fertilised by lightning, which frequently occurs in late summer and autumn.... [more]
Incadan f Inca
A name used for the chief's Daughter
Incalatanga m Cherokee
Means "doublehead" in Cherokee.
Indati f Indian
MEANING - possessing superhuman power, powerful... [more]
Indiasa f American
Spanish and Indonesian meaning-waters of healing or blessings of salvation
Indzhe m History
Derived from Ottoman Turkish ince "slim". Indzhe Voyvoda (born Stoyan Voyvoda) (c. 1755, Sliven – 1821, Sculeni) was a renowned Bulgarian leader (voivod) of an armed band of outlaws (hajduks) in Ottoman-held Bulgaria... [more]
Ine f Japanese
This name can be used as 稲 (te, tou, ina-, ine) meaning "rice plant" or イ子 with イ representing the phonetic character for 'i' and 子 (shi, su, tsu, ko, -ko, ne) meaning "sign of the rat (first sign of Chinese zodiac)."... [more]
Ineke f Dutch, Limburgish, German (Rare), East Frisian
Diminutive form of Ine as well as an East Frisian feminine form of masculine Ine.
Ineqaglas m Old Irish
Primitive Irish name derived from the Proto-Celtic *enekʷom meaning "face" and *glastos (see glas) meaning "green, blue".
Ing f Chinese (Teochew)
Teochew Chinese form of Yan 2.
Iŋgá f Sami
Sami form of Inga.
Ingalsinde f Medieval French
An elongation of Old Icelandic ing(i), of uncertain origin but perhaps identical with the god name Ing or Yngvi, also of uncertain origin + Old Saxon swīth, Gothic swinþs from Proto-Germanic swinþaz "strong".
Inganbi f Manipuri
Means "bright light" in Meitei.
Ingelore f German (Rare)
Combination of Inge and Lore 1.
Iŋger f Sami
Sami variant of Inger.
Ingfried m German (Rare)
The name is made from the two Germanic name elements Ing (the name of a Germanic god) and fridu "peace".... [more]
Ingga f Filipino (Rare)
A nickname for Dominga
Ingibiorn m Old Swedish
Variant transcription of ᛁᚴᛁᛒᛁᛅᚱᚾ (ikibiarn) (see Ingibjǫrn).
Iŋgir f Sami
Sami form of Inger.
Ingit m Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Marathi, Gujarati, Punjabi, Hinduism, Nepali, Bengali, Assamese, Indian (Sikh)
MEANING - sign, secret aim, indication, movement, gesture, change of voice
Ingle m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Ingle.
Inglen m Manipuri
Means "cool silence" in Meitei.
Ingmārs m Latvian
Latvian form of Ingmar.
Ingoberga f Frankish
Ingoberga (c. 520 - 589) was a Queen of Paris and the first wife of Charibert I. She was the mother of Bertha of Kent, who was married to king Æthelberht of Kent, the initiator of the Gregorian mission... [more]
Ingrida f Lithuanian, Slovak
Lithuanian form and Slovak variant of Ingrid.
Iniabasi m & f Western African, Ibibio
Means "God's time" in Ibibio.
Inke f & m Frisian
Variant of Ine.
Innes m Khakas
Means "yoke, beam" in Khakas.
Innocenty m Polish
Polish form of Innocentius.
Inosuke m Japanese
Inosuke means growing or old child inosuke is the name for inosuke Hashibira form demon slayer:Kimetsu no yaiba
Inshushinak m Near Eastern Mythology, Elamite Mythology
Inshushinak was the name of one of the major gods of the Elamite pantheon. He started out as a mere local god, in which capacity he was the patron deity of the city of Susa. This is also reflected in his name, as it is derived from Sumerian nin-shushinak meaning "lord of Susa"... [more]
Insiya f Arabic (Rare), Urdu (Rare), Hindi (Rare), Persian (Rare)
Means "humanity", from Arabic انسن (ʾinsān) "human".
Inske f & m East Frisian (Archaic)
For boys it's a short version of Ine 5 for girls it's a short version of names containing ine or a feminine version of the male name Ine 5.
Inthira f Thai
Alternate transcription of Intira.
