Gender Masculine
Other Forms FormsIn-Shushinak, Inšušinak, In-Šušinak, Ninsusinak, Nin-Shushinak, Nin-Susinak
Meaning & History
Inshushinak was the name of one of the major gods of the Elamite pantheon. He started out as a mere local god, in which capacity he was the patron deity of the city of Susa. This is also reflected in his name, as it is derived from Sumerian nin-shushinak meaning "lord of Susa". The fact that his name is Sumerian rather than Elamite, seems to indicate that Sumer has had some influence on Elamite religion (or merely on religious life in Susa) at some point in time. Either way, as the city of Susa rose in importance in Elam over time, so did the cult of Inshushinak: once Susa was firmly established as the capital city of Elam, Inshushinak became a national god and was ranked after Humban's wife Kiririsha in the Elamite pantheon. As a national god, he was responsible for oaths, but he also had a function in the underworld, where he was a judge of the dead. At least sixteen Elamite kings were named in his honour (which is consistent with the fact that nearly all rulers of Elam bore theophoric names).