Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Gender Masculine & Feminine
Usage Japanese
Scripts 庵, 一織, 伊織, 衣織, 依織, 唯織, 惟織, 衣緒里, 衣央里(Japanese Kanji) いおり(Japanese Hiragana) イオリ(Japanese Katakana)

Meaning & History

This name can be used as 庵 (an, iori, io) meaning "hermitage, retreat" (masculine) or it can combine 一 (ichi, hito.tsu, i) meaning "one," 伊 (i, kare) meaning "that one," 衣 (i, e, kinu, koromo) meaning "clothes, garment," 依 (i, e, meaning "depend, rely," 唯 (i, yui, tada) meaning "merely, only, simply, solely" or 惟 (i, yui, omo.uni, kore) meaning "consider, think" with 織 (o.ri) meaning "fabric, weave."
Rarer examples of Iori include 衣緒里 and 衣央里 with 緒 (sho, cho, itoguchi, o) meaning "beginning, cord, strap," 央 (ou, o, e, ya) meaning "centre, middle" and 里 (ri, sato) meaning "parent's home, ri (unit of distance - equal to 3.927 km), village."

Regarding 伊織, it belongs as an 'azuma hyakkan' (東百官) name, in which they are like hyakkanna (百官名), a court rank-style name that samurai used to announce oneself and give himself authority, but come from the names of government offices in the Kantō region.

The combinations, apart from the first one and the ones with 3 kanji, are unisex. The first combination is mainly used on males (albeit rarely) and the combinations w/ 3 kanji are used on females (albeit rarely).

Iori (庵 & 伊織) is also used as a surname.
Added 12/26/2014 by m4yb3_daijirou
Edited 3/9/2020 by Mike C and m4yb3_daijirou