Inu f Japanese (Rare)
Means "dog" in Japanese.
Iñuksuk m Yupik, Greenlandic, Inuit
Means "that which acts in the capacity of a human" in Inuktitut. An inuksuk is a human-made stone landmark, used as a point of navigation and reference in the Arctic circle, where few natural landmarks exist.
Inuyasha m Popular Culture
From 犬 (inu) meaning "dog", 夜 (ya) meaning "night", and 叉 (sha) meaning "fork, to insert, to fold". The Japanese word 夜叉 (yasha) means "Yaksha". A yaksha is a spirit that is usually friendly... [more]
Inzali f Burmese
Means "salutation, gesture of respect" in Burmese, ultimately from Sanskrit अञ्जलि (añjali).
Iofiel m Judeo-Christian-Islamic Legend
Variant of Jophiel. Iofiel is the name of the Angel of Beauty.
Ioke m & f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Joyce.
Iokepa m Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Joseph.
Iolani f Hawaiian
Means "exalted hawk" in Hawaiian.
Ion m English (Rare)
Variant of Ian.
Iona f Japanese
From Japanese 一 (i) meaning "one", 零 (o) meaning "zero" combined with 七 (na) meaning "seven". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Ionatani m Biblical Hebrew (Rare)
it is hebrew name
Ionia f English (American, Rare)
Name of an ancient coastal region of Anatolia, from the name of the ancient Greek Ionians.... [more]
Ionică m Romanian, Romani
Diminutive of Ion 1.
Ioniță m Romanian
Diminutive of Ion 1 and Ioan.
Iori m & f Japanese
This name can be used as 庵 (an, iori, io) meaning "hermitage, retreat" (masculine) or it can combine 一 (ichi, hito.tsu, i) meaning "one," 伊 (i, kare) meaning "that one," 衣 (i, e, kinu, koromo) meaning "clothes, garment," 依 (i, e, meaning "depend, rely," 唯 (i, yui, tada) meaning "merely, only, simply, solely" or 惟 (i, yui, omo.uni, kore) meaning "consider, think" with 織 (o.ri) meaning "fabric, weave."... [more]
Iori m Welsh
Diminutive of Iorwerth.
Ioustini f Greek
Modern Greek form of Ioustine.
Iovane m Medieval Georgian, Georgian (Rare)
Medieval Georgian form of Iohannes (see John), which is still in use today, but rarely so.
Iovanny m Spanish (Italianized, Rare)
Variant of Giovanni using an English-flavored spelling.
Iowa f American (Modern)
By way of French Aiouez, from the Dakota word ayúxba/ayuxwe and named after the Iowa tribe. The name seems to have no further known etymology though some give it the meaning "sleepy ones".
Ipalita f Belarusian
Belarusian form of Hippolyte 1.
Ipe m Malayalam
Malayalam form of Hebrew Yosef or English Joseph
Iphimedeia f Greek Mythology
Means "ruling over with strength" from Greek ἶφι (iphi) "strongly, stoutly, mightily, by force" (compare the first element in Iphianassa, Iphigeneia, Iphidamas and Iphiklos) and the verbal root μέδ- (med-) from μεδω (medo) "to protect, to rule over" with the feminine noun suffix -εια (-eia)... [more]
Iphinoe f Greek Mythology
Possibly derived from Ancient Greek ἴφιος (iphios) meaning "strong stout" or ἶφι (iphi) meaning "by force, mightily" combined with νόος (noos) meaning "mind, thought"... [more]
Ipmil m Sami Mythology
Means "God" in Northern Sámi.
Ippei m Japanese
From Japanese 一 (i) meaning "one", 壱 (i) meaning "one (in documents)", 逸 (i) meaning "deviate, idleness, leisure, miss the mark, evade, elude, parry, diverge" or 市 (i) meaning "market, city, town" combined with 平 (pei) meaning "even, flat, peace" or 兵 (pei) meaning "soldier, private, troops, army, warfare, strategy, tactics"... [more]
Iprakhim m Chuvash
Chuvash form of Abraham.
Ira m & f Hinduism
In Hinduism, Ira (ईर) is the name of the wind-god who is the father of the monkey god Hanuman. His name means "wind" in Sanskrit.... [more]
Iraaj m Sanskrit
MEANING : 'born from water ', kamadeva ( god of love)... [more]
Iraj m Persian, Persian Mythology
From the Middle Persian Ērič, derived from ēr meaning "an Iranian" or "noble". In Persian traditional history he was the youngest son of Fereydoun and the eponymous hero of the Iranians... [more]
Iraj m Indian
MEANING- { "son of wind-god", a Name of lord Hanuman}. Here ईर means air, wind-god + ज means born... [more]
Iram f Arabic (Rare), Urdu
From the name of a mythical lost city mentioned in the Qur'an, possibly derived from an Arabic word meaning "toss, throw off". According to legend, Allah destroyed the city with a sandstorm after its inhabitants (called Ad or Aad) refused to accept the teachings of Islam.
Iremide f & m Yoruba
Means "my goodness has come" in Yoruba.
Ireri f Purépecha
Means "the one and only" in Purépecha.
Ireshi f Indian
MEANING : wife of king (queen)... [more]
Iresu-kamuy f Far Eastern Mythology
Means ""people teacher"" in Ainu; alternate name of Kamuy-huci.
Iría f Galician
Galician form of Irene.
Irie m & f Jamaican Patois, African American
Irie is used in the music and culture of Jamaica. The meaning is to have no worries or be at peace with everything around you. You hear the saying feeling Irie in many Regea songs.
Irinæ f Ossetian
Ossetian form of Irina (see Irene).
Iriqtaq f Greenlandic, Yupik, Inupiat
Means "concealed object".
Iriseo m Spanish, Italian, Portuguese
masculine form of Iris Means "rainbow" in Greek.
Irka f Silesian, Ukrainian, Polish, German (Silesian)
Ukrainian and Silesian diminutive of Ira 2, Polish diminutive of Irena, and Silesian German diminutive of Irene.
Irmfried m German (Rare, Archaic)
A dithematic name from the German name elements irmin "whole, universal" and fridu "piece".
Irmin m German (Rare)
Short form of names derived from the Germanic name element irmin "whole, universal".... [more]
Irmina f Polish, Italian, German (Rare), Sicilian, Slovene
Feminine form of Irmin or a diminutive of Irma.
Irmrun f German (Modern, Rare)
Formed from the Germanic name elements irmin "whole, universal" and runa "secret; rune".
Irmuska f Hungarian
Hungarian diminutive of Irma.
Iro f & m Georgian (Rare)
Short form of names that start with ირ- (Ir-), such as Irakli and Irodion for men and Irine and Irma for women.... [more]
Iroha f Japanese
From Japanese 彩 (iro) meaning "color" combined with Japanese 葉 (ha) meaning "leaf" or 羽 (ha) meaning "feathers". As a whole the word iroha refers to a Japanese poem.
Iroi f Veps
Veps form of Irina.
Irorezi f Nigerian
A feminine Nigerian name. The meaning is loosely translated to "good thoughts". This name could also be a diminutive of the Nigerian name Orezi, meaning "precious".
Irsen m Korean, Russian
Russification of Il-Seong. This was used in the patronymic of Kim Jong-il's birth name, Yuri Irsenovich Kim.
Iruene f & m Guanche Mythology, Spanish (Canarian)
This is the name of a demon that manifested itself as a large black and woolly dog, mainly in Tenerife and Gran Canaria. Variant of Yurena.
Irupé f Guarani, Spanish (Latin American)
Name of Guaraní origin, used in Paraguay and Argentina.... [more]
Iry m French (Cajun), American
Diminutive of Ira 1.
Iryda f Polish
Polish variant of Iris.
Isae f Japanese (Rare)
This name can be used as 功栄, 功英, 功恵, 功枝, 功江, 伊佐江 or 伊佐恵 with 功 (ku, kou, isao, isa) meaning "achievement, credit, honour, merits, success", 伊 (i, kare) meaning "Italy, that one", 佐 (sa) meaning "assistant, help", 栄 (ei, you, e, saka.eru, ha.e, ha.eru, -ba.e) meaning "flourish, glory, honour, prosperity, splendour", 英 (ei, hanabusa, e) meaning "England, English, excellent", 恵 (e, kei, megu.mi, meaning "blessing, favour, grace, kindness", 枝 (shi, eda, e) meaning "bough, branch, limb, twig" and 江 (kou, e) meaning "bay, creek, inlet."... [more]
Isaios m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek ἰσαῖος (isaios) meaning "equality". Also compare Greek ἴσος (isos) "equal", which is seen in Isocrates. Last but not least, this name is not to be confused with the name Isaias: while it may look similar, Isaios is not a hellenized form of Isaias.
Isaki m Ndebele
Ndebele form of Isaac.
Ísalind f Icelandic (Modern, Rare)
Derived from Old Norse íss "ice" and lind "lime tree, linden tree" (also see Lind), or an Icelandic form of Old High German Iselinde... [more]
Isami m & f Japanese
In the case for males, this uncommonly used name is used as 勇 "yuu," meaning "bravery, be in high spirits, courage, heroism", although it's more often used as Isamu. Rarer examples of Isami include 勇海 with 海 (kai, umi) meaning "ocean, sea" and 功己 with 功 (isao) meaning "achievement, credit, honour, merits" and 己 (ki, onore, mi) meaning "self, serpent, snake."... [more]
Isamilj m Gorani
Gorani form of Ishmael.
Isana m & f Japanese (Rare)
From 鯨 (isana), an old name for a whale now known as kujira in Japanese, sometimes written as 勇魚 with the addition of 魚 (na) meaning "fish." Another reading for 鯨 is simply isa and it may appear to be the same element used in the verb 勇む (isamu) meaning "to be in high spirits, be lively."... [more]
Isato m Japanese
From Japanese 勇 (isa) meaning "brave" combined with 人 (to) meaning "person". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Isatou f Western African
Probably derived from Aisha, compare the West African name form Aïssatou.
Ise f Dutch
This name is used as a variant of Isabelle, alongside Isa 2.
Isée m & f French (Rare), Dutch (Modern, Rare)
French form of Isaios via Isaeus.... [more]
Isela f Spanish (Latin American), American (Hispanic)
Elaborated form of Isel as well as a truncated form of Marisela and Gisela... [more]
Iselin f Norwegian
Norwegian adoption of an originally German short form of Old High German names containing the element isarn meaning "iron" (e.g., Isengard, Iselinde, Isburg), as well as an adoption of an obsolete German diminutive of Isa 2 and a Norwegian adoption and adaption of the Irish name Aisling (compare Isleen).
Isella f Italian (Rare), Spanish (Latin American), American (Hispanic)
Italian diminutive of Isa 2 as well as a Latin American variant of Isela.
Isembart m Medieval French, Literature
Old French form of Isanbert. This appears in the medieval epic poem Gormond et Isembart belonging to a nephew of the French king who joins the Saracen king Gormond and renounces Christianity.
Isengard f Medieval German, German (Rare)
The name Isengard is formed from the Germanic name elements isarn "iron" and gard "enclosure".
Isetta f Italian
Diminutive of Isa 2.
İsfəndiyar m Azerbaijani
Azerbaijani form of Isfandiyar (see Esfandiar). A notable bearer of this name was the singer and poet İsfəndiyar Bərxu (1929-1991).
Ishasha f Indian (Anglicized, Modern)
Name - Ishasha (Eeshasha) ईषाशा... [more]
Ishashis m Indian, Hinduism, Hindi, Sanskrit, Punjabi, Kannada, Bengali, Tamil, Telugu
Name - Ishashis ईशाशिस्... [more]
Ishay m & f Ladakhi
Ladakhi form of Yeshe.
Ishbaal m Biblical
Means "son of Ba'al". The original name of Ishbosheth.
Ishijirō m Japanese (Rare)
From Jirō prefixed with 石 (ishi) meaning "stone."... [more]
Ishme-karab f Near Eastern Mythology, Elamite Mythology
This was the name of a goddess in Elamite religion. Her name is Akkadian and means "she who has heard the prayer" or "she has heard the supplication". The Elamite form of her name is said to be Išnikarap... [more]
Ishpreet f & m Indian (Sikh)
From Sanskrit एषा (eṣā) meaning "desire, wish" and प्रीति (prīti) meaning "pleasure, joy, love".
Isht m Hindi
Derived from Sanskrit इष्ट (iṣṭa) meaning "wished, desired, longed for".
Ishta f Sanskrit, Tamil, Hinduism, Telugu, Hindi, Indian, Kannada, Malayalam, Punjabi, Marathi, Gujarati, Nepali, Sinhalese
MEANING - desired, loved, worshipped, respected, sacrificed
Isidoor m Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare)
Dutch form of Isidore. Known bearers of this name include Belgian author Isidoor Teirlinck (1851-1934), Belgian athlete Isidoor Van de Wiele (1924-2010) and Belgian cyclist Isidoor De Ryck (1926-2009).
Işıl f Turkish
Means "sparkling, brilliant, shining, glittering" in Turkish.
Isin f & m Turkish
Means "(light) ray" in Turkish.
İskändär m Tatar
Tatar form of Iskandar.
Iskko m Sami
Sami form of Isko 1.
Ismahen f Arabic, Persian
Variant of Ismahan, means « excellence seeker » or « spiritual haven ».
Ismena f Polish (Rare)
Polish form of Ismene.
Ismeria f Medieval English, Medieval German, Spanish
Quasi-Marian name connected to the devotion of Notre Dame de Liesse in Picardy. According to the legend, Ismeria ("the Black Madonna") was a Moorish girl who converted to Christianity and released the crusaders captivated by her father because of the apparitions of the Virgin Mary.... [more]
Iso f Japanese
This name is used as 磯 (ki, iso) meaning "beach, seashore," implying that, according to Sakaye Suzuki, the girl being given this name may have been born close to the coast/shore.... [more]
Isolina f Italian, Catalan, Galician
Diminutive of Italian Isola and Catalan and Galician Isolda.
Isom m American (Rare), African American
Transferred use of the surname Isom, a variant of Isham itself a transferred use of the surname Isham.
Isom m Tajik (Rare), Uzbek
Tajik and Uzbek form of 'Isam.
Isreal m American
Variant of Israel.
Isshū m Japanese
This name combines 一 (ichi, itsu, hito-, hito.tsu, i') meaning "one" with 秀 (shuu, hii.deru, ho) meaning "beauty, excel(lence), surpass", 州 (shuu, su, su, kuni) meaning "province, state", 秋 (shuu, aki, toki) meaning "autumn", 舟 (shuu, funa-, fune, -bune) meaning "boat, ship" or 脩 (shuu, osa.meru, naga.i, hojishi) meaning "dried meat."... [more]
Istikhab m & f Arabic (Archaic)
A Slave Of Allah
Istopka m Udmurt
Udmurt form of Stefan.
Itachi m Popular Culture
Itachi is a name that derives from the manga Naruto; the name is given to the older brother of Sasuke Uchiha, Itachi Uchiha.... [more]
Itadaki m Japanese (Rare)
From 頂 (itadaki), generally referring to the top of something, like a crown (of a head) or a summit (of a mountain).... [more]
Itamaro m Galician
Galician form of Ithamar.
Itami m & f Japanese
From the Japanese word, 痛み (itami), meaning pain. One famous bearer of this name is Yōji Itami from the anime "Gate - Thus the JSDF Fought There!"
Itaru m Japanese
This name can be used as 到 (tou, meaning "arrival, attain, reach, result in," 暢 (chou,, itaru) meaning "stretch, relax," 格 (kaku, kyoku, kou, gou, itaru) meaning "capacity, character, rank, status," 至 (shi,, with the same meaning as 到, or 之 (shi, oite, kono, kore, no, yuku, itaru) meaning "of, this."... [more]
Ithuriel m Judeo-Christian-Islamic Legend
Apparently means "discovery of God" in Hebrew, according to some sources. However, it could possibly instead mean "the light of God is with me", derived from Hebrew 'itay "with me", uri "light, fire" and el "God"... [more]